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File Records:Nelson

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Port Nelson Bishopdale
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Port--Nelson Nelson--Bishopdale
5.5km 6.5km

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Alt 1 Alt 2 Alt 3 Date Details Railway Rly 2 Reference Source Locality Island Sequence
Nelson - - - 16/2/1960 Harbour Board approves the site of the railway yards. Nelson – Blenheim Railway - W3180, Pub 1/13 WRD Nelson S 35098
Nelson - - - 20/2/1960 Site of Nelson station and yard extends from Paru Paru Road at the western end to a point past Collingwood Street at the eastern end. Nelson – Blenheim Railway - W3180, Pub 1/13 WRD Nelson S 35099
Nelson - - - 5/3/1960 Work started on the Nelson station site on Tuesday.  The mudflats adjoining Neale Park are being reclaimed. Nelson – Blenheim Railway - W3180, Pub 1/13 WRD Nelson S 35100
Nelson - - - 26/3/1960 Filling work in progress on Nelson station and yard site. Nelson – Blenheim Railway - W3180, Pub 1/13 WRD Nelson S 35101
Nelson - - - 23/2/1900 Petition for a telephone in goods shed. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3734/15 WRD Nelson S 35102
Nelson - - - 1/10/1900 Maintenance of Messrs Neale & Haddon's siding. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3734/16 WRD Nelson S 35103
Nelson - - - 30/7/1901 Special train once a month for the carriage of volunteers from Nelson to Foxhill. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3734/16 WRD Nelson S 35104
Nelson - - - 10/12/1901 Filling in mud flats. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3734/16 WRD Nelson S 35105
Nelson - - - 15/7/1908 Erection of a new goods shed. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3734/24 WRD Nelson S 35106
Nelson - - - 15/7/1908 Application for a weighbridge. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3734/24 WRD Nelson S 35107
Nelson - - - 15/7/1908 Erection of a new station. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3734/24 WRD Nelson S 35108
Nelson - - - 3/8/1908 Application for extension of goods shed declined. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3199, 08/2873 WRD Nelson S 35109
Nelson - - - 18/5/1910 Town Clerk, Nelson – Application for private siding to gas works. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3734/27 WRD Nelson S 35110
Nelson - - - 9/7/1912 It will be necessary to remove the loading bank and siding cross-over. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3199, 08/2873 WRD Nelson S 35111
Nelson - - - 9/7/1912 The cost of extending the goods shed by 40 feet would be £250. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3199, 08/2873 WRD Nelson S 35112
Nelson - - - 17/8/1912 Cabinet approval to extend goods shed. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3199, 08/2873 WRD Nelson S 35113
Nelson - - - 29/8/1912 Authority to extend goods shed cancelled because of a lack of funds. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3199, 08/2873 WRD Nelson S 35114
Nelson - - - 30/5/1913 Present goods shed will only accommodate the brake van and two wagons. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3199, 08/2873 WRD Nelson S 35115
Nelson - - - 11/6/1913 Present goods shed is 60 feet long. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3199, 08/2873 WRD Nelson S 35116
Nelson - - - 1/9/1915 Provision of a shed for lifters and train examiners. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3734/32 WRD Nelson S 35117
Nelson - - - 28/9/1915 Damage to goods shed door. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3734/32 WRD Nelson S 35118
Nelson - - - 17/6/1921 In connection with the altered working conditions at Nelson Wharf it is necessary to enlarge the goods office at Nelson to accommodate another clerk. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3199, 08/2873 WRD Nelson S 35119
Nelson - - - 17/6/1921 The office is now 12 feet by 8 feet and most of the floor space is occupied by furniture.  It is requested the office space be made 12 feet by 16 feet to give sufficient room to work and for a fireplace. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3199, 08/2873 WRD Nelson S 35120
Nelson - - - 17/6/1921 Fire in locomotive running shed. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3734/37 WRD Nelson S 35121
Nelson - - - 19/8/1921 Estimated cost of enlarging goods office is £160. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3199, 08/2873 WRD Nelson S 35122
