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File Records:Greymouth

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Omoto(2) Greymouth [[]]
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Omoto(2)--Greymouth [[]]
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l Alt 1 Alt 2 Alt 3 Date Details Railway Rly 2 Reference Source Locality Island Sequence
Greymouth - - - 18/4/1900 Lighting Greymouth Wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/15 WRD Westland S 15632
Greymouth - - - 1/5/1900 Application by Harbour Board to construct a concrete wall for flood protection. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15633
Greymouth - - - 16/5/1900 Approval for the flood protection wall. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15634
Greymouth - - - 26/5/1900 Erection of shelter shed on arrival platform. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/15 WRD Westland S 15635
Greymouth - - - 9/6/1900 Fencing Greymouth Wharf to prevent accidents. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/15 WRD Westland S 15636
Greymouth - - - 6/7/1900 Siding accommodation at Greymouth Wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/15 WRD Westland S 15637
Greymouth - - - 8/11/1900 In 1874 the Government purchased the Grey River bank along Mawhera and Richmond Quays from the Borough for some £3,000 to build a wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15638
Greymouth - - - 15/12/1900 Goods office accommodation. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/16 WRD Westland S 15639
Greymouth - - - 18/12/1900 Additional goods shed accommodation on wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/16 WRD Westland S 15640
Greymouth - - - 15/3/1901 House for District Traffic Manager. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/16 WRD Westland S 15641
Greymouth - - - 2/4/1901 Crane for wharf shed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/16 WRD Westland S 15642
Greymouth - - - 6/8/1901 Damage to goods shed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/16 WRD Westland S 15643
Greymouth - - - 6/11/1901 Improvements to hydraulic coaling cranes. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/16 WRD Westland S 15644
Greymouth - - - 7/11/1901 Application of Greymouth Harbour Board for the erection of a steam movable crane for Wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/16 WRD Westland S 15645
Greymouth - - - 30/5/1902 Requesting authority £2170 for widening of wharf and tying back where necessary and filling in with quarry spoil. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15646
Greymouth - - - 18/6/1902 Harbour Board propose to do this work with its own staff. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15647
Greymouth - - - 2/7/1902 Work must be done by Railways Department. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15648
Greymouth - - - 5/8/1902 Harbour Board approving £2170 for widening the wharf at Boundary Street, and advising work is to be done by Railways Department. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15649
Greymouth - - - 18/8/1902 District Engineer instructed to put work in hand. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15650
Greymouth - - - 27/5/1903 Proposed new wharf will require to be sufficiently strong to carry a travelling crane of a total weight, with load, of not less than 90 tons. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15651
Greymouth - - - 10/6/1903 Proposed extension of wharf is from the seaward end of the present railway wharf to the upstream side of the cattle wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15652
Greymouth - - - 3/11/1903 It is proposed to convert the existing fixed hydraulic cranes into movable cranes. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15653
Greymouth - - - 3/11/1903 Owing to the extreme weight it will be necessary to practically rebuild the wharves over the length for which they are required to work and the cost of this will be from £4,000 to £5,000. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15654
Greymouth - - - 30/4/1904 State Mine to Greymouth is 5 miles. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W2478, 02/1798 WRD Westland S 15655
Greymouth - - - 23/12/1904 The present wharf between the cranes is unfit to carry a siding and needs considerable strengthening for loaded UB wagons. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15656
Greymouth - - - 23/12/1904 Very little of the present structure is of any use and repairing practically means rebuilding. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15657
Greymouth - - - 4/1/1905 The estimated cost of rebuilding to render it fit for the proposed gantry cranes is £10,500. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15658
Greymouth - - - 12/1/1905 Gantry cranes will not be used on the wharf, but the existing fixed cranes will ultimately be made travelling in accordance with designs prepared by Sir W Armstrong & Coy and which the Chief Mechanical Engineer now has. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15659
Greymouth - - - 12/1/1905 The rebuilding of the wharf should be undertaken and completed in three years and the necessary ironbark should be ordered. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15660
Greymouth - - - 12/1/1905 The temporary strengthening of the wharf may, however, be put in hand at once and the siding put in between the hydraulic cranes. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15661
Greymouth - - - 16/1/1905 The estimated cost of temporary repairs to a portion of wharf 115 feet long, south of the lower hydraulic crane, is £180. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15662
Greymouth - - - 9/2/1905 The extra siding is for timber traffic. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15663
Greymouth - - - 1874 Contract for transit sheds – Mr Gleeson. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 35/1 PWD Westland S 15664
Greymouth - - - 25/2/1905 Approval for additional hydraulic capstan to facilitate the handing of timber wagons. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15665
Greymouth - - - 1925 In future no heavy repairs to engines will be dealt with at Greymouth, all such work will be carried out at Addington where repairs can be more expeditiously dealt with. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 15666
Greymouth - - - 1951 Private siding right – British Petroleum (New Zealand) Ltd. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2852 WRD Westland S 15667
Greymouth - - - 12/9/1905 Land required for railway purposes. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 15668
Greymouth - - - 20/11/1905 Weighbridge issued to State Coal Mines, Greymouth Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 15669
Greymouth - - - 30/3/1906 Office accommodation for Railways Department. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 15670
Greymouth - - - 9/6/1906 1- New goods shed with sidings and approaches - £4150. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15671
Greymouth - - - 9/6/1906 10 – Lighting new wharves and siding extensions - £300. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15672
Greymouth - - - 9/6/1906 11 – Moving ironbark depot to Stillwater Junction - £100. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15673
Greymouth - - - 9/6/1906 12 – New cattle wharf, approach and sidings - £1300. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15674
Greymouth - - - 9/6/1906 13 – Repairs to existing wharves - £12600. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15675
Greymouth - - - 9/6/1906 14 – Sheeting and decking repairs to existing wharves - £2000. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15676
Greymouth - - - 9/6/1906 15 – Converting two fixed hydraulic cranes into gantries - £2000. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15677
Greymouth - - - 9/6/1906 16 – Removing boat slip to new site near Cobden - £500. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15678
Greymouth - - - 9/6/1906 2 – No 1 Gridiron with turnouts at proposed new wharf - £1590. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15679
Greymouth - - - 9/6/1906 3 – No 2 Gridiron with turnouts at wharf recently built - £2215. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15680
Greymouth - - - 9/6/1906 4 – Siding to westward of lagoon - £6950. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15681
Greymouth - - - 9/6/1906 5 – Bridge over lagoon with track – No 1 - £2420. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15682
Greymouth - - - 9/6/1906 6 – Bridge over lagoon with track – No 2 - £1870. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15683
Greymouth - - - 9/6/1906 7 – Shifting timber drying shed to new site - £300. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15684
Greymouth - - - 9/6/1906 8 – 4 additional capstans for working sidings - £900. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15685
Greymouth - - - 9/6/1906 9 – Moving wharf sheds and loading banks - £100. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15686
Greymouth - - - 9/6/1906 Proposed works at Greymouth, including repairs to existing wharves, estimated cost of £40,000. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15687
Greymouth - - - 9/6/1906 Total £3925 – say £40000. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15688
Greymouth - - - 9/6/1906 Wharf extension 312 feet at lower end. New contract just let - £5031. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15689
Greymouth - - - 16/7/1906 Use of telephone, Otira to Greymouth. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 15690
Greymouth - - - 18/7/1906 Harbour Board recommend two single track bridges be built over the lagoon with 44 foot steel girders, instead of one single and one double track bridge with 20 foot spans. This would allow of the free ingress and egress of water and would enable the dredge and barges to pass underneath. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15691
Greymouth - - - 30/7/1906 The existing Harbour Board line westward of the lagoon to the tip head to be retained in its present position and diamond crossings placed in railway sidings when necessary. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15692
Greymouth - - - 13/8/1906 Proposed alterations to scheme approved. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15693
Greymouth - - - 22/8/1906 Harbour Board -The 10-ton travelling hydraulic crane to work on the new wharf has been put together and is ready for use, but so far no capstans have been provided, nor have the necessary feeding sidings been laid down. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15694
Greymouth - - - 12/9/1906 Temporary sidings to be laid down for working crane until bridging of the lagoon entrance has been completed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15695
Greymouth - - - 13/3/1907 Damage to crane. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/23 WRD Westland S 15696
Greymouth - - - 15/3/1907 Additional capstans: One temporarily erected and two others are ready for erection when the sidings they are to serve are laid. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15697
Greymouth - - - 15/3/1907 Additional sidings to serve new wharves: Points and crossings are on order and ground is being prepared for the new tracks. The materials for the lagoon bridges, to carry the new sidings, are now on order. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15698
Greymouth - - - 15/3/1907 Erecting shipping shed (200 feet) and goods office: Timber is on order, and ground is being prepared for the new buildings, and sidings will be laid as soon as the drying shed can be moved. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15699
Greymouth - - - 15/3/1907 Moving Existing Sheds: These will be moved as soon as the new shed is available. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15700
Greymouth - - - 15/3/1907 New cattle wharf: This matter is held in abeyance pending further consideration as to site. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15701
Greymouth - - - 15/3/1907 Repairs to existing wharf: Sufficient except decking on hand to start the works; as soon as the decking arrives work will be pushed on. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15702
Greymouth - - - 15/3/1907 Timber Drying Shed: The shed is now empty and will be moved as soon as ground is reclaimed for the new site. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15703
Greymouth - - - 22/3/1907 Hire of 12-ton steam crane to Westport Harbour Board. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/23 WRD Westland S 15704
Greymouth - - - 15/5/1907 Hydraulic power house catching fire. (Very little damage done.) Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/23 WRD Westland S 15705
Greymouth - - - 3/6/1907 Harbour Board: The locomotive sheds have been repaired and tarred or painted and are in good order. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15706
Greymouth - - - 17/6/1907 The original laying out of the yard is good and has worked well. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15707
Greymouth - - - 17/6/1907 The sidings were laid in groups to suit the placing of coal in such a way that each crane can be fed with either of several classes of coal, and the empties from all the cranes worked up stream on one common siding. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15708
Greymouth - - - 17/6/1907 The yard was originally laid out for working from down stream to up stream. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15709
Greymouth - - - 5/7/1907 Additional capstans: One capstan has been erected adjacent to new crane. Two remaining capstans not yet erected awaiting definite proposal re: siding extension. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15710
