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File Records:Teschmakers

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Totara Teschmakers Clarks_Mill_Siding
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Totara--Teschmakers Teschmakers--Clarks_Mill_Siding
1.5km 2.2km

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Teschemakers - - - 1/8/1898 Accommodation shelter shed, passenger platform. Timaru – Oamaru Section - R4, 98/2756 WRD Otago S 58568
Teschemakers - - - 1/8/1898 Loop 19 wagons, backshunt 3 wagons. Timaru – Oamaru Section - R4, 98/2756 WRD Otago S 58569
Teschemakers - - - 1/9/1882 Loop 16 wagons Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 3337 WRD Otago S 58570
Teschemakers - - - 12/12/1881 Loop 16 wagons Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 3337 WRD Otago S 58571
Teschemakers - - - 19/4/1886 Accommodation shelter shed, passenger platform. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 3337 WRD Otago S 58572
Teschemakers - - - 19/4/1886 Loop 19 wagons Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 3337 WRD Otago S 58573
Teschemakers - - - 21/8/1875 Application for siding to Teschemakers stone quarry. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 3 WRD Otago S 58574
Teschmakers - - - 1890 Mileage 7 miles 34 chains from Oamaru. Timaru – Oamaru Section - R4, 90/2780 WRD Otago S 58575
Teschmakers - - - 22/9/1957 Closed to all traffic. Timaru – Oamaru Section - 00/2107/1 NZRLS Otago S 58576
Teschmakers - - - 10/12/1879 Petition for a station at Teschemakers siding. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 58577
Teschmakers - - - 21/1/1880 Station not recommended. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 58578
Teschmakers - - - 24/12/1884 As to providing platform and shelter shed at Teschmakers siding, 165 miles 26 chains. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 58579
Teschmakers - - - 31/3/1883 Teschmaker's siding is 1 mile 25 chains from Totara station. Timaru – Oamaru Section - R4, 83/2044 WRD Otago S 58580
Teschmakers - - - 31/3/1885 Private siding granted on 20/9/1875 to W H Teschmaker (present holder) at 165 miles 26 chains. Laterly also used as a public station siding. Timaru – Oamaru Section - R4, 83/2044 WRD Otago S 58581
Teschmakers - - - 7/10/1880 Geo Munro's application to purchase a few tons of old rails to complete his siding. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 58582