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File Records:Selwyn

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Norwood Selwyn Dunsandel
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Norwood--Selwyn Selwyn--Dunsandel
1.3km 3.2km

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Selwyn - - - 1/9/1882 Loop 52 wagons Great Southern Railway - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 51575
Selwyn - - - 10/10/1866 The Great Southern Railway is expected to be opened to the Selwyn in the course of the present summer. Great Southern Railway - A&NZG ATL Canterbury S 51576
Selwyn - - - 12/12/1881 Loop 52 wagons Great Southern Railway - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 51577
Selwyn - - - 14/10/1867 Application to erect stockyards. Great Southern Railway - Provincial Records CPR Canterbury S 51578
Selwyn - - - 14/6/1879 Requesting authority £532 for additional accommodation at Selwyn Station. Great Southern Railway - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 51579
Selwyn - - - 15/3/1867 A second installment of the Great Southern Railway, carrying that line up to and across the Selwyn, will be ready for traffic in about a month or two. Great Southern Railway - A&NZG ATL Canterbury S 51580
Selwyn - - - 15/6/1868 Holmes – siding at station - £680.6.3. Great Southern Railway - Report CPR Canterbury S 51581
Selwyn - - - 16/10/1887 Proclamation of roads alongside railway line from Selwyn station southwards. Great Southern Railway - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 51582
Selwyn - - - 16/4/1867 A short time only is required to extend the traffic to the Selwyn, a distance of about 22 miles from Christchurch. Great Southern Railway - A&NZG ATL Canterbury S 51583
Selwyn - - - 16/4/1867 Rails now laid to the bank of the Selwyn.  The iron bridge which will carry trains across is in the harbour, and the stone for the foundations and abutments is ready to be dropped into place. Great Southern Railway - A&NZG ATL Canterbury S 51584
Selwyn - - - 16/5/1866 Government has ordered the contractors to proceed immediately with the construction of that portion of the line between Rolleston and the Selwyn.  A further distance of nine miles. Great Southern Railway - W3180, Pro24/33 WRD Canterbury S 51585
Selwyn - - - 18/11/1867 Tenders called for the fixing of a wire on the telegraph poles from Lyttelton to Selwyn. Great Southern Railway - W3180, Pro24/33 WRD Canterbury S 51586
Selwyn - - - 19/4/1886 Loop 54 wagons, loop 19 wagons Great Southern Railway - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 51587
Selwyn - - - 2/11/1899 Bath for stationmaster's house. Great Southern Railway - W3734/15 WRD Canterbury S 51588
Selwyn - - - 2/6/1873 Selwyn – Rakaia Section opened for traffic. Great Southern Railway - W3180, Pub 1/12 WRD Canterbury S 51589
Selwyn - - - 20/7/1867 Special train ran to Rolleston. Great Southern Railway - W3180, Pro24/33 WRD Canterbury S 51590
Selwyn - - - 21/7/1868 Extension of telegraph to Selwyn station. Great Southern Railway - Provincial Records CPR Canterbury S 51591
Selwyn - - - 21/8/1866 The line for thirteen miles, as far as Rolleston, is all but complete, and the contract has been let out for nine miles further, as far as the Selwyn River. Great Southern Railway - A&NZG ATL Canterbury S 51592
Selwyn - - - 24/11/1885 Requesting authority £40 for a ladies waiting room. Great Southern Railway - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 51593
Selwyn - - - 24/9/1868 Tenders called for additional accommodation to the station -five bedrooms, kitchen, and a private sitting room.  Estimated cost £300. Great Southern Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Canterbury S 51594
Selwyn - - - 25/9/1867 Approaches to station - £22.13.0. Great Southern Railway - Report CPR Canterbury S 51595
Selwyn - - - 26/9//1867 L G Cole application to erect stables at station. Great Southern Railway - Provincial Records CPR Canterbury S 51596
Selwyn - - - 28/3/1868 A store to hold 1,200 sacks is to be built. Great Southern Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Canterbury S 51597
