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From Railway Knowledge Base for New Zealand
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The Railway Knowledge Base for New Zealand

WELCOME to the Railway Knowledge Base for New Zealand

From this page you have links to the home-pages of most topics that expect to be accommodated by this wiki. The South Island Lines and Stations has been the initial focus and gives you access to individual pages for all South Island Railway Lines, Stations and track sections between stations. If you are new to this site you are not alone, this site is quite new too. For the foreseeable future we will continue to develop things to a point where page layouts are more defined, data is progressively being added and generally people can be enthused about using it. At this stage it is not tailored for small screens so you may not get the best experience there.

The graphic below shows what could be possible to include in this wiki, and there will no doubt be categories I have not thought of yet. The balloons are colour coded to indicate their level of completeness with regard to basic functionality and data. Green represents topics able to accept data, with quite some usable example data loaded, Orange represents topics that have had an initial structure defined but do not have any or much data yet. Yellow represents those topics that have had some preliminary work done, but not ready for data yet, and the white balloons have had virtually no development work done. My next aim is to have a home-page created for each of these topics where development updates can also be recorded.

To become a contributor to this wiki you need to register and that is as simple as clicking the link below

Register as a new user

Below the graphic are a few additional links, mainly used for development work.

This is a wiki, so will rely on all rail enthusiasts to make it what you want it to be. This has to quickly become OUR wiki not mine, otherwise it will not survive. So if you want to get involved in helping develop this to what it could become, please contact me at Each of the topics identified is big enough to be the pet project of one or more people, do you see something that has always interested you? Enjoy your visit.

Here are a few introductory pages you may want to read to help you understand the vision, concepts and potential of this site:

Introduction to the Railway Knowledge Base ----//---- Latest News ----//---- Design Philosophy ----//---- Vision ----//---- Using the Knowledge Base ----//---- Design and Documentation

Robert Storm

October 2024

NZR Lines and StationsNZR Staff HousingNZR Electric TractionNZR TunnelsNZR CulvertsNZR BridgesNZR TrackNZR SignalsPrivate SidingsLevel CrossingsNZR IncidentsNZR Maintenance GangsPrivate RailwaysMunicipal TramsNZR District OfficesPublished ReferencesNZR Head OfficeNZR Land OfficeNZR Staff TrainingNZ Industrial TramsRailway CommissionersNZ Railway UnionsNZR Staff Welfare SocietyNZ Railway SuperannuationRailway related peopleOccupationsRailway ClothingNZR Mechanical BranchRollingstockLocomotivesNZR WorkshopsNZR DepotsBookstallsNZR Train OperationsNZR Freight BranchPublic Works DepartmentPublicationsRail HeritageRail AirRail FerriesPublicity & AdvertisingImage ReferencesNZR Rail Passenger|NZR Road ServicesNZR Architectural BranchNZR Signals BranchNZR Communications BranchNZR Refreshment BranchNZ Railway LegislationRailway Knowledge Base Vision - Clickable Image
About this image

Since developing the above version of the vision, some new thoughts have firmed up. Some have been actioned already, but the following remain or have been added since

  1. The head-Office functions that are currently shown as separate balloons scattered through out the diagram, would be better grouped as children of the Head Office balloon
  2. An additional branch titled Occupations, would be useful off the People balloon string COMPLETED
  3. More logical grouping of related balloons.


Glossary of Railway Terms

South Island Railway Development

Initial List of Tramways

Duplicate Station Names

Naming Conventions


Special Links

Admin Use