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File Records:Temuka

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Winchester Temuka Arowhenua
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Winchester--Temuka Temuka--Arowhenua
6km 3.8km

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Temuka Temuka Temuka Temuka Temuka Temuka Temuka Temuka Temuka Temuka Temuka Temuka Temuka
Temuka - - - 14/8/1900 Burglary at station. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3734/15 WRD Canterbury S 58333
Temuka - - - 26/1/1901 Improved station accommodation. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3734/16 WRD Canterbury S 58334
Temuka - - - 15/3/1901 Additional accommodation required in station building. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58335
Temuka - - - 25/4/1901 Platform is only 12 inches above rail level. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58336
Temuka - - - 30/10/1901 Repairs to gates at stockyards. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3734/16 WRD Canterbury S 58337
Temuka - - - 6/11/1903 Mr Buxton's application for a store site with frontage to a siding declined. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58338
Temuka - - - 28/11/1903 Erection of a verandah approved, estimated cos £175. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58339
Temuka - - - 8/1/1904 No further steps are to be taken in connection with the erection of a verandah in the meantime. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58340
Temuka - - - 3/12/1904 - ladies room 16 feet by 19 feet with lavatory and wc 2 pans; Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58341
Temuka - - - 3/12/1904 - lobby 25 feet by 19 feet; Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58342
Temuka - - - 3/12/1904 - luggage room 12 feet by 19 feet; Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58343
Temuka - - - 3/12/1904 - new urinals and wc's. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58344
Temuka - - - 3/12/1904 - porters and lamp room 12 feet by 19 feet; Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58345
Temuka - - - 3/12/1904 - ticket and parcels office 30 feet by 19 feet; Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58346
Temuka - - - 3/12/1904 - verandah; and Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58347
Temuka - - - 3/12/1904 New station building to have: Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58348
Temuka - - - 1890 Mileage 35 miles 73 chains from Ashburton. Timaru – Temuka Railway - R4, 90/2780 WRD Canterbury S 58349
Temuka - - - 15/3/1905 The existing station building is a long strip of a building with lean-to roof. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58350
Temuka - - - 27/6/1905 Estimated cost for a new station is £1400. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58351
Temuka - - - 18/7/1905 Crossing loop, goods shed loop, backshunt at north end. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58352
Temuka - - - 18/7/1905 New station is to be built north of the present building, on a piece of line on which the grade is 1 in 1056. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58353
Temuka - - - 9/1905 Proposing to use old station building at Woolston. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58354
Temuka - - - 28/9/1905 Approval for additional room to ganger's house, estimated cost £35. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58355
Temuka - - - 1/1/1906 New station is ready for use. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58356
Temuka - - - 2/2/1906 The new station is to be opened for traffic immediately. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58357
Temuka - - - 5/2/1906 New station building opened. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Canterbury S 58358
Temuka - - - 4/4/1906 The platform outside the verandah must be asphalted as soon as filling is consolidated. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58359
Temuka - - - 10/10/1906 The area of land leased to Mr Story has been reduced consequent on granting Mr Buxton a siding right. Timaru – Temuka Railway - R4, 97/975 WRD Canterbury S 58360
Temuka - - - 15/7/1909 Improvements required to station. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3734/26 WRD Canterbury S 58361
Temuka - - - 4/10/1909 Planting of trees at south end of platform has been completed. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58362
Temuka - - - 28/11/1911 It is therefore proposed to rebuild the yards in a new site fronting on a backshunt at the north end of the yard. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3199, 11/5545/2 WRD Canterbury S 58363
Temuka - - - 28/11/1911 The cattle yards now require renewal.  The site is inconvenient and stock traffic interfers with the goods shed and outside loading. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3199, 11/5545/2 WRD Canterbury S 58364
Temuka - - - 28/11/1911 The site is opposite an old ballast pit. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3199, 11/5545/2 WRD Canterbury S 58365
Temuka - - - 9/12/1911 Authority for £240 for sidings to serve the catlle yards. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3199, 11/5545/2 WRD Canterbury S 58366
