File Records:Studholm

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Hook Studholm Willowbridge
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Hook--Studholm Studholm--Willowbridge
4.9km 4.9km

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Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 11/5/1900 Additions to stationmaster's house. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3734/15 WRD Canterbury S 54098
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 7/6/1900 Water supply (locomotive). Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3734/15 WRD Canterbury S 54099
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 2/8/1900 Improvements to tank valves of water service. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3734/15 WRD Canterbury S 54100
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 20/5/1901 Erection of additional wc's. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3734/16 WRD Canterbury S 54101
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 4/6/1901 Proposal to purchase dwelling from ganger Williams. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3734/16 WRD Canterbury S 54102
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 19/4/1904 Please arrange to have the steps of this bridge boarded in at the back in order that persons using it cannot be seen underneath.  [To stop men on the platform looking up when ladies are using the bridge.] Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 04/1122 WRD Canterbury S 54103
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 1890 Mileage 24 miles 31 chains from Timaru. Timaru – Oamaru Section - R4, 90/2780 WRD Canterbury S 54104
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 1890 Mileage 4 miles 34 chains from Waimate. Timaru – Oamaru Section - R4, 90/2780 WRD Canterbury S 54105
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 17/12/1909 Automatic tablet exchanger apparatus provided. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3337 WRD Canterbury S 54106
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 17/12/1909 Automatic tablet exchanger apparatus provided. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3337 WRD Canterbury S 54107
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 1/2/1910 Private siding for Canterbury Farmers Co-operative Association. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3734/27 WRD Canterbury S 54108
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 16/6/1911 Trespassing on railway line. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3734/28 WRD Canterbury S 54109
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 27/6/1912 Proposal to provide house for porter. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3734/29 WRD Canterbury S 54110
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 30/11/1912 The turntable has only 11 feet 9 inches clearance from adjoining track. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 133 WRD Canterbury S 54111
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 16/1/1913 Fire in station office. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3734/30 WRD Canterbury S 54112
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 11/3/1913 Alterations to signalling and interlocking at north end will be required but are not included in estimate. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 133 WRD Canterbury S 54113
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 11/3/1913 Estimate for 9 inch water column, erect complete, is £100. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 133 WRD Canterbury S 54114
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 11/3/1913 Estimate for alterations to Association's siding is £447.  It includes 4 sets of points and crossings, 9 chains of additional siding, shifting 1 turnout, and shifting 13 foot turntable. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 133 WRD Canterbury S 54115
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 11/3/1913 The water column is required to enable engines of Up trains on the west side of platform to take water wiyhout fouling main line at north end. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 133 WRD Canterbury S 54116
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 31/3/1913 In view of the necessary re-arrangement of this station yard it is desired to get rid of the wagon turntable, which gives insufficient clearance. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 133 WRD Canterbury S 54117
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 17/4/1913 Proposed alteration to private siding approved at cost of Association, estimated cost £447. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 133 WRD Canterbury S 54118
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 5/9/1913 Have suspended preliminary work on the siding. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 133 WRD Canterbury S 54119
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 5/9/1913 On requesting the man to have the storey posts shifted he replied that his directors would agree to no expenditure beyond that already agreed upon. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 133 WRD Canterbury S 54120
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 5/9/1913 Since agreement was entered into and when about to start the alterations to the siding it was found storey posts in the Canterbury Farmers Co-operative Association building (ie the one they lease from Mr W Quinn) did not provide standard clearance from turntable branch of the siding. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 133 WRD Canterbury S 54121
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 5/9/1913 The proposal is to abandon the north turntable connection altogether. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 133 WRD Canterbury S 54122
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 16/9/1913 As wagons coming along the track off the turntable will be handled exclusively by the lessees and presumably pushed by hand the demand for additional clearance need not be pressed nor need the Association be asked to give any indemnity. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 133 WRD Canterbury S 54123
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 8/9/1914 Water service. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3734/31 WRD Canterbury S 54124
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 23/1/1919 Fire at the Canterbury Farmers Co-op Association Ltd's shed on private siding, Studholme Junction, destruction of wagon L 4791 standing on private siding. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3734/35 WRD Canterbury S 54125
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 20/2/1923 Connects with siding to cattle yards, with turntable for access to premises.  [Association has two turntables.] Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 133 WRD Canterbury S 54126
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 20/2/1923 One siding through building, with turntable inside. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 133 WRD Canterbury S 54127
