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File Records:Oamaru

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Oamaru_Showgrounds Oamaru Waiareka
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Oamaru_Showgrounds--Oamaru Oamaru--Waiareka
0.8km 3.8km

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Oamaru - - - 30/5/1900 7-ton crane at present being used at Oamaru lagoon bridge. Oamaru Section - R4, 98/3691 WRD Otago S 37671
Oamaru - - - 30/6/1900 Borough Council – asking for siding to be provided free for use in connection of protective works. Oamaru Section - R3, 13/5147/1 WRD Otago S 37672
Oamaru - - - 5/7/1900 The alterations to this siding, consequent to the new station works, were carried out at a cost of £38.6.5. Oamaru Section - W3293, 2600 WRD Otago S 37673
Oamaru - - - 17/8/1900 Bridge over lagoon between Tyne and Humber Streets. Oamaru Section - W3734/15 WRD Otago S 37674
Oamaru - - - 21/8/1900 Borough Council – further request for protective works. Oamaru Section - R3, 13/5147/1 WRD Otago S 37675
Oamaru - - - 10/9/1900 Connection of railway drain with Ribble Street sewer. Oamaru Section - W3734/16 WRD Otago S 37676
Oamaru - - - 27/9/1900 Provision of a new weighbridge. Oamaru Section - W3734/16 WRD Otago S 37677
Oamaru - - - 1/10/1900 Turning of rolling stock on opening of new station. Oamaru Section - W3734/16 WRD Otago S 37678
Oamaru - - - 24/10/1900 Petition for use of old station for reading room and library. Oamaru Section - W3734/16 WRD Otago S 37679
Oamaru - - - 21/11/1900 Wash out service for stock wagons. Oamaru Section - W3734/16 WRD Otago S 37680
Oamaru - - - 23/2/1901 Improved accommodation to Sumptor Wharf. Oamaru Section - W3734/16 WRD Otago S 37681
Oamaru - - - 31/3/1901 Station building completed year ending 31/3/1901. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Otago S 37682
Oamaru - - - 13/5/1901 Beach protection works. Oamaru Section - W3734/16 WRD Otago S 37683
Oamaru - - - 18/5/1901 Block instruments for working line between passenger station and goods yard. Oamaru Section - W3734/16 WRD Otago S 37684
Oamaru - - - 18/7/1901 Connection of office at Breakwater with telephone exchange. Oamaru Section - W3734/16 WRD Otago S 37685
Oamaru - - - 1/6/1903 Dining room. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub 29 WRD Otago S 37686
Oamaru - - - 1/7/1903 Counter refreshments. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub 29 WRD Otago S 37687
Oamaru - - - 5/8/1903 Recommending extension of Council siding along face of cliff. Oamaru Section - R3, 13/5147/1 WRD Otago S 37688
Oamaru - - - 28/9/1903 On several occasions owing to the encroachment of the sea it has been necessary for the siding to be shifted landwards. Oamaru Section - W3293, 2600 WRD Otago S 37689
Oamaru - - - 25/11/1903 Trestle work needed across washout on siding. Oamaru Section - R3, 13/5147/1 WRD Otago S 37690
Oamaru - - - 1890 Mileage 52 miles 10 chains from Timaru. Oamaru Section - R4, 90/2780 WRD Otago S 37691
Oamaru - - - 1919 Bakehouse erected. Oamaru Section - W2382, 039 WRD Otago S 37692
Oamaru - - - 1920 Alterations to bakehouse. Oamaru Section - W2382, 039 WRD Otago S 37693
Oamaru - - - 5/1905 Bar in refreshment rooms closed. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub 29 WRD Otago S 37694
Oamaru - - - 25/5/1905 District Engineer, Wellington. Traverser price was £109.11.0 in 1902. It is one of the traversers supplied for Glasgow Wharf, Wellington. Oamaru Section - R-W3, 2299 WRD Otago S 37695
Oamaru - - - 29/5/1905 Traverser is to be shipped from Wellington. Oamaru Section - R-W3, 2299 WRD Otago S 37696
Oamaru - - - 5/6/1905 Sidings to new wharf – wagon traverser has been provided. Oamaru Section - R-W3, 2299 WRD Otago S 37697
Oamaru - - - 20/10/1906 Connecting Oamaru with Naseby by rail. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37698
Oamaru - - - 4/12/1907 Signalling and interlocking. Oamaru Section - W3734/24 WRD Otago S 37699
Oamaru - - - 22/2/1910 Interlocking points run through and damaged. Oamaru Section - W3734/27 WRD Otago S 37700
Oamaru - - - 23/2/1910 Complaint re smoke from railway engines. Oamaru Section - W3734/27 WRD Otago S 37701
Oamaru - - - 29/6/1910 Provision of a additional water supply for locomotive purposes. Oamaru Section - W3734/27 WRD Otago S 37702
Oamaru - - - 5/7/1910 Provision of additional accommodation for parcels and luggage office. Oamaru Section - W3734/27 WRD Otago S 37703
Oamaru - - - 8/9/1910 Connection of parcels office with telephone exchange. Oamaru Section - W3734/28 WRD Otago S 37704
Oamaru - - - 12/9/1910 Drainage of goods yard – Department to contribute portion of cost to Council. Oamaru Section - W3734/28 WRD Otago S 37705
Oamaru - - - 13/9/1910 Improvements to cattle yards. Oamaru Section - W3734/28 WRD Otago S 37706
Oamaru - - - 19/1/1912 Complaint re bad ventilation of engine shed. Oamaru Section - W3734/29 WRD Otago S 37707
Oamaru - - - 2/5/1912 Lighting of passenger yard. Oamaru Section - W3734/29 WRD Otago S 37708
Oamaru - - - 24/7/1913 Oamaru Harbour Board's private siding. Oamaru Section - W3734/30 WRD Otago S 37709
Oamaru - - - 13/11/1913 Fire in station. Oamaru Section - W3734/30 WRD Otago S 37710
Oamaru - - - 19/12/1913 Damage to 4-ton crane. Oamaru Section - W3734/30 WRD Otago S 37711
Oamaru - - - 26/6/1914 Private siding – Oamaru Borough Council. Oamaru Section - W3734/31 WRD Otago S 37712
Oamaru - - - 16/7/1914 Fire in goods shed. Oamaru Section - W3734/31 WRD Otago S 37713
Oamaru - - - 31/5/1915 Proposed improvements to road approach to station. Oamaru Section - W3734/32 WRD Otago S 37714
Oamaru - - - 29/12/1916 According to our original plans a ballast siding left the main line opposite Usk Street, this siding was removed in 4/1881.  The old chainage book confirms the fact the siding was actually in. Oamaru Section - W1, 48/48 PWD Otago S 37715
Oamaru - - - 29/12/1916 Ballast was sent to the Ngapara Branch in 1885.  The siding was apparently taken out again and in 1895 the question of obtaining shingle for concrete work was again raised, and in 1897 a siding was again put in and used for ballast purposes and lifted in 1902. Oamaru Section - W1, 48/48 PWD Otago S 37716
Oamaru - - - 29/12/1916 It is evident the siding referred to in correspondence of 1882 is not the siding opposite the present station but was a siding taken from the old station yard to get ballast from between the mouth of lagoon for concrete purposes. Oamaru Section - W1, 48/48 PWD Otago S 37717