Greymouth - - - 5/7/1907 Additional lighting Greymouth yard: One additional lamp provided in wharf yard adjacent to new crane; nothing further done awaiting completion of sidings. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15711
Greymouth - - - 5/7/1907 Earthworks: 735 cubic yards filling have been placed adjacent to boat slip for siding extension. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15712
Greymouth - - - 5/7/1907 Erecting shipping shed (200 feet) and goods office: Erection of building is well in hand. Foundations, flooring and walls erected. Roof trusses framed and now being fixed in position. Some difficulty has been experienced in getting skilled labour for this work. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15713
Greymouth - - - 5/7/1907 Lagoon bridges: Suspension rods to hand. A quantity of ironbark (beams and piles) is now available. Nothing has been done in connection with this work pending decision re: lagoon docks. One bridge has been abandoned. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15714
Greymouth - - - 5/7/1907 Rebuilding 652 feet old wharf: This work is delayed awaiting supply of decking. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15715
Greymouth - - - 5/7/1907 Shifting ironbark depot to Stillwater: The bulk of the ironbark stock has been moved to Stillwater. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15716
Greymouth - - - 5/7/1907 Strengthening 150 feet wharf for gantry crane: This work has been delayed owing to want of decking. 4 bays have been strengthened and remaining 8 bays will be completed about 15th instant. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15717
Greymouth - - - 5/7/1907 Temporary sidings are now being laid for working new wharf (now under construction). Additional sidings for working the new shipping shed are now being laid. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15718
Greymouth - - - 5/7/1907 Temporary sidings for working lower wharf: Temporary sidings have been laid for working lower wharf now served by new hydraulic crane. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15719
Greymouth - - - 5/7/1907 Timber Drying Shed: 300 feet have been taken down and stacked. 100 feet remaining is at present used for carpenter's shop. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15720
Greymouth - - - 13/7/1907 Pile driving plant for Wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/23 WRD Westland S 15721
Greymouth - - - 16/7/1907 Connection of traffic clerk's house with public telephone exchange. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/23 WRD Westland S 15722
Greymouth - - - 30/7/1907 Additional sidings to serve new wharves: 7 sets points and crossings laid, the remaining sets (28) are to hand. New sidings to work cargo shed are now being laid. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15723
Greymouth - - - 30/7/1907 Earthworks: Nothing done this period. Ballast train employed on main line. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15724
Greymouth - - - 30/7/1907 Erecting shipping shed (200 feet) and goods office: Timber work on walls and roof completed. Galvanised iron placed on one side and end. Foundations are being prepared for another 100 feet at west end. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15725
Greymouth - - - 30/7/1907 Lagoon bridges: Small quantity of ironbark has come to hand. Nothing has been done towards erection of bridge. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15726
Greymouth - - - 30/7/1907 Rebuilding 652 feet old wharf: Preparations now being made to start pile driving. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15727
Greymouth - - - 30/7/1907 Strengthening 150 feet wharf for gantry crane: Completed except for vertical bracing between front piles of wharf. 4 new mooring piles provided. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15728
Greymouth - - - 30/7/1907 Temporary sidings for working lower wharf: Crane ways for 12-ton steam crane laid on new wharf to enable berth to be dredged. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15729
Greymouth - - - 30/7/1907 Temporary sidings for working lower wharf: Temporary sidings for working lower wharf now being laid. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15730
Greymouth - - - 30/7/1907 Temporary sidings for working lower wharf: Trestle work across cattle yard races in hand. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15731
Greymouth - - - 24/8/1907 Additional sidings to serve new wharves: 21 chains of siding and 6 sets points and crossings laid. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15732
Greymouth - - - 24/8/1907 Earthworks: 270 cubic yards ballast used for filling at new goods shed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15733
Greymouth - - - 24/8/1907 Erecting shipping shed (300 feet) and goods office: 200 feet of this shed nearly completed. Foundations and floor joists laid for additional 100 feet and part of framework ready for erection. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15734
Greymouth - - - 24/8/1907 Rebuilding 652 feet old wharf: Work delayed owing to pile driver derrick being destroyed by the recent heavy gale. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15735
Greymouth - - - 24/8/1907 Strengthening 150 feet wharf for gantry crane: Almost completed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15736
Greymouth - - - 24/8/1907 Temporary sidings for working lower wharf: Nearly completed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15737
Greymouth - - - 25/9/1907 Additional sidings to serve new wharves: 105 cubic yards ballast placed on sidings and additional lines surfaced. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15738
Greymouth - - - 25/9/1907 Earthworks: 100 cubic yards filling placed at new goods shed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15739
Greymouth - - - 25/9/1907 Erecting shipping shed (300 feet) and goods office: All framing completed. Walls and roof of additional 100 feet now being covered with iron. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15740
Greymouth - - - 25/9/1907 Rebuilding 652 feet old wharf: 5 piles have been driven and capped ready for beams. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15741
Greymouth - - - 25/9/1907 Strengthening 150 feet wharf for gantry crane: Completed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15742
Greymouth - - - 25/9/1907 Temporary sidings for working lower wharf: 1 set points and crossings and 14 chains track laid. 300 cubic yards ballast placed on track. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15743
Greymouth - - - 31/10/1907 Earthworks: Filling completed at goods shed sit, 500 cubic yards of spoil being used. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15744
Greymouth - - - 31/10/1907 Erecting shipping shed (400 feet) and goods office: 300 feet of new shed almost completed. Foundations for 100 feet shed from passenger yard now being prepared. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15745
Greymouth - - - 31/10/1907 Erecting shipping shed (400 feet) and goods office: Erection of fireproof wall in hand. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15746
Greymouth - - - 31/10/1907 Erecting shipping shed (400 feet) and goods office: Lighting and drainage of shed in hand. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15747
Greymouth - - - 31/10/1907 Laying sidings and turnouts wharf yard alterations: 1 set points and crossings and 5 chains siding laid at new wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15748
Greymouth - - - 31/10/1907 Rebuilding 652 feet old wharf: Work proceeding but delayed by bad weather. 60 feet of old wharf removed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15749
Greymouth - - - 20/11/1907 Erecting shipping shed (400 feet) and goods office: Foundations for 100 feet shed from passenger yard completed and part of framework ready for erection. New goods shed offices nearly completed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15750
Greymouth - - - 30/11/1907 Earthworks: A quantity of metal has been broken ready for making up approach to shed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15751
Greymouth - - - 30/11/1907 Earthworks: Arrangements have been made with Harbour Board for a supply of shingle dredgings for making up loading ground and approaches to new shed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15752
Greymouth - - - 30/11/1907 Rebuilding 652 feet old wharf: Work proceeding. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15753
Greymouth - - - 17/1/1908 Additional sidings to serve new wharves: 4 sets points and crossings and 1 diamond crossing laid at new shed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15754
Greymouth - - - 17/1/1908 Earthworks: 250 cubic yards ballast used for filling placed at new goods shed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15755
Greymouth - - - 17/1/1908 Erecting shipping shed (400 feet) and goods office: 300 feet of new shed about completed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15756
Greymouth - - - 17/1/1908 Erecting shipping shed (400 feet) and goods office: Cart approach to ne w shed being made up to enable shed to be opened. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15757
Greymouth - - - 17/1/1908 Erecting shipping shed (400 feet) and goods office: Fireproof wall – awaiting fireproof shutters to complete this work. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15758
Greymouth - - - 17/1/1908 Erecting shipping shed (400 feet) and goods office: Laying on gas, water and drainage nearly completed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15759
Greymouth - - - 17/1/1908 Rebuilding 652 feet old wharf: Work proceeding. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15760
Greymouth - - - 5/2/1908 Moving Existing Sheds: Instructed District Engineer to have these sheds sold for removal when vacated. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15761
Greymouth - - - 5/3/1908 Additional sidings to serve new wharves: 1 set points and crossings and 6½ chains 53lb track laid. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15762
Greymouth - - - 5/3/1908 Alterations to Harbour Board's line: 1 set points and crossings and 5 chains track laid. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15763
Greymouth - - - 5/3/1908 Earthworks: 3,000 cubic yards ballast received from Harbour Board and used for filling and road making at new shed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15764
Greymouth - - - 5/3/1908 Erecting shipping shed (400 feet) and goods office: Cart approach to shed being made up. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15765
Greymouth - - - 5/3/1908 Erecting shipping shed (400 feet) and goods office: First 300 feet completed and outhouses in hand. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15766
Greymouth - - - 5/3/1908 Erecting shipping shed (400 feet) and goods office: Laying on gas, water and drainage in hand. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15767
Greymouth - - - 5/3/1908 Rebuilding 652 feet old wharf: Work proceeding. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15768
Greymouth - - - 23/3/1908 Erecting shipping shed (400 feet) and goods office: Urinals and drainage in hand. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15769
Greymouth - - - 23/3/1908 Main road at approach to goods shed rolled and completed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15770
Greymouth - - - 23/3/1908 Rebuilding 652 feet old wharf: Work proceeding. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15771
Greymouth - - - 23/3/1908 Track for gantry crane extended 288 feet up stream. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15772
Greymouth - - - 16/4/1908 Additions to pumping plant: Erection of buildings and construction of foundations can be put in hand. Estimated cost of the work is £750. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15773
Greymouth - - - 16/4/1908 Erecting shipping shed (400 feet) and goods office: 200 feet of new shed opened for traffic. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15774
Greymouth - - - 16/4/1908 Erecting shipping shed (400 feet) and goods office: Goods shed in station yard being dismantled for removal to new shipping shed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15775
Greymouth - - - 16/4/1908 Erecting shipping shed (400 feet) and goods office: Latrines erected, drainage and water laid on. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15776
Greymouth - - - 16/4/1908 Wharf yard alterations: Extensions to storage sidings put in hand down stream end of yard. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15777
Greymouth - - - 8/5/1908 Additional sidings to serve new wharves: New sidings at shipping shed – cattle yard fence shifted back to allow of new sidings. 3 sets points and crossings, 1 double-slip, and 10 chains track laid. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15778
Greymouth - - - 8/5/1908 Erecting shipping shed (400 feet) and goods office: The goods shed in the passenger yard has been dismantled and removed to new shed and partly re-erected. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15779
Greymouth - - - 8/5/1908 Rebuilding 652 feet old wharf: Work proceeding. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15780
Greymouth - - - 30/5/1908 Additional sidings to serve new wharves: 2 sets points and crossings (53lb) laid. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15781
Greymouth - - - 30/5/1908 Erecting shipping shed (400 feet) and goods office: The last 100 feet has been erected and partly covered with iron. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15782
Greymouth - - - 30/5/1908 Rebuilding 652 feet old wharf: Work proceeding. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15783