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 8/1/1924 Authority for £65 for additional loading bank. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 4231 WRD Canterbury S 54128
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 12/4/1924 Provision of additional loading bank completed. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 4231 WRD Canterbury S 54129
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 6/1/1937 Radius of the curve at the stockyards is to be altered to 5½ chains opposite 0 miles 10 chains Waimate Branch. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54130
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 15/1/1937 Approval for £35 for the easing of the curve to facilitate movement of wagons at the stockyards. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54131
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 13/10/1937 Also to slightly alter the pig loading ramp so that lorries may conveniently back flush against it. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54132
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 13/10/1937 Alterations to stockyards approved, estimated cost £191. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54133
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 13/10/1937 To increase holding accommodation by an additional 500 sheep. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54134
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 20/7/1938 Existing loading bank accommodates two 4-wheeled wagons at its face, but only one motor lorry can be worked on the bank.  This bank cannot be extended northwards on account of the interlocking gear, and extension southwards is not favoured owing to such extension restricting the room between the bank and the goods shed and the difficulty that would arise when several lorries desired to work on the bank simultaneously. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54135
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 20/7/1938 Existing loading bank is 86 feet from trap points, 54 feet long, and 75 feet from goods shed. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54136
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 20/7/1938 New bank is to be 20 feet from goods shed, 86 feet long, and 80 feet from south trap points and loading bank. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54137
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 20/7/1938 North end of platform is at 130 miles 24 chains. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54138
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 20/7/1938 Turntable into Canterbury Farmers Co-operative's premises. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54139
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 20/7/1938 Vat on south end of platform. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54140
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 27/7/1938 Provision of an additional loading bank approved, at an estimated cost of £38 (allowing for the farmers and carriers concerned to provide the necessary filling). Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54141
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 19/8/1938 Authority for £179 for improvements to stockyards. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54142
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 26/8/1938 Authority for £191 for improvements to stockyards. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 4231 WRD Canterbury S 54143
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 9/3/1939 Supplementary authority for £62 for improvements to stockyards. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54144
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 3/9/1943 New loop to be behind the goods shed, etc, with a loading bank 200 feet long. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54145
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 8/12/1943 Approval for additional siding accommodation – estimate £1920. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54146
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 10/1/1944 Authority for £1920 for new loop siding and loading bank. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 4231 WRD Canterbury S 54147
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 24/1/1945 Authority for £102 for additional siding accommodation. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 4231 WRD Canterbury S 54148
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 16/7/1945 Additional authority for £26 for additional siding accommodation. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 4231 WRD Canterbury S 54149
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 16/7/1945 Total authority for additional siding accommodation is now £1608.  Construction of a new loop siding and a loading bank. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54150
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 23/9/1946 Access to the Canterbury Farmers' private siding is provided from the north backshunt by means of diamond crossings over the crossing lop and main line. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 4231 WRD Canterbury S 54151
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 23/9/1946 Estimated cost for the work is £41,000. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 4231 WRD Canterbury S 54152
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 23/9/1946 It is frequently necessary to cross three and four trains at this station and present facilities are totally inadequate. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 4231 WRD Canterbury S 54153
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 23/9/1946 Proposed re-arrangement of station yard: Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 4231 WRD Canterbury S 54154
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 23/9/1946 Provision has been made for an island platform with vehicular traffic at the south end and retension of the foot overbridge to maintain access to the hotel, Canterbury Farmers' buildings and road.  It is proposed to retain the present access and the platform as a car parking area. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 4231 WRD Canterbury S 54155
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 23/9/1946 Re: signalling and interlocking – it is proposed to install a small frame inside the station building. The main line and loop to be track circuited, also the Waimate Branch line as far as the Distant signal. Colour light signalling and motor points are also provided for. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 4231 WRD Canterbury S 54156
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 23/9/1946 The proposal involves deviation of approximately forty chains of the Waimate Branch to Junction with Main South line just south of the new station yard. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 4231 WRD Canterbury S 54157