Nelson - - - 9/12/1921 Altered estimate for enlarging goods office is £121. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3199, 08/2873 WRD Nelson S 35123
Nelson - - - 14/12/1922 Enlarging goods office approved. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3199, 08/2873 WRD Nelson S 35124
Nelson - - - 16/1/1929 Fire in railway social hall. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W2382, 039 WRD Nelson S 35125
Nelson - - - 25/2/1929 Five sets of points leading off the main line at north end of station are “Woods” locked. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R3, 29/395 WRD Nelson S 35126
Nelson - - - 25/2/1929 If the fitting of the Up home signal will not entail much expense, recommending the fitting be arranged. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R3, 29/395 WRD Nelson S 35127
Nelson - - - 25/2/1929 Owing to the presence of Gloucester Street at south end of Nelson station and the use of gates to control road and rail traffic with street crossing, the making up of trains has to be performed at north end of station. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R3, 29/395 WRD Nelson S 35128
Nelson - - - 25/2/1929 Two of the five roads in question are continuously in use when making up trains and the existing method of using one key retards the shunting work and causes delay and last minute rushes. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R3, 29/395 WRD Nelson S 35129
Nelson - - - 5/6/1929 The fitting of an additional Woods key to the Up home signal at Nelson is approved.  Cost £5. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R3, 29/395 WRD Nelson S 35130
Nelson - - - 13/2/1933 The idea is to treat that portion of the line between Nelson and Port as part of Nelson yard in so far as shunting services are concerned. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R3, 29/395 WRD Nelson S 35131
Nelson - - - 13/2/1933 When the Woods lock were installed in Nelson yard passenger services were running between Nelson and the Port, but now only goods shunting services operate between these points.  Five “A” Woods locks are at the present time installed and control Port end of yard and it is considered that, as only shunting services are run, these locks are unnecessary. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R3, 29/395 WRD Nelson S 35132
Nelson - - - 16/3/1933 The removal of the “A” Woods locks at the Port end of the Nelson station yard is approved. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R3, 29/395 WRD Nelson S 35133
Nelson - - - 5/6/1936 It is considered the expense of moving the signal further out is warranted at present. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R3, 29/395 WRD Nelson S 35134
Nelson - - - 5/6/1936 It is only on special occasions, such as when meat specials are being run, that there is any possibility of any other trains being run on this section of line at all. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R3, 29/395 WRD Nelson S 35135
Nelson - - - 5/6/1936 The home signal at the south end of Nelson station, a Woods locked station, is situated only 35 yards from the main line points. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R3, 29/395 WRD Nelson S 35136
Nelson - - - 5/6/1936 The traffic on this Section is very light and the only occasions in  normal periods, that shunting is performed outside main line points is when No – 4.30pm Nelson – Glenhope train, Friday only – is being made up, and when shunting Neale & Hadow's siding. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R3, 29/395 WRD Nelson S 35137
Nelson - - - 6/12/1943 Accommodation fixed signals, passenger platform (right side of line), cart approach to platform, station building, goods shed 60ft x 30ft, loading bank, 2 No 2-ton outside cranes, weighbridge, engine shed. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 3337 WRD Nelson S 35138
Nelson - - - 23/9/1945 Approval for verandah over goods shed door for protection against rain whilst loading, estimated cost £65. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3199, 08/2873 WRD Nelson S 35139
Nelson - - - 15/10/1946 Goods shed is 60 feet by 30 feet (floor space 16 feet deep). Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3199, 08/2873 WRD Nelson S 35140
Nelson - - - 15/10/1946 Goods shed office is 16 feet long, 11 feet 9 inches wide at one part and 9 feet 6 inches at the other. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3199, 08/2873 WRD Nelson S 35141