Greymouth - - - 13/7/1908 Erecting shipping shed (400 feet) and goods office: Shed completed with exception of inside offices and shutters in fireproof wall, which are in hand. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15784
Greymouth - - - 31/7/1908 Provision of a new weighbridge. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/24 WRD Westland S 15785
Greymouth - - - 3/8/1908 Provision of signals. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/24 WRD Westland S 15786
Greymouth - - - 7/8/1908 Additional sidings to serve new wharves: 5 sets points and crossings, 1 scissors, 1 three-throw put in. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15787
Greymouth - - - 7/8/1908 Erecting shipping shed (400 feet) and goods office: Fireproof shutters completed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15788
Greymouth - - - 7/8/1908 Erecting shipping shed (400 feet) and goods office: Shed completed with the exception of painting inside. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15789
Greymouth - - - 7/8/1908 New cattle wharf: Cattle race filled up and new holding yard built. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15790
Greymouth - - - 7/8/1908 Rebuilding 652 feet old wharf: Work proceeding. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15791
Greymouth - - - 14/8/1908 Rebuilding 652 feet old wharf: Work proceeding. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15792
Greymouth - - - 26/8/1908 Additional sidings to serve new wharves: 2 sets points and crossings put in, and 26 chains of track. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15793
Greymouth - - - 26/8/1908 Erecting shipping shed (400 feet) and goods office: Painting interior in hand. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15794
Greymouth - - - 26/8/1908 Rebuilding 652 feet old wharf: Work proceeding. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15795
Greymouth - - - 28/8/1908 Additions to power house: Foundations commenced. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15796
Greymouth - - - 23/9/1908 Additional sidings to serve new wharves: 7 sets points and crossings put in. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15797
Greymouth - - - 23/9/1908 Additions to power house: Foundations in hand, timber being prepared. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15798
Greymouth - - - 23/9/1908 Erecting shipping shed (400 feet) and goods office: Painting interior in hand. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15799
Greymouth - - - 7/10/1908 Moving Existing Sheds: Old sheds should be sold by auction. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15800
Greymouth - - - 7/10/1908 Removal of the weighbridge near Greymouth station is to be considered part of the scheme. A new 25-to weighbridge will shortly be available. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15801
Greymouth - - - 26/10/1908 Additional capstans: Putting in foundations for hydraulic capstans (4) and extending pipe track across yard. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15802
Greymouth - - - 26/10/1908 Additional sidings to serve new wharves: 3 sets 53lb points and crossings and 22 chains 53lb track laid. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15803
Greymouth - - - 26/10/1908 Additions to power house: Erection of building well in hand Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15804
Greymouth - - - 26/10/1908 Erecting shipping shed (400 feet) and goods office: Painting interior in hand. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15805
Greymouth - - - 26/10/1908 Rebuilding 652 feet old wharf: Work proceeding. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15806
Greymouth - - - 4/11/1908 Siding to be put in for Mr Bignall. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1730 WRD Westland S 15807
Greymouth - - - 4/11/1908 Stratford & Blair's siding is being altered. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1730 WRD Westland S 15808
Greymouth - - - 11/11/1908 Sidings are being granted to Mr H Bignall and Messrs Stratford & Blair. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1730 WRD Westland S 15809
Greymouth - - - 18/11/1908 Additional capstans: Foundations for four capstans laid and 4 capstans placed in position and 2 brought into use. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15810
Greymouth - - - 18/11/1908 Additional sidings to serve new wharves: 4 sets points and crossings (53lb) and 20 chains track laid. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15811
Greymouth - - - 18/11/1908 Additions to power house: Erection of building in hand Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15812
Greymouth - - - 18/11/1908 Erecting shipping shed (400 feet) and goods office: Painting interior in hand. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15813
Greymouth - - - 18/11/1908 Rebuilding 652 feet old wharf: Work proceeding. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15814
Greymouth - - - 27/11/1908 Siding is off Harbour Board's line, and the Department will provide signals at Johnston and Chapman Streets, in order to protect the Department's engine when shunting the proposed sidings. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1730 WRD Westland S 15815
Greymouth - - - 23/12/1908 Additional capstans: Foundations for 2 capstans laid and 2 capstans put in. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15816
Greymouth - - - 23/12/1908 Additional capstans: Hydraulic power pipe track across yard from new shipping shed completed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15817
Greymouth - - - 23/12/1908 Additional sidings to serve new wharves: 6 sets points and crossings put in. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15818
Greymouth - - - 23/12/1908 Additions to power house: Foundations completed, building almost completed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15819
Greymouth - - - 23/12/1908 Rebuilding 652 feet old wharf: Work proceeding. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15820
Greymouth - - - 7/1/1909 Moving Existing Sheds: Old shipping sheds have been sold for the sum of £80. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15821
Greymouth - - - 29/1/1909 Additional capstans: New pipe track being opened up. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15822
Greymouth - - - 29/1/1909 Additional sidings to serve new wharves: 3 sets 70lb points and 1 set 53lb points and crossings laid. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15823
Greymouth - - - 29/1/1909 Additions to power house: Building near completion. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15824
Greymouth - - - 29/1/1909 Erection of derrick crane: Nearly completed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15825
Greymouth - - - 29/1/1909 Proposed Public Works – Railways office building – schedule of tenders. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 15826
Greymouth - - - 29/1/1909 Rebuilding 652 feet old wharf: Almost completed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15827
Greymouth - - - 10/2/1909 Additional capstans: All capstans completed with exception of one. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15828
Greymouth - - - 10/2/1909 Additional lighting Greymouth yard: In hand. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15829
Greymouth - - - 10/2/1909 Additional sidings to serve new wharves: 4 sets 70lb points and 3 sets 53lb points and crossings laid. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15830
Greymouth - - - 10/2/1909 Additions to power house: Will be completed when machinery is put in. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15831
Greymouth - - - 10/2/1909 Erection of 25-ton automatic weighbridge: Foundations finished. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15832
Greymouth - - - 10/2/1909 Erection of derrick crane: Nearly completed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15833
Greymouth - - - 10/2/1909 Rebuilding 652 feet old wharf: Almost completed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15834
Greymouth - - - 15/3/1909 Additional lighting Greymouth yard: 6 lamp posts erected. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15835
Greymouth - - - 15/3/1909 Additional sidings to serve new wharves: 10 chains 53lb track laid. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15836
Greymouth - - - 15/3/1909 Erection of 25-ton automatic weighbridge: Building erected and weighbridge almost completed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15837
Greymouth - - - 15/3/1909 Erection of accumulator in power house: In hand. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15838
Greymouth - - - 15/3/1909 Erection of derrick crane: Completed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15839
Greymouth - - - 15/3/1909 Rebuilding 652 feet old wharf: Completed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15840
Greymouth - - - 16/3/1909 Contract let to Helsall & Son, Greymouth, for Railways and Public Works offices, amount £5,740.2.0. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 34/1 PWD Westland S 15841
Greymouth - - - 30/3/1909 Harbour Board – No authority given for pulling down the large incandescent lamps erected eight years ago at a cost of £597, on Mawhera Quay. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15842
Greymouth - - - 30/3/1909 Harbour Board – No authority given for the construction of a stone capping along Mawhera Quay. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15843
Greymouth - - - 13/4/1909 Additional lighting Greymouth yard: Nearly completed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15844
Greymouth - - - 13/4/1909 Additional sidings to serve new wharves: 10 chains 53lb track laid, 1 -1 in 7½, 1 – 1 in 9 turnouts laid. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15845
Greymouth - - - 13/4/1909 Erection of 25-ton automatic weighbridge: Nearly completed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15846
Greymouth - - - 13/4/1909 Erection of accumulator in power house: Nearly completed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15847
Greymouth - - - 11/5/1909 Erection of 25-ton automatic weighbridge: Completed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15848
Greymouth - - - 27/5/1909 Lighting station. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/26 WRD Westland S 15849
Greymouth - - - 4/6/1909 Erection of turntable. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/26 WRD Westland S 15850
Greymouth - - - 23/9/1909 Additional capstans: Hydraulic pipe track being extended across yard. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15851
Greymouth - - - 23/9/1909 Rebuilding 652 feet old wharf: Work proceeding. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15852
Greymouth - - - 5/11/1909 Hydraulic crane damaged. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/26 WRD Westland S 15853
Greymouth - - - 16/12/1909 Above contract completed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 34/1 PWD Westland S 15854
Greymouth - - - 16/12/1909 Proposed Public Works – Railways offices – furniture and fittings – requesting authority £300. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 15855
Greymouth - - - 20/1/1910 Removal of old goods shed at Ngahere to Greymouth for discharging of kerosene and iron. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/27 WRD Westland S 15856
Greymouth - - - 22/2/1910 All works are now completed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15857
Greymouth - - - 24/2/1910 Proposed Public Works – Railways offices – final certificate and requesting authority £66 for extras. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 15858
Greymouth - - - 24/2/1910 Damage to goods shed door. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/27 WRD Westland S 15859
Greymouth - - - 9/4/1910 Paparoa Coal Coy – Application for permission to erect private telephone wire on railway poles between Greymouth and Blackball. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/27 WRD Westland S 15860
Greymouth - - - 26/5/1910 Damage to interlocking points. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/27 WRD Westland S 15861
Greymouth - - - 7/1910 Proposed Public Works – Railways offices – putting ground inn order - estimate £50. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 15862
Greymouth - - - 25/10/1910 Damage to fire proof shutter in goods shed during shunting. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/28 WRD Westland S 15863
Greymouth - - - 31/3/1911 Sale of old steam hammer. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/28 WRD Westland S 15864
Greymouth - - - 1/5/1911 Proposal to build house for Inspector of Permanent Way and Foreman of Works. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/28 WRD Westland S 15865
Greymouth - - - 22/5/1911 Site for a fire bell tower for Fire Board. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/28 WRD Westland S 15866
Greymouth - - - 23/5/1911 Connection of Workshop Foreman's office with telephone exchange. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/28 WRD Westland S 15867
Greymouth - - - 26/7/1911 Coal Creek Railway – Ballasting – considers it necessary that the tablet should be installed between Greymouth and state Collieries. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 15868
Greymouth - - - 26/8/1911 Lighting of Workshops. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/28 WRD Westland S 15869
Greymouth - - - 22/9/1911 Greymouth Public Works – Railways offices – gauze window screens – requesting authority £6.7.11. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 15870
Greymouth - - - 2/11/1911 Failure of No 3 hydraulic crane. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/29 WRD Westland S 15871
