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File Records:Seadown

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Arowhenua Seadown Washdyke
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Arowhenua--Seadown Seadown--Washdyke
2.4km 6.7km

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Seadown - - - 18/12/1903 The public road gives access only to the goods shed. Timaru Section - W3199, 03/4107 WRD Canterbury S 51301
Seadown - - - 24/12/1903 In order to obviate the inconvenience caused by consignments of cream having to be unloaded from drays on the public road and carried across the rails to the station platform, a direct access through the railway reserve there (which is fenced) between the road and station.  Estimated cost £10. Timaru Section - W3199, 03/4107 WRD Canterbury S 51302
Seadown - - - 30/12/1903 Application for access for loading cream to be carried out. Timaru Section - W3199, 03/4107 WRD Canterbury S 51303
Seadown - - - 1890 Mileage 40 miles 48 chains from Ashburton. Timaru Section - R4, 90/2780 WRD Canterbury S 51304
Seadown - - - 1/12/1914 Automatic tablet exchanger apparatus provided. Timaru Section - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 51305
Seadown - - - 4/10/1950 Crossing loop 64 wagons, loop 18 wagons. Timaru Section - R4, 98/3140 WRD Canterbury S 51306
Seadown - - - 4/10/1950 At Seadown there is a crossing loop which holds 64 wagons and a loop which holds 18 wagons. Timaru Section - W2559, 505/4/2 WRD Canterbury S 51307
Seadown - - - 4/10/1950 Seadown is a holiday switch tablet station but has not been used to any extent since 7/1945. Timaru Section - W2559, 505/4/2 WRD Canterbury S 51308
Seadown - - - 4/10/1950 Recommend the crossing loop be lifted and the siding converted to a tablet locked type. Timaru Section - W2559, 505/4/2 WRD Canterbury S 51309
Seadown - - - 6/2/1951 Approval to convert Seadown to a tablet locked siding. Timaru Section - W3293, 9419 WRD Canterbury S 51310
Seadown - - - 4/3/1952 Goods shed is 40 feet by 30 feet of the through type. Timaru Section - W3199, 03/4107 WRD Canterbury S 51311
Seadown - - - 4/3/1952 Goods shed to be transferred, possibly to Lake Road. Timaru Section - W3199, 03/4107 WRD Canterbury S 51312
Seadown - - - 26/3/1956 Crossing loop 64 wagons, loop 18 wagons. Timaru Section - W3199, 03/4107 WRD Canterbury S 51313
Seadown - - - 26/3/1956 Proposing to remove 18 wagon loop. Timaru Section - W3199, 03/4107 WRD Canterbury S 51314
Seadown - - - 13/8/1956 Seadown station will be closed on and after Sunday, 19/8/1956. Timaru Section - W3199, 03/4107 WRD Canterbury S 51315
Seadown - - - 1/5/1879 Loop 25 wagons Timaru Section - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 51316
Seadown - - - 1/5/1879 Mileage 40 miles 48 chains from Ashburton. Timaru Section - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 51317
Seadown - - - 1/8/1898 Accommodation shelter shed, passenger platform, cart approach to platform, goods shed 40ft x 20ft, loading bank, cattle yards. Timaru Section - R4, 98/2756 WRD Canterbury S 51318
Seadown - - - 1/8/1898 Loop 29 wagons. Timaru Section - R4, 98/2756 WRD Canterbury S 51319
Seadown - - - 1/9/1882 Accommodation  shelter shed, passenger platform, cart approach to platform, loading bank. Timaru Section - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 51320
Seadown - - - 1/9/1882 Loop 25 wagons Timaru Section - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 51321
Seadown - - - 10/10/1876 Correspondence re: platform and siding. Timaru Section - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 51322
Seadown - - - 10/6/1876 William Stevenson's contract for one goods platform (80 feet by 15 feet) and laying 11 chains of siding at Seadown Siding completed. Timaru Section - W 12 PWD Canterbury S 51323
Seadown - - - 11/11/1891 Approval to remove to Seadown the small shed situate at the entrance to Lyttelton station. Estimated cost £40 to £50. Timaru Section - W3199, 03/4107 WRD Canterbury S 51324
Seadown - - - 12/12/1881 Loop 25 wagons Timaru Section - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 51325
Seadown - - - 15/10/1879 Loop 25 wagons Timaru Section - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 51326
Seadown - - - 15/2/1882 Seadown station has a shelter shed and cattle yard. Timaru Section - W 70 PWD Canterbury S 51327
Seadown - - - 19/4/1886 Accommodation  shelter shed, passenger platform, cart approach to platform, loading bank. Timaru Section - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 51328
Seadown - - - 19/4/1886 Loop 29 wagons Timaru Section - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 51329
Seadown - - - 22/9/1891 Petition urging erection of a goods shed. Timaru Section - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 51330
Seadown - - - 23/11/1891 Approval for goods shed to be provided with outside verandah, estimated cost £20. Timaru Section - W3199, 03/4107 WRD Canterbury S 51331
Seadown - - - 31/3/1876 Contract let to William Stevenson for Seadown siding contract - £263.0.0. Timaru Section - AJHR, 1876 Natlib Canterbury S 51332