Oamaru - - - 29/12/1916 Shingle removed from the beach was evidently taken for the construction of the lines and during the latter half of the 1870's. Oamaru Section - W1, 48/48 PWD Otago S 37718
Oamaru - - - 29/12/1916 The points were removed for use on the Ngapara Branch in 4/1881 and it is possible the siding was not used for a year or two before that. Oamaru Section - W1, 48/48 PWD Otago S 37719
Oamaru - - - 29/12/1916 A ballast siding left the main line opposite Usk Street and was removed in 4/1881.  The old chainage book confirms this siding was actually put in. Oamaru Section - W4069, 48/84 WRD Otago S 37720
Oamaru - - - 29/12/1916 The points were removed for use on the Ngapara Branch in 4/1881 and it is possible the siding was not used for a year or two before that. Oamaru Section - W4069, 48/84 WRD Otago S 37721
Oamaru - - - 29/12/1916 Old ballast siding, about 1875, removed 4/1881.  Turnout opposite south side of Usk Street, with points facing north. Oamaru Section - W4439, 24354 WRD Otago S 37722
Oamaru - - - 29/12/1916 North end engine shed: 4 backshunts into shed, 2 through sidings to shed, 1 siding through coal shed, platform, and coal stack, 2 backshunts behined sand facilities, short backshunt ends at foreshore. Oamaru Section - W4439, 24354 WRD Otago S 37723
Oamaru - - - 29/12/1916 Turntable – siding through from last loop opposite station, backshunt ending on far side of turntable. Locomotive offices and stores building. Oamaru Section - W4439, 24354 WRD Otago S 37724
Oamaru - - - 29/12/1916 Station – crossing loop and four loops opposite station, crossover from main line to crossing loop at centre of station building, dock platforms (one backshunt each) at each end of station. Oamaru Section - W4439, 24354 WRD Otago S 37725
Oamaru - - - 29/12/1916 Backshunt off third loop to goods shed which crosses extension of Coquet Street.  Branches into two backshunts part-way past crossing – one into Gas Works building. Oamaru Section - W4439, 24354 WRD Otago S 37726
Oamaru - - - 29/12/1916 On station side of main line two backshunts come off main line between Coquet and Weir Streets.  One backshunt runs alongside Humber Street to wagon turntable, with a siding off this crossing Humber Street. Oamaru Section - W4439, 24354 WRD Otago S 37727
Oamaru - - - 29/12/1916 Signal cabin at south end of loop. Oamaru Section - W4439, 24354 WRD Otago S 37728
Oamaru - - - 29/12/1916 Thre second backshunt on the station side of line ends at Clyde Street, with two wagon turntables. The turntable nearest the station has a sidning running into a property, while the other has a siding running along the side of Clyde Street. Oamaru Section - W4439, 24354 WRD Otago S 37729
Oamaru - - - 29/12/1916 On the seaward side opposite the vicinity of Clyde Street is a backshunt serving the Freezing Works, with points facing south. Oamaru Section - W4439, 24354 WRD Otago S 37730
Oamaru - - - 29/12/1916 The line to Bluff curves away, crosses Clyde Street, and runs along north side of lagoon. Oamaru Section - W4439, 24354 WRD Otago S 37731
Oamaru - - - 29/12/1916 Line from the second loop runs into the second yard at the south end.  The engine shed has three through tracks, a repair shop has two backshunts (points face south), and a backshunt beside the permanent Way Shop. Oamaru Section - W4439, 24354 WRD Otago S 37732
Oamaru - - - 29/12/1916 A loop curves towards the Bluff line, passing on the seaward end of Itchen Street.  Backshunt runs alongside this loop (points face south), turnout for backshunt running back towards main line next to the lagoon and through a building. Oamaru Section - W4439, 24354 WRD Otago S 37733
Oamaru - - - 29/12/1916 Two wagon turntables on Harbor Street (one at the north end, the other about midway).  The midway table connects with another table opposite the engine shed.  Turntables on either side of the latter, one being opposite the engine shed and one further south. Oamaru Section - W4439, 24354 WRD Otago S 37734
Oamaru - - - 29/12/1916 Library near the Permanent Way Shop. Oamaru Section - W4439, 24354 WRD Otago S 37735
Oamaru - - - 29/12/1916 4,000 gallon tank at south end of engine shed. Oamaru Section - W4439, 24354 WRD Otago S 37736
Oamaru - - - 29/12/1916 A siding runs on to the beach behind the engine shed. Oamaru Section - W4439, 24354 WRD Otago S 37737
Oamaru - - - 29/12/1916 Five tracks pass under the footbridge, heading south. Oamaru Section - W4439, 24354 WRD Otago S 37738
Oamaru - - - 29/12/1916 Line from centre wagon turntable crosses the bottom mend of Wansbeck Street with a loop. Oamaru Section - W4439, 24354 WRD Otago S 37739
Oamaru - - - 29/12/1916 Siding to the Breakwater, passing a boat shed, with points facing south. Oamaru Section - W4439, 24354 WRD Otago S 37740
Oamaru - - - 29/12/1916 A loop serves the wagon turntable at the north end of Harbor Street. Oamaru Section - W4439, 24354 WRD Otago S 37741
Oamaru - - - 1/1/1917 Siding was put in about 1882 for taking ballast from the beach. Oamaru Section - W1, 48/48 PWD Otago S 37742
Oamaru - - - 1/1/1917 The siding was used for taking shingle for concrete, and possibly some for ballast, from the beach lying between the lagoon and the mole, between the years 1882 and 1902. Oamaru Section - W1, 48/48 PWD Otago S 37743
Oamaru - - - 19/6/1917 Request for railway houses to be fitted up with gas for lighting purposes. Oamaru Section - W3734/33 WRD Otago S 37744
Oamaru - - - 5/8/1917 Dining room. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub 29 WRD Otago S 37745
Oamaru - - - 13/9/1918 Crossing loop, 4 loops, cross-over on front of station building. Oamaru Section - W4439, 48633 WRD Otago S 37746
Oamaru - - - 13/9/1918 North end: 2 backshunts at coal stack Oamaru Section - W4439, 48633 WRD Otago S 37747
Oamaru - - - 13/9/1918 North end: backshunt alongside of main line. Oamaru Section - W4439, 48633 WRD Otago S 37748
Oamaru - - - 13/9/1918 North end: backshunt to beach. Oamaru Section - W4439, 48633 WRD Otago S 37749
Oamaru - - - 13/9/1918 North end: engine shed with 4 backshunts Oamaru Section - W4439, 48633 WRD Otago S 37750
Oamaru - - - 13/9/1918 North end: through siding to turntable, backshunt to turntable. Oamaru Section - W4439, 48633 WRD Otago S 37751
Oamaru - - - 13/9/1918 South end: backshunt (private siding alongside Humber Street, with turntable to give access to premises on far side of this street. Oamaru Section - W4439, 48633 WRD Otago S 37752