Greymouth - - - 26/1/1912 Connection of stationmaster's and Workshops Foremen's houses with drainage system. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/29 WRD Westland S 15872
Greymouth - - - 6/2/1912 Request for ash pits outside engine shed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/29 WRD Westland S 15873
Greymouth - - - 29/4/1912 Old railway reserve near Greymouth – proposed to be given up for road purposes. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 15874
Greymouth - - - 13/8/1912 Renewal of upper wharf now in hand. Should be completed in six weeks. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 15875
Greymouth - - - 19/10/1912 Improvement to crossing from Foundry yards to main line. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/29 WRD Westland S 15876
Greymouth - - - 3/12/1912 Class WE engines transferred to Greymouth cannot be accommodated in present engine shed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 15877
Greymouth - - - 3/2/1913 Maintenance of cattle wharf and cattle yards. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/30 WRD Westland S 15878
Greymouth - - - 7/5/1913 The mileage from Greymouth to station at New State Mine will be 8 miles 2 chains. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W2478, 02/1798 WRD Westland S 15879
Greymouth - - - 8/7/1913 Improvements to boiler and engine house. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/30 WRD Westland S 15880
Greymouth - - - 25/2/1914 1 Andersons' Ltd (12 tons), £3200 Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 14/2324/1 WRD Westland S 15881
Greymouth - - - 25/2/1914 1 Armstrong & Whitworth (10 tons), about £2727 each. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 14/2324/1 WRD Westland S 15882
Greymouth - - - 25/2/1914 2 Armstrong & Whitworth (10 tons), about £2727 each. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 14/2324/1 WRD Westland S 15883
Greymouth - - - 25/2/1914 Cost of hydraulic cranes at Greymouth: Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 14/2324/1 WRD Westland S 15884
Greymouth - - - 28/7/1914 Window broken in engine shed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/31 WRD Westland S 15885
Greymouth - - - 1/10/1914 Despatch Foundry Coy's private siding. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/31 WRD Westland S 15886
Greymouth - - - 27/10/1914 Semaphore wires broken by jib of crane. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/31 WRD Westland S 15887
Greymouth - - - 25/7/1916 Goods shed damaged by fire. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/33 WRD Westland S 15888
Greymouth - - - 27/7/1916 Engine shed damaged by fire. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/33 WRD Westland S 15889
Greymouth - - - 28/8/1916 Fire in engine shed on 27/7/1916 Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. Staff Book NZRLS Westland S 15890
Greymouth - - - 27/9/1916 There are 13 engines stalled at Greymouth on 5 days a week and 14 engines on two nights of the week. The additional engine being the work train engine which stalls up country excepting Saturday and Sunday nights. There are 3 engines standing outside. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 15891
Greymouth - - - 21/12/1917 Workshops damaged by fire. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/34 WRD Westland S 15892
Greymouth - - - 9/1/1919 Addition to engine shed approved. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 15893
Greymouth - - - 12/12/1919 Approval to lengthen by 14 feet each, engine shed pits on Nos 1 and 4 roads (currently 26 feet long each) and to provide an additional pit 40 feet long on No 2 road. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 15894
Greymouth - - - 15/5/1920 Gorse fire near Paint Shop. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/36 WRD Westland S 15895
Greymouth - - - 3/3/1922 Goods shed door run through. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/37 WRD Westland S 15896
Greymouth - - - 22/9/1922 Fire in Locomotive Paint Shop. Building and one car slightly damaged. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/38 WRD Westland S 15897
Greymouth - - - 13/10/1922 Seven Mile Extension – Runanga to Rapahoe – This extension will soon be ready for traffic. The distance from Greymouth is 5 miles 73 chains. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W2478, 02/1798 WRD Westland S 15898
Greymouth - - - 6/12/1922 Greymouth to Brunner is 7 miles 7 chains. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W2478, 02/1798 WRD Westland S 15899
Greymouth - - - 6/12/1922 Greymouth to Dobson is 5 miles 60 chains. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W2478, 02/1798 WRD Westland S 15900
Greymouth - - - 6/12/1922 Greymouth to Dunollie is 4 miles 58 chains. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W2478, 02/1798 WRD Westland S 15901
Greymouth - - - 6/12/1922 Greymouth to Rapahoe is 6 miles 6 chains approximately. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W2478, 02/1798 WRD Westland S 15902
Greymouth - - - 4/7/1923 Approval for temporary re-arrangement of passenger yard. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 15903
Greymouth - - - 18/12/1923 Smoke stack of engine shed damaged by fire. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/38 WRD Westland S 15904
Greymouth - - - 13/3/1924 Fire in roof of Workshops. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/38 WRD Westland S 15905
Greymouth - - - 20/5/1924 Fire in roof of engine shed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/38 WRD Westland S 15906
Greymouth - - - 20/1/1925 Fire in engine shed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/39 WRD Westland S 15907
Greymouth - - - 19/3/1925 At present 25 engines stable at Greymouth. Accommodation is available for 8 in the running shed, 4 under a roofed cover, and the balance of 13 stand out at night in the weather. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 15908
Greymouth - - - 19/3/1925 The locomotive running shed is in a bad state of repair and too small for requirements. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 15909
Greymouth - - - 19/3/1925 Very little maintenance has been given to this depot for some years past as it was understood Elmer Lane depot would be gone on with. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 15910
Greymouth - - - 7/4/1925 It is questionable whether the doors could be closed, as they are permanently open. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 15911
Greymouth - - - 7/4/1925 Standing room in the shed will accommodate four tender engines and four tank engines and the balance of the engines located at Greymouth (omitting two engines in shops) means 15 engines standing outside. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 15912
Greymouth - - - 7/4/1925 The coal shed is dilapidated and inadequate and coal requires double-handling, consequently the coaling of engines therefrom is very costly. The position of the tanks is such that when an engine is taking water it is standing foul of shunting leg, this is not a safe practice. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 15913
Greymouth - - - 7/4/1925 The drainage system is very bad, the water from the public road percolating under the walls into the shed as the shed is lower than the street level. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 15914
Greymouth - - - 7/4/1925 The position at Greymouth is very bad now, and with the winter coming on will be worse. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 15915
Greymouth - - - 7/4/1925 The present shed is in a rotten state, the facilities for coaling, watering, cleaning of ashes, and doing the necessary running shed repairs are most inadequate. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 15916
Greymouth - - - 7/4/1925 The roof of the shed is leaky, and liable to fire at any time, the floor is rough and uneven, and full of water holes, and totally unfit for any men to work in. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 15917
Greymouth - - - 17/10/1925 Alterations to siding on wharf to facilitate working of Priestman Grab at ships side. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/39 WRD Westland S 15918
Greymouth - - - 26/6/1926 Auxiliary running shed now in use. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 15919
Greymouth - - - 6/12/1926 Approval to build ten houses. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2278, 11/1981/4 WRD Westland S 15920
Greymouth - - - 23/12/1927 As rock from four to five tons weight was required, a temporary tramway siding to hold the crane was put in between the existing dead end siding and the concrete retaining wall on the river bank adjoining the signal cabin. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R3, 03/3771 WRD Westland S 15921
Greymouth - - - 23/12/1927 During the floods of October and November this year, however, the erosion at the back of the signal cabin became rather serious and the question of protecting the river bank in the locality was discussed on the ground with the District Engineer, Public Works Department. It was then arranged that the Harbour Board would supply the necessary rock free of charge on wagons and the Department would do the work of placing same. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R3, 03/3771 WRD Westland S 15922
Greymouth - - - 23/12/1927 Greymouth – A certain amount of erosion has been taking place for some time on the south bank of the Grey River between the Cobden Bridge and railway signal cabin. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R3, 03/3771 WRD Westland S 15923
Greymouth - - - 23/12/1927 This siding was completed and a start made discharging stone on 30/11/1927. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R3, 03/3771 WRD Westland S 15924
Greymouth - - - 26/5/1928 Locomotive depot has a 50 foot turntable, and engines are coaled with coaling cranes. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 15925
Greymouth - - - 10/7/1928 The Locomotive Engineer's old office at Greymouth is not available for shifting to the Workshops yard as an office for the Workshops Foreman. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R-W3, 14990 WRD Westland S 15926
Greymouth - - - 24/5/1929 Estimate for tar sealing approach road to station – about £150. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 96/777 WRD Westland S 15927
Greymouth - - - 17/7/1929 Approval for the above. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 96/777 WRD Westland S 15928
Greymouth - - - 30/7/1929 The Greymouth Harbour Board propose to improve the approach to the town above the railway station and at the foot of the Grey Quay. The Department's huts have already been removed from this land and instruction have been issued for the removal of any other railway material from the Harbour Board land near the Grey Quay. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 15929
Greymouth - - - 4/12/1929 Approval to provide shunt signal near No 24 points. Estimated cost £50. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3199, 03/3962/1 WRD Westland S 15930
Greymouth - - - 26/11/1931 Private siding right – Shell Company of New Zealand Ltd. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2852 WRD Westland S 15931
Greymouth - - - 21/12/1931 The livestock wagon cleaning site is at the end of a backshunt which runs alongside the river and terminates about 25 yards west of the public road leading to the traffic bridge over the Grey River. There is a concrete floor to the site with drainage to the river alongside. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 15932
Greymouth - - - 25/9/1933 Old building transferred from Switzers to Greymouth, to part of site of old workshops. To be used as a shelter for car and wagon repairs. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 15933
Greymouth - - - 12/10/1933 Department to co-operate with Borough Council and Harbour Board to beautify access around Greymouth station; also in the old watercourse on railway land near Herbert Street and arranged for spoil from cuttings, etc., to be placed in the gully until filling completed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 15934
Greymouth - - - 13/12/1936 Fire in goods shed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W2382, 039 WRD Westland S 15935
Greymouth - - - 1/3/1937 Private siding right granted to The Shell Company of New Zealand Ltd. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2852 WRD Westland S 15936
Greymouth - - - 15/3/1944 Siding is a backshunt, with six chain radius curve, crossing Gresson Street from wharf yard. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1730 WRD Westland S 15937
Greymouth - - - 28/6/1944 Four houses required at Greymouth. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. SAC1, 35/260 SAC Westland S 15938
Greymouth - - - 17/7/1945 Stratford, Blair & Coy's private siding to be written off as terminated on 30/6/1945. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1730 WRD Westland S 15939
Greymouth - - - 16/11/1949 At Greymouth the plant was installed when the depot was comparatively new and embodied several advanced features. The ash handled per week by the plant at this depot is approximately 72 tons. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W2278, 10/4128/5 WRD Westland S 15940
Greymouth - - - 16/11/1949 The only suitable method of handling ashes mechanically is by the ash hopper and hoist as installed at Wellington. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W2278, 10/4128/5 WRD Westland S 15941
Greymouth - - - 16/11/1949 This plant is ideal for the job, requiring no handling by the staff. It was imported from overseas and installed at Wellington in 3/1938. The landed cost was £876 and to this must be added stores commission and installation charges which would bring the total to over £1,000. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W2278, 10/4128/5 WRD Westland S 15942
