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File Records:Shag Point

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Katiki Shag Point Bushey
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Katiki--Shag_Point Shag_Point--Bushey
6.9km 4.1km

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Shag Point - - - 23/11/1929 Approval to provide telephone to enable staff to ascertain running of trains. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W3199, 03/3962/1 WRD Otago S 51919
Shag Point - - - 28/4/1962 Closed to all traffic. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W3180, Pub 3 WRD Otago S 51920
Shag Point - - - 25/7/1983 Crossing loop accommodates 74 wagons. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W5514, 00/2826/7 WRD Otago S 51921
Shag Point - - - 2/11/1987 Main South Line – 305.79km from Port Lyttelton (0.00km). Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W 3337 WRD Otago S 51922
Shag Point - - - 6/1992 Closed to all traffic. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - - Rails Otago S 51923
Shag Point - - - 1/8/1898 Loop 5 wagons, backshunt 17 wagons, backshunt 3 wagons. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - R4, 98/2756 WRD Otago S 51924
Shag Point - - - 19/4/1886 Loop 11 wagons, backshunt 11 wagons Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W 3337 WRD Otago S 51925
Shag Point Branch - - - 1890 Mileage 2 miles 10 chains from Shag Point Junction. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - R4, 90/2780 WRD Otago S 51926
Shag Point Branch - - - 1/4/1880 Post Office operated by Railways Department staff opened. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - Mails by Rail in NZ R Startup Otago S 51927
Shag Point Branch - - - 1/7/1890 Arrangements for working traffic on branch railway. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 51928
Shag Point Branch - - - 12/8/1887 Shag Point is 2 miles 10 chains from Shag Point Junction. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - R4, 87/2945 WRD Otago S 51929
Shag Point Branch - - - 12/8/1887 Shag Point is 7 miles 52 chains from Palmerston. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - R4, 87/2945 WRD Otago S 51930
Shag Point Branch - - - 17/11/1879 Memo by William Rich requesting Government to refund to Shag Point Coal Coy the cost of constructing their branch line. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W 2 PWD Otago S 51931
Shag Point Branch - - - 17/2/1892 As to Allandale Coal Coy loading coal on the running line. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 51932
Shag Point Branch - - - 18/7/1890 Shag Point Railway – claim of Hazlett and Glendinning respecting construction of. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 51933
Shag Point Branch - - - 19/8/1885 Correct length of Shag Point Branch is 2 miles 10 chains, not 2 miles as reckoned hitherto. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 51934
Shag Point Branch - - - 1907/08 Shag Point Branch lifted. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W3180, Pub 1 WRD Otago S 51935
Shag Point Branch - - - 20/7/1886 After 1881 the Company's landward coal ran out, and they applied for a right to mine seaward. They got 193 acres and a right to put in submarine workings until the mine was closed in 1883.  The Company are now putting out from 800 to 1,000 tons per month, and that amount will go on increasing. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - R4, 87/2945 WRD Otago S 51936
Shag Point Branch - - - 20/7/1886 The Government has worked the line from the opening of the mine. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - R4, 87/2945 WRD Otago S 51937
Shag Point Branch - - - 20/7/1886 The line also confers very considerable benefit on a brick and pipe works.  There are also other kinds of goods carried on the line. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - R4, 87/2945 WRD Otago S 51938
Shag Point Branch - - - 23/6/1891 Petition of Hazlett and Glendinning respecting ownership of Railway. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 51939
Shag Point Branch - - - 23/9/1889 Carriage of coal from Allandale Mine, on Shag Point Coy's line, to Shag Point. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 51940
Shag Point Branch - - - 26/2/1884 Requesting authority to stop working the Shag Point Branch, as coal pits are closed. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 51941
Shag Point Branch - - - 27/6/1879 Notifying Shag Point Branch line has been declared open for traffic. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W 2 PWD Otago S 51942
Shag Point Branch - - - 28/1/1891 Report respecting ownership. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 51943
Shag Point Branch - - - 3/1/1879 Shag Point Coal Coy to construct line at nominal sum.  Recommending acceptance. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W 2 PWD Otago S 51944
Shag Point Branch - - - 3/1879 Shag Point Coal Coy – application to purchase rails for their branch line. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W 2 PWD Otago S 51945
Shag Point Branch - - - 4/9/1891 Proposal to purchase branch railway. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 51946
Shag Point Branch - - - 6/12/1889 Application of J Allan for a private siding on branch. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 51947
Shag Point Branch - - - 7/3/1884 Post Office removed from station. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - Mails by Rail in NZ R Startup Otago S 51948
Shag Point Branch - - - 9/7/1886 It has been worked by the Government ever since.  It was a line which had been very profitable to the Government until the closing of the mine two years ago.  The Company who made the line had every reason to hope and expect the Government would take it over in due time. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - R4, 87/2945 WRD Otago S 51949
Shag Point Branch - - - 9/7/1886 It was alleged the sea was getting into the mine; and it turned out not a drop of salt water had been in it.  The Government were advised lives were in danger and the mine was abandoned.  But it turned out quite unfounded. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - R4, 87/2945 WRD Otago S 51950
Shag Point Branch - - - 9/7/1886 Shag Point line was opened on 17/6/1879. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - R4, 87/2945 WRD Otago S 51951