Oamaru - - - 13/9/1918 South end: backshunt (private siding) ends at Clyde Street, with weighbridge and two turntables at end. Oamaru Section - W4439, 48633 WRD Otago S 37753
Oamaru - - - 13/9/1918 South end: backshunt to freezing works.  Entrance to siding from south side of Clyde Street.  Gate on south side of street. Oamaru Section - W4439, 48633 WRD Otago S 37754
Oamaru - - - 13/9/1918 South end: siding alongside main line, which continues across Clyde Street.  Turnout for this off crossing loop. Oamaru Section - W4439, 48633 WRD Otago S 37755
Oamaru - - - 13/9/1918 South end: two backshunts to Gas Works. Oamaru Section - W4439, 48633 WRD Otago S 37756
Oamaru - - - 13/9/1918 Station building, passenger platform, dock platform at each side of station building. Oamaru Section - W4439, 48633 WRD Otago S 37757
Oamaru - - - 22/7/1919 Houses for railway staff. Oamaru Section - W3734/35 WRD Otago S 37758
Oamaru - - - 25/2/1920 Turntable broken. Oamaru Section - W3734/36 WRD Otago S 37759
Oamaru - - - 2/10/1923 Accommodation for Inspector of Permanent Way. Oamaru Section - W3734/38 WRD Otago S 37760
Oamaru - - - 11/4/1926 Private siding right – Texas Coy (Australasia) Ltd. Oamaru Section - W 2852 WRD Otago S 37761
Oamaru - - - 1/10/1926 British Imperial Oil Coy siding. Oamaru Section - W 2852 WRD Otago S 37762
Oamaru - - - 13/9/1933 Oamaru Harbour Board has a new crane at its quarry. Oamaru Section - R3, 13/5147/1 WRD Otago S 37763
Oamaru - - - 16/3/1934 At the present time stock wagons are hosed out in the Oamaru goods yard, which is in the vicinity of a children's playing area.  The Harbour Board has granted the Department permission to lay a siding for the accommodation of stock wagonsfor cleaning purposes on the low lying land at the north end of the goods yard on which the quarry spoil is to be deposited. Oamaru Section - R3, 13/5147/1 WRD Otago S 37764
Oamaru - - - 16/3/1934 It is intended to link up the two backshunts at the shore end of the Holmes Wharf with the main shunting road. Oamaru Section - R3, 13/5147/1 WRD Otago S 37765
Oamaru - - - 16/3/1934 Oamaru Harbour Board proposes to quarry stone near the breakwater for harbour and wharf improvements. Oamaru Section - R3, 13/5147/1 WRD Otago S 37766
Oamaru - - - 2/7/1936 Stone is being taken from Sawyers Bay to Oamaru to protect the railway portion of the foreshore and stone is being quarried at Arno for the protection of the foreshore fronting the Corporation Gas Works, and the Harbour Board is protecting the foreshore on the south side of the Gas Works by supplies of stone from its own quarry at Oamaru. Oamaru Section - R3, 13/5147/1 WRD Otago S 37767
Oamaru - - - 2/7/1936 There is a work train running between Arno and Oamaru taking the stone for the Gas Works protection. Oamaru Section - R3, 13/5147/1 WRD Otago S 37768
Oamaru - - - 8/7/1936 Waves washing over coal storage area and track damaged. Oamaru Section - R3, 13/5147/1 WRD Otago S 37769
Oamaru - - - 9/7/1936 Several obsolete engines and tenders, in addition to some heavy castings, left Hillside for Oamaru yesterday afternoon.  They will be used to reinforce the stone protection work along the foreshore which has been damaged by the erosion of the sea during heavy gales. Oamaru Section - R3, 13/5147/1 WRD Otago S 37770
Oamaru - - - 7/8/1936 Yesterday seven locomotives arrived from Christhcurch, and one from Invercargill, at Oamaru for use in connection with protection works. Oamaru Section - R3, 13/5147/1 WRD Otago S 37771
Oamaru - - - 15/9/1936 Previous to 1881 the Department obtained shingle from the beach (near the engine sheds) for ballasting purposes.  When the ballasting siding was lifted in 1881, the shingle beach was level or nearly level with the ground in the station yard.  Today there is a drop of 25 to 30 feet to the sea shore. Oamaru Section - R3, 13/5147/1 WRD Otago S 37772
Oamaru - - - 24/6/1937 The Borough Council has applied for an additional private siding to the Council's new retort house. Estimated cost is £180. Oamaru Section - W3293, 2600 WRD Otago S 37773
Oamaru - - - 10/8/1938 70 foot turntable to be installed. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Otago S 37774
Oamaru - - - 3/4/1939 Extension of locomotive proposed. Oamaru Section - W3293, 9237 WRD Otago S 37775
Oamaru - - - 16/2/1940 Estimated cost of ram is £110 each = total £220. Oamaru Section - W2278, 10/4128/5 WRD Otago S 37776
Oamaru - - - 16/2/1940 Under the existing arrangement the staff have to pump wheels up in the drop pit by hand ram.  This is slow and tedious work. Oamaru Section - W2278, 10/4128/5 WRD Otago S 37777
Oamaru - - - 11/9/1940 The first stone protection was placed by the Department on the foreshore in 1896. Oamaru Section - W2334, 13/5147/1 WRD Otago S 37778
Oamaru - - - 9/7/1941 The Harbour Board has a temporary siding for tipping spoil from their quarry over the foreshore, near Orwell Street. Oamaru Section - W2334, 13/5147/1 WRD Otago S 37779
Oamaru - - - 27/11/1941 Additional authority for £83 to cover increased expenditure in connection with the provision of a motor driven drop pit ram at Oamaru and Timaru. Oamaru Section - W2278, 10/4128/5 WRD Otago S 37780
Oamaru - - - 23/8/1944 Middle backshunt goes south beyond the gas works. Oamaru Section - W3293, 2600 WRD Otago S 37781
Oamaru - - - 13/12/1945 Lease of railcar building to Internal Marketing Department. Oamaru Section - W 2852 WRD Otago S 37782
Oamaru - - - 31/3/1949 Alterations to goods shed and offices in hand. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub1/2 WRD Otago S 37783
Oamaru - - - 31/3/1949 Provision of a hut settlement and ablution block in hand. Oamaru Section - W2854, Pub 31/5 WRD Otago S 37784
Oamaru - - - 31/3/1949 Provision of a lunch and locker room for permanent way staff in hand. Oamaru Section - W2854, Pub 31/5 WRD Otago S 37785
Oamaru - - - 14/4/1949 Clock to be supplied to Oamaru locomotive depot. Oamaru Section - R3, 19/2063 WRD Otago S 37786
Oamaru - - - 27/3/1951 Bakehouse destroyed by fire. Oamaru Section - W2382, 039 WRD Otago S 37787
Oamaru - - - 3/1954 3 State houses for Railways Department completed. Oamaru Section - SAC1, 35/260 SAC Otago S 37788
Oamaru - - - 28/6/1954 Fire in oil store, engine shed walls damaged. Oamaru Section - W2382, 039 WRD Otago S 37789
Oamaru - - - 13/6/1955 Improvements to be made to booking office. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Otago S 37790
Oamaru - - - 1/1956 3 State houses for Railways Department completed. Oamaru Section - SAC1, 35/260 SAC Otago S 37791