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 9/3/1948 There is a short backshunt on the west side at Bridge 99A which is not used.  Recommend it be lifted. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 4231 WRD Canterbury S 54158
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 10/7/1949 No waiting room general – merely a vestibule. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54159
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 10/7/1949 The furniture consists of a round table, one wooden chair and a wooden form.  A fire is provided for heating.  The room is small but sufficient for requirements.  It is used by passengers from Waimate who may require to wait for an express train of it runs late. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54160
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 10/7/1949 The ladies waiting room requires painting and papering. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54161
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 13/4/1950 Backshunt at north end lifted. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 4231 WRD Canterbury S 54162
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 9/8/1954 A cross-over on the Waimate Branch has seldom been used. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54163
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 9/8/1954 The track around the platform has just been relayed and in the course of the work it was found the turnout in the cross-over required renewal. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54164
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 9/8/1954 The work has now been completed. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54165
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 9/8/1954 These track structures are very difficult to obtain and the possibility of removing it was immediately investigated. It was found little inconvenience or delay to shunting would result and approval for its removal was anticipated. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54166
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 4/2/1955 Proposal to extend crossing loop to accommodate 100 wagons. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54167
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 4/2/1955 The extension of the loop is at the north end, since the south end cannot be altered owing to the presence of a railway bridge. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54168
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 16/4/1957 Estimated cost of extending crossing loop is £2860. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54169
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 2/5/1957 Extension of crossing loop approved. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54170
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 8/5/1957 Concreting of No 1 and No 2 pens in stockyards – estimated cost is £260. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54171
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 20/5/1957 Arrangements are being made for No 1 and No 2 pens in stockyards to be concreted. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54172
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 27/5/1957 Approval to extend crossing loop to accommodate 100 wagons, estimated cost £2860. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 4231 WRD Canterbury S 54173
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 11/12/1957 Additional authority for £600 for extension of crossing loop. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54174
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 5/8/1958 All the work in connection with the extension of the crossing loop at the north end has been completed. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 4231 WRD Canterbury S 54175
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 8/7/1963 Station building was built in 1876. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 2278, 10/425/1 WRD Canterbury S 54176
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 15/11/1965 The present small wooden fronted loading bank opposite the signal cabin is in a run-down condition. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 03/596/1 WRD Canterbury S 54177
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 13/5/1966 A telephone has been installed in a temporary office close to the goods shed from the day the branch line was closed, and a 30cwt capacity mobile crane had been provided.  A 3-ton capacity gantry was being installed. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54178
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 13/5/1966 Some equipment was still to come to hand for this gantry, but it was expected to be ready shortly. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54179
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 6/1/1967 Passenger services on the Waimate Branch ceased in 1931. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54180
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 6/1/1967 The built up platform on the west side is 400 feet long. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54181
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 6/1/1967 The closure of the Waimate Branch has had no effect on the passenger traffic at Studholme as the station has served Waimate in this respect over a number of years. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54182
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 6/1/1967 The normal berthing of express trains is on the east side.  Both platforms are used when it is necessary to cross railcars at this station. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54183
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 6/1/1967 The station building is reaching the end of its economic life. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54184
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 24/1/1967 There are two passenger platforms at Studholme, the eastern one, at which express trains are normally berthed, being 380 feet long with a formed pathway 150 feet long extending from it at the south end. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54185
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 24/1/1967 This platform is longer than those at most country stations served by express trains. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54186
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 2/2/1967 - 3 traffic assistants – 1 employed in shed, 2 in station. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 03/596/1 WRD Canterbury S 54187
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 2/2/1967 - stationmaster – employed in station. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 03/596/1 WRD Canterbury S 54188
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 2/2/1967 - temporary clerk – employed in shed. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 03/596/1 WRD Canterbury S 54189
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 2/2/1967 Staff at Studholme: Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 03/596/1 WRD Canterbury S 54190
