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File Records:Rakaia

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Bankside Rakaia Chertsey
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Bankside--Rakaia Rakaia--Chertsey
3.1km 8.4km

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North Rakaia Signal Station - - - 15/6/1875 Stoppage of trains at North Rakaia Signal Station. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - Provincial Records CPR Canterbury S 37487
Rakaia - - - 5/2/1900 Improvements are to be carried out to the Telegraph Office. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48523
Rakaia - - - 2/8/1900 Improvements to tank valves of water service. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3734/15 WRD Canterbury S 48524
Rakaia - - - 24/8/1901 An addition is to be made to the existing telegraph office. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48525
Rakaia - - - 24/9/1902 Recommending the removal of the clay bank at the south end, this was partially done some little time ago. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48526
Rakaia - - - 4/10/1902 The removal of the remaining part pof the bank and the lengthening of the platform by 80 feet is approved. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48527
Rakaia - - - 5/8/1904 Platform has been lengthened recently. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48528
Rakaia - - - 1874 Daniel Reese's contract for platform extension. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 35/1 PWD Canterbury S 48529
Rakaia - - - 1885 The Rakaia & Ashburton Forks Railway Company (opened on 26/2/1880) has the following accommodation at Rakaia Junction: 8-room house, tank stand, and 4 tanks. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - AJHR, 1885 Natlib Canterbury S 48530
Rakaia - - - 1890 Mileage 22 miles 20 chains from Methven. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - R4, 90/2780 WRD Canterbury S 48531
Rakaia - - - 1890 Mileage 35 miles 40 chains from Christchurch. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - R4, 90/2780 WRD Canterbury S 48532
Rakaia - - - 2/10/1907 The safe belonging to the Postal Department is imbedded in brick and cannot be removed. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48533
Rakaia - - - 15/10/1907 Post Office removed from station. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - Mails by Rail in NZ R Startup Canterbury S 48534
Rakaia - - - 20/10/1907 Post Office removed from station. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48535
Rakaia - - - 26/10/1907 The Post Office was removed from the station yesterday. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48536
Rakaia - - - 21/11/1907 A Milner's safe has recently been taken over from the Postal Department. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48537
Rakaia - - - 14/4/1909 Double-door for luggage is to be put on the main line side of building. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48538
Rakaia - - - 3/3/1910 Suggesting tablet be installed at this station. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3734/27 WRD Canterbury S 48539
Rakaia - - - 5/10/1910 Authority for £120 for verandahs.  To be on each side of the building with a return round the north end to give shelter over the door of the public lobby. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48540
Rakaia - - - 8/10/1910 Verandahs – It is expected this work will be completed by the 12th November. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48541
Rakaia - - - 8/10/1910 Material has been ordered and the ironwork for the verandah standards is now being turned out by Blacksmiths. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48542
Rakaia - - - 12/5/1911 Damage to goods shed door. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3734/28 WRD Canterbury S 48543
Rakaia - - - 8/7/1912 Proposed removal of stockyards to site near Saleyards. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3734/29 WRD Canterbury S 48544
Rakaia - - - 13/9/1912 Please have the races of the stockyards arranged so both decks of a sheep wagon may be loaded without the necessity of having to move the wagon. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48545
Rakaia - - - 30/9/1912 The stockyards are on a backshunt at the north end of the yard. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48546
Rakaia - - - 1/12/1914 Automatic tablet exchanger apparatus provided. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 48547
Rakaia - - - 22/6/1915 Station has a hip-roof. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48548
Rakaia - - - 16/7/1915 Authority for £40 for additional ladies lavatories.  To be provided in an extension to the station building 9 feet 0 inches by 9 feet 6 inches. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48549
Rakaia - - - 12/9/1916 Improvements to stationmaster's house. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3734/33 WRD Canterbury S 48550
Rakaia - - - 14/7/1920 About four years ago the 4-ton derrick crane was taken down for repair. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48551
Rakaia - - - 14/7/1920 As it was found no use was made of this crane it was not re-erected. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48552
Rakaia - - - 14/7/1920 Arrangements are being made to erect this crane at Lyttelton and provide a small overhead traverser in the goods shed at Rakaia. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48553
Rakaia - - - 28/11/1929 Cabinet approval for extension of shed road, estimated to cost £250. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 11/3111/1 WRD Canterbury S 48554
Rakaia - - - 27/12/1929 An additional station bell is to be provided. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48555
Rakaia - - - 1/11/1933 Railway station and / or reserve has been improved with plantings, etc, in co-operation with local interests and railway staff. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3180, Pub3/13 WRD Canterbury S 48556
Rakaia - - - 14/5/1935 Authority for £480 for additional siding accommodation. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48557
