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File Records:Picton

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Elevation Picton
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Name Alt 1 Alt 2 Alt 3 Details Railway Rly 2 Reference Source Locality Island Sequence
Picton - - - 23/7/1900 Locomotive water supply. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3734/15 WRD Marlborough S 45672
Picton - - - 29/10/1900 Connection of stationmaster's house with telephone exchange. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3734/16 WRD Marlborough S 45673
Picton - - - 1875 Angus McKay – contract for manager's office, safe vault, and lamp house. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 35/1 PWD Marlborough S 45674
Picton - - - 1875 G A Smith & Coy – contract for passenger station. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 35/1 PWD Marlborough S 45675
Picton - - - 1875 J Jay per Brogden & Sons – contract for weighbridge and drains. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 35/1 PWD Marlborough S 45676
Picton - - - 1875 Picton water supply contract – J Jay per Brogden & Sons. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 35/1 PWD Marlborough S 45677
Picton - - - 1886 Shed erected on wharf. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3180, Pub 1/3 WRD Marlborough S 45678
Picton - - - 1907 Platform extended 60 feet. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3180, Pub 1/3 WRD Marlborough S 45679
Picton - - - 1911 Platform extended 20 feet. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3180, Pub 1/3 WRD Marlborough S 45680
Picton - - - 1912 Crane transferred from old wharf to new wharf in 1912. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 2493, 98/904 WRD Marlborough S 45681
Picton - - - 1914 New station building cost £11,500. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3180, Pub 1/3 WRD Marlborough S 45682
Picton - - - 1914 Station building opened. [Or late 1913.] Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Marlborough S 45683
Picton - - - 1917 Car & Wagon building completed. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Marlborough S 45684
Picton - - - 1927 Approval given to the Union Steam Ship Coy to erect its own shed on the wharf. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3180, Pub 1/3 WRD Marlborough S 45685
Picton - - - 29/8/1907 Extension of platform. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3734/23 WRD Marlborough S 45686
Picton - - - 11/9/1908 Cabinet approval for new wharf. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3180, Pub 1/3 WRD Marlborough S 45687
Picton - - - 24/2/1910 Provision of a saw bench. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3734/27 WRD Marlborough S 45688
Picton - - - 27/5/1910 Damage to wharf by ss “Te Arua”. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3734/27 WRD Marlborough S 45689
Picton - - - 2/7/1910 Provision of a shed for an office and to store tools,etc, for leading fitter. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3734/27 WRD Marlborough S 45690
Picton - - - 3/8/1910 Erection of a temporary shed for guards. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3734/27 WRD Marlborough S 45691
Picton - - - 26/6/1911 Accommodation Picton station. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3734/28 WRD Marlborough S 45692
Picton - - - 14/10/1911 Fire in car shed. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3734/28 WRD Marlborough S 45693
Picton - - - 6/8/1912 Approval for £6,000 for new station. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Marlborough S 45694
Picton - - - 19/11/1912 Proposed siding for the Christchurch Meat Coy. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3734/29 WRD Marlborough S 45695
Picton - - - 20/2/1913 New wharf completed except for lighting. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3180, Pub 1/3 WRD Marlborough S 45696
Picton - - - 26/2/1913 First ship to berth at new wharf. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3180, Pub 1/3 WRD Marlborough S 45697
Picton - - - 4/3/1913 Request for clock open to view of public at station. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3734/30 WRD Marlborough S 45698
Picton - - - 7/4/1913 Approval for £5,000 for station works. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Marlborough S 45699
Picton - - - 26/7/1913 Alleged smoke nuisance from engine shed. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3734/30 WRD Marlborough S 45700
Picton - - - 7/11/1913 There is no engine stationed at Blenheim.  Engines are stationed at Ward and Picton. Picton – Blenheim Railway Picton Section W2278, 02/2969 WRD Marlborough S 45701
Picton - - - 16/12/1913 Approval for £2,000 for station works. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Marlborough S 45702
Picton - - - 24/2/1914 The new station and wharf now being completed, the old station building is to be shifted to the root of the new wharf to be used as a shelter shed. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Marlborough S 45703