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 23/2/1967 - abandonment of some west side track work. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 03/596/1 WRD Canterbury S 54191
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 23/2/1967 - abandonment of stockyards. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 03/596/1 WRD Canterbury S 54192
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 23/2/1967 - extend crossing loop to take 130 wagons. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 03/596/1 WRD Canterbury S 54193
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 23/2/1967 - new loading shelter (to accommodate 2 wagons). Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 03/596/1 WRD Canterbury S 54194
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 23/2/1967 - renewal of goods shed (to accommodate 3 wagons). Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 03/596/1 WRD Canterbury S 54195
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 23/2/1967 Proposed alterations to yard: Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 03/596/1 WRD Canterbury S 54196
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 7/4/1967 On east side of line – loop to long loading bank, 2 loops, loading bank, goods shed, house No 744, vat, house No 748. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 03/596/1 WRD Canterbury S 54197
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 7/4/1967 On west side of line – footbridge, pump house, 2 loops, 2 backshunts to cattle yards, 2 loops, private siding with wagon turntable (South Canterbury Farmers Co-operative Associations' store). Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 03/596/1 WRD Canterbury S 54198
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 7/4/1967 Station building, passenger platform (island), signal box on platform, privies and urinals. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 03/596/1 WRD Canterbury S 54199
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 9/5/1967 Authority for £15,200 for new goods and loading shelter. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 03/596/1 WRD Canterbury S 54200
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 2/4/1968 Tenders called for the construction of a new goods shed incorporating a goods loading shelter and office accommodation. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Canterbury S 54201
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 2/4/1968 The loading shelter will have a timber frame and an aluminium roof. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Canterbury S 54202
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 2/4/1968 The new goods shed will have a steel frame, with walls and roof of sheet aluminium. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Canterbury S 54203
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 24/6/1968 Tender of Bruce Taylor & Coy Ltd, Oamaru, accepted for the new goods shed. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Canterbury S 54204
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 15/11/1968 New goods shed erected. Floor area 4,000 square feet. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub 3/9 WRD Canterbury S 54205
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 2/5/1969 The railway stockyards are little used and a survey has revealed that during the past two years only two wagons of sheep, two of cattle, and three of pigs have been handled there. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54206
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 14/8/1969 It is recommended this bridge be removed by our own works gang. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 04/1122 WRD Canterbury S 54207
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 14/8/1969 Passengers now arrive by bus or car from Foley's Road to the south of the yard and the old access is not used. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 04/1122 WRD Canterbury S 54208
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 14/8/1969 This bridge gives pedestrian access from the station platform to the public road on the west side and spans what was the Waimate Branch yard. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 04/1122 WRD Canterbury S 54209
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 2/9/1969 Recommending bridge No99A Main South Line – foot overbridge, Studholme - be removed. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 04/1122 WRD Canterbury S 54210
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 30/8/1970 Post Office removed from station. Timaru – Oamaru Section - Mails by Rail in NZ R Startup Canterbury S 54211
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 8/11/1971 Approval for minimal repair work be maintained on the stockyards, and the question of removal be re-examined when the siding requires renewal. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54212
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 8/1/1973 North turnout at 130 miles 15 chains 99 links. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 133 WRD Canterbury S 54213
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 30/8/1973 Bridge No 99 will be replaced by a culvert. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54214
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 9/1/1974 It is essential that outer home signals be provided at each end of Studholme.  Please arrange for these to be provided. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54215
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 28/8/1975 The high-level loading bank is to be 80 feet by 20 feet on top with a grade of 1 in 15.  To be located at south end of goods shed. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54216
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 29/8/1975 A high-level loading bank will be provided at Studholme and is expected to be completed by the end of 12/1975. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 05/2619 WRD Canterbury S 54217
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 12/1977 Loop siding, with three turnouts, and turntable into premises. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 133 WRD Canterbury S 54218
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 12/1977 North turnout at 209.9459km. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 133 WRD Canterbury S 54219
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 23/1/1987 The Canterbury Farmers Co-operative Association's private siding is in poor condition and is no longer being used. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 133 WRD Canterbury S 54220
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 14/3/1987 The Canterbury Farmers Co-operative Association's private siding right terminated on 31/1/1987. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3293, 133 WRD Canterbury S 54221
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 2/11/1987 Main South Line – 210.10km from Port Lyttelton (0.00km). Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 54222