Temuka - - - 27/7/1912 New stockyards have been built at Temuka and are on a dummy at the north end of the station, which is connected with the goods road. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3199, 11/5545/2 WRD Canterbury S 58367
Temuka - - - 20/8/1913 Giving up land for road purposes to the Temuka Borough Council. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 58368
Temuka - - - 9/3/1914 Handing over road between Temuka and Winchester to Temuka Road Board. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3734/31 WRD Canterbury S 58369
Temuka - - - 1/12/1914 Automatic tablet exchanger apparatus provided. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 58370
Temuka - - - 15/6/1915 Authority for £25 for planting live hedge on railway reserve and cleaning up and planting old ballast pit. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58371
Temuka - - - 4/10/1915 Spent about £16 in planting the old ballast pit.  It will not be a success.  There has been an exceptional drought; scarcely any rain has fallen for several months. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58372
Temuka - - - 29/10/1915 In connection with the installation of distant signals a shunting leg is asked for at south of station so that No 245 may shunt while No 160 is approaching from Washdyke. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58373
Temuka - - - 12/11/1915 Shunting leg at south end of yard to be off loop.  To have a grade of 1 in 200.  To end near the boundary at High Street. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58374
Temuka - - - 22/11/1915 Temuka presently has distant signals; home signals to be erected. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W 2278, 11/5545 WRD Canterbury S 58375
Temuka - - - 6/12/1915 Approval for provision of shunting leg, to hold 30 wagons, at south end of yard.  Estimated cost £150. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W 2278, 11/5545 WRD Canterbury S 58376
Temuka - - - 31/12/1915 Approval for a shunting leg to hold 30 wagons at south end of yard approved, estimated cost £150. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58377
Temuka - - - 3/11/1916 A shunting leg to hold 30 wagons has been provided at south end of yard. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58378
Temuka - - - 28/7/1920 Railway houses. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3734/36 WRD Canterbury S 58379
Temuka - - - 12/7/1923 Approval to provide an additional loading bank at south end of the goods shed.  Estimated cost £45. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W 2278, 11/5545 WRD Canterbury S 58380
Temuka - - - 12/7/1923 It has been decided to provide a water trough in the stockyards provided the water is supplied by the residents. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3199, 11/5545/2 WRD Canterbury S 58381
Temuka - - - 23/7/1923 Additional loading bank to be at south end of goods shed. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58382
Temuka - - - 11/10/1923 Authority for £45 for provision of additional loading bank. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58383
Temuka - - - 16/10/1923 Cabinet approval for £690 for additional accommodation at the stockyards. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3199, 11/5545/2 WRD Canterbury S 58384
Temuka - - - 10/10/1928 Approval to shift crane to new site, estimated cost £35. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58385
Temuka - - - 29/10/1932 Station platform is 594 feet long. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58386
Temuka - - - 17/5/1933 The 40lb sidings in yard are about done and should be reneewed in second class 56 or 70lb. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58387
Temuka - - - 21/5/1937 Authority for £295 for additions to stockyards. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3199, 11/5545/2 WRD Canterbury S 58388
Temuka - - - 3/11/1938 Septic tank to be provided. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58389
Temuka - - - 19/10/1943 Additional siding behind goods shed to be a loop. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58390
Temuka - - - 29/11/1943 Authority for £1,705 to provide a loop line behind the goods shed. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3199, 11/5545/1 WRD Canterbury S 58391
Temuka - - - 2/12/1943 Provision of additional siding behind goods shed approved, estimated cost £1705. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58392
Temuka - - - 18/8/1944 Provision of loading shelter approved, estimated cost £302. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58393
Temuka - - - 8/9/1944 The work of providing an additional siding behind goods shed to be proceeded with. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58394
Temuka - - - 4/12/1944 - alterations to luggage room, parcels office, and lobby; Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58395
Temuka - - - 4/12/1944 - provide double doorway in luggage room; Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58396
Temuka - - - 4/12/1944 - shift partition and extend stationmaster's, tickets, and parcels office. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58397