Nelson - - - 15/10/1946 Railway station: district office 23 feet 6 inches by 9 feet 0 inches, booking and parcels office 15 feet 6 inches by 13 feet 6 inches, and parcels – luggage storage room 20 feet 0 inches by 13 feet 0 inches. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3199, 08/2873 WRD Nelson S 35142
Nelson - - - 20/10/1947 It is understood all movements between the Port and Nelson are under the control of a shunter who pilots the entrance of these services in the Port and Nelson yards. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R3, 29/395 WRD Nelson S 35143
Nelson - - - 20/10/1947 The Up home signal at Nelson has been disconnected from the main signal frame for many years and train from the Port are flagged past by a shunter. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R3, 29/395 WRD Nelson S 35144
Nelson - - - 4/12/1947 As all the shunting roads in Nelson yard come off the main line at the northern end, bringing the Up home signal back into operation would entail the protection of six sets of points, from which the Woods locks were removed some years ago, otherwise these points would have to be secured before the signal could be set at proceed. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R3, 29/395 WRD Nelson S 35145
Nelson - - - 4/12/1947 This would ensure control was retained over all trains entering Nelson from the Port and should meet the situation. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R3, 29/395 WRD Nelson S 35146
Nelson - - - 4/12/1947 Would suggest a suitably worded “STOP” board be placed just beyond the outer most set of points, indicating all trains must be brought to a stop at that point, and must not move until receipt of a hand signal from the platform, when they would be piloted into the yard by the shunter. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R3, 29/395 WRD Nelson S 35147
Nelson - - - 1/9/1948 Agree the Up home signal should be retained as a fixed one. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R3, 29/395 WRD Nelson S 35148
Nelson - - - 29/3/1949 Goods shed damaged by fire. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W2382, 039 WRD Nelson S 35149
Nelson - - - 31/3/1949 Purchase of land from Mrs E R Rout for Road Services terminal completed. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W2854, Pub 31/5 WRD Nelson S 35150
Nelson - - - 8/6/1949 The old goods office was burnt in a recent fire [on 29/3/1949] and a new plan is being prepared for new office accommodation. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3199, 08/2873 WRD Nelson S 35151
Nelson - - - 23/6/1949 Authority for repairs to and extension of goods shed -  £2810. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3199, 08/2873 WRD Nelson S 35152
Nelson - - - 16/7/1949 Cabinet approval for repairs to and extension of goods shed -  £2810. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3199, 08/2873 WRD Nelson S 35153
Nelson - - - 29/8/1949 New goods office to be 19 feet long inside by 15 feet wide inside.  A 4 foot vestibule is to be provided between the shed and office. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3199, 08/2873 WRD Nelson S 35154
Nelson - - - 9/9/1949 Goods shed staff are at present housed in a temporary office converted from the disused footwarmer room. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3199, 08/2873 WRD Nelson S 35155
Nelson - - - 26/10/1949 Authority for £930 for goods shed office. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3199, 08/2873 WRD Nelson S 35156
Nelson - - - 20/2/1950 Quotation of J D & L Robertson Ltd for the sum of £886 for erection of goods office has been accepted. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3199, 08/2873 WRD Nelson S 35157
Nelson - - - 20/5/1954 Nelson line is to be closed to all traffic on 12/6/1954. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3180, Pub 1/13 WRD Nelson S 35158
Nelson - - - 30/6/1955 Proposed extension on to the existing goods shed to cope with the increased traffic due to Rail-Air service: the extension material will be provided by shifting the spare Tui goods shed. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3199, 08/2873 WRD Nelson S 35159
Nelson - - - 1/7/1955 It is intended to join the shed from Tui to the end of the present Nelson goods shed. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3199, 08/2873 WRD Nelson S 35160