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 4/2/1988 Small modern station building on island platform. Timaru – Oamaru Section - JRS/P230 ATL Canterbury S 54223
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 25/11/1988 Still used for timetabled running of trains. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 54224
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 1/4/1896 County Clerk, Waimate – request to vest the road leading from the Main South Road to Studholme Junction in the Council. Timaru – Oamaru Section - R4, 96/2071 WRD Canterbury S 54225
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 1/6/1881 Requesting authority for addition of a lean-to to stationmaster's house. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 54226
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 1/7/1896 Proclamation vesting Council in land. Timaru – Oamaru Section - R4, 96/2071 WRD Canterbury S 54227
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 1/8/1898 Accommodation 5th B class station, passenger platform, cart access to platform, goods shed 60ft x 30 ft, loading bank, cattle yards, water service, wagon turntable, fixed signals, stationmaster's house, urinals. Timaru – Oamaru Section - R4, 98/2756 WRD Canterbury S 54228
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 1/8/1898 Loop 25 wagons, loop 18 wagons, backshunt 11 wagons (engine shed), loop 28 wagons (branch), loop 17 wagons (branch), backshunt 13 wagons, backshunt 17 wagons. Timaru – Oamaru Section - R4, 98/2756 WRD Canterbury S 54229
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 1/9/1882 Accommodation 5thB class station, passenger platform, cart approach to platform, goods shed 60ft x 30ft, cattle yards, water service, wagon turntable, engine shed, stationmaster's house, urinals. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 54230
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 1/9/1882 Loop 24 wagons (main line), loop 13 wagons (branch) Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 54231
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 11/3/1897 Alterations at Studholme Junction. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 54232
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 12/12/1881 Loop 24 wagons (main line), loop 13 wagons (branch) Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 54233
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 12/9/1887 General Manger – directing erection of a turntable. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 54234
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 13/11/1883 Hotel now completed and owner wants right of way to platform. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 04/1122 WRD Canterbury S 54235
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 14/11/1883 On main line – 2 loops, goods shed, and metalled access road that crosses line. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 04/1122 WRD Canterbury S 54236
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 14/11/1883 On Waimate Branch – loop with cattle yards, backshunt with wagon turntable to New Zealand Loan & Mercantile Agency store. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 04/1122 WRD Canterbury S 54237
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 14/11/1883 Platform with two fronts, station building, urinals, stationmaster's house, metalled access road. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 04/1122 WRD Canterbury S 54238
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 14/7/1898 Removal of gates and substitution of cattle stops on road near station. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 54239
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 15/4/1896 Application by Waimate County Council for removal of gates at crossing. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 54240
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 15/5/1896 Recommends it be allocated to the Council for a road; it will relieve the Deapartment of the maintenance of it. Timaru – Oamaru Section - R4, 96/2071 WRD Canterbury S 54241
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 15/5/1896 The strip of land was taken for an approach to Studholme Junction station and is so used. Timaru – Oamaru Section - R4, 96/2071 WRD Canterbury S 54242
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 16/4/1892 Increasing accommodation to stationmaster's house. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 54243
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 17/12/1895 Authority for loading bank. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 54244
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 18/1/1884 Recommending bridge be erected on line at Studholme Junction. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 54245
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 19/3/1877 Studholme – Waimate Railway opened for traffic. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub 1/12 WRD Canterbury S 54246
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 19/4/1886 Accommodation 5th B class station, passenger platform, cart approach to platform, goods shed 60ft x 30ft, cattle yards, water service, wagon turntable, engine shed, stationmaster's house, urinals. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 54247
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 19/4/1886 Loop 18 wagons, loop 18 wagons, loop 14 wagons (branch), backshunt 24 wagons (branch) Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 54248
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 20/7/1882 Fencing railway land at Studholme Junction. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 54249
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 21/8/1884 A footbridge if erected would require to be extended over three lines of rails, and have a span of 36 feet. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 04/1122 WRD Canterbury S 54250
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 21/8/1884 The cheapest structure consistent with safety is estimated to cost £100. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 04/1122 WRD Canterbury S 54251
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 21/9/1880 Name of Waimate Junction station changed to Studholme Junction. Timaru – Oamaru Section - Mails by Rail in NZ R Startup Canterbury S 54252
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 22/1/1884 The existing level crossing answered every purpose until the hotel was built, since when incessant applications have been made for a level crossing over the Branch Line abreast the platform. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 04/1122 WRD Canterbury S 54253
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 22/1/1884 The level crossing as already existing was formed when the railway was constructed. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 04/1122 WRD Canterbury S 54254