Temuka - - - 4/12/1944 - widen and extend counter in parcels office; and Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58398
Temuka - - - 4/12/1944 Approval for alterations to office accommodation, estimated cost £93.  Alterations as follows: Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58399
Temuka - - - 2/11/1945 Approval for alterations to office accommodation, estimated cost £136.  Provision of heating and lighting. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58400
Temuka - - - 7/3/1946 Additional authority for £538 for increased siding accommodation and outside loading shelter. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58401
Temuka - - - 26/5/1947 Increased siding accommodation and outside loading shelter completed, at a cost of £2194.18.0. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58402
Temuka - - - 1/7/1947 Cabinet approval for £2,640 to provide additional siding accommodation and outside loading shelter. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3199, 11/5545/1 WRD Canterbury S 58403
Temuka - - - 8/7/1947 Additional authority for £95 for increased siding accommodation and outside loading shelter. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58404
Temuka - - - 31/3/1949 Purchase of dwelling from Mrs M C Moran completed. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W2854, Pub 31/5 WRD Canterbury S 58405
Temuka - - - 23/5/1949 Proposed loading bank to be 60 feet long with concrete front. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58406
Temuka - - - 7/7/1949 Authority for £600 for an additional loading bank, to be located on the delivery loop behind the goods shed. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3199, 11/5545/1 WRD Canterbury S 58407
Temuka - - - 7/7/1949 House No 112 in station yard. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3199, 11/5545/1 WRD Canterbury S 58408
Temuka - - - 12/7/1949 Additional loading bank required to satisfactorarily cope with the outward grain and potato traffic. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58409
Temuka - - - 12/7/1949 Approval to provide additional loading bank, estimated cost £600. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58410
Temuka - - - 30/3/1950 The provision of an additional loading bank has been completed at a cost of £217.18.8. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58411
Temuka - - - 15/6/1950 The extension of the asphalt sealing 300 feet at the south end and 190 feet at the north end of platform approved, estimated cost £190. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58412
Temuka - - - 15/1/1951 The Temuka Transport Coy to lease a site in station yard on which to erect a high level loading bank with the use of the adjoining siding approach. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58413
Temuka - - - 13/3/1955 Backshunt to be off the present stockyards road, to facilitate stock handling. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3199, 11/5545/1 WRD Canterbury S 58414
Temuka - - - 13/3/1955 Provision of a backshunt, estimated cost £700, approved. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3199, 11/5545/1 WRD Canterbury S 58415
Temuka - - - 13/3/1955 Turnout for new backshunt to be located at 94 miles 41 chains 35 links. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3199, 11/5545/1 WRD Canterbury S 58416
Temuka - - - 15/3/1955 Portion of leased land is an old ballast pit which is overgrown with broom. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58417
Temuka - - - 15/3/1955 The area adjacent to the stationmaster's residence is overgrown with elderberry, blackberry, and sycamore which has come away since the plantation was cut down some years ago. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58418
Temuka - - - 18/3/1955 Single road at stockyards with a siding off it for the flour mill. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58419
Temuka - - - 27/4/1955 In order to improve stock handling facilities at stockyards, it is considered a backshunt should be provided off the present stockyards road  to enable the different types of wagons to be placed in each road and channelled into the stockyards as required. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58420
Temuka - - - 12/5/1955 Approval for additional siding accommodation, estimated cost £700. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58421
Temuka - - - 15/2/1957 Existing crossing loop holds 59 wagons, and the goods shed loop 41 wagons. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58422
Temuka - - - 3/2/1958 Relaying in 91lb welded rail on the Main South Line between Washdyke and Temuka will be completed from 90½ miles to 94 miles 13 chains by 15/2/1958. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58423
Temuka - - - 24/2/1959 Provision of a colour light distance signal declined. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58424
Temuka - - - 19/5/1959 Provision of improved cattle loading facilities approved – new stock loading accommodation for the use of lorries. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3199, 11/5545/2 WRD Canterbury S 58425