Greymouth - - - 16/11/1949 Wellington and Greymouth are the only depots in New Zealand which have been equipped with these ash pits. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W2278, 10/4128/5 WRD Westland S 15943
Greymouth - - - 6/3/1953 The 1953 order for Greymouth has been reduced from eight houses to seven houses because of the purchase of a dwelling there. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. SAC1, 35/260 SAC Westland S 15944
Greymouth - - - 23/10/1953 The building was constructed about 1912 for the firm Mark Srott & Coy. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Westland S 15945
Greymouth - - - 23/10/1953 The Department has purchased the old, large commercial building in upper Mackay Street, at present occupied by the Resident Engineer. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Westland S 15946
Greymouth - - - 2/1956 1 State house for Railways Department completed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. SAC1, 35/260 SAC Westland S 15947
Greymouth - - - 5/7/1957 The new weighbridge is to be installed on short loop alongside Mawhera Quay, the bridge to be located opposite the end of Boundary Street. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3199, 05/2635 WRD Westland S 15948
Greymouth - - - 9/8/1957 Weighbridge No 6044 is beyond repair. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3199, 05/2635 WRD Westland S 15949
Greymouth - - - 20/8/1957 Weighbridge No 6078 is in stock awaiting installation at Masterton. The proposal now is to install this weighbridge at Greymouth. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3199, 05/2635 WRD Westland S 15950
Greymouth - - - 5/9/1957 The cost of installation will be £2000, which includes the provision of a weighbridge house, new concrete foundations, and electric lighting. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3199, 05/2635 WRD Westland S 15951
Greymouth - - - 5/9/1957 To replace the 14 foot 25-ton weighbridge at Greymouth, which is old and beyond economic repair, the provision of a new 18 foot 30-ton weighbridge has been approved. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3199, 05/2635 WRD Westland S 15952
Greymouth - - - 25/4/1959 Fire in station building. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W2382, 039 WRD Westland S 15953
Greymouth - - - 10/8/1959 Existing colour of station is mainly grey with white facings. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Westland S 15954
Greymouth - - - 9/9/1959 Colour scheme for station: exterior olive green with white facings and trim. Primrose on doors and sills. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Westland S 15955
Greymouth - - - 9/9/1959 Contract for painting the station has been let to a Greymouth firm. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Westland S 15956
Greymouth - - - 9/9/1959 The colour scheme will apply to subsidiary buildings. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Westland S 15957
Greymouth - - - 24/10/1959 The main station building and several adjacent buildings have been painted. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Westland S 15958
Greymouth - - - 26/11/1959 Only tidying up work and the painting of the name at the station ends remains to be done. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Westland S 15959
Greymouth - - - 26/11/1959 Work is almost completed of the painting of the station. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Westland S 15960
Greymouth - - - 4/4/1960 Tracks renewed at the Mawhera Quay level crossing. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 96/777 WRD Westland S 15961
Greymouth - - - 22/8/1960 Harbour Board's siding to South Tip line deleted from Working Timetable. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3180, Pub 1/16 WRD Westland S 15962
Greymouth - - - 11/1960 A derailed wagon from Brunner loaded on another wagon collided with the Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W2854, Pub 31/2 WRD Westland S 15963
Greymouth - - - 27/6/1961 Old social hall in South Street removed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Westland S 15964
Greymouth - - - 8/11/1961 Authority £425 for installation of level crossing alarms at Mawhera Quay, 130 miles 66 chains Midland line. Estimated cost of installation £850; estimated cost of National Road Board portion £425; estimated cost of New Zealand Railways portion £425. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 96/777 WRD Westland S 15965
Greymouth - - - 13/11/1961 Approval for the above. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 96/777 WRD Westland S 15966
Greymouth - - - 19/8/1963 Station building built in 1893, extended in 1896 and 1905. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3199, 05/2955/1 WRD Westland S 15967
Greymouth - - - 20/8/1963 Siding alterations have been completed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Westland S 15968
Greymouth - - - 20/8/1963 Tenders called for the construction of an amenity building at the Way & Works Branch. The new building is to be 43 feet long and 23 feet wide. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Westland S 15969
Greymouth - - - 30/1/1967 Fire in locomotive depot. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W2382, 039 WRD Westland S 15970
Greymouth - - - 18/6/1968 As a result of the earthquake of 24/5/1968, the building occupied by the Resident Engineer and staff, commonly called the Mark Sprott Building, has been condemned and tenders have been called for its demolition. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Westland S 15971
Greymouth - - - 18/6/1968 It is a two-storey brick building, built in 1910, and is located in Mackay Street. It was purchased by the Railways Department five years ago. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Westland S 15972
Greymouth - - - 30/6/1975 The turntable at Ashburton has been transferred to Greymouth. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3180, Pub 3/2 WRD Westland S 15973
Greymouth - - - 2/10/1983 Stockyards closed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3337 WRD Westland S 15974
Greymouth - - - 2/11/1987 Midland Line – 210.94km from Rolleston (0.00km). Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3337 WRD Westland S 15975
Greymouth - - - 20/4/1988 Still used for timetabled running of trains. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3337 WRD S 15976
Greymouth - - - 26/10/1988 21.3 metre turntable for locomotives. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W5514, 13/2679 WRD Westland S 15977
Greymouth - - - 8/2/1991 Mawhera Quay yard tracks removed, goods shed extant. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. JRS/P229 ATL Westland S 15978
Greymouth - - - 8/2/1991 Station yard tracks removed except for two loops near platform. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. JRS/P229 ATL Westland S 15979
Greymouth - - - 1/10/1888 Proposed new wharf sidings on Greymouth Wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 15980
Greymouth - - - 1/2/1897 Accommodation special class station, passenger platform, cart approach to platform, goods shed 102ft x 44ft, loading bank, cattle yards, crane, water service, coal accommodation, telephone or telegraph, weighbridge, engine shed, fixed signals, stationmaster's house, urinals. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3337 WRD Westland S 15981
Greymouth - - - 1/4/1887 Westport coal Coy – again urging want of improved appliances for shipping coal at Greymouth. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 15982
Greymouth - - - 1/7/1875 Contract let to Cuff & Graham for conveyance of cranes to Greymouth, amount £125.10.0. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. AJHR, 1875 Natlib Westland S 15983
Greymouth - - - 1/7/1875 Contract let to Edward Butler for construction of wharf, amount £10,709.19.6. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. AJHR, 1875 Natlib Westland S 15984
Greymouth - - - 1/7/1875 Contract let to T W Hungerford for wharf protection works, amount £555.0.0. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. AJHR, 1875 Natlib Westland S 15985
Greymouth - - - 10/1/1879 Requesting authority £100 for extending goods shed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 15986
Greymouth - - - 10/11/1894 Town clerk, Greymouth – asking for portion of railway reserve to widen Custom Street. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 15987
Greymouth - - - 10/12/1885 The erection of buildings on the wharf has to be considered in view of extensions of sidings and erection of cranes for new system [of unloading coal from wagons]. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 94/3003 WRD Westland S 15988
Greymouth - - - 10/12/1889 Proposals for fencing Greymouth wharf – enclosing plans. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 15989
Greymouth - - - 10/3/1896 Application of Greymouth Harbour Board for a site for an engine shed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 15990
Greymouth - - - 10/6/1894 Loading bank requires rebuilding. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 15991
Greymouth - - - 10/6/1894 Old station buildings at Greymouth. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 15992
Greymouth - - - 10/7/1875 Ed Butler's contract for Greymouth Wharf completed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 12 PWD Westland S 15993
Greymouth - - - 10/7/1890 Condition of Greymouth Wharf and repairs necessary. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 15994
Greymouth - - - 10/7/1895 Application by Greymouth Borough Council for extra lights on Mawhera Quay. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 15995
Greymouth - - - 10/8/1896 Estimate for lighting by electricity, coal sidings and cranes. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 15996
Greymouth - - - 10/8/1897 Shelter shed for wharf labourers. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 15997
Greymouth - - - 11/12/1885 Recommends Minister's assent be given. Shed to be constructed by contract, siding to be laid by Railways staff. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 94/3003 WRD Westland S 15998
Greymouth - - - 11/12/1885 The position of the shed must be altered some 10ft to give room for sidings to shed. £250 cost of shed. £30 cost of altering sidings to suit shed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 94/3003 WRD Westland S 15999
Greymouth - - - 11/4/1888 Secretary for Customs – asking that Customs Examination Shed, Greymouth, be repaired. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16000
Greymouth - - - 11/7/1889 Agent General, London – forwarding letters from makers re: defects in hydraulic cranes. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16001
Greymouth - - - 11/9/1877 Moving weighbridge from Brunner to Greymouth - £300. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16002
Greymouth - - - 11/9/1897 Report on lighting of wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16003
Greymouth - - - 12/1888 Erection of coping wall along Grey River between Greymouth station and Cobden Bridge. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16004
Greymouth - - - 12/2/1885 Johnston Street Wharf – requesting authority £75 for sidings thereon. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16005
Greymouth - - - 12/2/1886 Engineer in Chief's request for one trial wagon and one set of lifting gear to be made at Addington Workshops. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 94/3003 WRD Westland S 16006
Greymouth - - - 12/6/1876 Sweetman & Brown's contract for raising and moving transit shed completed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 12 PWD Westland S 16007
Greymouth - - - 12/6/1888 Greymouth Railway station – re: suggested site between Herbert and Tainui Streets. Tracing. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16008
Greymouth - - - 12/9/1876 Only one of the [12-ton steam] cranes has been submitted to the test of lifting, swinging, and lowering a wagon of coal. Weight of same not exceeding 12 tons. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 82/1170 WRD Westland S 16009
Greymouth - - - 12/9/1876 The fist mentioned crane has never travelled by steam, in fact, could not do so under existing circumstances. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 82/1170 WRD Westland S 16010
Greymouth - - - 12/9/1876 This is the crane reported on, and is distinguished from the other crane by having its frame painted red. The frame of the other crane being painted [?] colour. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 82/1170 WRD Westland S 16011
Greymouth - - - 12/9/1876 When tried, the wagon which weighed exactly 4 tons (empty) was loaded with slack and soft coal of an inferior quality, which had been exposed to heavy rain for a considerable time, being heaped up, it is but fair to assume that its weight was not far short of 8 tons. The gross load was therefore about 12 tons. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 82/1170 WRD Westland S 16012
Greymouth - - - 12/9/1892 Marine Department – proposing to vest control and management of wharves in Harbour Board. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16013
Greymouth - - - 13/11/1887 Hydraulic cranes – water supply. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16014
Greymouth - - - 13/12/1893 Greymouth – Hokitika Railway – Certificate of Inspection. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16015
Greymouth - - - 13/4/1887 Water supply for cranes – want of wells, pump, etc. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16016
Greymouth - - - 13/4/1896 Removal of midland Railway staff from Stillwater to Greymouth. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16017
Greymouth - - - 13/9/1885 Johnston Street Wharf – 3 sets points and crossings – requesting these be sent at once. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16018
