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File Records:Palmerston

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Bushey(2) Palmerston Wairunga
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Bushey(2)--Palmerston Palmerston--Wairunga
2.6km 4.2km

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Palmerston - - - 6/9/1900 Erection of a house for locomotive engine man. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W3734/16 WRD Otago S 42742
Palmerston - - - 4/1/1901 Improvements to water service. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W3734/16 WRD Otago S 42743
Palmerston - - - 10/4/1901 Connection of station with telephone exchange. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W3734/16 WRD Otago S 42744
Palmerston - - - 14/1/1904 No train is allowed to run off the Dunback Branch unless in charge of pilot. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 2278, 10/3214/1 WRD Otago S 42745
Palmerston - - - 25/4/1904 Accommodation is much needed at Palmerston South for the storage of roadside goods – commercial luggage – fish, etc. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 2278, 10/3214/1 WRD Otago S 42746
Palmerston - - - 25/4/1904 At present the station hall, which is open to the public from 6.0am to 8.0pm daily, has to be used for the purpose,and it frequently happens that goods have to stand there for nearly two days, moreover the storage of fish renders the place very offensive to passengers. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 2278, 10/3214/1 WRD Otago S 42747
Palmerston - - - 25/6/1904 Refreshment rooms – bar to be closed from 31/3/1905. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Otago S 42748
Palmerston - - - 25/6/1904 Refreshment rooms to be retained for the sale of tea, coffee, etc. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Otago S 42749
Palmerston - - - 25/6/1904 The storeroom is proposed at the north end of the building adjoining the refreshment rooms. Although the bar will be closed on 31st March next, the refreshment rooms will doubtless be retained for the sale of tea, coffe, etc. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 2278, 10/3214/1 WRD Otago S 42750
Palmerston - - - 1877 Contract for construction of station to W Mill, amount £193.6.0. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Otago S 42751
Palmerston - - - 1886 Siding on Jas Cockrane's land to ballast reserve removed. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 42752
Palmerston - - - 1890 Mileage 37 miles 24 chains from Oamaru. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2780 WRD Otago S 42753
Palmerston - - - 1890 Mileage 40 miles 58 chains from Dunedin. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2780 WRD Otago S 42754
Palmerston - - - 18/4/1906 The station building is unsuitable for a verandah. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Otago S 42755
Palmerston - - - 3/4/1908 Automatic tablet exchanger apparatus provided. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W3337 WRD Otago S 42756
Palmerston - - - 18/7/1910 A proper coal yard will cost about £45 and will give storage for about 180 tons. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 2278, 10/3214/1 WRD Otago S 42757
Palmerston - - - 18/7/1910 Application for a coal yard Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W3734/27 WRD Otago S 42758
Palmerston - - - 26/7/1910 Coal yard approved. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 2278, 10/3214/1 WRD Otago S 42759
Palmerston - - - 10/8/1912 Approval for the provision of a small store room for travellers' samples and goods ex roadside wagons.  At present goods have to be kept in the waiting room.  To be provided at north end of the station building adjoining the refreshment room. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 2278, 10/3214/1 WRD Otago S 42760
Palmerston - - - 6/10/1914 Damage to goods shed door. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W3734/31 WRD Otago S 42761
Palmerston - - - 22/11/1915 Approval to provide backshunt with standing room for two cars.  This will be required for use of Dining Car as from beginning of next period. Also waterpipe, tap, and armoured house for watering the car to be provided. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 2278, 10/3214/1 WRD Otago S 42762
Palmerston - - - 27/9/1916 Damage to goods shed door. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W3734/33 WRD Otago S 42763
Palmerston - - - 9/9/1920 The refreshment room portion is 42 feet long and 22 feet wide with height of stud 12 feet. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 2278, 10/3214/1 WRD Otago S 42764
Palmerston - - - 9/9/1920 The station buildings at Palmerston are old, of poor design and will not last much longer.  The consist of a lean-to structure 95 feet long by 12 feet wide with height at front 12 feet and back 7 feet 6 inches. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 2278, 10/3214/1 WRD Otago S 42765
Palmerston - - - 15/11/1920 Damage to engine shed door. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W3734/36 WRD Otago S 42766
Palmerston - - - 22/2/1923 The southern loading bank is in very good order. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 2278, 10/3214/1 WRD Otago S 42767
Palmerston - - - 27/2/1926 The gooseneck points lever in shunting yard has been replaced with reversible lever, the points being made to lock for one way only. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 2278, 10/3214/1 WRD Otago S 42768
Palmerston - - - 27/2/1926 The shifting of the points lever on the main line near the cattle yards to the opposite side of the line was carried out in September last. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 2278, 10/3214/1 WRD Otago S 42769