Temuka - - - 10/6/1959 Approval to extend crossing loop to accommodate 100 wagons, at an estimated cost of £950. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3199, 11/5545/1 WRD Canterbury S 58426
Temuka - - - 11/6/1959 Approval to extend crossing loop, estimated cost is £950. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58427
Temuka - - - 29/10/1959 Extension of crossing loop at north end completed.  To accommodate 100 wagons. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58428
Temuka - - - 29/10/1959 The Down main line points have been shifted to a new position and are now located eight yards inside Down home signal. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58429
Temuka - - - 1/9/1961 High-level loading bank is to be 21 feet on top, to accommodate one wagon. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3199, 11/5545/1 WRD Canterbury S 58430
Temuka - - - 1/9/1961 The provision of a high-level loading bank is approved, estimated cost £340.  To be used for the bulk loading of wheat and barley. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3199, 11/5545/1 WRD Canterbury S 58431
Temuka - - - 16/6/1962 New gates erected across the main access way to the platform in line with the Denmark Street boundary. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Canterbury S 58432
Temuka - - - 15/5/1963 House No 708 (at one time No 112) in station yard. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3199, 11/5545/1 WRD Canterbury S 58433
Temuka - - - 8/7/1963 Station building was built in 1906. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W 2278, 10/425/1 WRD Canterbury S 58434
Temuka - - - 24/1/1967 Platform is 592 feet long. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 58435
Temuka - - - 29/9/1970 Approval to reduce the size of the stockyards. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3199, 11/5545/2 WRD Canterbury S 58436
Temuka - - - 24/2/1971 Clearance of the area of growth and reducing the size of the stockyards. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3199, 11/5545/2 WRD Canterbury S 58437
Temuka - - - 24/2/1971 The work at the stockyards has been completed. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3199, 11/5545/2 WRD Canterbury S 58438
Temuka - - - 14/9/1971 Crossing loop, goods shed loop, stockyards loop and backshunt at north end, private siding backshunts to Temiuka Milling at north end, private siding backshunt to Temiuka Storage at south end, loading shelter loop behind goods shed. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3199, 11/5545/1 WRD Canterbury S 58439
Temuka - - - 14/9/1971 Station building with verandah, goods shed, two low-level loading banks, high-level loading bank, loading shelter, stockyards. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3199, 11/5545/1 WRD Canterbury S 58440
Temuka - - - 23/3/1972 Requesting authority to extend crossing loop to accommodate 160 wagons. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3199, 11/5545/1 WRD Canterbury S 58441
Temuka - - - 12/1975 Hinds – Temuka CTC completed. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3180, Pub 1/12 WRD Canterbury S 58442
Temuka - - - 30/9/1976 The loading shelter is used only occasionally for discharge of cement wagons during wet weather.  This would amount to no more than one or two wagons in a month. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3199, 11/5545/1 WRD Canterbury S 58443
Temuka - - - 22/12/1976 The loading shelter was recently demolished during heavy wind. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3199, 11/5545/1 WRD Canterbury S 58444
Temuka - - - 20/7/1979 The stockyards have been closed. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3199, 11/5545/2 WRD Canterbury S 58445
Temuka - - - 2/11/1987 Main South Line – 152.71km from Port Lyttelton (0.00km). Timaru – Temuka Railway - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 58446
Temuka - - - 1/5/1879 Loop 27 wagons Timaru – Temuka Railway - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 58447
Temuka - - - 1/5/1879 Mileage 35 miles 23 chains from Ashburton. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 58448
Temuka - - - 1/7/1875 Contract has been let to Rutland & Wyatt for a stationmaster's house, at an amount of £575.13.9. Timaru – Temuka Railway - AJHR 1875 ATL Canterbury S 58449
Temuka - - - 1/8/1898 Accommodation 4th class station, passenger platform, cart approach to platform, goods shed 100ft x 42ft, loading bank, cattle yards, crane, stationmaster's house, urinals. Timaru – Temuka Railway - R4, 98/2756 WRD Canterbury S 58450
Temuka - - - 1/8/1898 Loop 57 wagons, loop 47 wagons, backshunt 10 wagons (coal and timber sites). Timaru – Temuka Railway - R4, 98/2756 WRD Canterbury S 58451
Temuka - - - 1/9/1882 Accommodation 4th class station, passenger platform, cart approach to platform, goods shed 110ft x 42ft, cattle yards, stationmaster's house, urinals. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 58452
Temuka - - - 1/9/1882 Loop 27 wagons Timaru – Temuka Railway - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 58453
Temuka - - - 10/3/1897 Mr Charles Story has been leasing land at Temuka for crops since 1880. Timaru – Temuka Railway - R4, 97/975 WRD Canterbury S 58454