Greymouth - - - 14/10/1889 Proposed removal of coaling stage (not used now). Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16019
Greymouth - - - 14/10/1893 Greymouth Harbour Board – leasing land and proposing erection of wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16020
Greymouth - - - 14/5/1888 Reporting on want of additional goods shed accommodation on wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16021
Greymouth - - - 14/5/1894 Town clerk, Greymouth – urging removal of coal depot to another site. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16022
Greymouth - - - 14/8/1894 Amended plan of proposed extension of wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16023
Greymouth - - - 15/1/1890 Want of increased goods shed accommodation at station. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16024
Greymouth - - - 15/3/1884 Approval for £200 for erection of a new incline coal shoot. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 94/3003 WRD Westland S 16025
Greymouth - - - 15/3/1895 Petitioners, Greymouth, complaining of new transit shed, Mawhera Quay, impeding access to wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16026
Greymouth - - - 15/5/1889 Erection of iron rack at Greymouth Store. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16027
Greymouth - - - 15/5/1895 Dispatch of trains from new station. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16028
Greymouth - - - 15/6/1894 Verandah over goods shed doors - estimate. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16029
Greymouth - - - 15/8/1894 Provision of cattle yards at Greymouth. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16030
Greymouth - - - 15/9/1882 Final certificate for loading shed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16031
Greymouth - - - 16/11/1888 Marine Department – plans of further siding accommodation behind new wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16032
Greymouth - - - 16/12/1893 Line to be opened on the 20th instant. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 98/2046 WRD Westland S 16033
Greymouth - - - 16/3/1885 Johnston Street Wharf – final certificate. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16034
Greymouth - - - 16/3/1885 Johnston Street Wharf – requesting authority £100 for moorings. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16035
Greymouth - - - 16/5/1885 Want of improved accommodation at Greymouth station. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16036
Greymouth - - - 16/5/1888 Suggesting adoption of the “Wells” light for new wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16037
Greymouth - - - 17/5/1897 Proposed additions to station office accommodation. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16038
Greymouth - - - 17/7/1894 Grading Mawhera Quay. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16039
Greymouth - - - 18/12/1893 Public Works Department to hand over line. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 98/2046 WRD Westland S 16040
Greymouth - - - 18/2/1875 Backshunt to coal wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16041
Greymouth - - - 18/6/1895 Authority to cover half the cost of loading bank. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16042
Greymouth - - - 18/7/1894 Greymouth station loading platform – requesting authority £35. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16043
Greymouth - - - 19/1/1889 Coal loading and want of travelling hydraulic crane in addition to present ones. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16044
Greymouth - - - 19/2/1886 Harbour Board suggest delivery doors should be placed at both ends of new goods shed now being erected owing to narrow width of Mawhera Quay at that point. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 94/3003 WRD Westland S 16045
Greymouth - - - 19/2/1897 Failure of lifting chain on No 2 hydraulic crane. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16046
Greymouth - - - 19/6/1891 Reporting on depth of water at wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16047
Greymouth - - - 19/8/1886 Increased goods shed accommodation on wharf – plans, etc. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16048
Greymouth - - - 19/9/1876 Requesting authority £50 for erection of stockyards on Greymouth Quay. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16049
Greymouth - - - 2/1/1878 Requesting traverser for wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16050
Greymouth - - - 2/12/1886 Conveyance of hydraulic cranes from Wellington to Greymouth - £175. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16051
Greymouth - - - 2/12/1891 Application of Midland railway Coy for a site to erect a timber stacking shed at Greymouth. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16052
Greymouth - - - 2/3/1876 Contract for moving and raising transit sheds – Sweetman & Brown. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 35/1 PWD Westland S 16053
Greymouth - - - 2/3/1892 Marine Department – proposed extension of railway wharf. wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16054
Greymouth - - - 2/6/1894 Agreement for siding. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1730 WRD Westland S 16055
Greymouth - - - 2/6/1897 Necessity for a supplementary water supply. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16056
Greymouth - - - 2/7/1894 Telegraph Engineer – estimate of cost for telegraph communication between Greymouth and Kumara stations. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16057
Greymouth - - - 2/7/1896 Telephone communication from Greymouth to Jacksons. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16058
Greymouth - - - 2/9/1893 Re: extra goods shed accommodation on wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16059
Greymouth - - - 20/10/1885 Proposed station yard at Greymouth – forwarding plan. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16060
Greymouth - - - 20/11/1882 Recommending erection of wharf and yard for discharging cattle. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16061
Greymouth - - - 20/11/1893 Siding located about 21 chains from junction of Brunner line. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1730 WRD Westland S 16062
Greymouth - - - 20/12/1877 Requesting authority £50 to take 12-ton crane to pieces ready to ship to Westport. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 82/1170 WRD Westland S 16063
Greymouth - - - 20/12/1889 Reporting on want of increased goods shed accommodation. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16064
Greymouth - - - 20/12/1893 Certificate of inspection – Greymouth to Hokitika Railway. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 98/2046 WRD Westland S 16065
Greymouth - - - 20/2/1882 A crane formerly at Greymouth has been sent to Westport. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 82/1170 WRD Westland S 16066
Greymouth - - - 20/2/1886 Delivery doors will be placed at ends of new shed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 94/3003 WRD Westland S 16067
Greymouth - - - 20/2/1886 If the doors are placed at the ends of shed instead of side there will be no obstruction to traffic and carts can load almost as conveniently. The arrangement is practicable and the cost will be small and borne by the Harbour Board. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 94/3003 WRD Westland S 16068
Greymouth - - - 20/3/1886 Tracing of proposed wharf at Greymouth as approved by Harbour Board. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 94/3003 WRD Westland S 16069
Greymouth - - - 20/4/1894 Application to have office accommodation increased in proposed new station. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 98/2046 WRD Westland S 16070
Greymouth - - - 20/5/1886 Agent General, London – Hydraulic cranes for Greymouth Harbour Board – correspondence with Armstrong Mitchell & Coy re: order. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16071
Greymouth - - - 20/6/1894 Proposes to sell old railway station building. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16072
Greymouth - - - 20/6/1899 Recommending some of the Greymouth stone be tipped in to protect the face and this be done for about six bays and where the scour is deepest. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 16073
Greymouth - - - 20/6/1899 Requesting authority £100. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 16074
Greymouth - - - 20/6/1899 The estimated cost is from £75 to £100. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 16075
Greymouth - - - 21/11/1895 Before the new station was made there was an asphalt path all the way – but when the new station yard and approach was constructed the whole was filled up to the level of Mawhera Quay – making one level street from the station fence to the Brunner Railway. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 96/777 WRD Westland S 16076
Greymouth - - - 21/11/1895 Estimate for footpath and two junctions to gate and station – 520 square yards asphalt at 1/9 = £45.10.0. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 96/777 WRD Westland S 16077
Greymouth - - - 21/11/1895 The Greymouth Borough Council apply to have the footpath on Mawhera Quay widened. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 96/777 WRD Westland S 16078
Greymouth - - - 21/12/1877 Authority £50 approved. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 82/1170 WRD Westland S 16079
Greymouth - - - 21/7/1876 Greymouth – Brunnerton Railway was opened for public traffic on 8/4/1876. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. AJHR, 1876 Natlib Westland S 16080
Greymouth - - - 21/7/1876 McLeod & Gunn's contract for Greymouth water service completed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 12 PWD Westland S 16081
Greymouth - - - 21/8/1882 Siding to be laid to engine shed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16082
Greymouth - - - 22/11/1889 Want of additional shed accommodation. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16083
Greymouth - - - 22/2/1884 Request to have crane incline increased in height. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 94/3003 WRD Westland S 16084
Greymouth - - - 22/2/1884 Speed of loading will almost be doubled, which in itself would be a great gain, especially when pushed for empty wagons. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 94/3003 WRD Westland S 16085
Greymouth - - - 22/2/1884 The chief objective is to load both hatches simultaneously. We can only do so now when [?] hatch is nearly full. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 94/3003 WRD Westland S 16086
Greymouth - - - 22/2/1884 With steamers of the “Omapere” class we are compelled to use steam crane for at least two thirds of the day and at high water we cannot load at all, although crane incline is 5ft 0in higher than wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 94/3003 WRD Westland S 16087
Greymouth - - - 22/4/1886 Want of additional siding accommodation. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16088
Greymouth - - - 22/5/1884 Requesting authority for supplying a safe to Greymouth station. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16089
Greymouth - - - 22/5/1894 Greymouth station and yard. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16090
Greymouth - - - 23/11/1887 Requesting semaphore signals. Midland railway Coy requires at Greymouth. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16091
Greymouth - - - 23/12/1885 Harbour Board – Erection of goods shed to proceed under the tender of Mr Mathew Govaw (£189) already accepted by the Board. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 94/3003 WRD Westland S 16092
Greymouth - - - 23/4/1883 Proposed extension of Greymouth Wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16093
Greymouth - - - 23/4/1897 Recommends re-arrangement of goods sheds and offices. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16094
Greymouth - - - 23/6/1893 New station, with the following accommodation, completed: 2nd class station, passenger platform (250ft x 16ft), two-stall engine shed, 50-ton coal store, goods shed (60ft x 30ft), loading bank (50ft long), and water tanks. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. AJHR, 1893 Natlib Westland S 16095
Greymouth - - - 23/7/1886 Proposed alterations to station to give better approach to the bridge. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16096
Greymouth - - - 23/7/1894 Siding accommodation at Greymouth. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16097
Greymouth - - - 23/8/1893 Railway station, Greymouth – re: accommodation for district manager and clerks. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16098
Greymouth - - - 24/1/1887 New siding on Greymouth Wharf extension – requests set of points and crossings (52lb). Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16099
Greymouth - - - 24/10/1892 New station to be built. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 98/2046 WRD Westland S 16100
Greymouth - - - 24/10/1892 Present engine shed accommodation is only adequate for engines now in use on the Greymouth section. Additional shed room will be required for the engines to work the Hokitika line. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 98/2046 WRD Westland S 16101
Greymouth - - - 24/10/1893 Railway station, Greymouth – removing R M house, etc. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16102
Greymouth - - - 24/10/1893 Railway station, Greymouth – requesting authority £3,050. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16103
Greymouth - - - 24/10/1895 Authority filling in back of wharf extension and re-erecting harbourmaster's office. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16104
