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File Records:Cliffs

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Michies_Crossing Cliffs The_Gums
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Michies_Crossing--Cliffs Cliffs--The_Gums
3.2km 1.5km

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Purakanui Cliffs - - - A constant watch was kept on the line and a watchman preceeded every train. There was a speed restriction of 10 miles per hour for all trains. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2549 WRD Otago S 48052
Purakanui Cliffs - - - After this accident considerable agitation was made in the press as to the dangerous nature of the line and questions were asked in Parliament. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2549 WRD Otago S 48053
Purakanui Cliffs - - - An examination of the whole line and cliff face was made by the Chief Engineer, Mr Lowe, and he recommended the construction of the tunnel at a cost of approximately £10,000. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2549 WRD Otago S 48054
Purakanui Cliffs - - - On 10/7/1888 a rock fell down and struck the engine of the south express as it was passing.  The engine was derailed but no-one was injured. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2549 WRD Otago S 48055
Purakanui Cliffs - - - Purakanui Tunnel (The Cliffs).The line originally ran around the outside of the cliffs. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2549 WRD Otago S 48056
Purakanui Cliffs - - - The tunnel was pierced on 6/8/1889 and traffic worked through the new tunnel on 19/11/1889. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2549 WRD Otago S 48057
Purakanui Cliffs - - - 1/8/1890 Fall of rock on old main line near Purakanui Cliffs Tunnel, between the tunnel and the sea. Occurred between Saturday, 5 July, and Monday, 7 July. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2549 WRD Otago S 48058
Purakanui Cliffs - - - 16/7/1889 Another sudden fall of rock occurred at Purakanui Cliffs on 11th instant.  It came down after frost and rain without warning and left a bad face of loosened rock. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2549 WRD Otago S 48059
Purakanui Cliffs - - - 16/7/1889 The face is being carefully attended to to secure safety of traffic. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2549 WRD Otago S 48060
Purakanui Cliffs - - - 18/11/1889 Traffic is to be turned through the new Tunnel at Purakanui Cliffs tomorrow, 19th instant. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2549 WRD Otago S 48061
Purakanui Cliffs - - - 2/2/1892 Additional land taken at Purakanui Cliffs for railway purposes. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - W 3 PWD Otago S 48062
Purakanui Cliffs - - - 20/9/1888 Authority for £15,000 for works on the Purakanui Cliffs line, altering and improving line for safety of trains, etc. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2549 WRD Otago S 48063
Purakanui Cliffs - - - 21/11/1888 A special watchman (and relief man at night), both living on the spot, inspect the line before every train.  Special trains are advised by telephone to these watchmen. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2549 WRD Otago S 48064
Purakanui Cliffs - - - 21/11/1888 During the last six weeks the weather has dried up the springs and soakage in the rock so that the tendency to slip is reduced to a minimum.  Should have no fear of any change until another winter.  With this view the instructions given are to push on, and to work three shifts in the drives so that work may proceed day and night without cessation. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2549 WRD Otago S 48065
Purakanui Cliffs - - - 21/11/1888 The place is under constant watch.  Workmen are on the spot all day, and the work is in charge of an experienced and trustworthy man, well versed in rock and quarry work. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2549 WRD Otago S 48066
Purakanui Cliffs - - - 21/11/1888 The space between the faulty faces and the railway formation is such that there is no fear of a fall carrying away the formation at once. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2549 WRD Otago S 48067
Purakanui Cliffs - - - 24/3/1897 Additional room to cottage No 39, Purakanui Cliffs. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 48068
Purakanui Cliffs - - - 26/11/1890 The small Maptahi Peninsular lies immediately below the watchman's house. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 98/1671 WRD Otago S 48069
Purakanui Cliffs - - - 5/11/1888 All the trouble above the line have been from rocks parting from similar backs.  Some of these have been traced for 40 to 60 feet in height. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2549 WRD Otago S 48070