Picton - - - 24/2/1914 The site of the old station is to be used for a Locomotive and Workshops Depot.  Work is to be pushed through quickly. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Marlborough S 45704
Picton - - - 10/3/1914 Official opening of new wharf, took place after the new station and yards were completed. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3180, Pub 1/3 WRD Marlborough S 45705
Picton - - - 2/4/1914 General Post Office – Proposed telegraph receiving office at Picton Wharf. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3734/31 WRD Marlborough S 45706
Picton - - - 8/4/1914 Approval for £1,500 for station and yard. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Marlborough S 45707
Picton - - - 17/2/1917 Proposal to close Picton Store. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3734/33 WRD Marlborough S 45708
Picton - - - 3/11/1920 Footpath from railway gates to wharf. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3734/36 WRD Marlborough S 45709
Picton - - - 27/11/1920 Damage to the Railway Wharf by the steamer “Kent”. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3734/36 WRD Marlborough S 45710
Picton - - - 30/6/1921 Crane No 283, Picton. The design of the crane does not permit of a hand brake being fitted, Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 2493, 98/904 WRD Marlborough S 45711
Picton - - - 15/6/1925 Car & Wagon depot is to be enlarged. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Marlborough S 45712
Picton - - - 4/5/1926 Car & Wagon depot will be electrically driven on completion of the main shops. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Marlborough S 45713
Picton - - - 1/11/1933 Railway station and / or reserve has been improved with plantings, etc, in co-operation with local interests and railway staff. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3180, Pub3/13 WRD Marlborough S 45714
Picton - - - 28/10/1942 Cabinet approval for additional authority for £3,000 for alterations to station yard. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 2278, 11/1981/4 WRD Marlborough S 45715
Picton - - - 23/8/1943 55 foot 0 inch turntable. From Timaru. Picton – Blenheim Railway - R-W3, 11422 WRD Marlborough S 45716
Picton - - - 17/8/1955 Has an engine turntable. Picton – Blenheim Railway - R-W3, 11422 WRD Marlborough S 45717
Picton - - - 8/7/1958 Lease of 10cwt wharf crane to Mr L.M. Kenny approved. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 2493, 98/904 WRD Marlborough S 45718
Picton - - - 2/10/1960 Mileage 97 miles 72 chains from Kaikoura. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3337 WRD Marlborough S 45719
Picton - - - 26/10/1961 Weighbridge No 6012. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3199, 05/2635 WRD Marlborough S 45720
Picton - - - 4/5/1962 Station is to be repainted for the inauguration of the “Aramoana”. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Marlborough S 45721
Picton - - - 22/5/1963 Alterations and renovations to station completed. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Marlborough S 45722
Picton - - - 29/3/1971 Contract let to Woodham & Mexted (South Island) Ltd for a new goods shed and low-level loading bank. Amount $24,000.  Floor area 2,000 square feet. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Marlborough S 45723
Picton - - - 19/5/1971 Tenders called for the erection of a 129 foot lighting tower and the dismantling of the old 129 foot lightingtower. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3180, Pub 3/9 WRD Marlborough S 45724
Picton - - - 17/12/1984 The 70 foot turntable was reconditioned at Addington in 1983. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W5514, 2089 WRD Marlborough S 45725
Picton - - - 14/6/1985 In late May a replacement bell was sent to Picton. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 4098, 14/1814 WRD Marlborough S 45726
Picton - - - 2/11/1987 Main North Line – 347.60km from Addington (0.00km). Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3337 WRD Marlborough S 45727
Picton - - - 26/10/1988 16.7.metre turntable for locomotives. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W5514, 13/2679 WRD Marlborough S 45728
Picton - - - 25/11/1988 Still used for timetabled running of trains. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3337 WRD Marlborough S 45729
Picton - - - 1/3/1889 Reporting damage to wharf by the ss “Takapuna” on 21st ultimo. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45730
Picton - - - 1/8/1890 Recommends extension of engine shed. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45731
Picton - - - 1/9/1894 Estimate of cost for extension of wharf. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45732
Picton - - - 10/1883 Picton wharf extension – schedule of tenders. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3 PWD Marlborough S 45733
Picton - - - 10/3/1887 Sale of stationmaster's house. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3 PWD Marlborough S 45734
Picton - - - 10/7/1875 Tender for manager's office, bank safe, and lamp room at station. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3 PWD Marlborough S 45735
Picton - - - 10/7/1883 Fire in engine shed on 6th instant through carelessness of cleaner. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45736
