Last 5 Pages Viewed: Category:Book Copy

Category:Book Copy

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Page schema
Form: Book_Copy
CreateTitle Add a book copy record
EditTitle Edit a book copy record
Template: Book_Copy
format standard
Table Book_Copy
Field: Book_Copy_ID
Label Unique name for this record
Cargo field
Type String
Allowed values:
Form input
Enter Unique Name
Field: Book_Pagename
Label Book page name
Cargo field
Type Page
Allowed values:
Form input
Enter the Pagename for this book
Field: Title
Label Title
Cargo field
Type Text
Allowed values:
Form input
Enter the Book short title
Field: Lib_Accession_No
Label Library Accession No
Cargo field
Type String
Allowed values:
Form input
Enter your Library's Record number for this book
Field: Lib_Shelf_ID
Label Shelf ID
Cargo field
Type String
Allowed values:
Form input
Enter the shelf number (code) as text
Field: Book_Condition
Label Book Condition
Cargo field
Type String
Allowed values: As New, Very Good, Good, Fair, Poor
Form input
Select a relevant condition description.
Field: Book_Value $NZ
Label Book Value $NZ
Cargo field
Type Integer
Allowed values:
Form input
Enter an indicative replacement value for this book (whole dollars)
Field: Limited_Edition
Label Limited Edition
Cargo field
Type String
Allowed values:
Form input
Enter Limited Edition data e.g. 257/1200
Field: Signed_Copy
Cargo field
Type Boolean
Allowed values:
Form input
Select the checkbox if this copy is signed by the Author
Field: Dust_Jacket
Label Dust Jacket
Cargo field
Type String
Allowed values: n.a., laminated, clean, tidy, tatty, missing
Form input
Select an option for a possible dust jacket

This is the Book Copy category.

Pages in category ‘Book Copy’

The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.