Oamaru - - - 10/10/1957 The turnout for the Sumptor Wharf is between the New Zealand Express Company and the New Zealand Shipping Company Limited stores. Oamaru Section - W 2493, 97/1355 WRD Otago S 37792
Oamaru - - - 27/11/1957 Fire in Road Services building in Humber Street. Oamaru Section - W2382, 039 WRD Otago S 37793
Oamaru - - - 27/11/1957 Fire in rolling stock building. Oamaru Section - W2382, 039 WRD Otago S 37794
Oamaru - - - 3/3/1963 Refreshment room closed. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub 29 WRD Otago S 37795
Oamaru - - - 14/5/1964 Turnout for gas works siding is at 157 miles 37 chains 15 links.  Three backshunts. Oamaru Section - W3293, 2600 WRD Otago S 37796
Oamaru - - - 23/2/1966 Approval for £196,600 for improvements. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Otago S 37797
Oamaru - - - 10/3/1966 Bell at Waimate was forwarded to Oamaru several years ago and was not replaced. Oamaru Section - W 4098, 14/1814 WRD Otago S 37798
Oamaru - - - 19/9/1968 Excavations for the new locomotive depot are in hand. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub 3/2 WRD Otago S 37799
Oamaru - - - 12/11/1968 The two signal boxes replaced by a signal control panel in the station building and semaphore signals replaced by colour light signals. Oamaru Section - W2854, Pub 31/2 WRD Otago S 37800
Oamaru - - - 19/11/1968 Road crossing signals have been installed although not yet in use. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Otago S 37801
Oamaru - - - 19/11/1968 The foundations for three light towers are in. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Otago S 37802
Oamaru - - - 19/11/1968 The signal boxes at the north and south ends of the yard are to be demolished.  Sidings are to be lengthened when this is done. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Otago S 37803
Oamaru - - - 5/12/1968 At the same time, a 300 yard extension of the yard was brought into use. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Otago S 37804
Oamaru - - - 5/12/1968 Late in 1968 colour light signals and motor points, controlled from a panel in the station building, were brought into use in the station yard. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Otago S 37805
Oamaru - - - 4/2/1969 Contract let let for new locomotive shed to Messrs Baird, Polson, Sandri Ltd. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub 3/2 WRD Otago S 37806
Oamaru - - - 4/2/1969 The two old signal boxes were removed last year. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub 3/2 WRD Otago S 37807
Oamaru - - - 25/3/1969 Third backshunt into gas works.  This track could become redundant by 1971. Oamaru Section - W3293, 2600 WRD Otago S 37808
Oamaru - - - 18/4/1969 New locomotive depot – annex to be 135 feet by 9 feet, for stores, a lunch room, and a shower room. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub 3/2 WRD Otago S 37809
Oamaru - - - 18/4/1969 New locomotive depot – main repair depot to be 150 feet by 37 feet, constructed of concrete blocks, and roof of steel trusses covered with aluminium cladding. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub 3/2 WRD Otago S 37810
Oamaru - - - 18/4/1969 New locomotive depot – new servicing pit 135 feet long. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub 3/2 WRD Otago S 37811
Oamaru - - - 30/5/1969 New diesel locomotive shed under construction.  Tenders called in 3/1969. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub 3/2 WRD Otago S 37812
Oamaru - - - 17/9/1971 Station chimes are to be installed. Oamaru Section - W 4098, 14/1814 WRD Otago S 37813
Oamaru - - - 27/11/1972 Station chimes are operating satisfactorily.  Have been in use for over two months. Oamaru Section - W 4098, 14/1814 WRD Otago S 37814
Oamaru - - - 2/4/1974 Gas works siding is at 157 miles 44 chains 40 links.  Branches into two backshunts – one to the retort house and the other to the gas works. Oamaru Section - W3293, 2600 WRD Otago S 37815
Oamaru - - - 9/5/1974 Portion of the gas works siding is now used by the Department for local loading and it is proposed to delete this portion from the agreement. Oamaru Section - W3293, 2600 WRD Otago S 37816
Oamaru - - - 9/4/1976 New amenities building under construction. Oamaru Section - W3199, 04/833/9 WRD Otago S 37817
Oamaru - - - 25/11/1981 New rail bridge over Humber Street under construction.  Replaces old truss bridge. Oamaru Section - W2854, Pub 31/5 WRD Otago S 37818
Oamaru - - - 4/8/1983 The Oamaru gas works served by the siding closed in 1982 and the siding is no longer required. Oamaru Section - W3293, 2600 WRD Otago S 37819
Oamaru - - - 11/1984 Gas works siding is from 254.038km (south end of amenities building) southward for 150 metres. Oamaru Section - W3293, 2600 WRD Otago S 37820
Oamaru - - - 11/1984 The siding runs between the sea shore and the retort house. Oamaru Section - W3293, 2600 WRD Otago S 37821
Oamaru - - - 27/11/1984 The Oamaru gas works land, shortly to be transferred Railways, is leased to Coal & Energy (New Zealand) Ltd and J M McCarthy, both coal merchants who are at present making use of the old gas works siding for delivery to their respective sites. Oamaru Section - W3293, 2600 WRD Otago S 37822
Oamaru - - - 27/11/1984 The siding right to the Oamaru Borough Council was terminated on 31/7/1984. Oamaru Section - W3293, 2600 WRD Otago S 37823
Oamaru - - - 2/11/1987 Main South Line – 253.74km from Port Lyttelton (0.00km). Oamaru Section - W 3337 WRD Otago S 37824
Oamaru - - - 26/10/1988 21.3 metre turntable for locomotives. Oamaru Section - W5514, 13/2679 WRD Otago S 37825
Oamaru - - - 25/11/1988 Still used for timetabled running of trains. Oamaru Section - W 3337 WRD Otago S 37826
Oamaru - - - 6/1992 Crossing loop extended to accommodate 170 wagons. Oamaru Section - - Rails Otago S 37827
Oamaru - - - 10/1992 Station building for sale. Oamaru Section - - Rails Otago S 37828
Oamaru - - - ? Refreshment room in original station. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub 29 WRD Otago S 37829
Oamaru - - - 1/1/1879 Oamaru to Glendermid is 71 miles Oamaru Section - W 3337 WRD Otago S 37830
Oamaru - - - 1/11/1877 Correspondence with Town Council re: siding to Oamaru gas works. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37831
Oamaru - - - 1/11/1877 Galbraith & Coy's application for a siding. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37832
Oamaru - - - 1/1875 Carriage shed – tenders. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37833