Palmerston - - - 23/6/1926 Backshunt to be provided at south end of yard, next to engine shed. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 2278, 10/3214/1 WRD Otago S 42770
Palmerston - - - 5/10/1926 Verandah to be provided on full length of station building. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 2278, 10/3214/1 WRD Otago S 42771
Palmerston - - - 8/10/1926 Approval for the erection of a verandah to be extended from 40 feet inn length to 57 feet in length, fronting for the whole of the refreshment rooms (previous approval was for 40 feet).  Width not to exceed 20 feet. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 2278, 10/3214/1 WRD Otago S 42772
Palmerston - - - 19/10/1926 Approval for £600 for the provision of a verandah. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Otago S 42773
Palmerston - - - 19/7/1927 Verandah has now been provided on station building. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 2278, 10/3214/1 WRD Otago S 42774
Palmerston - - - 1/11/1933 Railway station and / or reserve has been improved with plantings, etc, in co-operation with local interests and railway staff. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W3180, Pub3/13 WRD Otago S 42775
Palmerston - - - 24/11/1937 Additional holding accommodation to be provided at stockyards. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 2278, 10/3214/1 WRD Otago S 42776
Palmerston - - - 25/1/1940 The installation of sewage in the new dwelling and the three old houses at a total cost of £326 is approved. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W3199, 14/1345/4 WRD Otago S 42777
Palmerston - - - 27/11/1942 20,000 gallon water vat at north end of yard adjacent to main line; 4,000 gallon tank near coal shed. Two road engine shed with full-length pits. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 2278, 10/3214/1 WRD Otago S 42778
Palmerston - - - 11/11/1943 Approval for additional siding and extension of backshunt. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 2278, 10/3214/1 WRD Otago S 42779
Palmerston - - - 25/10/1944 Approval to provide additional office accommodation. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 2278, 10/3214/1 WRD Otago S 42780
Palmerston - - - 6/2/1945 Windows are being installed on each side of the chimney in the ladies waiting room, and the room painted. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 2278, 10/3214/1 WRD Otago S 42781
Palmerston - - - 12/7/1946 Improvement to goods office (10 feet by 10 feet in goods shed) approved. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 2278, 10/3214/1 WRD Otago S 42782
Palmerston - - - 24/1/1948 Engine shed destroyed by fire. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W3199, 03/2306 WRD Otago S 42783
Palmerston - - - 31/3/1949 Rebuilding engine shed destroyed by fire in hand. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W3180, Pub1/2 WRD Otago S 42784
Palmerston - - - 7/12/1953 Fire in storeroom and lavatory. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W2382, 039 WRD Otago S 42785
Palmerston - - - 26/5/1954 Fire in lamp room. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W2382, 039 WRD Otago S 42786
Palmerston - - - 17/5/1955 Refreshment room to be renovated. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W3180, Pub 29 WRD Otago S 42787
Palmerston - - - 17/5/1955 Tenders called for the refurbishment of the refreshment rooms. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 2278, 10/3214/1 WRD Otago S 42788
Palmerston - - - 17/5/1955 When the refreshment rooms are renovated, the present V counter is to be removed and replaced by a straight one. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Otago S 42789
Palmerston - - - 17/8/1955 Has an engine turntable. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - R-W3, 11422 WRD Otago S 42790
Palmerston - - - 25/7/1956 Office and ladies waiting room to be renovated, and additional windows to be provided in the western wall of the station building. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 2278, 10/3214/1 WRD Otago S 42791
Palmerston - - - 24/7/1957 Requesting authority £11,500 for new station building. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Otago S 42792
Palmerston - - - 18/2/1958 While the existing station building is being demolished and a new one constructed, a car will serve as office quarters for the staff.  Yesterday it was shifted on to piles at the south end of the station. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Otago S 42793
Palmerston - - - 31/3/1958 Construction of new station building – contract let to the Fletcher Construction Coy, Dunedin. Amount £10,095.6.0. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Otago S 42794
Palmerston - - - 11/7/1958 Authority for £11,500 for new station building. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Otago S 42795
Palmerston - - - 17/3/1959 Colour scheme of new station is grey and light blue, with facings of royal blue and white, on the exterior. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Otago S 42796
Palmerston - - - 17/3/1959 New station building constructed by the Fletcher Construction Coy, Dunedin.  Cost £10,000. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Otago S 42797
Palmerston - - - 17/3/1959 New station building opened on 12/11/1958.  82 feet long by 22 feet wide. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Otago S 42798
Palmerston - - - 17/3/1959 The old station was built in 1877 at a cost of £193. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Otago S 42799
