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File Records:McNab

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Otikerama McNab East_Gore
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Otikerama--McNab McNab--East_Gore
5.7km 3.3km

Go to McNab on the Network Diagram

l Alt 1 Alt 2 Alt 3 Date Details Railway Rly 2 Reference Source Locality Island Sequence
McNab Waikaka - - 25/5/1908 Name of Waikaka flag station changed to McNab. ? - W 3337 WRD Southland S 31563
McNab Waikaka - - 14/8/1908 Stationmaster's house and two platelayers' cottages. Contract let to Alfred Latham, Gore, amount £1163.0.0. ? - W 35/1 PWD Southland S 31564
McNab Waikaka - - 14/12/1908 Above contract completed. ? - W 35/1 PWD Southland S 31565
McNab Waikaka - - 4/1/1909 Station buildings – forwarding plan. ? - W 3 PWD Southland S 31566
McNab Waikaka - - 14/1/1909 Additional siding accommodation – requesting authority £350. ? - W 3 PWD Southland S 31567
McNab Waikaka - - 13/9/1910 Tablet exchanger failure. (Due to one of the springs of ground apparatus breaking.) ? - W3734/28 WRD Southland S 31568
McNab Waikaka - - 13/10/1916 Provision of cattle and sheep yards. ? - W3734/33 WRD Southland S 31569
McNab Waikaka - - 20/6/1939 House has electricity. [Electricity account closed 5/2/1979.] ? - Card RHT Southland S 31570
McNab Waikaka - - 22/9/1952 Electric pump provided. ? - Card RHT Southland S 31571
McNab Waikaka - - 15/3/1954 Mileage 44 miles 23 chains from Balclutha. ? - W 3337 WRD Southland S 31572
McNab Waikaka - - 13/7/1974 Tenders called for purchase for removal of station building. ? - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Southland S 31573
McNab Waikaka - - 26/7/1976 Electricity account closed. ? - Card RHT Southland S 31574
McNab Waikaka - - 6/1/1978 Electric sewage pump provided. ? - Card RHT Southland S 31575
McNab Waikaka - - 5/2/1979 Electricity account closed. ? - Card RHT Southland S 31576
McNab Waikaka - - 21/6/1981 Closed for all traffic except private siding traffic. ? - W 3337 WRD Southland S 31577
McNab Waikaka - - 2/11/1987 Main South Line – 533.42km from Port Lyttelton (0.00km). ? - W 3337 WRD Southland S 31578
McNab Waikaka - - 31/3/1949 Provision of washbasins at stations in Invercargill District in hand. Balclutha – Invercargill Section - W2854, Pub 31/5 WRD Southland S 31579
McNab Waikaka - - 24/8/1908 Automatic tablet exchanger apparatus provided. Mataura – Clutha Railway - W3337 WRD Southland S 31580