Purakanui Cliffs - - - 5/11/1888 Engineer is fully satisfied the right thing has been decided upon to place the line in a more permanent position with least possible delay.  Even if the present line formation were to stand for years, the condition of the face is ample justification for the works now undertaken. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2549 WRD Otago S 48071
Purakanui Cliffs - - - 5/11/1888 No portion of the faces above the line ever presented anything approaching the condition of instability that is now to be seen below. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2549 WRD Otago S 48072
Purakanui Cliffs - - - 5/11/1888 The same run of backs can be traced from below to above the railway, being intersected by the railway cutting.  These backs are lined with a thin layer of clay.  In wet weather this becomes like grease and the rocks slide down on these greasy backs. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2549 WRD Otago S 48073
Purakanui Cliffs - - - 5/11/1888 The work has started and will be pushed on as fast as the nature and limited space will permit. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2549 WRD Otago S 48074
Purakanui Cliffs - - - 5/11/1888 There are large masses loosen and shaken and liable to fall.  If such a state existed above instead of below the line, no trains would be permitted to pass until these loose masses were taken down. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2549 WRD Otago S 48075
Purakanui Cliffs - - - 5/11/1888 There is evidence on the beach now, that very large falls have taken place, and not only small isolated pieces.  There is a mass of debris lying on the beach which gives evidence of having fallen in one lump.  The gap it has left measures about 2,000 cubic yards.  It has left another high mass overhanging the vacant space.  The fallen rock parted from a smooth back at a very steep inclination.  Stones in this heap of debris lying in the seaway still retain the sharp edges of new broken stone.  So the fall cannot be many years old. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2549 WRD Otago S 48076
Purakanui Cliffs - - - 5/11/1888 There is still distance enough between the face and railway formation for safety, but how long it may be so is impossible to say. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2549 WRD Otago S 48077
Purakanui Cliffs - - - 6/6/1890 Taking additional land at Purakanui Cliffs for railway purposes. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 48078
Purakanui Cliffs - - - 8/9/1888 After all loosened rock is removed there is still the liability for more surface to be opened up by the weather and frost. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2549 WRD Otago S 48079
Purakanui Cliffs - - - 8/9/1888 During the month of July last there was unusually long-continued easterly rain – more so than has been experienced in any winter before, since this Department had charge of the line. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2549 WRD Otago S 48080
Purakanui Cliffs - - - 8/9/1888 Heavy easterly rains and subsequent frosts have the effect of opening and loosening these joints and beds. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2549 WRD Otago S 48081
Purakanui Cliffs - - - 8/9/1888 The result has been a correspondingly extensive loosening of the surface of the rock. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2549 WRD Otago S 48082
Purakanui Cliffs - - - 8/9/1888 The rock is extremely hard but in some places is very much intersected with joints and beds at a variety of inclinations. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2549 WRD Otago S 48083
Purakanui Cliffs - - - 8/9/1888 There is the liability of falls of rock taking place after wet weather and although every precaution is used to ensure the line is clear for every train yet it cannot be affirmed that the traffic is absolutely free from risk. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2549 WRD Otago S 48084
Purakanui Cliffs - - - 8/9/1888 To meet this the Cliffs gang has been strengthened. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2549 WRD Otago S 48085
Purakanui Cliffs - - - 8/9/1888 We have for years past had a special gang on this part of the line whose duty it is to search over the faces and remove any stone liable to fall. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 90/2549 WRD Otago S 48086
Purakanui Cliffs - - - 9/4/1891 Proclamation for additional land required for deviation of railway at Purakanui Cliffs. Dunedin & Moeraki Railway - R4, 98/1671 WRD Otago S 48087
Waitati Cliffs - - - 19/6/1886 Proposing to build a house for ganger at Waitati Cliffs. Waitaki – Moeraki Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 65773
Waitati Cliffs - - - 31/3/1883 Porch, etc, watchman's house, Waitati Cliffs - £5.3.11. Waitaki – Moeraki Railway - R4, 83/2044 WRD Otago S 65774