Nelson - - - 1/7/1955 The cost of transferring the Tui shed to Nelson and fitting it as desired for cargon traffic is £609. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3199, 08/2873 WRD Nelson S 35161
Nelson - - - 4/7/1955 Estimate for extending shed with that from Tui is £670. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3199, 08/2873 WRD Nelson S 35162
Nelson - - - 3/9/1955 Closed to all traffic. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3180, Pub 3 WRD Nelson S 35163
Nelson - - - 3/9/1955 Traffic on the Nelson Section suspended. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section 00/2107/1 NZRLS Nelson S 35164
Nelson - - - 27/3/1956 Cattle wagons are being burnt in the yard. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3180, Pub 1/13 WRD Nelson S 35165
Nelson - - - 27/3/1956 One WF locomotive has been demolished in the yard. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3180, Pub 1/13 WRD Nelson S 35166
Nelson - - - 16/4/1956 Long rakes of wagons loaded with scrap from the demolition of the railway are standing in the yard. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3180, Pub 1/13 WRD Nelson S 35167
Nelson - - - 15/10/1956 Rails intact between Nelson and Richmond. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3180, Pub 1/13 WRD Nelson S 35168
Nelson - - - 7/12/1956 Line between Nelson and the Port is still intact, with wagons stored on it alongside Haven Road. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3180, Pub 1/13 WRD Nelson S 35169
Nelson - - - 21/12/1956 Last rails lifted in yard. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3180, Pub 1/13 WRD Nelson S 35170
Nelson - - - 6/6/1961 Goods shed is being used at the Rail / Air Depot. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R-W3, 29348 WRD Nelson S 35171
Nelson - - - 9/6/1961 Hut No 1 is situated on the platform at the old railway station. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R-W3, 29348 WRD Nelson S 35172
Nelson - - - 31/8/1961 [Wagon Repair Shop.] Borer infestation is heavy in all timber work including weatherboards, structural timbers, roof chords, staging, etc. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R-W3, 29348 WRD Nelson S 35173
Nelson - - - 31/8/1961 [Wagon Repair Shop.] One pair of doors has rotted to such an extent that they have been removed and the opening covered with corrugated iron. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R-W3, 29348 WRD Nelson S 35174
Nelson - - - 31/8/1961 A recent high wind at Nelson lifted several sheets of iron from the roof of the old station building and, owing to the rotten state of the rafters, the roof cannot be re-nailed. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R-W3, 29348 WRD Nelson S 35175
Nelson - - - 31/8/1961 An inspection of the station building also revealed some rotten weatherboards and , in places, a sagging floor.  Apparently the piles have also rotted.   Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R-W3, 29348 WRD Nelson S 35176
Nelson - - - 31/8/1961 Wagon Repair Shop.  This building is also in very poor condition. Decay is very evident in weatherboards, window frames, fascines, etc.  The structure is badly out of plumb.  Settlement has occurred on the side facing St Vincent Street, and the iron roof is in poor order. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R-W3, 29348 WRD Nelson S 35177
Nelson - - - 28/1/1963 Car & Wagon Repairing Shed 85 feet by 26 feet 4 inches.  Wooden construction, corrugated iron roof, including a timber staging of 6 feet by 3 inch planks 21 feet by 9 feet 6 inches. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R-W3, 29348 WRD Nelson S 35178
Nelson - - - 28/1/1963 Footwarmer shed 17 feet 11 inches by 11 feet 10 inches.  Wooden construction, corrugated iron roof. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R-W3, 29348 WRD Nelson S 35179
Nelson - - - 28/1/1963 Station building 86 feet by 14 feet 5 inches, wooden construction, corrugated iron roof, divided into five offices, and a concrete strong room with two heavy steel doors 6 feet by 2 feet 6 inches by 4½ inches. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R-W3, 29348 WRD Nelson S 35180
Nelson - - - 17/3/1963 Demolition of station building (including concrete strong room) and car and wagon shed completed by the West Coast Demolition Coy Ltd. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R-W3, 29348 WRD Nelson S 35181