Oamaru - - - 1/2/1877 Timaru – Oamaru Railway opened for traffic. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub 1/12 WRD Otago S 37834
Oamaru - - - 1/3/1875 Goods shed – schedule of tenders. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37835
Oamaru - - - 1/5/1879 Mileage 16 miles 78 chains from Ngapara. Oamaru Section - W 3337 WRD Otago S 37836
Oamaru - - - 1/5/1879 Mileage 37 miles 40 chains from Palmerston. Oamaru Section - W 3337 WRD Otago S 37837
Oamaru - - - 1/5/1879 Mileage 52 miles 13 chains from Timaru. Oamaru Section - W 3337 WRD Otago S 37838
Oamaru - - - 1/5/1888 Harbour Board, Oamaru – complaining of delay in harbour works on account of scarcity of engine power. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37839
Oamaru - - - 1/6/1899 Approval for the above. Oamaru Section - R3, 13/5147/1 WRD Otago S 37840
Oamaru - - - 1/8/1885 Want of a larger engine shed at Oamaru. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37841
Oamaru - - - 1/8/1898 Accommodation 2nd class station, passenger platform, cart approach to platform, goods shed 200ft x 42ft, loading bank, cattle yards, water service, coal accommodation, engine turntable, weighbridge, wagon turntable, engine shed, fixed signals, urinals. Oamaru Section - R4, 98/2756 WRD Otago S 37842
Oamaru - - - 1/9/1882 Accommodation 2nd class station, passenger platform, cart approach to platform, goods shed 200ft x 45ft, loading bank, crane, water service, coal accommodation, engine reversing triangle, weighbridge, wagon turntable,engine shed, fixed signals, urinals. Oamaru Section - W 3337 WRD Otago S 37843
Oamaru - - - 10/11/1897 Improvements at Oamaru station. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37844
Oamaru - - - 10/1875 Enclosed copy of an arrangement the Government proposes to make with the Oamaru Harbour Board for working the siding between the railway station and the Breakwater, and that satisfactory arrangements have been concluded between the General Manager of Railways and secretary for the Harbour Board for working the siding. Oamaru Section - OP 10/7 OPR Otago S 37845
Oamaru - - - 11/11/1893 Application by Stock Department for additional office accommodation. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37846
Oamaru - - - 11/5/1895 The 28lb rails are to be handed over to the Corporation, after replacement with 40lb rails. Oamaru Section - W3293, 2600 WRD Otago S 37847
Oamaru - - - 11/9/1875 Goods shed finished. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37848
Oamaru - - - 11/9/1899 Erection of additional coaling crane. Oamaru Section - W3734/15 WRD Otago S 37849
Oamaru - - - 12/10/1877 Requesting authority £73 for flooring and fittings store. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37850
Oamaru - - - 12/2/1879 Requesting authority to commence work at Oamaru station Esplanade - £4,000. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37851
Oamaru - - - 12/3/1873 The first sod of the Moeraki – Waitaki Railway was turned on the Esplanade on Monday. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub 1/9 WRD Otago S 37852
Oamaru - - - 12/5/1879 Harbour Board, Oamaru – Board Standing committee has recommended the Board agree to construction of loop line through their reserve, subject to compensation. Oamaru Section - W 2 PWD Otago S 37853
Oamaru - - - 1-28/4/1917 Counter refreshments. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub 29 WRD Otago S 37854
Oamaru - - - 13/11/1876 Opening of the Oamaru – Moeraki Railway. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pro/43 WRD Otago S 37855
Oamaru - - - 13/12/1873 Tenders have been accepted for the erection of the Oamaru and Tokomairiro stations, the intention being to use them as offices till the line is opened. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pro/43 WRD Otago S 37856
Oamaru - - - 13/3/1886 The crossing is about half a mile distant from Oamaru, at 156 miles 24 chains.  The estimated cost is £50. Oamaru Section - R4, 86/2688 WRD Otago S 37857
Oamaru - - - 13/5/1896 Requesting authority £640 to purchase 2,100 yards of stone for the protection of the foreshore. Oamaru Section - R3, 13/5147/1 WRD Otago S 37858
Oamaru - - - 13/7/1897 Forwarding plan of station re-arrangement. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37859
Oamaru - - - 13/8/1879 Semaphore signals are now erected at Oamaru station and will be brought into operation on Monday, 11/8/1879. Oamaru Section - Allison Smith's Diary NZRLS Otago S 37860
Oamaru - - - 13/8/1898 Expenditure on protection works at The Esplanade. Oamaru Section - W3734/14 WRD Otago S 37861
Oamaru - - - 13/9/1899 Proclamation taking land for railway purposes. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37862
Oamaru - - - 14/1/1875 Contract bond for Oamaru engine shed. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37863
Oamaru - - - 14/12/1882 Application of Oamaru Woollen Factory Coy for a private siding at Oamaru, 156 miles 55 chains. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37864
Oamaru - - - 14/7/1896 Further encroachment of the sea at Oamaru Esplanade.  Siding being put in for protection works. Oamaru Section - R3, 13/5147/1 WRD Otago S 37865
Oamaru - - - 14/8/1883 Instructions issued for the protection of engines running between Oamaru and The Triangle. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37866
Oamaru - - - 14/9/1882 Oamaru lagoon reclamation – final certificate. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37867
Oamaru - - - 15/11/1877 Application of Town Council to erect a footbridge over railway line to gas works. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37868
Oamaru - - - 15/2/1882 J & T Meek's application for a private siding at 158 miles 7 chains, Oamaru station. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37869
Oamaru - - - 15/4/1898 Water supply at Oamaru. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37870
Oamaru - - - 15/9/1874 Tracing of proposed junction at Oamaru station siding with Harbor Railway. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37871
Oamaru - - - 16/10/1875 Satisfactory arrangements made re: working siding of Harbor Board between station and breakwater. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37872
Oamaru - - - 16/11/1899 Purchase of land for new station and yard. Oamaru Section - W3734/15 WRD Otago S 37873
Oamaru - - - 16/4/1877 Store Class C, Oamaru station contract – E Rowland. Oamaru Section - W 35/1 PWD Otago S 37874