Picton - - - 10/8/1881 Recommending extra windows be put in engine shed which is badly lighted at present. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45737
Picton - - - 11/7/1876 Wharf at Picton taken over by Department. Picton – Blenheim Railway - AJHR, 1884 Natlib Marlborough S 45738
Picton - - - 12/10/1875 Brogden & Sons – Picton Railway ready for traffic. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3 PWD Marlborough S 45739
Picton - - - 12/11/1881 Locomotive Superintendent, Addington – has sent a set of points and crossings to Picton. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45740
Picton - - - 12/2/1874 Goods shed – schedule of tenders. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3 PWD Marlborough S 45741
Picton - - - 12/4/1892 Town Clerk, Picton – encroachment of railway yard on London Quay and Wellington Street. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45742
Picton - - - 12/7/1892 Mayor, Picton – accommodation for small craft and boats at wharf. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45743
Picton - - - 12/9/1878 Requesting authority £100 for erection of machinery, etc. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 2/44 PWD Marlborough S 45744
Picton - - - 13/7/1887 Dalton's private siding, Picton, was taken up in 1886. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45745
Picton - - - 13/9/1878 Requesting authority for expenses shipping wheel lathe from Wellington to Picton. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 2/44 PWD Marlborough S 45746
Picton - - - 13/9/1894 Report of weighing machine. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45747
Picton - - - 14/1/1874 Payment for station works at Picton. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3 PWD Marlborough S 45748
Picton - - - 14/10/1874 Brogden & Sons – penalties for contract for engine shed, letter from Mr Brown re. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3 PWD Marlborough S 45749
Picton - - - 14/10/1875 Requesting authority weatherboards and door for tank frame. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3 PWD Marlborough S 45750
Picton - - - 15/3/1887 Town Clerk, Picton – calling attention to dangerous condition of landing stage, etc, near wharf. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45751
Picton - - - 15/6/1885 Heavy repairs required to wharf. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45752
Picton - - - 15/6/1894 Lands & Survey Department, Wellington – asking permission to take road through railway reserve near Picton. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45753
Picton - - - 16/1/1888 Recommending chimneys be erected at station. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45754
Picton - - - 16/12/1891 Recommending purchase of a horse for shunting in station yard. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45755
Picton - - - 16/8/1897 Use of telephone between railway at Picton and Union Steam Ship Coy office at Blenheim. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45756
Picton - - - 16/9/1886 A G Fell, Picton – water supply for his malthouse – asking for connection with railway supply. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45757
Picton - - - 17/3/1884 Cost of extending wharf and fixing traverser on it. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45758
Picton - - - 17/3/1899 Pillar crane being built in England by Tangyes Ltd. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 2493, 98/904 WRD Marlborough S 45759
Picton - - - 17/4/1895 Car and wagon repairing shed blown down. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45760
Picton - - - 17/41882 Removal of old wharf – contract signed. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3 PWD Marlborough S 45761
Picton - - - 17/7/1886 Plan and estimate for alterations to station and erection of Workshops. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45762
Picton - - - 17/8/1885 Sale of stationmaster's house on account of its dilapidated condition. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45763
Picton - - - 17/8/1891 Plan and estimate for proposed wharf. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45764
Picton - - - 18/1/1880 Town Clerk, Picton – calling attention to the want of proper railway crossings in some of the streets of Picton. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45765
Picton - - - 18/2/1884 Recommending stationmaster's house be pulled down as it is not worth repairing. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45766
Picton - - - 18/6/1886 Wharf Extension – requesting authority £30.10.0 for flooring goods shed. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3 PWD Marlborough S 45767
Picton - - - 19/2/1892 As to supply of water for engine shed and wharf from Borough Waterworks. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45768
Picton - - - 19/5/1885 A G Fell – applying for a private siding at Picton. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45769
Picton - - - 20/11/1875 Reporting Picton line open. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3 PWD Marlborough S 45770