Rakaia - - - 7/4/1936 Authority for £420 to provide a crossover from the main line to the branch. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48558
Rakaia - - - 21/9/1937 The Rakaia station yard consists of the yard used by the Rakaia & Ashburton Forks Railway Coy which operated the Methven Branch, and whose station was situated on the site of the present station. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48559
Rakaia - - - 21/9/1937 This yard is joined up by a single track with the yard open in the old days by the Government, with a station opposite the present shed. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48560
Rakaia - - - 21/9/1937 The stockyards dummy is at the north end of this yard. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48561
Rakaia - - - 14/1/1941 Loop on east side of station, siding to New Zealand Loan & Mercantile Agency, and tractor shed backshunt. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48562
Rakaia - - - 14/1/1941 West side – 2 loops, backshunt to turntable, loop with weighbridge and low-level loading bank, and other sidings at north end. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48563
Rakaia - - - 14/1/1941 Station building on an island platform. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48564
Rakaia - - - 17/8/1955 Has an engine turntable. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - R-W3, 11422 WRD Canterbury S 48565
Rakaia - - - 29/9/1961 Long low-level loading bank on goods shed backshunt. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48566
Rakaia - - - 29/9/1961 Stockyards. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48567
Rakaia - - - 29/9/1961 Proposed high-level laoding bank is to be on a new siding off the siding serving the New Zealand Farmers Co-operative Association of Canterbury Ltd and the New Zealand Loan & Mercantile Agency.  A backshunt extends from the former store. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48568
Rakaia - - - 9/11/1961 Approval for £990 to provide a high-level laoding bank for bulk grain. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 04/1789/1 WRD Canterbury S 48569
Rakaia - - - 8/7/1963 Station building was built in 1883. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 2278, 10/425/1 WRD Canterbury S 48570
Rakaia - - - 13/5/1965 Contract to Holmes & Coy to proceed with the Southern line as far as Rakaia. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3180, Pro24/33 WRD Canterbury S 48571
Rakaia - - - 24/1/1967 Platform is 370 feet long. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 48572
Rakaia - - - 3/9/1969 Closing of stockyards approved.  To be sold by tender for removal. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3199, 10/2868 WRD Canterbury S 48573
Rakaia - - - 4/1987 Tenders called for the sale for removal of weighbridge. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - - Rails Canterbury S 48574
Rakaia - - - 2/11/1987 Main South Line – 67.76km from Port Lyttelton (0.00km). Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 48575
Rakaia - - - ? Daniel Reese's contract for additions to station. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 35/1 PWD Canterbury S 48576
Rakaia - - - ? Daniel Reese's contract for engine shed. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 35/1 PWD Canterbury S 48577
Rakaia - - - ? Daniel Reese's contract for stationmaster's house. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 35/1 PWD Canterbury S 48578
Rakaia - - - 1/2/1894 Proposing to amalgamate railway and postal duties. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 48579
Rakaia - - - 1/5/1879 Loop 49 wagons Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 48580
Rakaia - - - 1/5/1879 Mileage 35 miles 26 chains from Christchurch. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 48581
Rakaia - - - 1/8/1898 Accommodation special class station, passenger platform, cart approach to platform, goods shed 60ft x 40ft, loading bank, cattle yards, crane, water service, coal accommodation, engine turntable, weighbridge, engine shed, stationmaster's house, urinals. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - R4, 98/2756 WRD Canterbury S 48582
Rakaia - - - 1/8/1898 Loop 45 wagons, loop 30 wagons, loop 27 wagons (goods shed), backshunt 32 wagons (cattle yards), backshunt 11 wagons, loop 8 wagons (weighbridge), loop 57 wagons, backshunt 7 wagons (engine shed), loop 34 wagons, backshunt 3 wagons (branch), loop 19 wagons (branch),loop 18 wagons, backshunt 11 wagons. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - R4, 98/2756 WRD Canterbury S 48583
Rakaia - - - 1/9/1882 Accommodation  shelter shed, passenger platform, goods shed 460t x 40ft, cattle yards, crane, water service, engine shed, stationmaster's house, urinals. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 48584
Rakaia - - - 1/9/1882 Loop 94 wagons (main line), loop 14 wagons (branch) Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 48585
Rakaia - - - 11/1878 First sod of the Rakaia & Ashburton Forks Railway Coy turned. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3180, Pub 1/12 WRD Canterbury S 48586
Rakaia - - - 11/9/1873 Reese's contract for station buildings. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 48587
Rakaia - - - 11/9/1894 Post Office operated by Railways Department staff opened. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - Mails by Rail in NZ R Startup Canterbury S 48588
Rakaia - - - 12/12/1881 Loop 94 wagons (main line), loop 14 wagons (branch) Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 48589
Rakaia - - - 12/9/1887 General Manager – directing erection of a turntable at Rakaia. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 48590
Rakaia - - - 14/1/1897 Necessity of additions to ganger's house (No 87). Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 48591
Rakaia - - - 15/10/1879 Loop 49 wagons Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 48592
Rakaia - - - 15/5/1886 Proposing the erection of a turntable at Rakaia, instead of Methven. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 48593