Oamaru - - - 16/6/1879 Further estimate for erection of Oamaru and works in connection with - £14,880.0.0. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37875
Oamaru - - - 16/7/1872 Proposal of the Provincial Council that it should take over the tramway now in course of construction at Oamaru. Oamaru Section - OP 10/6 OPR Otago S 37876
Oamaru - - - 17/10/1882 House for Permanent Way Inspector will be erected at Oamaru. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37877
Oamaru - - - 17/12/1880 Tracing of new design for goods shed. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37878
Oamaru - - - 17/3/1893 J Meek, Oamaru – asking permission to run electric light wire above railway at Oamaru. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37879
Oamaru - - - 17/7/1877 Requesting authority £95 for additions to goods shed. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37880
Oamaru - - - 17/7/1896 Approval for the above. Oamaru Section - R3, 13/5147/1 WRD Otago S 37881
Oamaru - - - 17/9/1896 Notices being erected limiting the public taking shingle from the north end of the beach, to prevent encroachment of the sea. Oamaru Section - R3, 13/5147/1 WRD Otago S 37882
Oamaru - - - 17/9/1896 Removal of shingle from beach opposite the Esplanade by the public. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37883
Oamaru - - - 18/1/1878 The siding for the Oamaru Corporation was put in at a cost of £294.0.4. Oamaru Section - W3293, 2600 WRD Otago S 37884
Oamaru - - - 18/3/1875 Application by New Zealand Land Coy for an overbridge and siding at their mill. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37885
Oamaru - - - 18/3/1887 Petition, etc, re: Oamaru Esplanade and proposed alterations to station in connection therewith. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37886
Oamaru - - - 18/5/1881 Robert Hennet's contract for additions to station completed. Oamaru Section - W 12 PWD Otago S 37887
Oamaru - - - 18/5/1896 Application for telephone to stationmaster's house. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37888
Oamaru - - - 18/6/1895 Cabinet – rental not to be enforced on sidings on Harbour Board property. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37889
Oamaru - - - 19/1/1874 Campbell's contract for station buildings. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37890
Oamaru - - - 19/2/1895 Additions to cottage No 9. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37891
Oamaru - - - 19/3/1889 Estimate of cost of raising ceiling of goods shed office. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37892
Oamaru - - - 19/4/1886 Accommodation 2nd class station, passenger platform, cart approach to platform, goods shed 200ft x 45ft, loading bank, crane, water service, coal accommodation, engine turntable, weighbridge, wagon turntable,engine shed, fixed signals, urinals. Oamaru Section - W 3337 WRD Otago S 37893
Oamaru - - - 19/9/1883 Need an engine turntable at Oamaru, and recommends engine shed be built without delay. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37894
Oamaru - - - 19/9/1888 Harbour Board, Oamaru – asking Department to repair sidings on Oamaru wharves. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37895
Oamaru - - - 2/10/1877 E W Roland's contract for store completed. Oamaru Section - W 12 PWD Otago S 37896
Oamaru - - - 2/11/1874 Material for engine shed and goods shed. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37897
Oamaru - - - 2/12/1898 Additional siding accommodation required. Oamaru Section - W3734/14 WRD Otago S 37898
Oamaru - - - 2/1883 Siding to Oamaru Woollen Factory Coy never laid. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37899
Oamaru - - - 2/2/1877 First train from Christchurch to Oamaru. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pro/43 WRD Otago S 37900
Oamaru - - - 2/4/1887 Coroner, Oamaru – rider in connection with recent inquest on child Jas Austin drowned in lagoon; re: need for fencing railway land and lagoon.  (Railway land fenced, rest belongs to Harbour Board or Town Board.) Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37901
Oamaru - - - 2/7/1895 Application of Oamaru Borough Council for sea protection works near engine sheds and to protect Esplanade from encroachment of the sea. Oamaru Section - R3, 13/5147/1 WRD Otago S 37902
Oamaru - - - 2/7/1895 Mayor of Oamaru drawing attention to encroachment of sea on Esplanade. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37903
Oamaru - - - 2/8/1879 Oamaru deviation. Oamaru Section - W 2/44 PWD Otago S 37904
Oamaru - - - 20/1/1878 Requesting authority £300 for sidings to Oamaru gas works. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37905
Oamaru - - - 20/1/1888 Tenders being called for bookstall at station. Oamaru Section - R4, 97/3092 WRD Otago S 37906
Oamaru - - - 20/3/1897 Request by Harbour Board for land to be handed over for road purposes from Arun Street to the Breakwater. Oamaru Section - W 2493, 97/1355 WRD Otago S 37907
Oamaru - - - 20/4/1887 Arrangements with Oamaru Harbour Board for haulage of earth from quarry for filling in lagoon. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37908
Oamaru - - - 20/7/1886 Petition of Oamaru Borough Council re: Esplanade and Recreational Reserve being taken for Railway purposes. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37909
Oamaru - - - 20/9/1875 Station edges. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37910
Oamaru - - - 21/1/1880 Requesting authority £1870 for sidings. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37911
Oamaru - - - 21/1/1880 Requesting authority £250 for a turntable. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37912
Oamaru - - - 21/1/1887 Want of larger kitchen at refreshment rooms. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37913
Oamaru - - - 21/1/1888 Application of Mr Townsend for a siding at Oamaru. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37914
Oamaru - - - 21/12/1892 Lease of siding right to J & T Meek at Oamaru. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37915
Oamaru - - - 21/4/1879 Purchasing land for new station site. Oamaru Section - W 2 PWD Otago S 37916
Oamaru - - - 21/7/1876 The Waitaki – Oamaru Section opened for public traffic on 25/9/1875. Oamaru Section - AJHR 1876 Natlib Otago S 37917
Oamaru - - - 21/7/1884 Gas works siding is at 157 miles 45 chains 25 links. Oamaru Section - W3293, 2600 WRD Otago S 37918
Oamaru - - - 22/2/1874 Final certificate station contract. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37919