Greymouth - - - 24/10/1895 Requesting authority £50 for filling in at the back of wharf extension and re-erecting Harbourmaster's office at end of wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 16105
Greymouth - - - 24/11/1875 Contract for erecting two 12-ton steam cranes – Edward Butler. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 35/1 PWD Westland S 16106
Greymouth - - - 24/12/1885 Approval for the above. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 94/3003 WRD Westland S 16107
Greymouth - - - 24/3/1886 Hydraulic cranes can be procured with greater dispatch than steam cranes can be built in the colony and as the former are in many ways superior and preferable, the Minister for Works proposes they should be adopted. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 94/3003 WRD Westland S 16108
Greymouth - - - 24/6/1895 Damage to station premises by blast in Harbour Board quarry. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16109
Greymouth - - - 24/6/1896 Under Secretary for Public Works – land required by Greymouth Harbour Board for the erection of an engine shed, etc., at Greymouth. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16110
Greymouth - - - 25/3/1889 Reporting on proposal to use hydraulic cranes for ordinary cargo. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16111
Greymouth - - - 25/6/1896 Additional office accommodation in station. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16112
Greymouth - - - 25/8/1893 Station sidings are to be proceeded with as quickly as possible. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 98/2046 WRD Westland S 16113
Greymouth - - - 25/9/1888 Proposed new wharf siding. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16114
Greymouth - - - 26/10/1892 Proposed improvements to station arrangements. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16115
Greymouth - - - 26/10/1893 Siding is to be used for taking logs to the sawmill. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1730 WRD Westland S 16116
Greymouth - - - 26/11/1883 Calling attention to necessity for the provision of additional wharf and storage accommodation. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 94/3003 WRD Westland S 16117
Greymouth - - - 26/12/1890 Want of additional telephone at station. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16118
Greymouth - - - 26/2/1896 Extension of footpath along Mawhera Quay. Forwarding resolution of Borough Council re: asphalting. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16119
Greymouth - - - 26/3/1883 Requesting £120 for store for Bridge Inspector. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16120
Greymouth - - - 26/3/1887 Water supply for hydraulic cranes – want of well, steam pump, etc. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16121
Greymouth - - - 26/7/1888 Connection of Greymouth station with telephone exchange. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16122
Greymouth - - - 27/3/1875 Steam travelling crane, re: adapting wharf for same. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16123
Greymouth - - - 27/5/1898 Capping of wharf to be painted white. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16124
Greymouth - - - 27/5/1898 Supply of a pump. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16125
Greymouth - - - 27/9/1888 Marine Department – proposed new goods sheds on wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16126
Greymouth - - - 27/9/1892 Approval for the Board to plank wharf at it's own expense. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 16127
Greymouth - - - 28/11/1888 Agent General, London – reported defects in engines supplied with cranes. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16128
Greymouth - - - 28/11/1888 Order in Council approving extra sidings behind wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16129
Greymouth - - - 28/11/1889 Danger to coal standing on wharf in case of fire in proximity. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16130
Greymouth - - - 28/11/1895 As the space between the line of Mawhera Quay and the railway fence opposite the station is now the junction of two streets and the approach to the railway station it should be left as a metalled road so that wheeled vehicles can be driven over any part of it to and from the station; and from one street to the other. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 96/777 WRD Westland S 16131
Greymouth - - - 28/3/1876 E Butler's contract for erecting steam crane completed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 12 PWD Westland S 16132
Greymouth - - - 28/5/1886 The Wallsend Mine have sunk their main shaft down to the coal and they expect to be putting out coal for shipment by August next. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 94/3003 WRD Westland S 16133
Greymouth - - - 29/10/1883 Contract let to J Goodfellow for construction of Johnston Street Wharf, amount £5,234.14.0. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. AJHR, 1884 Natlib Westland S 16134
Greymouth - - - 29/10/1885 Marine Department – Greymouth Harbour Board plan of proposed shed on wharf for approval. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 94/3003 WRD Westland S 16135
Greymouth - - - 29/10/1896 Schedule of tenders for the erection of a timber drying shed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16136
Greymouth - - - 29/12/1886 Application from Harbour Board to cross railway line, Greymouth station, for opening new face in their quarry. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16137
Greymouth - - - 29/12/1886 Application of Harbour Board to cross railway line, Greymouth station, for opening new face in their quarry. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16138
Greymouth - - - 29/12/1892 Postal Department – Erection of apparatus for signalling between Greymouth station and the viaduct. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16139
Greymouth - - - 29/5/1896 Town clerk, Greymouth – necessity for better lighting on wharves. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16140
Greymouth - - - 29/6/1888 Re: working engines on Greymouth Wharf with only one engineman. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16141
Greymouth - - - 3/11/1897 Inconvenience of platform and verandahs at goods shed doors. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16142
Greymouth - - - 3/6/1885 2 steam cranes, suitable for the purpose of discharging the hoppers; and further, that the hoppers now in use should be altered, as found convenient. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 94/3003 WRD Westland S 16143
Greymouth - - - 3/6/1885 50 hopper wagons with iron boxes, capable of holding 6 to 7 tons coal, of a type to disconnect from the carriage; Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 94/3003 WRD Westland S 16144
Greymouth - - - 3/6/1885 Cost of alterations to hoppers during first year - £1,000. Total £8,500. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 94/3003 WRD Westland S 16145
Greymouth - - - 3/6/1885 Estimated cost of hoppers and crane - £7,500. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 94/3003 WRD Westland S 16146
Greymouth - - - 3/6/1885 The Greymouth Harbour Board has resolved to procure the following plant for the Greymouth – Brunner railway: Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 94/3003 WRD Westland S 16147
Greymouth - - - 3/7/1899 Approval from the Harbour Board for the above work. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 16148
Greymouth - - - 3/8/1894 Justice Department – application by District Manager, Greymouth, for magistrate's house at Greymouth to be handed over the Railways Department for use of stationmaster. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16149
Greymouth - - - 30/3/1880 Approval for £5,000 for Greymouth Harbour works. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 82/1170 WRD Westland S 16150
Greymouth - - - 30/3/1896 Requesting authority £45, amount to be paid to the Greymouth Borough Council for reforming footpaths and crossings on Mawhera Quay. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 96/777 WRD Westland S 16151
Greymouth - - - 30/4/1894 Proposed alteration of new station building. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16152
Greymouth - - - 30/4/1897 Deficiency in water supply. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16153
Greymouth - - - 30/5/1888 Store Keeper – loan of three sets of points and crossings to Greymouth Harbour Board. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16154
Greymouth - - - 30/9/1886 Marine Department – erection of additional goods shed on wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16155
Greymouth - - - 31/1/1894 Postal Department – telephone for wharfinger's office. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16156
Greymouth - - - 31/10/1893 Marine Department – extension of shed accommodation on wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16157
Greymouth - - - 31/3/1884 Minor alterations to engine shed and workshops. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. AJHR, 1884 Natlib Westland S 16158
Greymouth - - - 31/3/1893 Home signals erected. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. AJHR, 1893 Natlib Westland S 16159
Greymouth - - - 31/3/1893 New transit shed erected on wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. AJHR, 1893 Natlib Westland S 16160
Greymouth - - - 4/10/1893 Greymouth – Hokitika Railway – Mileage should begin at Greymouth, zero point being the junction points on the Brunner Line opposite the engine shed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 98/2046 WRD Westland S 16161
Greymouth - - - 4/11/1881 Mayor of Greymouth urges, as larger tonnage entering the river, the present wharf accommodation should be extended so as to give greater facilities for loading coal. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 82/1170 WRD Westland S 16162
Greymouth - - - 4/3/1891 Midland Railway Coy – suggests erection of cattle yards at Greymouth. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16163
Greymouth - - - 4/4/1899 It requires face piling along the front of the wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 16164
Greymouth - - - 4/4/1899 The length that requires attention is about 16 bays, estimated to cost about £900. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 16165
Greymouth - - - 4/4/1899 The matter is urgent as the ground at the back is commencing to subside. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 16166
Greymouth - - - 4/4/1899 The river has now scoured so that the ground has fallen below the bank lining. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 16167
Greymouth - - - 4/4/1899 River protection works Greymouth Wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/14 WRD Westland S 16168
Greymouth - - - 4/6/1891 Intention of Harbour Board to plank spaces on wharf near cranes. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16169
Greymouth - - - 4/6/1894 Greymouth station building alterations – forwarding estimate. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16170
Greymouth - - - 4/6/1894 Want of extra siding accommodation on wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16171
Greymouth - - - 5/10/1886 Plan of proposed shed for wharf for approval. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16172
Greymouth - - - 5/11/1887 Erecting hydraulic cranes – reporting re: delay. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16173
Greymouth - - - 5/12/1898 Additional Workshops accommodation required. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/14 WRD Westland S 16174
Greymouth - - - 5/12/1898 Damage to goods shed door while shunting. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3734/14 WRD Westland S 16175
Greymouth - - - 5/5/1898 Semaphore signal at Greymouth to control shunting between wharf and station sidings, etc. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16176
Greymouth - - - 5/7/1894 Want of extra siding accommodation at hydraulic cranes. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16177
Greymouth - - - 5/8/1891 Harbour Board warned not to plank over spaces near cranes. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 16178
Greymouth - - - 5/9/1893 Passenger station, Greymouth. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16179
Greymouth - - - 5/9/1894 The Governor in Council has approved the plan of the proposed extension of Greymouth wharf submitted by the Greymouth Harbour Board subject to the condition that the decking of the extension should be made by 8in by 5in birch (Fagus fusca) instead of 8in by 4in rimu as proposed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 94/3003 WRD Westland S 16180
Greymouth - - - 6/11/1891 Application of the Harbour Board for permission to allow them to complete the decking on the wharf below Johnston Street, in order to facilitate the loading and discharge of vessels and generally increase wharf accommodation. Estimated cost is £400. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 16181
Greymouth - - - 6/11/1891 Harbour Board, Greymouth – asking permission to complete decking on wharf below Johnston Street Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16182
Greymouth - - - 6/11/1895 Approval for the above. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 16183
Greymouth - - - 6/1895 Minister's approval for a verandah for station. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16184
Greymouth - - - 6/2/1890 Requesting authority for making new shoot for loading steamers. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16185
Greymouth - - - 6/4/1886 Requesting approval that Board erects the 650 foot wharf extension. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 94/3003 WRD Westland S 16186
