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File Records:Gore

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East_Gore Gore Gore_Ballast_Pit
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East_Gore--Gore Gore--Gore_Ballast_Pit
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l Alt 1 Alt 2 Alt 3 Date Details Railway Rly 2 Reference Source Locality Island Sequence
Gore - - - 28/5/1900 Improvements to station yard and buildings. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W3734/15 WRD Southland S 15020
Gore - - - 1890 Mileage 39 miles 49 chains from Invercargill. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - R4, 90/2780 WRD Southland S 15021
Gore - - - 1890 Mileage o miles 34 chains from East Gore. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - R4, 90/2780 WRD Southland S 15022
Gore - - - 1904 Station building destroyed by fire. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W3180, Pub 1/9 WRD Southland S 15023
Gore - - - 1949 Private siding right – Caltex Oil Coy. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 2852 WRD Southland S 15024
Gore - - - 23/6/1908 Damage to National Mortgage & Agency Coy's shed doors. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W3734/24 WRD Southland S 15025
Gore - - - 24/8/1908 Automatic tablet exchanger apparatus provided. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W3337 WRD Southland S 15026
Gore - - - 26/2/1909 Provision of accommodation for locomotive staff. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W3734/25 WRD Southland S 15027
Gore - - - 16/10/1910 Engine shed destroyed by fire. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W3734/28 WRD Southland S 15028
Gore - - - 17/10/1910 Engine shed destroyed by fire this morning. Two locomotives damaged – 1 class K and 1 class F. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W3180, Pro24/49 WRD Southland S 15029
Gore - - - 7/2/1911 Giving up land for railway purposes. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 3 PWD Southland S 15030
Gore - - - 9/10/1911 Provision of a new wagon weighbridge. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W3734/28 WRD Southland S 15031
Gore - - - 8/1/1912 Taking additional land for railway purposes. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 3 PWD Southland S 15032
Gore - - - 22/5/1912 Provision of a 55 foot turntable. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W3734/29 WRD Southland S 15033
Gore - - - 6/1/1913 Additional train examiner required. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W3734/30 WRD Southland S 15034
Gore - - - 30/4/1914 Connection of station and railway houses with sewer system. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W3734/31 WRD Southland S 15035
Gore - - - 13/10/1914 Provision of a crane for goods shed. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W3734/31 WRD Southland S 15036
Gore - - - 18/12/1916 Improvements to stationmaster's house. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W3734/33 WRD Southland S 15037
Gore - - - 20/10/1920 Small shelter shed destroyed by fire. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W3734/36 WRD Southland S 15038
Gore - - - 20/10/1926 Private siding at Gore – The British Imperial Oil Coy of New Zealand Ltd. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 2852 WRD Southland S 15039
Gore - - - 1/4/1927 House at 1 Gorton Street had electricity prior to this date. [Electricity account closed 20/8/1971.] Mataura – Invercargill Railway - Card RHT Southland S 15040
Gore - - - 1/4/1927 Station and other buildings have electricity prior to this date. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - Card RHT Southland S 15041
Gore - - - 28/11/1929 Cabinet approval for improvements to yard, estimated to cost £454. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W3199, 11/3111/1 WRD Southland S 15042
Gore - - - 20/12/1929 House at 99 Main Road had electricity prior to this date. [Electricity account closed 6/9/1974.] Mataura – Invercargill Railway - Card RHT Southland S 15043
Gore - - - 20/9/1930 Wig-wag signal in Medway Street operated by electricity. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - Card RHT Southland S 15044
Gore - - - 4/12/1940 12,000 gallon vat transferred from Bluff to Gore. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - R4, 99/718 WRD Southland S 15045
Gore - - - 9/7/1947 Separate electric yard lights. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - Card RHT Southland S 15046
Gore - - - 2/11/1947 Mileage 36 miles 63 chains from Lumsden (Waimea Plains Branch). Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 3337 WRD Southland S 15047
Gore - - - 31/3/1949 Provision of a lunch and locker room for goods staff in hand. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W2854, Pub 31/5 WRD Southland S 15048
Gore - - - 26/6/1951 Extra lights in goods shed. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - Card RHT Southland S 15049
Gore - - - 26/6/1951 One light fitted on water vat. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - Card RHT Southland S 15050
Gore - - - 6/7/1951 Electric lights provided in crossing keepers hut.. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - Card RHT Southland S 15051
Gore - - - 6/7/1951 Three additional lights provided in shunting yard.. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - Card RHT Southland S 15052