Oamaru - - - 22/4/1882 Further report re: insufficient clearance from stores of sidings laid by Harbour Board. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37920
Oamaru - - - 22/5/1884 Sidings to new wharf – plans. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37921
Oamaru - - - 23/10/1899 Oamaru station – taking land for railway purposes. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37922
Oamaru - - - 23/11/1874 Application from Oamaru Harbour Board for a siding to their land. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37923
Oamaru - - - 23/2/1875 Application for a siding in town of Oamaru. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37924
Oamaru - - - 23/3/1887 General Manager – stating objections to handing Oamaru Breakwater line back to Harbour Board. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37925
Oamaru - - - 23/8/1895 J & T Meek, Oamaru, asking for refund of £125 paid for construction of the siding to their elevator store. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37926
Oamaru - - - 24/10/1885 New Zealand Grain Agency & Mercantile Coy Ltd – granary and offices, built of brick, capable of storing about 20,000 sacks grain.  With siding. Oamaru Section - R4, 99/994 WRD Otago S 37927
Oamaru - - - 24/12/1885 Proposal of New Zealand Refrigerating Coy to extend Harbour Board siding. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37928
Oamaru - - - 24/3/1887 Handing over old Post & Telegraph office to Railways department. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37929
Oamaru - - - 24/4/1882 Reporting dangerous proximity of store erected by J & T Meek to railway siding. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37930
Oamaru - - - 24/4/1889 Recommending extension of platform and erection of 10-ton crane. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37931
Oamaru - - - 24/5/1895 Offer of a site suitable for stationmaster's house. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37932
Oamaru - - - 24/7/1882 Application for siding near Boundary creek Road for the conveyance of seaweed from Oamaru beach. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37933
Oamaru - - - 24/8/1876 Watson & McIntosh's contract for gas fittings for station completed. Oamaru Section - W 12 PWD Otago S 37934
Oamaru - - - 25/8/1886 Authority for £25 for half cost of a level crossing near Oamaru, for Waitaki Road Board. Oamaru Section - R4, 86/2688 WRD Otago S 37935
Oamaru - - - 25/9/1884 As to providing coal buckets and cranes, and smoke troughs for old engine shed. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37936
Oamaru - - - 26/2/1879 Oamaru station – requesting authority £4,000. Oamaru Section - W 2/44 PWD Otago S 37937
Oamaru - - - 26/2/1881 Additions to station – contract signed. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37938
Oamaru - - - 26/5/1899 Requesting authority £500 for stone for protection of the Esplanade. Oamaru Section - R3, 13/5147/1 WRD Otago S 37939
Oamaru - - - 26/7/1875 Partitions in goods shed. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37940
Oamaru - - - 26/9/1876 Portion of line to be opened from Oamaru.  Mr Conyers stated the line was quite ready for traffic.  Public Works Department would not give consent. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pro/43 WRD Otago S 37941
Oamaru - - - 27/2/1878 Requesting authority £43.5.0 for two road signals for Thames Street crossing. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37942
Oamaru - - - 28/10/1887 G M Aldrich – re: slow progress made in erecting sand drying oven. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37943
Oamaru - - - 28/4/1875 Recommends penalties for engine shed be remitted. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37944
Oamaru - - - 28/6/1872 Breakwater line completed this month. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub 1/9 WRD Otago S 37945
Oamaru - - - 28/8/1876 Final certificate gas fitting Oamaru station. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37946
Oamaru - - - 29/1/1891 Petitioners, Oamaru, urging that public be allowed access to Craig & Coy's siding, Oamaru. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37947
Oamaru - - - 29/10/1891 Waitaki High School, Oamaru – requesting erection of cattle stops at crossing near school. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37948
Oamaru - - - 29/11/1875 Traffic Manager, Oamaru, applies for signals, etc. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37949
Oamaru - - - 29/11/1888 Need for improving old engine shed. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37950
Oamaru - - - 29/11/1893 Certificate of title for land taken at Oamaru. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37951
Oamaru - - - 29/11/1897 Proclamation for above. Oamaru Section - W 2493, 97/1355 WRD Otago S 37952
Oamaru - - - 29/3/1886 Recommending goods shed be connected with Telephone Exchange. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37953
Oamaru - - - 29/5/1873 Tracing referring to land being a portion of the Oamaru Dock Trust Endowment, which is required for railway purposes. Oamaru Section - OP 10/6 OPR Otago S 37954
Oamaru - - - 29/6/1875 Contractor for goods shed wants extension of time. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37955
Oamaru - - - 29/8/1887 Proposed alteration in site of wagon weighbridge. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37956
Oamaru - - - 29/9/1877 Application of Lees & Moore for extension of siding. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37957
Oamaru - - - 3/12/1881 Results of conference with Harbour Board re: Oamaru station arrangements and taking the line through the lagoon. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37958
Oamaru - - - 3/3/1881 Plan of proposed re-arrangement of Oamaru station. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37959
Oamaru - - - 3/4/1883 Additional siding accommodation and also a larger crane, with serving siding, are required. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37960
Oamaru - - - 3/5/1889 Application for crossing keeper at Severn Street. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37961
Oamaru - - - 3/6/1876 Oamaru station and erection of semaphore signals. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37962
Oamaru - - - 3/9/1884 Recommending connection of Oamaru station with Telephone Exchange. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37963