Picton - - - 20/2/1886 Wharf Extension – requesting authority £250 for siding and new goods shed. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3 PWD Marlborough S 45771
Picton - - - 20/3/1875 Land purchase for sites of workshops and station. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3 PWD Marlborough S 45772
Picton - - - 20/7/1899 Crane recently supplied for Picton wharf. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 2493, 98/904 WRD Marlborough S 45773
Picton - - - 20/9/1882 Removal of old wharf – final certificate. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3 PWD Marlborough S 45774
Picton - - - 21/12/1874 Passenger station – contract. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3 PWD Marlborough S 45775
Picton - - - 21/7/1876 Picton & Blenheim Railway opened for public traffic on 18/11/1875. Picton – Blenheim Railway - AJHR, 1876 Natlib Marlborough S 45776
Picton - - - 22/10/1895 Recommends filling up hole in station yard. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45777
Picton - - - 22/5/1874 Water supply Picton station. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3 PWD Marlborough S 45778
Picton - - - 22/7/1895 Telephone Department – cost of telephone or telegraph communication between Picton and Blenheim stations. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45779
Picton - - - 23/6/1875 Tender received for coal store and 3rd class station. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3 PWD Marlborough S 45780
Picton - - - 24/12/1897 Removal of shed on wharf. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45781
Picton - - - 24/9/1886 Wharf Extension – final certificate. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3 PWD Marlborough S 45782
Picton - - - 25/1/1876 Picton wharf taken over. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3 PWD Marlborough S 45783
Picton - - - 25/1/1876 Wharf taken over by Railways Department. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3180, Pub 1/3 WRD Marlborough S 45784
Picton - - - 25/1/1886 Proposing to close dangerous crossing at London Quay, Picton. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45785
Picton - - - 25/11/1874 Passenger station – schedule of tenders. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3 PWD Marlborough S 45786
Picton - - - 25/6/1891 Application form Borough Councils at Blenheim and Picton for extra wharf accommodation at Picton. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45787
Picton - - - 25/7/1874 Picton station – enclosing tracing adopted from standard drawing. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3 PWD Marlborough S 45788
Picton - - - 25/8/1894 Marine Department – provision of £300 in estimates for wharf extension. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45789
Picton - - - 26/1/1892 As to running trains to connect with steamers at Picton. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45790
Picton - - - 26/5/1894 Application by C Blake to erect an advertising board near small wharf. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45791
Picton - - - 26/8/1876 Contract for engine shed – Angus McKay. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 35/1 PWD Marlborough S 45792
Picton - - - 26/8/1876 Contract for goods shed – G A Smith & Coy. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 35/1 PWD Marlborough S 45793
Picton - - - 26/8/1899 Erection of new weighbridge. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3734/15 WRD Marlborough S 45794
Picton - - - 27/10/1891 Application of New Zealand Loan & Mercantile Agency Coy for a private siding at Picton. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45795
Picton - - - 27/2/1886 Recommending alterations to rails on wharf. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45796
Picton - - - 27/3/1883 Plan of proposed alterations to Picton yard. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45797
Picton - - - 27/4/1899 Crane shipped per ss “Wakanui”, which is due at Picton on 30th instant. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 2493, 98/904 WRD Marlborough S 45798
Picton - - - 27/7/1898 The crane is for lifting goods out of small boats lying alongside the wharf into railway wagons. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 2493, 98/904 WRD Marlborough S 45799
Picton - - - 28/1/1884 Enquiring as to wharf accommodation, as the traverser has been made. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45800
Picton - - - 28/2/1898 Necessity for a small hand crane on wharf. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45801
Picton - - - 28/5/1898 Approval to purchase hand crane for wharf – cost £70. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 2493, 98/904 WRD Marlborough S 45802
Picton - - - 28/8/1874 Platform at station. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3 PWD Marlborough S 45803
Picton - - - 28/8/1899 House accommodation for stationmaster in charge. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3734/15 WRD Marlborough S 45804
Picton - - - 29/6/1887 Necessity for increasing wharf accommodation for “home” ships. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45805