Temuka - - - 12/12/1881 Loop 27 wagons Timaru – Temuka Railway - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 58455
Temuka - - - 14/1/1896 Complaint re: gates being locked at station. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 58456
Temuka - - - 15/10/1879 Loop 27 wagons Timaru – Temuka Railway - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 58457
Temuka - - - 16/12/1889 Petition against early hours of closing gates at south end of station. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 58458
Temuka - - - 17/3/1875 Tenders for station buildings. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 58459
Temuka - - - 18/11/1884 Requesting authority for a parcels room for station. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 58460
Temuka - - - 19/4/1886 Accommodation 4th class station, passenger platform, cart approach to platform, goods shed 110ft x 42ft, cattle yards, crane, stationmaster's house, urinals. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 58461
Temuka - - - 19/4/1886 Loop 35 wagons, loop 33 wagons, backshunt 23 wagons (coal and timber sites) Timaru – Temuka Railway - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 58462
Temuka - - - 2/10/1875 Reporting line from Timaru to Temuka ready for opening. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 58463
Temuka - - - 21/10/1897 Also notices get torna nd disfigured, that it is impossible to keep them as clean as they should be. Adverts also get scratched and cut, in fact, any mischief they will do, nothing short of being constantly on the watch can this be prevented. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58464
Temuka - - - 21/10/1897 Application to have lobby at station to be closed in, so as to be locked up at night. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58465
Temuka - - - 21/10/1897 The lobby being open, the public make use of it (after business has been done for the da and Sundays).  Stationmaster has often found young men and girls sitting there later than 10pm. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58466
Temuka - - - 23/10/1875 Province will take over Timaru – Temuka Railway on 26th instant. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 58467
Temuka - - - 24/3/1891 Want of additional room for stationmaster's house. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 58468
Temuka - - - 24/6/1877 Grain store site. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W 70 PWD Canterbury S 58469
Temuka - - - 26/10/1875 Station opened with the opening of the Timaru – Temuka Section. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Canterbury S 58470
Temuka - - - 26/10/1875 Timaru – Temuka Railway opened for traffic. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3180, Pub 1/12 WRD Canterbury S 58471
Temuka - - - 26/11/1874 Contract for stationmaster's house. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 58472
Temuka - - - 26/6/1890 Re: yard accommodation at Temuka station. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 58473
Temuka - - - 27/7/1872 A landslip had occurred in the railway cutting – undermining the Masonic Hall. Timaru – Temuka Railway - A&NZG ATL Canterbury S 58474
Temuka - - - 28/10/1897 Estimated cost to close in station lobby is £8. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58475
Temuka - - - 28/2/1877 Cattle pens at Temuka. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W 70 PWD Canterbury S 58476
Temuka - - - 3/2/1896 Application by stationmaster for alterations to his dwelling. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 58477
Temuka - - - 31/3/1875 W G Rutland & Wm Wyatt's contract for stationmaster's house completed. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W 12 PWD Canterbury S 58478
Temuka - - - 31/3/1883 Siding at Temuka - £85.10.5. Timaru – Temuka Railway - R4, 83/2044 WRD Canterbury S 58479
Temuka - - - 4/11/1897 Approval to close in lobby of station building. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3293, 7280 WRD Canterbury S 58480
Temuka - - - 4/2/1876 Temuka – Ealing Section opened for traffic. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Canterbury S 58481
Temuka - - - 6/4/1877 Wicket gate to station. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 58482
Temuka - - - 7/1897 Mr Story's land is near 94¾ miles, opposite Temuka station yard, and fronts on to Milford Street. Timaru – Temuka Railway - R4, 97/975 WRD Canterbury S 58483
Temuka - - - 7/4/1898 The Department is about to fill in some 18 spans of the north end of the Temuka Bridge and in order to obtain material for making up the lower part of the embankment, it is proposed to plough and scoop material from the land on each side of the line. Timaru – Temuka Railway - R4, 98/1986 WRD Canterbury S 58484
Temuka - - - 7/5/1887 Mr Evan's application for a grain store site at Temuka and question of charging rent for use of station siding. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 58485
Temuka - - - 8/6/1885 Town clerk, Temuka – asking for two lamps at crossing south of station. Timaru – Temuka Railway - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 58486