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File Records:Springfield(2)

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Annat Springfield(2) Kowai_Bush
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Annat--Springfield(2) Springfield(2)--Kowai_Bush
6.3km 5.1km

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Name Alt 1 Alt 2 Alt 3 Date Details Railway Rly 2 Reference Source Locality Island Sequence
Springfield(2) - - - 28/11/1929 Approval to provide electric light over ash pit.  Estimated cost £25. Malvern Branch Springfield Branch W3199, 03/3962/1 WRD Canterbury S 53283
Springfield(2) - - - 14/10/1940 It is proposed to enlarge and renovate the refreshment room building, extend the verandah, and make other improvements. Malvern Branch Springfield Branch W3180, Pub 29 WRD Canterbury S 53284
Springfield(2) - - - 18/3/1941 Railway Department resumed control of the refreshment rooms from 11/1940. Malvern Branch Springfield Branch W3180, Pub 29 WRD Canterbury S 53285
Springfield(2) - - - 18/3/1941 Refreshment rooms have been remodelled. Malvern Branch Springfield Branch W3180, Pub 29 WRD Canterbury S 53286
Springfield(2) - - - 17/4/1946 Post Office removed from station. Malvern Branch Springfield Branch Mails by Rail in NZ R Startup Canterbury S 53287
Springfield(2) - - - 31/3/1949 Electric lighting installed in railway houses. Malvern Branch Springfield Branch W3180, Pub 1/6 WRD Canterbury S 53288
Springfield(2) - - - 2/10/1960 Mileage 30 miles 17 chains from Rolleston. Malvern Branch Springfield Branch W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 53289
Springfield(2) - - - 26/10/1961 Weighbridge No 6051. Malvern Branch Springfield Branch W3199, 05/2635 WRD Canterbury S 53290
Springfield(2) - - - 1/4/1963 Station badly damaged by fire. Malvern Branch Springfield Branch W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Canterbury S 53291
Springfield(2) - - - 11/4/1963 Part of the old waiting room has been converted for counter service and old station buildings from Opawa have been placed at the rear for a kitchen. Malvern Branch Springfield Branch W3180, Pub 29 WRD Canterbury S 53292
Springfield(2) - - - 11/4/1963 Temporary refreshment rooms opened to replace those destroyed by fire on 1/4/1963. Malvern Branch Springfield Branch W3180, Pub 29 WRD Canterbury S 53293
Springfield(2) - - - 11/5/1965 Land being given up for road purposes.  Part of this land is heavily infested with gorse and broom and has little value. Part of old railway formation, about one mile from Springfield station. Malvern Branch Springfield Branch W 2493, 93/1996 WRD Canterbury S 53294
Springfield(2) - - - 19/5/1965 The contract for the new station has been let to Jeel & Skurr Ltd, Oxford.  Work began in 6/1964. Malvern Branch Springfield Branch W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Canterbury S 53295
Springfield(2) - - - 30/7/1965 New station building opened on 15/6/1965.  It is 140 feet long by 34 feet wide, and is constructed of Summerhill stone. Malvern Branch Springfield Branch W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Canterbury S 53296
Springfield(2) - - - 30/7/1965 The new station replaces the old wooden station building badly damaged and partly destroyed by fire in 4/1963. Malvern Branch Springfield Branch W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Canterbury S 53297
Springfield(2) - - - 3/11/1986 Closed to goods traffic. Malvern Branch Springfield Branch 00/2107/1 NZRLS Canterbury S 53298
Springfield(2) - - - 28/3/1987 Locomotive depot closed. Malvern Branch Springfield Branch - Rails Canterbury S 53299
Springfield(2) - - - 2/11/1987 Midland Line – 48.33km from Rolleston (0.00km). Malvern Branch Springfield Branch W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 53300
Springfield(2) - - - 20/4/1988 Still used for timetabled running of trains. Malvern Branch Springfield Branch W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 53301
Springfield(2) - - - 26/10/1988 Reversing triangle for locomotives. Malvern Branch Springfield Branch W5514, 13/2679 WRD Canterbury S 53302
Springfield(2) - - - 12/1991 Triangle removed. Malvern Branch Springfield Branch - Rails Canterbury S 53303