Nelson - - - 18/3/1963 Footwarmer shed sold for removal. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R-W3, 29348 WRD Nelson S 35182
Nelson - - - 16/3/1965 Goods shed annex.  This building has outside walls of second hand corrugated iron, gable roof, and heavy second hand framing timber.  The dimensions are length 18 feet, width 24 feet, and height (at highest point) 22 feet. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R-W3, 29348 WRD Nelson S 35183
Nelson - - - 22/6/1965 (1) One shed with lean-to roof, divided into two partitions, outside wood and corrugated iron; overall dimensions: length 36 feet, width 13 feet, height 12 feet 7 inches. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R-W3, 29348 WRD Nelson S 35184
Nelson - - - 22/6/1965 (2) One shed of similar construction, length 6½ feet, width 12 feet, height 12 feet 6 inches.  This shed is attached to the first building. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R-W3, 29348 WRD Nelson S 35185
Nelson - - - 22/6/1965 (3) One completely detached shed built of the same materials as the others, length 6 feet, width 8 feet, height 12 feet 6 inches. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R-W3, 29348 WRD Nelson S 35186
Nelson - - - 22/6/1965 Shed (1) was originally occupied by the train examiner and the others appear to be additions to it. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R-W3, 29348 WRD Nelson S 35187
Nelson - - - 22/6/1965 The additions are roughly built and unfloored, and appear to be constructed out of salvaged material. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R-W3, 29348 WRD Nelson S 35188
Nelson - - - 22/6/1965 These sheds are situated along the boundary fence separating our yard from the area leased to the New Zealand Electricity Department. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R-W3, 29348 WRD Nelson S 35189
Nelson - - - 12/7/1965 Approval to sell three old buildings at Nelson to Mr Curtis, Wakefield, for £10. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R-W3, 29348 WRD Nelson S 35190
Nelson - - - 24/8/1965 House No 20 has been converted into storage space for the Rail / Air Depot. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R-W3, 29348 WRD Nelson S 35191
Nelson - - - 1/2/1876 Nelson Line to be taken over on 28/1/1876. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 1820 WRD Nelson S 35192
Nelson - - - 1/2/1897 Mileage 1 mile 6 chains from Port Nelson. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 3337 WRD Nelson S 35193
Nelson - - - 1/6/1888 Proposed sale of old boiler and steam winch at Nelson. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 1820 WRD Nelson S 35194
Nelson - - - 1/7/1875 Contract let to John Scott for the erection of stations on the Nelson – Foxhill Railway, amount £7,370.7.6. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section AJHR 1875 Natlib Nelson S 35195
Nelson - - - 10/10/1882 Engine shed and workshops contract – final certificate. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 3 PWD Nelson S 35196
Nelson - - - 10/6/1881 Urgent necessity for the erection of a workshops at Nelson. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 1820 WRD Nelson S 35197
Nelson - - - 10/7/1879 Authority for erecting machinery at Nelson exceeded by £17.7.10. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 2/44 PWD Nelson S 35198
Nelson - - - 11/2/1896 Additions to stationmaster's house. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 1820 WRD Nelson S 35199
Nelson - - - 12/10/1878 Requesting authority £1,424 for erection, etc., of Nelson Workshops. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 2/44 PWD Nelson S 35200
Nelson - - - 13/9/1878 Requesting authority for expenses for shipping wheel lathe from Wellington to Nelson. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 2/44 PWD Nelson S 35201
Nelson - - - 14/11/1878 Requesting authority £120 for the erection of wheel lathe. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 2/44 PWD Nelson S 35202
Nelson - - - 16/9/1892 Application by Nelson Fire Brigade for a site to erect a hose station. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 1820 WRD Nelson S 35203
Nelson - - - 17/5/1882 Engine shed and workshops contract – schedule of tenders. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 3 PWD Nelson S 35204
Nelson - - - 19/11/1874 Station buildings Nelson terminus. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 1820 WRD Nelson S 35205
