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File Records:Grovetown

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Blenheim Grovetown Spring_Creek
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Blenheim--Grovetown Grovetown--Spring_Creek
3.3km 2.6km

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Name Alt 1 Alt 2 Alt 3 Details Railway Rly 2 Reference Source Locality Island Sequence
Grovetown - - - 17/9/1900 Proposed improvements to station. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W3734/16 WRD Marlborough S 16396
Grovetown - - - 2/10/1960 Mileage 82 miles 20 chains from Kaikoura. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 3337 WRD Marlborough S 16397
Grovetown - - - 1/6/1961 Vickerman Street level crossing is at 201 miles 21 chains Main North Line. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 2493, 94/3489 WRD Marlborough S 16398
Grovetown - - - 28/6/1961 District Engineer to arrange for gorse obstructing the view at crossing to be removed. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 2493, 94/3489 WRD Marlborough S 16399
Grovetown - - - 25/8/1961 Fell Street level crossing, Grovetown, at 200 miles 51 chains Main North Line (previously known as Steam Wharf Road). Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 2493, 94/3489 WRD Marlborough S 16400
Grovetown - - - 4/9/1961 Requesting authority £900 for installation of level crossing alarms at Fell Street. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 2493, 94/3489 WRD Marlborough S 16401
Grovetown - - - 30/10/1967 Requesting authority $1480 to install flashing light and bells at Wairau Road, Grovetown, at 199 miles 57 chains, Main North Line. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 2493, 94/3489 WRD Marlborough S 16402
Grovetown - - - 13/11/1967 Approval for the above. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 2493, 94/3489 WRD Marlborough S 16403
Grovetown - - - 25/9/1968 Station will be closed to all traffic from Monday 14/10/1962. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section R4, 97/3510 WRD Marlborough S 16404
Grovetown - - - 30/4/1976 Approval to close “Knight's” level crossing at approximately 200 miles 40 chains Main North Line. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 2493, 94/3489 WRD Marlborough S 16405
Grovetown - - - 30/4/1976 The Marlborough County Council supports the closing action and has given its formal consent for the crossing land to be taken for railway purposes. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 2493, 94/3489 WRD Marlborough S 16406
Grovetown - - - 30/4/1976 This is a very dangerous crossing that connects two parallel roads, State Highway No 1 and a County Road, which are only 30 feet apart. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 2493, 94/3489 WRD Marlborough S 16407
Grovetown - - - 18/8/1976 Proclamation taking land at level crossing. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 2493, 94/3489 WRD Marlborough S 16408
Grovetown - - - 14/9/1978 The District Engineer will arrange fencing where necessary to physically stop the road. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 2493, 94/3489 WRD Marlborough S 16409
Grovetown - - - 14/9/1978 The Railways Department, Ministry of Works & Development, and Marlborough County Council have agreed the lower Wairau Road crossing be closed and the road traffic diverted to Alberharts Road. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 2493, 94/3489 WRD Marlborough S 16410
Grovetown - - - 21/9/1978 Approval for the above. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 2493, 94/3489 WRD Marlborough S 16411
Grovetown - - - 1/2/1897 Mileage 15 miles 68 chains from Picton. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 3337 WRD Marlborough S 16412
Grovetown - - - 11/91/961 Approval for the above. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 2493, 94/3489 WRD Marlborough S 16413
Grovetown - - - 12/10/1894 No crossing has ever yet been formed for Vickerman Street at 15 miles 21 chains 30 links. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 2493, 94/3489 WRD Marlborough S 16414
Grovetown - - - 12/10/1894 Since the line has been opened the only access from the Main Road to Vickerman Street has been by way of a level crossing at 15 miles 17 chains, through a piece of railway reserve. The ground on this reserve was excavated for a side pit, and is low lying, full of water and flax. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 2493, 94/3489 WRD Marlborough S 16415
Grovetown - - - 12/10/1894 The estimate for the whole is £60. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 2493, 94/3489 WRD Marlborough S 16416
Grovetown - - - 12/10/1894 The railway is ten feet above level of Vickerman Street, so it will take some considerable filling to make up the approaches. There is also a large culvert required in the west approach. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 2493, 94/3489 WRD Marlborough S 16417
Grovetown - - - 12/10/1894 Vickerman Street appears to be one of the old District Roads, and proper access is required. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 2493, 94/3489 WRD Marlborough S 16418
Grovetown - - - 12/9/1892 Railway siding at Grovetown. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 3 PWD Marlborough S 16419
Grovetown - - - 18/10/1894 Approval for the above. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 2493, 94/3489 WRD Marlborough S 16420
Grovetown - - - 21/7/1876 Picton – Blenheim Railway opened for public traffic on 18/11/1875. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section AJHR, 1876 Natlib Marlborough S 16421
Grovetown - - - 24/3/1892 Petition respecting inconvenient position of siding. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 16422
Grovetown - - - 24/9/1894 Application for level crossing at Vickerman Street, by the Spring Creek Road Board. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 2493, 94/3489 WRD Marlborough S 16423
Grovetown - - - 24/9/1894 Construction of a level crossing at Vickerman Street Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 16424
Grovetown - - - 25/11/1889 Road Board, Spring Creek – asking that large hole near Grove Town station be filled up. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 16425
Grovetown - - - 26/12/1891 Urging alteration of approach to siding at Grovetown. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 16426
Grovetown - - - 26/2/1895 Recommending sale of cottage No 4. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 16427
Grovetown - - - 30/10/1890 Under Secretary for Public Works – forwarding authority for filling in hole near station. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 16428
Grovetown - - - 4/12/1882 Reports necessity for blowing engine whistle near Grovetown station is owing to the large number of level crossings. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 16429
Grovetown Ballast Pit - - - 25/8/1963 Mileage 199 miles 59 chains from Addington, on right side of line. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 3337 WRD Marlborough S 16430
Grovetown Ballast Pit Siding - - - 2/11/1987 Main North Line – 320.87km from Addington (0.00km). Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W 3337 WRD Marlborough S 16431