Rakaia - - - 16/9/1873 Letter from D Reese claiming compensation for extra length of goods shed. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 48594
Rakaia - - - 17/7/1874 Extension of platform. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 48595
Rakaia - - - 18/4/1874 Appointment of station clerk. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - Provincial Records CPR Canterbury S 48596
Rakaia - - - 18/4/1893 Application for a level crossing on South Belt Road, Rakaia Township. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 48597
Rakaia - - - 19/10/1887 Application from stationmaster for an addition to his dwelling house. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 48598
Rakaia - - - 19/4/1886 Accommodation  shelter shed, passenger platform, goods shed 460t x 40ft, cattle yards, crane, water service, engine shed, stationmaster's house, urinals. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 48599
Rakaia - - - 19/4/1886 Loop 45 wagons, loop 30 wagons, loop 30 wagons (goods shed), backshunt 22 wagons (cattle yards), backshunt 11 wagons, loop 8 wagons (weighbridge), backshunt 40 wagons, backshunt 7 wagons (engine shed), loop 43 wagons, backshunt 3 wagons (branch), loop 19 wagons (branch), loop 18 wagons (branch), backshunt 11 wagons (branch) Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 48600
Rakaia - - - 19/5/1873 Buildings comprise stationmaster's house, booking office, ladies and gentlemen's waiting rooms (separate), and a goods shed 70 feet by 40 feet. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3180, Pro24/33 WRD Canterbury S 48601
Rakaia - - - 19/5/1873 D Reese contractor for station. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3180, Pro24/33 WRD Canterbury S 48602
Rakaia - - - 2/1/1897 A large fire started on railway land near 42½ miles, near Rakaia station.  The fire attributed to the two engines of the express (N 36 and N 37), which passed just before the fire was noticed. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - R4, 98/2943 WRD Canterbury S 48603
Rakaia - - - 2/6/1873 Selwyn – Rakaia Section opened for traffic. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3180, Pub 1/12 WRD Canterbury S 48604
Rakaia - - - 20/12/1877 Requesting authority £50 for converting engine shed to goods shed. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 48605
Rakaia - - - 20/3/1895 Application of W Barcock to sell fruit on platform at station. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 48606
Rakaia - - - 21/3/1873 Authority required for enlarging goods shed. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 48607
Rakaia - - - 23/6/1874 Reese will alter platform for £387. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 48608
Rakaia - - - 23/9/1880 On Monday last the long expected change in the locale of the station took place – the new station is 200 yards south of the present one. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W3180, Pro/24 WRD Canterbury S 48609
Rakaia - - - 24/10/1885 New Zealand Grain Agency & Mercantile Coy Ltd – site with wooden platform thereon 50 feet long, for storing grain, and connected with railway siding. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - R4, 99/994 WRD Canterbury S 48610
Rakaia - - - 25/3/1895 Addition of room to stationmaster's house. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 48611
Rakaia - - - 25/4/1896 Addition to shepherd's house. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 48612
Rakaia - - - 26/12/1896 Additional sheep yard accommodation. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 48613
Rakaia - - - 27/5/1896 Additional siding accommodation. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 48614
Rakaia - - - 29/11/1882 Recommending the Rakaia Bridge sidings be connected with main line at south end of Rakaia yard – cost £112. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 48615
Rakaia - - - 29/12/1880 Requesting authority for removal of Rakaia telegraph office to rear of new station building. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 48616
Rakaia - - - 29/7/1893 Want of additional railway crossing at the southern boundary of the township. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 48617
Rakaia - - - 30/12/1882 Chairman, Rakaia & Ashburton Forks Railway Coy – objecting to charges made in Clause 4 for use of Rakaia station by Company. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 48618
Rakaia - - - 30/6/1874 Contract has been let to D Reese for widening and lengthening platform; also erecting spring buffer for £387. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - AJHR, 1874 Natlib Canterbury S 48619
Rakaia - - - 30/6/1874 Contract has been let to D Reese to complete engine shed for £350. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - AJHR, 1874 Natlib Canterbury S 48620
Rakaia - - - 31/8/1876 D Reese's contract for Rakaia Bridge keeper's house completed. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 12 PWD Canterbury S 48621
Rakaia - - - 4/1/1886 Mr Webb's offer to lease house at Rakaia erected by late Railway Company. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 48622
Rakaia - - - 5/5/1868 Road from Selwyn railway station to Rakaia. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - Provincial Records CPR Canterbury S 48623
Rakaia - - - 7/8/1883 Recommending erection of semaphore signals at Rakaia. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 48624
Rakaia - - - 8/1/1881 Arrangements at Rakaia Junction station. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 48625
Rakaia - - - 8/5/1879 Governor – approving construction of the Rakaia & Ashburton Forks Railway Company through the township of South Rakaia. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 2 PWD Canterbury S 48626
Rakaia - - - 9/2/1884 A siding for a weighbridge is required. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 48627
Rakaia Bridge - - - 14/7/1881 The main line traffic on the south line will be temporarily averted into the loop line recently formed at Rakaia Bridge on Monday next after passing of the south express pending additions made to the south end of the bridge. Christchurch – Ashburton Railway - Allison Smith's Diary NZRLS Canterbury S 48628