Gore - - - 2/9/1952 Fluorescent lights in station. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - Card RHT Southland S 15053
Gore - - - 15/3/1954 Mileage 47 miles 5 chains from Balclutha (Balclutha – Invercargill line). Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 3337 WRD Southland S 15054
Gore - - - 7/1955 2 State houses for Railways Department completed. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - SAC1, 35/260 SAC Southland S 15055
Gore - - - 17/8/1955 Has an engine turntable. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - R-W3, 11422 WRD Southland S 15056
Gore - - - 1/1956 1 State house for Railways Department completed. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - SAC1, 35/260 SAC Southland S 15057
Gore - - - 29/3/1956 Gore compound connected to electricity – bath-house, wash-house, and workmen's huts. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - Card RHT Southland S 15058
Gore - - - 5/1956 1 State house for Railways Department completed. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - SAC1, 35/260 SAC Southland S 15059
Gore - - - 9/1956 1 State house for Railways Department completed. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - SAC1, 35/260 SAC Southland S 15060
Gore - - - 11/5/1960 Electricity account closed. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - Card RHT Southland S 15061
Gore - - - 22/1/1969 A new Way & Works Branch building is to be erected to replace several old buildings. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Southland S 15062
Gore - - - 22/1/1969 The new Way & Works building is to be 105 feet long by 21 feet wide. To be constructed of concrete blocks. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Southland S 15063
Gore - - - 22/1/1969 The new Way & Works building is to contain a workshops for signals staff, a workshop and store for works staff, store for the Inspector of Permanent Way, and toilets and showers. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Southland S 15064
Gore - - - 17/9/1971 Station chimes are to be installed. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 4098, 14/1814 WRD Southland S 15065
Gore - - - 21/5/1976 Gore compound – electricity account closed. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - Card RHT Southland S 15066
Gore - - - 2/11/1987 Main South Line – 537.95km from Port Lyttelton (0.00km). Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 3337 WRD Southland S 15067
Gore - - - 25/11/1988 Still used for timetabled running of trains. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 3337 WRD Southland S 15068
Gore - - - 29/9/1990 South end signal box removed, other signal box sold. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - - Rails Southland S 15069
Gore - - - 1/5/1879 29 wagons goods shed siding Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 3337 WRD Southland S 15070
Gore - - - 1/5/1879 Mileage 39 miles 61 chains from Invercargill. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 3337 WRD Southland S 15071
Gore - - - 1/8/1880 Waimea Railway Coy's line between Gore and Elbow opened for traffic. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Southland S 15072
Gore - - - 1/8/1898 Accommodation special station, passenger platform, cart approach to platform, goods shed 81ft x 32ft, loading bank, cattle yards, crane, water service, engine turntable, engine shed, fixed signals, stationmaster's house, urinals. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - R4, 98/2756 WRD Southland S 15073
Gore - - - 1/9/1882 Accommodation 4th class station, passenger platform, cart approach to platform, goods shed 81ft x 32ft, loading bank, cattle yards, water service, coal accommodation, engine shed, stationmaster's house, urinals. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 3337 WRD Southland S 15074
Gore - - - 1/9/1882 Loop 18 wagons (goods shed loop) Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 3337 WRD Southland S 15075
Gore - - - 12/12/1881 Loop 18 wagons (goods shed loop) Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 3337 WRD Southland S 15076
Gore - - - 12/7/1884 Turntable at Gore – proposes to prepare contract for erecting one and submit for approval. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 3 PWD Southland S 15077
Gore - - - 12/8/1892 Town Clerk, Gore want of level crossing over Waimea line at Lyne and Denton Streets. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15078
Gore - - - 13/1/1883 Application of New Zealand Loan & Mercantile Agency for a private siding. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15079
Gore - - - 13/1/1896 Extra weighbridge accommodation at Gore. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15080
Gore - - - 14/10/1889 Want of additional room in stationmaster's house. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15081
Gore - - - 14/2/1896 Proposed alterations to level crossing. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15082
Gore - - - 14/5/1894 Report re: erection of electric light poles. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15083
Gore - - - 14/8/1879 Charging Waimea Plains Railway Coy with cost of junctions at Gore and Elbow. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15084
Gore - - - 15/10/1879 29 wagons goods shed siding Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 3337 WRD Southland S 15085