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 22/1/1884 This petition purports to apply for a level crossing over the Branch Line to the township of Studholme. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 04/1122 WRD Canterbury S 54255
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 22/11/1883 If the rooms are closed we shall be pestered for right of way across line to hotel. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 04/1122 WRD Canterbury S 54256
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 22/11/1883 Petition for crossing declined by the Minister. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 04/1122 WRD Canterbury S 54257
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 22/11/1883 Proceed at once with a close fence. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 04/1122 WRD Canterbury S 54258
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 22/11/1883 Recommending we close the rooms, make a close fence that is not merely a wire but say galvanised iron, so that people could not get through wire, and decline right of way entirely. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 04/1122 WRD Canterbury S 54259
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 22/11/1883 Studholme Junction refreshment room will be closed, no tenders having been received for fresh lease. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 04/1122 WRD Canterbury S 54260
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 22/11/1883 Studholme Junction refreshment rooms are not needed.  Better be used as waiting rooms. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 04/1122 WRD Canterbury S 54261
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 24/6/1896 Private siding at Studholme – New Zealand Loan & Mercantile Agency Coy Ltd – will be terminated on 1st of August next. Timaru – Oamaru Section - R4, 96/1984 WRD Canterbury S 54262
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 26/11/1897 Authority for the erection of semaphore signals. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 54263
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 26/11/1898 Removal of gates and fencing at road at Studholme at a cost of £35 approved (half cost). Timaru – Oamaru Section - R4, 98/2938 WRD Canterbury S 54264
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 27/10/1897 Petitioner against removal of gates across road. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 54265
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 27/5/1896 Approval to hand over land. Timaru – Oamaru Section - R4, 96/2071 WRD Canterbury S 54266
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 3/10/1883 Recommending provision of extra siding accommodation for better crossing of express trains, etc. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 54267
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 31/3/1883 New well and windmill - £82.19.2. Timaru – Oamaru Section - R4, 83/2044 WRD Canterbury S 54268
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 31/3/1885 Private siding granted on 5/1/1882 to the New Zealand Loan & Mercantile Agency Coy (Ltd) (present holders) at 0 miles 3 chains, Studholme Junction. Timaru – Oamaru Section - R4, 83/2044 WRD Canterbury S 54269
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 4/9/1884 Authority for £100 for construction of foot overbridge. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 04/1122 WRD Canterbury S 54270
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 4/9/1884 This bridge is to be constructed providing the hotel keeper pays one third of the cost. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 04/1122 WRD Canterbury S 54271
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 5/1/1888 Proposal to erect engine shed. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 54272
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 5/3/1890 Re: removal of stationmaster's house from Otaio to Studholme. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 54273
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 5/4/1898 Owing to the increased settlement there is a good deal of traffic, and it has become necessary to do away with the gates and fence in the yard.  Estimated cost of work is £70. Timaru – Oamaru Section - R4, 98/2938 WRD Canterbury S 54274
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 5/4/1898 The gates at this crossing are frequently left open and cattle stray on to the line. Timaru – Oamaru Section - R4, 98/2938 WRD Canterbury S 54275
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 7/12/1881 New Zealand Loan & Mercantile Agency Coy's application for a private siding. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 54276
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 7/12/1888 Tenders for right o cut grass along line near Studholme Junction. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 54277
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 7/5/1880 Proposal to alter name of Waimate Junction to Studholme Junction. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 54278
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 7/8/1883 Recommending erection of semaphore signals. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 54279
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 9/3/1888 Want of cottage for driver. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 54280
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 9/3/1888 Want of cottage for driver. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 54281
Studholme Junction Waimate Junction - - 9/9/1884 Instructions given for the construction of the bridge to proceed at an early date. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W3199, 04/1122 WRD Canterbury S 54282
Studholmes Wainano - - 1/5/1879 Loop 19 wagons Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 54283
Studholmes Wainano - - 15/10/1879 Loop 19 wagons Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 54284
Studholme's Wainano - - 1/9/1882 Loop 20 wagons Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 54285
Studholme's Wainano - - 1/9/1882 Studholme's renamed Wainano by this date. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 54286
Studholme's Wainano - - 1/9/1882 Studholme's renamed Wainano by this date. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 54287
Studholme's Wainano - - 12/12/1881 Loop 20 wagons Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 54288
Studholme's Wainano - - 31/3/1883 South points are 1 mile 51 chains and north points 1 mile 61 chains from Studholme Junction station. Timaru – Oamaru Section - R4, 83/2044 WRD Canterbury S 54289
Studholme's Wainano - - 31/3/1885 Private siding granted on 6/9/1876 to Studholme Brothers (present holders) at 128 miles 53 chains (south points).  Extension granted on 4/11/1877 converting siding into a loop, with north points at 128 miles 43 chains. Timaru – Oamaru Section - R4, 83/2044 WRD Canterbury S 54290
Studholme's Wainano - - 9/8/1882 Messrs Studholmes' grain store at their siding projects on to Government land. Timaru – Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 54291