Palmerston - - - 29/9/1962 New saleyards are being built, a joint venture by local farmers and stock and station agents. The Railways Department is to provide a new siding. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Otago S 42800
Palmerston - - - 20/9/1964 Fire in railway social hall. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W2382, 039 WRD Otago S 42801
Palmerston - - - 25/7/1983 Crossing loop accommodates 35 wagons. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W5514, 00/2826/7 WRD Otago S 42802
Palmerston - - - 2/11/1987 Main South Line – 314.55km from Port Lyttelton (0.00km). Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 3337 WRD Otago S 42803
Palmerston - - - 25/11/1988 Still used for timetabled running of trains. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 3337 WRD Otago S 42804
Palmerston - - - 27/12/1988 Station building on curved passenger platform, goods shed, gantry. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - JRS/P230 ATL Otago S 42805
Palmerston - - - 11/2/1991 Station building on curved passenger platform, goods shed, gantry, engine shed. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - JRS/P230 ATL Otago S 42806
Palmerston - - - 1/10/1897 Plan of proposed alterations to station. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 42807
Palmerston - - - 1/5/1879 Loop 27 wagons, loop 29 wagons Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 3337 WRD Otago S 42808
Palmerston - - - 1/5/1879 Mileage 37 miles 40 chains from Oamaru. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 3337 WRD Otago S 42809
Palmerston - - - 1/5/1879 Mileage 40 miles 43 chains from Dunedin. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 3337 WRD Otago S 42810
Palmerston - - - 1/8/1898 Accommodation 3rd class station, passenger platform, cart approach to platform, goods shed 100ft x 30ft, loading bank, cattle yards, crane, water service, coal accommodation, engine shed, engine reversing triangle, fixed signals, stationmaster's house, urinals. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - R4, 98/2756 WRD Otago S 42811
Palmerston - - - 1/8/1898 Loop 32 wagons, loop 27 wagons, backshunt 31 wagons, loop 23 wagons, loop 22 wagons (goods shed), backshunt 8 wagons (cattle yards), loop 29 wagons, backshunt 15 wagons (engine shed), backshunt 31 wagons (engine shed and turntable), backshunt 11 wagons (coal shed). Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - R4, 98/2756 WRD Otago S 42812
Palmerston - - - 1/9/1882 Accommodation 3rd class station, passenger platform, cart approach to platform, goods shed 102ft x 32ft, loading bank, cattle yards, water service,coal accommodation, engine turntable, weighbridge, wagon turntable, engine shed, fixed signals, stationmaster's house, urinals. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 3337 WRD Otago S 42813
Palmerston - - - 1/9/1882 Loop 29 wagons, loop 26 wagons Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 3337 WRD Otago S 42814
Palmerston - - - 10/11/1882 Recommending establishment of water services at Palmerston. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 42815
Palmerston - - - 10/5/1881 Proposing alterations to engine shed and renewal of roof. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 42816
Palmerston - - - 11/6/1880 P Sutherland 7 Coy's contract for cattle pens completed. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 12 PWD Otago S 42817
Palmerston - - - 12/1/1884 Providing improved water service. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 42818
Palmerston - - - 12/1/1887 Proposed amalgamation of railway and postal offices. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 42819
Palmerston - - - 12/11/1877 W Mills' contract for Palmerston station completed. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 12 PWD Otago S 42820
Palmerston - - - 12/12/1881 Loop 29 wagons, loop 26 wagons Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 3337 WRD Otago S 42821
Palmerston - - - 12/9/1896 Recommends closing the level crossing at Falcon Road. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 42822
Palmerston - - - 13/5/1895 Recommends sale of stationmaster's old house. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 42823
Palmerston - - - 13/7/1880 Sutherland & Coy's contract for cattle pens – final certificate. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 3 PWD Otago S 42824
Palmerston - - - 14/1/1898 Application from Postal Department for water supply to Post Office. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 42825
Palmerston - - - 14/7/1881 Eight-stall engine shed – contract signed. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 3 PWD Otago S 42826
Palmerston - - - 15/10/1879 Loop 27 wagons, loop 29 wagons Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 3337 WRD Otago S 42827
Palmerston - - - 15/12/1882 Recommending alterations to sidings. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 42828
Palmerston - - - 15/2/1878 Final certificate for W Mills contract for passenger station. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 3 PWD Otago S 42829
Palmerston - - - 15/6/1882 Eight-stall engine shed – final certificate. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 3 PWD Otago S 42830
Palmerston - - - 16/11/1881 Authority for new refreshment room. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 3 PWD Otago S 42831
Palmerston - - - 16/5/1881 E Clarke's application for a siding into his timber yard at Palmerston. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 42832
Palmerston - - - 16/6/1884 Requesting authority £95 for siding for standing coal wagons. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 42833
Palmerston - - - 17/1/1883 Requesting authority £80 for erection of a 3-ton crane. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 42834