Greymouth - - - 6/4/1897 District Manager – telephone connection between his house and exchange. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16187
Greymouth - - - 6/7/1894 Marine Department – Greymouth Harbour Board submitting plan of proposed extension of wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16188
Greymouth - - - 6/8/1897 Shelter shed for arrival platform. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16189
Greymouth - - - 7/10/1891 Want of extra siding accommodation. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16190
Greymouth - - - 7/11/1885 Plan of proposed shed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16191
Greymouth - - - 7/11/1893 Right of way near Greymouth station – copy of letter from Borough Council. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16192
Greymouth - - - 7/1882 Minister has instructed transfer of crane from Westport to Greymouth is not to be effected. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 82/1170 WRD Westland S 16193
Greymouth - - - 7/2/1879 Goods shed, Greymouth. Minister sanctions £100 on extending goods shed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2/44 PWD Westland S 16194
Greymouth - - - 7/4/1876 Greymouth – Brunner line opened for traffic. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Westland S 16195
Greymouth - - - 7/9/1888 Report re: drainage of private coal shoots at Greymouth station. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16196
Greymouth - - - 7/9/1894 Platform on Mawhera Quay. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2278, 03/2169/1 WRD Westland S 16197
Greymouth - - - 8/1/1892 As to dredging at berth of No 2 Crane. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16198
Greymouth - - - 8/10/1886 Agent General, London – Invoice, Bill of Lading, etc., for Greymouth cranes. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16199
Greymouth - - - 8/12/1891 Above application declined. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 99/1080 WRD Westland S 16200
Greymouth - - - 8/4/1896 Above authority issued. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 96/777 WRD Westland S 16201
Greymouth - - - 8/5/1894 A bracket verandah is to be provided at each doorway on street side of Greymouth and Hokitika stations. The doorways referred to at these places face the very worst quarters for rain, and in bad weather, which is very frequent on the Coast, the rain will beat right into the buildings. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. R4, 98/2046 WRD Westland S 16202
Greymouth - - - 9/6/1897 Removal of 12-ton steam crane Greymouth wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16203
Greymouth - - - 9/7/1876 Suggesting trains be run on Brunner railway on 17th instant, Greymouth races. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16204
Greymouth - - - 9/7/1894 Marine Department – application of Union Steam Ship Coy for extra sidings on wharf. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16205
Greymouth 19/5/1988 Mawhera Quay tracks flooded. W3440 WRD S 16206
Greymouth 20/5/1988 Track on Mawhera Quay scored after flooding. W3440 WRD S 16207
Greymouth Workshops - - - 21/9/1900 Proposal to shift the Car Shop from Stillwater to Greymouth, also the building used as a store; one for use as a Car & Wagon Shop; the other as a timber and plant store, for use of the maintenance Department, to be placed near the present Maintenance Shop. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16211
Greymouth Workshops - - - 30/8/1902 Currently no wood-working machinery in the Shops, but there has been a circular and band saw in Greymouth for many years which has never been erected owing to there being no room. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16212
Greymouth Workshops - - - 30/8/1902 Sheds at Stillwater to be shifted to Greymouth, for increased Workshops accommodation. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16213
Greymouth Workshops - - - 30/8/1902 When the Stillwater shed is moved to Greymouth, it is intended to erect the machinery as it is urgently needed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16214
Greymouth Workshops - - - 21/12/1903 Provision of more siding accommodation by laying down two backshunts between the new car shop and the old shed, extending back to the old quarry. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16215
Greymouth Workshops - - - 8/2/1904 Approval for above. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16216
Greymouth Workshops - - - 30/6/1906 Approval to remove the engine sheds from Stillwater to Greymouth where they can be utilised as a wagon repairing or paint shop. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16217
Greymouth Workshops - - - 24/10/1907 The Greymouth Harbour Board has granted permission to build a repair shop on their reserve. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16218
Greymouth Workshops - - - 30/10/1907 Construction of repair shop approved. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16219
Greymouth Workshops - - - 11/3/1911 Approval for ten additional skylights for wagon lifting shop, and alterations to roof of Workshop Foreman's office. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16220
Greymouth Workshops - - - 11/3/1911 Blacksmiths' shop to have roof repaired, and converting it from a lean-to to a span roof and extending of the main workshops building to correspond, approved. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16221
Greymouth Workshops - - - 28/5/1913 Roof ventilators to be provided in the tarring shop. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16222
Greymouth Workshops - - - 13/8/1915 Proposals to transfer Greymouth Workshops to Elmer Lane. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16223
Greymouth Workshops - - - 9/11/1916 Additional accommodation was approved on 13/12/1912, but the present site was so cramped the addition could not be made and it was then decided to move the shops to Elmer lane and utilise the present shops for engine depot. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16224
Greymouth Workshops - - - 9/11/1916 Until the Workshops are moved to another site, it is impossible to provide increased accommodation for stalling engines. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16225
Greymouth Workshops - - - 2/8/1918 Approval to provide a lean-to building for boilers, also roof to cover shearing machine in Workshops. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16226
Greymouth Workshops - - - 2/12/1925 Approval for the following: Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16227
Greymouth Workshops - - - 2/12/1925 Move car and wagon gang into shop vacated by car painters. This will leave the existing wagon repair shop vacant. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16228
Greymouth Workshops - - - 2/12/1925 Put smoke hoods into the vacated Wagon Repair Shop and utilise as auxiliary running shed. This will provide housing for six or eight engines. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16229
Greymouth Workshops - - - 2/12/1925 Stop brake cleaning at Greymouth and transfer to Christchurch; Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16230
Greymouth Workshops - - - 2/12/1925 Stop car painting at Greymouth and transfer men and work to Addington; Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16231
Greymouth Workshops - - - 22/12/1925 Approval to nail old tarpaulins on wall between running shed and workshops to stop a smoke nuisance in the latter. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16232
Greymouth Workshops - - - 12/10/1928 (a) The paint shop is 36ft, with two tracks in it and a pit under each track. The framing of the building is of good design and in very fair order. The timbers in the pits and in the old sleeper floor are decayed and are past repair. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16233
Greymouth Workshops - - - 12/10/1928 (b) The wagon shop (Maori House) is 110ft x 31ft with a 10ft lean-to along one side. This is a poor style structure and is in only fair repair. The old sleeper floor is past repair. There are no pits under the two sidings. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16234
Greymouth Workshops - - - 12/10/1928 Approximate dimensions: Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16235
Greymouth Workshops - - - 12/10/1928 Blacksmith's Shop – 50ft x 40ft with dirt floor. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16236
Greymouth Workshops - - - 12/10/1928 Boiler Lean-to – 60ft x 15ft Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16237
Greymouth Workshops - - - 12/10/1928 Erecting Shop – 75ft x 33ft with concrete floor. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16238
Greymouth Workshops - - - 12/10/1928 Machine Shop - 70ft x 35ft with wood-block floor. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16239
Greymouth Workshops - - - 12/10/1928 Office – 24ft x 18ft. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16240
Greymouth Workshops - - - 12/10/1928 Only patch work repairs have been carried out to these building for several years. The roof trusses are in fair order. The studs are decaying and generally attacked with the borer. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16241
Greymouth Workshops - - - 12/10/1928 The old carriage shed is one of the more recent buildings. The framing and roof trusses are in very fair condition but the roofing iron is done and the iron on the walls is in poor order. There is no spouting. The building measured 165ft by 31ft, of which 40ft of the inner end is used as a wood-working machine shop. There is a pit under each siding. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16242
Greymouth Workshops - - - 12/10/1928 The old engine shed consists of two bays 79ft x 33ft and 102ft x 34ft, each with two tracks and inspection pits. The drop pits are under the two tracks next to Mawhera Quay. The framework and roof trusses of this building are decayed and worm eaten and are not worth repairing. This building should be demolished. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16243
Greymouth Workshops - - - 12/10/1928 The punching and shearing machine is under this shelter. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16244
Greymouth Workshops - - - 12/10/1928 There are two distinct structures in this building; Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16245
Greymouth Workshops - - - 7/9/1931 The old workshops is very dilapidated, without any glass panes now left intact. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16246
Greymouth Workshops - - - 7/9/1931 Work ceased at the old workshops, Mawhera Quay, on Saturday and began at the new workshops at Elmer Lane this morning. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16247
Greymouth Workshops - - - 14/12/1931 Old buildings still in existence. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16248
Greymouth Workshops - - - 8/1/1932 Tenders called for the sale for removal of the old locomotive sheds, etc. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16249
Greymouth Workshops - - - 11/10/1932 Three shed and old carpenters shop disposed of. Car shed, engine shed, and workshop not sold. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16250
Greymouth Workshops - - - 31/3/1949 Equipping lunch room: new store and improved washing facilities in hand. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W3180, Pub 1/11 WRD Westland S 16251
Greymouth Workshops - - - 15/4/1891 Want of additional workshops accommodation. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16252
Greymouth Workshops - - - 2/1/1889 Estimate of costs of Workshops tools ordered for Greymouth. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16253
Greymouth Workshops - - - 20/4/1891 Extension to Workshops accommodation approved. Present accommodation is insufficient and most of the wagon repairs are done in the open. Car & Wagon Shop to be added to. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16254
Greymouth Workshops - - - 27/12/1888 Addition to Smiths' shop; Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16255
Greymouth Workshops - - - 27/12/1888 Additional 60 feet to engine shed and fitting shop; Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16256
Greymouth Workshops - - - 27/12/1888 Application for extension to Workshops accommodation: Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16257
Greymouth Workshops - - - 27/12/1888 New car and wagon shop; Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16258
Greymouth Workshops - - - 27/12/1888 New sidings, 6 chains; Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16259
Greymouth Workshops - - - 27/12/1888 Plan and estimate of additional workshops accommodation. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 1820 WRD Westland S 16260
Greymouth Workshops - - - 27/12/1888 Relaying out sidings, 6 chains; and Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16261
Greymouth Workshops - - - 27/12/1888 Removing old Smithy; Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16262
Greymouth Workshops - - - 27/12/1888 Removing tanks and re-connecting; Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16263
Greymouth Workshops - - - 27/12/1888 Shifting old wagon shop; Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16264
Greymouth Workshops - - - 27/12/1888 Three-throw points. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16265
Greymouth Workshops - - - 27/12/1888 Traverser for long cars and erecting; Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16266
Greymouth Workshops - - - 28/2/1890 Workshops extensions to be started immediately. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 16267
Greymouth Workshops - - - 31/3/1882 Contract for Greymouth Workshops signed. Greymouth – Brunner Railway Greymouth Section. W 3 PWD Westland S 16268
Greymouth Workshops 17/10/1986 Closed. W3440, Pub 36 WRD S 16269