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Full Name: The New Zealand Railway Observer

Issue Number: 24

Issue Date: December 1947

Volume and Number: 4/6

Pages: 24

Page Range: 121-144

Cover Image: n.a.


Society Notes

REPORT of Auckland Discussion on improving Passenger Services in New Zealand

ARTICLE: - The Dunedin and Port Chalmers Railway. - by T. A. McGavin

ARTICLE: New Zealand Locomotive Performance

  • Ja_class_loco
  • Kb_class_loco
  • Ka_class_loco oil burner

Mr. H. H. Jackson, CME 1914 - 1919 Loco_Ab820 and Loco_Ab828's especially fast run with a 13 total Express departed from Frankton 16 minutes late got to Auckland on time in January 1933. 64.7mph over 2.3 miles average Papatoetoe - Otahuhu Loco_Ab804 with a 12 total Express departed Timaru 24 minutes late, but gained 10 minutes including an extra stop. Included 3.5 miles north from Bankside at 65mph

Locomotive Notes

  • Loco_Ja1246 new ex Hillside 6/11/1947. Makers Nnumber 369/1946. Curiously, all Ja_class_loco's to date have makers dates of 1946
  • Loco_Ab789, formerly Wab_789 ex Hillside towards end of August 1947 retaining Builders number 246. Since then, loco_Ab786 - 798 have also been out-shopped, with 791 and 795 being worked on and 793 expected to enter Hillside before Christmas.
  • Oil burning conversions
    • Loco_Ka951 ex Hutt 16/06/1947, converted to oil burning and ACFI feed-water heaters removed and exhaust steam injectors fitted. Streamlining also removed. This was the loco that plunged into the Manawatu River and recovered piecemeal over several months.
    • Loco_Ka946 ex Hutt 26/06/1947, converted to oil burning and ACFI feed-water heaters removed and exhaust steam injectors fitted. Streamlining also removed
    • Loco_Ka952 ex Hutt 10/10/1947, converted to oil burning and ACFI feed-water heaters removed and exhaust steam injectors fitted. Streamlining also removed
    • Loco_Ka920 ex Hutt 7/11/1947
    • Loco_Ka937 ex Otahuhu 6/08/1947
    • Loco_Ka938 ex Otahuhu 29/08/1947
    • Loco_Ka960 ex Otahuhu 6/10/1947
  • Loco Alterations
    • Loco_B306 ex Hillside 22/07/1947 fitted with Tender Cab with canvas side screens, cowcatchers, additional sand-dome for reverse running and a relocated dynamo.
    • Loco_Ba552 ex Hillside 7/11/1947 fitted with Tender Cab with canvas side screens, cowcatchers, additional sand-dome for reverse running and a relocated dynamo.
    • Loco_J1219 had smokebox ash hoppers altered ex Hutt 23/09/1947, and also had a vertical spark arrester fitted in place of the "Waikato" type
    • Loco_Ab835 had smokebox ash hoppers altered ex Hutt 27/09/1947
    • Loco_Bb636 had smokebox ash hoppers altered ex Hutt 30/09/1947
    • Loco_Aa653 had smokebox ash hoppers altered ex Hutt 5/08/1947
    • Loco_Bb623 had smokebox ash hoppers altered ex Hutt 5/08/1947
    • Loco_Ab660 had smokebox ash hoppers altered ex Hutt 13/10/1947, after receiving new Boiler_1361
    • Loco_C860 had smokebox ash hoppers altered ex Hutt 18/10/1947
    • Loco_Ww668 had smokebox ash hoppers altered ex Hutt 18/10/1947
    • Loco_Aa657 had smokebox ash hoppers altered ex Hutt 31/10/1947
    • Loco_Ab760 had smokebox ash hoppers altered ex Hutt 31/10/1947, also received a new tender similar to the converted Wab_class_loco's but with plain bearings
    • Loco_Ab752 had smokebox ash hoppers altered ex Hutt 8/11/1947
  • With shunting engine shortages in Dunedin, as many Q_class_loco's as possible are being kept serviceable. 10 of these 'Pacific' Class locos survive but only 5 are operational, it is doubtful if any will see another overhaul.The following list gives their status at 1. November 1947
    • Loco_Q338 Wash-out boiler at Dunedin Loco Depot
    • Loco_Q339 Operational
    • Loco_Q342 Out of Commission
    • Loco_Q343 Operational
    • Loco_Q345 Out of Commission
    • Loco_Q346 Out of Commission
    • Loco_Q347 Operational
    • Loco_Q348 Undergoing Repairs
    • Loco_Q349 Operational
    • Loco_Q350 Operational
  • Observations from Thames (A&G Price)
    • Loco_A581 in for overhaul at A&G Price after the fire at Taneatua engine shed on 18/08/1947
    • Loco_Ab815 ex A&G Price 3/02/1947 after overhaul
    • Loco_Ab733 ex A&G Price 31/03/1947 after overhaul
    • Loco_Ab715 ex A&G Price 13/06/1947 after overhaul
    • Loco_Ab759 ex A&G Price 20/08/1947 after overhaul
    • Loco_Ab739 ex A&G Price 8/10/1947 after overhaul
    • Loco_Ab664 under overhaul at A&G Price expected completion mid November
    • TTT's Mallet loco has been sold to the PWD and has parts spread all over the A&G Price Works.
    • One of Whakatane Board Mills' ex NZR Fa_class_loco's is having a new boiler fabricated at A&G Price
    • Auckland Gas Company Loco (1912 Barclay No1270) is having her overhaul (started by Mason Bros Ltd, Auckland) completed by A&G Price which included a new boiler.
  • the Auckland - Taneatua and Taneatua - Auckland trains are normally hauled by Ab_class_loco's or J_class_loco's east of Frankton but recently Loco_Aa654 (from Taumaranui) and Loco_A585 (from Frankton) have been seen doing this work
  • A_class_loco's have been given authority to work the Kurow Branch subject to some speed restrictions. Loco_A424 Loco_A478 are expected to be transferred to Oamaru to work the branch.
  • LocoTr34 arrived from Napier on 25/10/1947 and gone to the Wellington Railcar Depot for overhaul. It is expected to stay in Wellington for work at one of the Goods Sheds
  • Kaitangata Coal Co's 0-6-0T returned to Kaitangata on 4/11/1947 after extensive boiler repairs at Dunedin Engineering and Steel Co Ltd (not Hillside as previously reported). Loco_F78 has been on loan to Kaitangata for the duration.