Picton - - - 29/8/1894 Union Steam Ship Coy – danger to passengers going to and from their steamers at wharf. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45806
Picton - - - 3/1/1896 Mayor, Picton – objecting to the erection of a building on railway reserve. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45807
Picton - - - 3/5/1881 Report on old shed near wharf – no necessity to remove it. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45808
Picton - - - 3/8/1897 Necessity for a waiting room for passengers awaiting steamers,etc. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45809
Picton - - - 30/3/1886 Wharf Extension – requesting authority £75 for flattening curves on railway approach to wharves. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3 PWD Marlborough S 45810
Picton - - - 30/5/1895 Cost of erecting carriage shed. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45811
Picton - - - 30/7/1883 Application of New Zealand Loan & Mercantile Agency Coy for a private siding at Picton. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45812
Picton - - - 31/1/1899 Provision of urinals and wc's on railway wharf. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W3734/14 WRD Marlborough S 45813
Picton - - - 31/3/1883 New breast work - £200.0.0. Picton – Blenheim Railway - R4, 83/2044 WRD Marlborough S 45814
Picton - - - 31/3/1893 Car and wagon shed erected. Picton – Blenheim Railway - AJHR, 1893 Natlib Marlborough S 45815
Picton - - - 31/7/1872 Work started on the Picton – Blenheim Ralway. Picton – Blenheim Railway - A&NZG ATL Marlborough S 45816
Picton - - - 31/8/1893 Notification of taking land for railway purposes. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45817
Picton - - - 4/2/1874 Turntable for Picton Wharf. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3 PWD Marlborough S 45818
Picton - - - 4/3/1874 Forwarding sample of rimu being used for goods shed. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3 PWD Marlborough S 45819
Picton - - - 4/3/1882 Removal of old wharf – schedule of tenders. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3 PWD Marlborough S 45820
Picton - - - 4/7/1893 Encroachment of railway station on London Quay. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45821
Picton - - - 5/1/1886 Proposed alterations of sidings and erection of new shed on wharf. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45822
Picton - - - 5/12/1874 Turntable for station. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3 PWD Marlborough S 45823
Picton - - - 5/7/1886 Erection of dumping plant and alterations to carriage shed in connection therewith. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45824
Picton - - - 6/2/1891 Marine Department – re: improvements to wharf accommodation. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45825
Picton - - - 7/11/1890 Want of cattle yards. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45826
Picton - - - 7/3/1891 Application of New Zealand Loan & Mercantile Agency Coy for a private siding at Picton. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45827
Picton - - - 7/4/1886 Private siding for Holes & Bell at Picton to come off new siding. Picton – Blenheim Railway - R4, 95/2542 WRD Marlborough S 45828
Picton - - - 7/6/1875 Requesting authority to add manager's office and safe, Picton station. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3 PWD Marlborough S 45829
Picton - - - 7/8/1895 Complaint re: empty wagons standing on wharf on Sunday evenings. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45830
Picton - - - 8/5/1895 Native coal is railed from Picton Wharf to Nelson Brothers' siding, and fresh meat carcases are railed from the siding to the Port. Picton – Blenheim Railway - R4, 95/2542 WRD Marlborough S 45831
Picton - - - 8/5/1896 Waiting room Picton wharf. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45832
Picton - - - 8/6/1886 Wharf Extension – requesting authority £25 for improvements of curves. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3 PWD Marlborough S 45833
Picton - - - 8/6/1892 Asking for another horse for shunting station yard. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45834
Picton - - - 8/9/1891 As to handing over control of foreshore and wharf at Picton, to a harbour board. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45835
Picton - - - 9/3/1874 Engine shed – schedule of fresh tenders. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3 PWD Marlborough S 45836
Picton - - - 9/6/1891 Omaka Road Board, Blenheim – want of extra wharf accommodation at Picton. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45837
Picton - - - 9/7/1886 Pulling down of harbourmaster's office, on Picton Wharf, by contractors for goods shed on wharf. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 1820 WRD Marlborough S 45838
Picton - - - 9/7/1886 Wharf Extension – requesting authority £8 for laying rails on extension. Picton – Blenheim Railway - W 3 PWD Marlborough S 45839
Picton 2/1913 New wharf completed. W3440, Pub 1/3 WRD S 45840
Picton 1/1876 Old wharf taken over by Public Works Department. W3440, Pub 1/3 WRD S 45841