Gore - - - 15/3/1882 Stationmaster's house – schedule of tenders. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 3 PWD Southland S 15086
Gore - - - 16/10/1899 Improvements to stationmaster's house. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W3734/15 WRD Southland S 15087
Gore - - - 16/11/1886 Destruction of stationmaster's house by fire on 17th instant. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15088
Gore - - - 16/5/1899 The track between Gore and Edendale has decidedly gone back in condition since U engines have been running. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - R4, 98/2673 WRD Southland S 15089
Gore - - - 17/1/1896 Warning signals at Mersey and Medway Streets. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15090
Gore - - - 17/10/1885 Town Clerk, Gore want of level crossing at Hyde street. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15091
Gore - - - 17/2/1897 Additional lighting for station. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15092
Gore - - - 17/4/1888 Town Clerk, Gore – asking that a level crossing be formed at Ardsal Street Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15093
Gore - - - 17/5/1889 Proposing to make Gore the terminal station for the present Clinton – Dunedin trains. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15094
Gore - - - 17/7/1891 Removal of fence, Lyne Street. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15095
Gore - - - 18/10/1888 Application for gate in fence between Mersey Street and station. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15096
Gore - - - 18/4/1890 Taking land for railway purposes. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15097
Gore - - - 19/4/1884 J Murdock's siding opened. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - R4, 98/4223 WRD Southland S 15098
Gore - - - 19/4/1886 Accommodation 4th class station, passenger platform, cart approach to platform, goods shed 81ft x 32ft, loading bank, cattle yards, water service, coal accommodation, engine shed, engine turntable, fixed signals, stationmaster's house, urinals. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 3337 WRD Southland S 15099
Gore - - - 19/4/1886 Loop 44 wagons, backshunt 23 wagons (to Waimea Platform), backshunt 15 wagons (engine shed), loop 38 wagons, loop 14 wagons, loop 14 wagons (goods shed),backshunt 22 wagons (cattle yards) Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 3337 WRD Southland S 15100
Gore - - - 19/8/1885 Application of Gore Town Council for hose to be attached to Railway water tank for extinguishing fires. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15101
Gore - - - 20/8/1884 Permanent way material for relaying at Gore. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 3 PWD Southland S 15102
Gore - - - 20/8/1884 Turntable at Gore – forwarding tracing of proposed site where to be erected. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 3 PWD Southland S 15103
Gore - - - 20/9/1877 Requesting authority £20 to put in turntable. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 3 PWD Southland S 15104
Gore - - - 22/5/1888 Application for a crossing keeper at Gore station. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15105
Gore - - - 22/8/1881 Plan and estimate of proposed alterations at Gore. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15106
Gore - - - 23/6/1887 Requesting authority to repair Fleming & Gilkison's siding at Gore. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15107
Gore - - - 24/10/1881 Recommending water be laid on to engine shed. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15108
Gore - - - 24/5/1880 Waimea Plains Railway Coy – Line completed today. A train ran through from Gore to Elbow. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W3180, Pub 1/16 WRD Southland S 15109
Gore - - - 24/7/1891 Application of Colonial Bank of New Zealand for a private siding at Gore. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15110
Gore - - - 25/2/1897 Damage to engine shed doors – driver and fireman to bear the cost of repairs. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15111
Gore - - - 25/3/1888 Increased siding accommodation required at Gore station. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15112
Gore - - - 25/3/1888 Town Clerk, Gore – asking that line be fenced through township. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15113
Gore - - - 25/5/1894 Gore Electric Light & Power Syndicate Company – estimate of cost for installing electric light in Gore station. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15114
Gore - - - 26/3/1888 Proposed lease of store site and siding to Mr Ward. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15115
Gore - - - 26/8/1875 Railway Manager is arranging for taking over line from Mataura Bridge to Gore. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - OP 10/7 OPR Southland S 15116
Gore - - - 27/12/1883 Recommending a 50ft turntable be made for the Public Works Department, to be erected at Gore. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15117
Gore - - - 27/6/1885 Town Clerk, Gore, want of culvert under crossing at Oldham Street. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15118
Gore - - - 27/7/1892 Deputation at Gore for new railway station. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15119