Palmerston - - - 17/10/1877 W Mills' contract for Palmerston passenger station. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 3 PWD Otago S 42835
Palmerston - - - 17/7/1888 Borough Council, Palmerston – using Resident Engineer's old office. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 42836
Palmerston - - - 19/4/1886 Accommodation 3rd class station, passenger platform, cart approach to platform, goods shed 102ft x 32ft, loading bank, cattle yards, water service,coal accommodation, engine turntable, weighbridge, wagon turntable, engine shed, fixed signals, stationmaster's house, urinals. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 3337 WRD Otago S 42837
Palmerston - - - 19/4/1886 Loop 32 wagons, loop 27 wagons, backshunt 31 wagons, loop 23 wagons, loop 22 wagons (goods shed),, backshunt 8 wagons (cattle yards), loop 29 wagons, backshunt 15 wagons (engine shed), backshunt 31 wagons (engine shed and turntable), backshunt 11 wagons (coal shed) Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 3337 WRD Otago S 42838
Palmerston - - - 19/7/1876 Station at Palmerston. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 70 PWD Otago S 42839
Palmerston - - - 20/7/1898 Water supply at Palmerston. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 42840
Palmerston - - - 21/2/1884 Recommends smoke troughs and funnel be provided for engine shed, and that shed be floored. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 42841
Palmerston - - - 21/7/1881 Eight-stall engine shed – schedule of tenders. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 3 PWD Otago S 42842
Palmerston - - - 22/3/1880 Sutherland & Coy's contract for cattle pens. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 3 PWD Otago S 42843
Palmerston - - - 24/10/1878 That stationmaster's house be put in repair and handed over. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 2/44 PWD Otago S 42844
Palmerston - - - 24/12/1877 Requesting authority for extras for passenger station. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 3 PWD Otago S 42845
Palmerston - - - 26/2/1879 Stationmaster's hiuse – claim for rent. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 2/44 PWD Otago S 42846
Palmerston - - - 26/6/1879 Schedule of tenders for lease of refreshment room. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 42847
Palmerston - - - 28/6/1889 Want of verandah and other improvements. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 42848
Palmerston - - - 29/7/1879 H Dench's lease of refreshment room approved. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 42849
Palmerston - - - 3/11/1885 Dunback connected to Palmerston by telephone. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 42850
Palmerston - - - 30/6/1878 The Moeraki Junction – Palmerston section opened on 22/5/1878. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - AJHR, 1884 Natlib Otago S 42851
Palmerston - - - 31/3/1883 2-ton whip crane for coal shed - £46.3.1. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - R4, 83/2044 WRD Otago S 42852
Palmerston - - - 31/3/1883 Concrete floor in cellar of refreshment room - £4.17.0. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - R4, 83/2044 WRD Otago S 42853
Palmerston - - - 31/3/1883 Concreting drains - £37.16.11. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - R4, 83/2044 WRD Otago S 42854
Palmerston - - - 31/3/1883 Enlarging waiting room and enlarging Telegraph Office - £43.5.7. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - R4, 83/2044 WRD Otago S 42855
Palmerston - - - 31/3/1883 Water supply stationmaster's house - £8.19.11. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - R4, 83/2044 WRD Otago S 42856
Palmerston - - - 31/3/1884 Weighbridge and water supply provided. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - AJHR, 1884 Natlib Otago S 42857
Palmerston - - - 31/3/1886 Requesting authority £132 for siding to engine shed and coal sheds, etc. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 3 PWD Otago S 42858
Palmerston - - - 31/3/1890 Complaint of stationmaster of insufficient house accommodation. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 42859
Palmerston - - - 31/3/1893 Steam pump erected. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - AJHR, 1893 Natlib Otago S 42860
Palmerston - - - 6/3/1886 Proposing to move house to a better site. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 42861
Palmerston - - - 6/3/1888 Alteration of Palmerston station yard and signals in connection with the junction of the Waihemo Branch. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 42862
Palmerston - - - 6/5/1897 Additional wc accommodation. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 42863
Palmerston - - - 6/6/1887 Complaint of stationmaster respecting defective drainage around his house. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 42864
Palmerston - - - 7/3/1877 Requesting authority £1402 for formation of station ground. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 3 PWD Otago S 42865
Palmerston - - - 7/9/1888 Town Clerk, Palmerston – asking for improved accommodation at that station, asphalt on platform, verandah, etc. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 42866
Palmerston - - - 8/5/1882 Refreshment room – final certificate. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 3 PWD Otago S 42867
Palmerston - - - 8/9/1879 Requesting authority for putting up turntable. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 42868
Palmerston - - - 9/1/1884 Asking for coal buckets for Palmerston as soon as possible. Dunedin – Moeraki Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 42869