Nelson - - - 2/10/1879 Reporting on Criedson's claim for alleged injury to his Nelson to Port tramline. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 2 PWD Nelson S 35206
Nelson - - - 2/9/1884 Asking to have Nelson station connected to Telephone Exchange. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 1820 WRD Nelson S 35207
Nelson - - - 21/4/189 Plan of proposed reclamation near Nelson railway station. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 1820 WRD Nelson S 35208
Nelson - - - 21/6/1876 Requesting authority £25 for repairs to engine shed caused by gale of wind. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 3 PWD Nelson S 35209
Nelson - - - 21/7/1876 Nelson – Foxhill Railway was opened for public traffic on 31/1/1876. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section AJHR 1876 Natlib Nelson S 35210
Nelson - - - 21/7/1876 Present terminus is at the Town of Nelson.  Recommends extending it to the port, which will cost £8,037. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section AJHR 1876 Natlib Nelson S 35211
Nelson - - - 21/8/1881 Neil & Haddock's application for a private siding at Nelson station. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 1820 WRD Nelson S 35212
Nelson - - - 24/10/1896 Mayor, Nelson – urging Railway Department to fill in low lying land adjacent to railway station. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 1820 WRD Nelson S 35213
Nelson - - - 24/2/1892 Proposed alterations to office at station. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 1820 WRD Nelson S 35214
Nelson - - - 24/7/1897 Additional water service for workshops. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 1820 WRD Nelson S 35215
Nelson - - - 24/8/1878 Requesting authority £25 for lengthening present road to station. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 2/44 PWD Nelson S 35216
Nelson - - - 25/11/1879 Nelson station ground – tracing showing land that should be secured for Railway purposes. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 2 PWD Nelson S 35217
Nelson - - - 26/10/1886 Selanders & Coy, Nelson – application for private siding. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 1820 WRD Nelson S 35218
Nelson - - - 26/6/1897 Recommends the erection of a separate lamp room. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 1820 WRD Nelson S 35219
Nelson - - - 27/4/1898 Extra goods shed accommodation required. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 1820 WRD Nelson S 35220
Nelson - - - 27/4/1898 Recommends 12-ton weighbridge be placed in yard. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 1820 WRD Nelson S 35221
Nelson - - - 3/2/1883 Recommending on Saturdays goods shed being open only until 3.30pm for receipt and delivery of goods. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 1820 WRD Nelson S 35222
Nelson - - - 31/1/1876 Nelson to Brightwater Section opened. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3180, Pub 1/13 WRD Nelson S 35223
Nelson - - - 31/3/1885 Private siding granted on 31/8/1881 to Neil & Haddow (present holders) at 1 mile 0 chains, Nelson. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section R4, 83/2044 WRD Nelson S 35224
Nelson - - - 31/3/1893 Addition to station offices completed. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section AJHR 1893 Natlib Nelson S 35225
Nelson - - - 31/7/1882 Tender of J R Rees for leasing coal store. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 1820 WRD Nelson S 35226
Nelson - - - 5/2/1892 Agent General, London – advising shipment of books for Nelson Railway Library. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 1820 WRD Nelson S 35227
Nelson - - - 5/7/1897 Provision of a small office between the loading bank and goods shed. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 1820 WRD Nelson S 35228
Nelson - - - 8/10/1895 Cottage No 66 is occupied by the district manager. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 1820 WRD Nelson S 35229
Nelson - - - 8/3/1899 Reclamation of mud flat. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W3734/14 WRD Nelson S 35230
Nelson - - - 8/4/1875 Smoke funnels for engine shed. Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 3 PWD Nelson S 35231
Nelson - - - 9/6/1888 Recommending that rent should be paid by Customs Department for shed occupied as a bonded store and office.  (No rent to be charged) Nelson – Foxhill Railway Nelson Section W 1820 WRD Nelson S 35232