Selwyn - - - 28/3/1868 Special train runs daily to Selwyn to cart wheat. Great Southern Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Canterbury S 51598
Selwyn - - - 28/5/1867 Railway has reached the Selwyn River.  Bridge in course of construction. Great Southern Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Canterbury S 51599
Selwyn - - - 30/10/1867 W Lawrence seeks refreshment license Selwyn station. Great Southern Railway - Provincial Records CPR Canterbury S 51600
Selwyn - - - 30/11/1867 Holmes – platform, booking office,etc - £1,000.0.0. Great Southern Railway - Report CPR Canterbury S 51601
Selwyn - - - 31/3/1883 Conversion of dummy siding - £9.12.6. Great Southern Railway - R4, 83/2044 WRD Canterbury S 51602
Selwyn - - - 31/3/1883 Huts for traffic cadets at Hornby, Selwyn, and Hinds - £41.4.2. Great Southern Railway - R4, 83/2044 WRD Canterbury S 51603
Selwyn - - - 31/3/1883 Removal of tank stand from St Andrews to Selwyn - £28/19/2/ Great Southern Railway - R4, 83/2044 WRD Canterbury S 51604
Selwyn - - - 4/10/1866 It is intended immediately to build receiving sheds for the wool and grain at Rolleston and the Selwyn. Great Southern Railway - A&NZG ATL Canterbury S 51605
Selwyn - - - 4/10/1867 The damage to the Great Southern Railway near the Selwyn Bridge has been made good, and the line will be opened for the conveyance of passengers and goods on October 7. Great Southern Railway - A&NZG ATL Canterbury S 51606
Selwyn - - - 4/3/1875 Use of stationmaster's house as an immigration depot. Great Southern Railway - Provincial Records CPR Canterbury S 51607
Selwyn - - - 5/10/1867 At present the line is only open for passengers from Rolleston to Selwyn, goods being carried only as far as Rolleston station. Great Southern Railway - W3180, Pro24/33 WRD Canterbury S 51608
Selwyn - - - 5/10/1867 The Great Southern Railway is now opened up as as far as the north bank of the Selwyn. Great Southern Railway - W3180, Pro24/33 WRD Canterbury S 51609
Selwyn - - - 5/5/1868 Road from Selwyn railway station to Rakaia. Great Southern Railway - Provincial Records CPR Canterbury S 51610
Selwyn - - - 6/11/1867 Holmes – platform, booking office,etc - £600.0.0. Great Southern Railway - Report CPR Canterbury S 51611
Selwyn - - - 6/11/1867 Holmes – siding at station - £300.0.0. Great Southern Railway - Report CPR Canterbury S 51612
Selwyn - - - 6/9/1867 Railway works at Selwyn damaged by recent floods. Great Southern Railway - A&NZG ATL Canterbury S 51613
Selwyn - - - 7/10/1867 Station now open. Trains will run to the north bank of the river to connect with coaches to and from Timaru.  (The river had changed course leaving the bridge high and dry.) Great Southern Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Canterbury S 51614
Selwyn - - - 7/9/1867 On July 20 a trial trip took place on the Great Southern Railway to the Selwyn.  A train left Christchurch station at 11.45 am and accomplished the journey in about an hour. Great Southern Railway - A&NZG ATL Canterbury S 51615
Selwyn - - - 7/9/1867 The train crossed the bridge, which was inspected by the company. Great Southern Railway - A&NZG ATL Canterbury S 51616
Selwyn - - - 7/9/1867 The train stopped for a short time at Rolleston and the intervening stations, both going and returning.  The new carriages were greatly admired both for their easy motion and the elegance of the appointments. Great Southern Railway - A&NZG ATL Canterbury S 51617
Selwyn - - - 8/1867 Dobson – approaches to station - £122.0.0. Great Southern Railway - Report CPR Canterbury S 51618
Selwyn - - - 9/1867 Dobson – approaches to station – amount included in above. Great Southern Railway - Report CPR Canterbury S 51619
Selwyn - - - 1938 Norwood station re-arrangement necessitating the closing of Selwyn. Greymouth – Reefton Railway - W5514, 6052/37 WRD Canterbury S 51620
Selwyn Timber Coy's Siding - - - 5/12/1943 Mileage 59 miles 59 chains from Frankton Junction. Frankton – Rotorua Line - W 3337 WRD S 51633
Selwyn Timber Coy's Siding - - - 22/6/1958 Closed to all traffic. Frankton – Rotorua Line - 00/2107/1 NZRLS S 51634