Shag Point Branch - - - 9/7/1886 The coal extends landward; but the best coal comes from under the sea. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - R4, 87/2945 WRD Otago S 51952
Shag Point Branch - - - 9/7/1886 The expense will be of pumping the mine out. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - R4, 87/2945 WRD Otago S 51953
Shag Point Branch - - - 9/7/1886 The mine was submerged by order of the Government at an enormous loss to the proprietors and the district. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - R4, 87/2945 WRD Otago S 51954
Shag Point Branch - - - 9/7/1886 The Shag Point line was constructed by the Government at the Company's expense. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - R4, 87/2945 WRD Otago S 51955
Shag Point Branch - - - 9/7/1886 There used to be a little vessel trading to Shag Point, which used to take down stores and things from Dunedin and take back produce.  Probably everything goes by rail now. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - R4, 87/2945 WRD Otago S 51956
Shag Point Junction - - - 1890 Mileage 31 miles 62 chains from Oamaru. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - R4, 90/2780 WRD Otago S 51957
Shag Point Junction - - - 8/3/1907 Approval to close the branch was given on 5 May. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - JRS/337 ATL Otago S 51958
Shag Point Junction - - - 27/5/1907 The line has now been closed, the turnout and rails on the railway property having been removed. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - JRS/337 ATL Otago S 51959
Shag Point Junction - - - 29/7/1908 The Shag point Branch, 2 miles 10 chains in length, is now closed. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - JRS/337 ATL Otago S 51960
Shag Point Junction - - - 23/7/1948 Switch locked siding. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W3199, 03/3140 WRD Otago S 51961
Shag Point Junction - - - 18/6/1953 Loop 36 wagons. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W3199, 03/3140 WRD Otago S 51962
Shag Point Junction - - - 1/8/1898 Accommodation 5th class station, passenger platform, cart approach to platform, stationmaster's house, urinals. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - R4, 98/2756 WRD Otago S 51963
Shag Point Junction - - - 1/8/1898 Loop 41 wagons. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - R4, 98/2756 WRD Otago S 51964
Shag Point Junction - - - 1/9/1882 Accommodation 5th class station, passenger platform, fixed signals, stationmaster's house, urinals. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W 3337 WRD Otago S 51965
Shag Point Junction - - - 1/9/1882 Loop 35 wagons (for branch) Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W 3337 WRD Otago S 51966
Shag Point Junction - - - 12/12/1881 Loop 35 wagons (for branch) Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W 3337 WRD Otago S 51967
Shag Point Junction - - - 13/12/1879 Requesting further authority £398 for Junction of Shag Point Coal Coy's line with main line. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 51968
Shag Point Junction - - - 18/6/1879 From the beginning of the contract (some 5 chains from the present junction points) the branch falls on a 1 in 50 grade some 20 chains and thence runs with moderate grades and curved from 10 chains radius upward about 1 mile 47 chains to its terminus near the mouth of the coal pit at Shag Point. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - JRS/337 ATL Otago S 51969
Shag Point Junction - - - 18/6/1879 The branch has been certified fit for traffic. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - JRS/337 ATL Otago S 51970
Shag Point Junction - - - 18/6/1879 The branch leaves the main line at present by the temporary siding laid in by the Department – about 189 miles 75 chains – and a backshunt capable of holding about ten wagons has been added to this siding by the Shag Point Coal Coy. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - JRS/337 ATL Otago S 51971
Shag Point Junction - - - 18/6/1879 The works were begun in January last. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - JRS/337 ATL Otago S 51972
Shag Point Junction - - - 18/6/1879 Total length 1 mile 67 chains on contract plans; 5 chains temporary siding laid in by the Government; 1 mile 72 chains. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - JRS/337 ATL Otago S 51973
Shag Point Junction - - - 19/4/1886 Accommodation 5th class station, passenger platform, fixed signals, stationmaster's house, urinals. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W 3337 WRD Otago S 51974
Shag Point Junction - - - 19/4/1886 Loop 41 wagons Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W 3337 WRD Otago S 51975
Shag Point Junction - - - 20/12/1880 Mileage 31 miles 63 chains from Oamaru. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W 3337 WRD Otago S 51976
Shag Point Junction - - - 22/7/1882 Requesting authority £34 for purchasing house built by Ganger Reid. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 51977
Shag Point Junction - - - 24/7/1879 Shag Point Junction. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W 2/44 PWD Otago S 51978
Shag Point Junction - - - 26/8/1891 Postal Department – opening of telephone office. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 51979
Shag Point Junction - - - 29/12/1879 Station at Junction of Shag Point Branch now receiving two designations – recommending it be called Shag Point Junction. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 51980
Shag Point Junction - - - 30/5/1898 Road diversion at Shag Point. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 51981
Shag Point Junction - - - 31/3/1883 Addition to platelayer's house - £31.18.5. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - R4, 83/2044 WRD Otago S 51982
Shag Point Junction - - - 31/3/1883 Purchase of house - £34.0.0. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - R4, 83/2044 WRD Otago S 51983
Shag Point Junction - - - 7/10/1885 Urgent need for overbridge at level crossing near Shag Point Junction. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 51984
Shag Point Junction - - - 8/12/1879 The station building from Port Moeraki is to be erected at Shag Point Junction.  This work is almost complete.  This is a new junction for the Shag Point Branch. Oamaru – Palmerston Section - JRS/337 ATL Otago S 51985