Gore - - - 28/1/1887 Erection of temporary fire engine shed on Railway land. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15120
Gore - - - 28/8/1895 Contract for right to sell fruit on station platform. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15121
Gore - - - 29/3/1887 Forwarding agreement with A Lakeman for right to sell fruit on Gore platform. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15122
Gore - - - 3/10/1887 Recommending erection of weighbridge at Gore. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15123
Gore - - - 30/8/1875 Mataura – Gore Section opened for traffic. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W3180, Pub 1/9 WRD Southland S 15124
Gore - - - 31/3/1883 Hot air engine - £79.12.6. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - R4, 83/2044 WRD Southland S 15125
Gore - - - 31/3/1883 New cattle yards - £21.16.9. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - R4, 83/2044 WRD Southland S 15126
Gore - - - 31/3/1883 Noticeboards erected at Stirling, Waipahi, Gore, Thornbury, and Elbow - £4.4.0. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - R4, 83/2044 WRD Southland S 15127
Gore - - - 31/3/1884 Extension and improvements to station yard and buildings. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - AJHR, 1884 Natlib Southland S 15128
Gore - - - 31/3/1885 Private siding granted on 1/3/1884 to John Murdock, jun (present holder) at 335 miles 7 chains, Gore. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - R4, 83/2044 WRD Southland S 15129
Gore - - - 31/3/1885 Private siding granted on 2/12/1878 to Richardson, Green & Coy, at 335 miles 2 chains, Gore. Present holders are Fleming, Gilkson & Coy. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - R4, 83/2044 WRD Southland S 15130
Gore - - - 31/3/1885 Private siding granted on 21/4/1884 to A Tapper (present holder) at 335 miles 6 chains, Gore. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - R4, 83/2044 WRD Southland S 15131
Gore - - - 31/3/1885 Private siding granted on 26/1/1883 to the New Zealand Loan & Mercantile Agency Coy (Ltd) (present holder) at 336 miles 14 chains, Gore. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - R4, 83/2044 WRD Southland S 15132
Gore - - - 31/3/1893 Coaling crane erected. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - AJHR, 1893 Natlib Southland S 15133
Gore - - - 31/3/1893 Water service improved. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - AJHR, 1893 Natlib Southland S 15134
Gore - - - 4/2/1891 Gas Company, Gore, estimate for laying gas on to railway station. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15135
Gore - - - 4/7/1891 Post & Telegraph Department – suggesting connection of Gore railway station with the telephone exchange. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15136
Gore - - - 5/5/1882 Stationmaster's house – contract signed. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 3 PWD Southland S 15137
Gore - - - 5/7/1876 Mileage 39 miles 50 chains from Invercargill. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 70 PWD Southland S 15138
Gore - - - 6/11/1899 Extension of loading bank. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W3734/15 WRD Southland S 15139
Gore - - - 6/12/1875 Gore station should be connected to the telegraph wires. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - OP 7 OPR Southland S 15140
Gore - - - 6/2/1882 Recommending erection of a stationmaster's house. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15141
Gore - - - 6/7/1892 Town Clerk, Gore – condition of footpath from Post Office to railway station. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15142
Gore - - - 8/3/1891 Recommending purchase of piece of land for ballast pit at Gore. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15143
Gore - - - 9/4/1884 Application by A Tapper for a private siding at Gore, 335 miles 6 chains. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 15144
Gore 15/12/1984 Fire in goods office. W3440, Pub 32/2 WRD S 15145
Gore Ballast pit - - - 18/12/1907 Arrangements for running Public Works Department ballast trains over opened lines to obtain ballast from the Gore ballast pit for the Gore – Waikaka Railway. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W3734/24 WRD Southland S 15146
Gore Ballast Pit - - - 24/8/1908 Automatic tablet exchanger apparatus provided. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W3337 WRD Southland S 15147
Gore Ballast Pit - - - 25/11/1908 Tablet station closed. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W3337 WRD Southland S 15148
Gore Ballast Pit - - - 25/8/1963 Mileage 336 miles 21 chains, on right side of line. Mataura – Invercargill Railway - W 3337 WRD Southland S 15149
Gore East - - - 1/8/1898 Loop 36 wagons (goods shed). Mataura – Invercargill Railway - R4, 98/2756 WRD Southland S 15150
Gore Gravel Coy's Siding - - - 1/4/1971 Closed to all traffic. Siding located at Balfour. Waimea Plains Branch - W3180, Pub 3 WRD Southland S 15151
West Gore - - - 10/2/1882 Amended plan for station alterations. Mataura – Clutha Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 69119
West Gore - - - 11/7/1877 Station at West Gore. Mataura – Clutha Railway - W 70 PWD Southland S 69120
West Gore - - - 8/7/1881 Cattle yards at West Gore. Mataura – Clutha Railway - W 1820 WRD Southland S 69121