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File Records:Oaro

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Claverley Oaro Goose_Bay
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Claverley--Oaro Oaro--Goose_Bay
10.4km 3.9km

Go to Oaro on the Network Diagram

Oaro 11/8/1974 Station building destroyed by fire. W3440, Pub 32/2 WRD S 38084
Oaro - - - 1/4/1936 - 1 No double slip (1 in 7½); Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38024
Oaro - - - 1/4/1936 - 10 No cattle stops; Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38025
Oaro - - - 1/4/1936 - 2 No buffer stops; Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38026
Oaro - - - 1/4/1936 - 4 No points and crossings (1 in 7½); Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38027
Oaro - - - 1/4/1936 - 4 No points and crossings (1 in 9); Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38028
Oaro - - - 1/4/1936 - 5 No platelayer's cottages; Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38029
Oaro - - - 1/4/1936 - 6,000 gallon vat; and Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38030
Oaro - - - 1/4/1936 - 60 chains of rails; Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38031
Oaro - - - 1/4/1936 - approach road; Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38032
Oaro - - - 1/4/1936 - cart dock. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38033
Oaro - - - 1/4/1936 - goods shed, 30ft x 20ft, with verandah; Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38034
Oaro - - - 1/4/1936 - latrines (3 stall); Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38035
Oaro - - - 1/4/1936 - loading bank (concrete); Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38036
Oaro - - - 1/4/1936 - platform fences; Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38037
Oaro - - - 1/4/1936 - platform, 200 feet (PW 24118, concrete); Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38038
Oaro - - - 1/4/1936 - sheep and cattle yards (2 stall); Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38039
Oaro - - - 1/4/1936 - station building (PW 25348); Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38040
Oaro - - - 1/4/1936 - water supply; Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38041
Oaro - - - 1/4/1936 Buildings, etc., required at Oaro: Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38042
Oaro - - - 11/10/1937 Station arrangement approved for Oaro. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/71 PWD Marlborough N 38043
Oaro - - - 27/9/1938 Buildings approved for Oaro: station building , 43ft x 13ft, with verandah, PWD Drawing 8849; goods shed 30ft x 20ft; and 4 staff cottages. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/71 PWD Marlborough N 38044
Oaro - - - 2/1942 Station building – tenders declined.  Work deferred for six months. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W 34/5 PWD Marlborough N 38045
Oaro - - - 10/2/1943 A carpenter's shop now encroaches on the site of the station shelter and it is proposed to omit the shelter from the contract. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/71/4 PWD Marlborough N 38046
Oaro - - - 10/2/1943 Contract let for latrines, goods shed 30ft x 20ft, 3 cottages, and stockyards. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/71/4 PWD Marlborough N 38047
Oaro - - - 25/3/1943 The Minister of Public Works will be travelling from Christchurch to Hundalee about the 3rd of April, and would like hos car taken right through to Oaro.  Please arrange. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38048
Oaro - - - 25/3/1943 The rails will be through to Oaro but the line might not be ballasted all the way.  Please endeavour to have some ballast al the way. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38049
Oaro - - - 26/3/1943 Oaro yard – half day's work to complete the formation.  Station platform front completed and filling in hand. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38050
Oaro - - - 6/5/1943 Railways department requisitioned to supply second hand rails in suitable condition for verandah roof supports, bent to suit verandah, 4 No for Oaro goods shed. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/71 PWD Marlborough N 38051
Oaro - - - 14/5/1943 A trial run was made through today with an AB engine and van, and the Inspector of Permanent Way has passed the line as fit for traffic. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38052
Oaro - - - 14/5/1943 Passenger traffic to Oaro will commence on Monday, 17th instant. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38053
Oaro - - - 14/5/1943 Rails have been laid to Oaro, and three sidings, two dead-ends, and a Y have been completed in the Oaro station yard. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38054
Oaro - - - 14/5/1943 The station platform and temporary station accommodation, with conveniences, for passengers have been completed, and the Railways Department are now in occupation. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38055
Oaro - - - 14/5/1943 The water vat has been completed. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38056
Oaro - - - 14/5/1943 There are no stockyards at Oaro. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38057
Oaro - - - 17/5/1943 Hundalee – Oaro section opened for passenger traffic but not officially handed over. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38058
Oaro - - - 20/5/1943 Ballast siding has yet to be ballasted. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38059
Oaro - - - 20/5/1943 Passenger trains commenced running to Oaro on 17/5/1943. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38060
Oaro - - - 10/6/1943 Temporary station building completed. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38061
Oaro - - - 16/6/1943 The platelayers with their gear and huts have transferred to Aniseed, and are ready to start platelaying from Aniseed to Kaikoura. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38062
Oaro - - - 8/7/1943 The line between Oaro and Hundalee will be open for traffic on Thursday, 8th instant.  Ballasting of the Oaro station yard is in hand. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38063
Oaro - - - 14/7/1943 The line between Oaro and Hundalee is closed because of slips. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38064
Oaro - - - 30/9/1943 N Caldwell, Christchurch, is contractor for the station buildings. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/71 PWD Marlborough N 38065
Oaro - - - 20/10/1943 The contractor has made a start on the station buildings. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38066
Oaro - - - 8/11/1943 N Caldwell is the contractor for the following: station building, stockyards, and 3 cottages. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38067
Oaro - - - 2/2/1944 N Caldwell, Christchurch, is contractor for the station buildings at Oaro. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/71/4 PWD Marlborough N 38068
Oaro - - - 19/2/1944 Goods shed is approaching completion. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38069
Oaro - - - 19/2/1944 Station building is completed. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38070
Oaro - - - 19/2/1944 Stockyards erected. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough N 38071
Oaro - - - 11/12/1945 Accommodation shelter shed, passenger platform (right side of line), goods shed 30ft x 20ft with verandah, loading bank, cattle and sheep yards, engine reversing triangle. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - 00/2107/1 NZRLS Marlborough N 38072
Oaro - - - 11/12/1945 Loop 56 wagons (crossing), loop 30 wagons, loop 30 wagons (goods shed), loop 18 wagons (stockyards), backshunt 12 wagons (south end), backshunt 39 wagons (north end). Blenheim – Waipara Railway - 00/2107/1 NZRLS Marlborough N 38073
Oaro - - - 11/12/1945 On 15/12/1945 the Hundalee – Kaikoura Section will be taken over by Working Railways.  Oaro is 104 miles 58 chains from Addington. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - 00/2107/1 NZRLS Marlborough N 38074
Oaro - - - 5/1/1946 Station closed as an officered station (not on 27/12/1945 as previously advised). Blenheim – Waipara Railway - 00/2107/1 NZRLS Marlborough N 38075
Oaro - - - 29/7/1948 Name approved for Public Works Department in 1938. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W3199, 00/2107/1 WRD Marlborough N 38076
Oaro - - - 2/10/1960 Mileage 106 miles 3 chains from Christchurch. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W 3337 WRD Marlborough N 38077
Oaro - - - 10/4/1978 Station building, siding, goods shed, loading bank, and stockyards. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W2559, 505/4/2 WRD Marlborough N 38078
Oaro - - - 29/3/1981 Now used for train crossing and as a service siding only. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W 3337 WRD Marlborough N 38079
Oaro - - - 2/11/1987 Main North Line – 168.11km from Addington (0.00km). Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W 3337 WRD Marlborough N 38080
Oaro - - - 9/2/1988 Shelter shed. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - JRS/P227 ATL Marlborough N 38081
Oaro - - - 25/11/1988 Still used for timetabled running of trains. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W 3337 WRD Marlborough N 38082