News, Note and Comment

  • The Turakina Deviation will be opened use on Sunday7/12/1947 and existing stationa at Ratana, Whangaehu Bakers Crossing and Fordell will be closed. No opening ceremony is anticipated. the new alignment includes three tunnels and two bridges The two new stations Fordell and Whangaehu will have Tablet instruments with Whangaehu having a switch-out option. Distant signals will be colour light and home signals Semaphore, with points operated by frame levers. Distances from Marton are now: Turakina, 10.8miles; Whangaehu, 13.2 miles;Fordell, 18.1 miles, Okoia, 22.4 miles; East Town 26.2 miles; and Aramoho, 27.1 miles. Train timetabling will see significant changes, Train 507 departing 18 minutes later; Train_610 will leave Marton as at present but arrive at New Plymouth 18 minutes earlier. The track off the old formation is expected to be used on a new line from Putaruru towards Reporoa for forestry traffic.
  • The first of the 3,000 La_class_wagons arrived in August and September and are being assembled in the Workshops as quick as possible. 15 have been completed at Otahuhu Workshops by 11 October, and are being numbered from 21956 onwards; 31 have been completed at Addington Workshops and are being numbered from 23456 onwards. These wagons show only a little rivetting, and have a triangular section around the top edges rather than just an angle.
  • A special train ran from Wellington to Gisborne on 11/09/1947 for the opening of the Ngarimu Memorial Meeting House in honour of Lt Moananui-a-Kiwi Ngarimu VC (for gallantry at Tunisia). The running time allocated in both direction was significantly less than for Express services.
  • Tractive Effort of Steam Locomotives. The standard formula for a 2 cylinder simple locomotive is d2 x S x p / D where d = diameter of cylinders, S = piston stroke, p = working steam presure, D = diameter of driving wheels. The October 1938 issue of The Railway Magazine addresses the subject in more detail, or see wiki page Locomotive Tractive Effort
  • Midland Line Engine load ratings, 340t is the maximum load for a Kb_class_loco on the steepest parts of Springfield to Arthurs Pass.
  • The Hunslet loco seen at Frankton is one of three belonging to the PWD but being used and charged to NZR in the meantime. They are 0-6-0T, 13" x 20" 6 wheel coupled 3"-4" diameter 160psi with total weight 22.5t.

Preservation of old locomotive

  • Josephine is to be given a tidy-up ahead of the Otago Centennial celebrations.
  • Loco_A62 (with plates 196) at Otahuhu workshops has been painted a bright aluminium, while loco_Wd320 about 100 yards away has a 'less-said-about-the-better' colour.
  • Tramcars and Trolley Busses. A Canadian correspondent sees the switch from Trams to Trolley as a backward step, with Trams having far more safety advantages and should just be modernised rather than replaced.