Oamaru - - - 30/1/1880 Meek's application for alterations and additions to his siding. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37964
Oamaru - - - 30/12/1876 The Stationmaster, Oamru, intends having a large bell swung outside the station, which will be rung [?] ten minutes before starting of each train. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pro/43 WRD Otago S 37965
Oamaru - - - 30/6/1874 Contract let to Campbell for Oamaru station - £1,100. Oamaru Section - AJHR 1874 Natlib Otago S 37966
Oamaru - - - 30/7/1878 Mayor of Oamaru protesting against siding being put in on Esplanade for purpose of reversing engines. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37967
Oamaru - - - 31/3/1883 Coal platform extension - £23.12.3. Oamaru Section - R4, 83/2044 WRD Otago S 37968
Oamaru - - - 31/3/1885 Private siding granted on 18/12/1874 to the Oamaru Harbour Board (present holder) at 157 miles 77 chains, Oamaru.  Used by tenants of the Harbour Board. Oamaru Section - R4, 83/2044 WRD Otago S 37969
Oamaru - - - 31/3/1885 Private siding granted on 18/2/1878 to the Oamaru Corporation (present holder) at 157 miles 41 chains, Oamaru.  Gas works siding. Oamaru Section - R4, 83/2044 WRD Otago S 37970
Oamaru - - - 31/3/1885 Private siding granted on 20/11/1877 to C Gailbraith & Coy at 157 miles 42 chains, Oamaru. Present holder is Mr Craig. Oamaru Section - R4, 83/2044 WRD Otago S 37971
Oamaru - - - 31/3/1885 Private siding granted on 22/10/1874 to Lees and Moore; siding granted on 19/4/1877 to Lees & Moore; both at 158 miles 18 chains, Oamaru.  Transferred on 4/5/1881 to J & T Meek (present holders). Oamaru Section - R4, 83/2044 WRD Otago S 37972
Oamaru - - - 31/3/1885 Private siding granted on 23/1/1878 to the Oamaru Harbour Board (present holder) at 157 miles 64 chains (first siding) and 157 miles 65 chains (second siding), Oamaru.  One on each side of line.  Used by tenants of the Harbour Board. Oamaru Section - R4, 83/2044 WRD Otago S 37973
Oamaru - - - 31/3/1885 Private siding granted on 23/1/1878 to the Oamaru Harbour Board (present holder) at 157 miles 77 chains, Oamaru.  Used by tenants of the Harbour Board. Oamaru Section - R4, 83/2044 WRD Otago S 37974
Oamaru - - - 31/3/1885 Private siding granted on 27/8/1877 to Hay & Barr at 158 miles 26 chains, Oamaru.  Subsequently used by Proctor & Stewart, who became bankrupt in 1879.  Since utilised as a public station siding, and private siding right deemed to have lapsed.  Right rvised on 11/9/1884 by Ireland & Coy, and formerly transferred from 8/12/1884. Oamaru Section - R4, 83/2044 WRD Otago S 37975
Oamaru - - - 31/3/1885 Private siding granted on 28/2/1882 to J & T Meek (present holder) at 158 miles 7 chains, Oamaru. Oamaru Section - R4, 83/2044 WRD Otago S 37976
Oamaru - - - 31/3/1893 Stockyards provided. Oamaru Section - AJHR 1893 Natlib Otago S 37977
Oamaru - - - 31/7/1885 A private level crossing was constructed at about 156 miles 19 chains for Mr John L Allen when the line was built. Oamaru Section - R4, 86/2688 WRD Otago S 37978
Oamaru - - - 4/1/1874 Erection of station commenced. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub 1/9 WRD Otago S 37979
Oamaru - - - 4/11/1876 Oamaru – Moeraki Junction Section opened for traffic. Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Otago S 37980
Oamaru - - - 4/2/1889 Dredging at Oamaru – supply of wagons to Harbour Board and disposal of spoil in lagoon. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37981
Oamaru - - - 4/4/1877 Contract for store class C. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37982
Oamaru - - - 4/7/1899 New station to be provided at Oamaru. Oamaru Section - R3, 13/5147/1 WRD Otago S 37983
Oamaru - - - 5/10/1876 For authority to purchase a lathe for each of the workshops and Invercargill and Oamaru, cost £80 in each instance. Oamaru Section - OP 9/17579 OPR Otago S 37984
Oamaru - - - 5/11/1898 Damage to goods shed door while shunting. Oamaru Section - W3734/14 WRD Otago S 37985
Oamaru - - - 5/2/1887 Asking that ends of platform be asphalted. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37986
Oamaru - - - 5/4/1881 J H Brown's application for a siding. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37987
Oamaru - - - 6/10/1877 Application of Oamaru Harbour Board for two sidings and request authority £138 for same. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37988
Oamaru - - - 6/12/1875 Oamaru station should be connected with the telegraph wires. Oamaru Section - OP 10/7 OPR Otago S 37989
Oamaru - - - 6/12/1875 Traffic Manager's request to make improvements to office in goods shed. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37990
Oamaru - - - 6/3/1875 Application from Messrs Simpler, Meik, Kay, & Bair, etc., for a siding at Oamaru at 0 miles 31 chains. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37991
Oamaru - - - 6/4/1886 Engine shed door damaged. Oamaru Section - Staff Book NZRLS Otago S 37992
Oamaru - - - 6/7/1881 Additions to station – final certificate. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37993
Oamaru - - - 6/8/1895 Above application declined. Oamaru Section - R3, 13/5147/1 WRD Otago S 37994
Oamaru - - - 7/1890 Dining room open (probably opened before this date). Oamaru Section - W3180, Pub 29 WRD Otago S 37995
Oamaru - - - 7/2/1891 Advertising contractor objecting to electric battery erected on platform. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 37996
Oamaru - - - 7/3/1876 Oamaru station water softening works contract – Munroe & Given. Oamaru Section - W 35/1 PWD Otago S 37997
Oamaru - - - 8/2/1876 Requesting authority £75 to erect wagon weighbridge. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37998
Oamaru - - - 8/2/1877 Can he issue 30 barrels of cement to Constructed Railways for floor of Oamaru engine shed? Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 37999
Oamaru - - - 8/3/1882 Oamaru lagoon reclamation – schedule of tenders. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 38000
Oamaru - - - 8/4/1884 Reporting on Oamaru Harbour Board's proposal that Government exchange land in Tyne Street for area taken for sidings on reclaimed land. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 38001
Oamaru - - - 9/1/1884 Asking for crane and coal buckets be provided as soon as possible. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 38002
Oamaru - - - 9/1/1890 Oamaru Corporation siding is at 157 miles 41 chains 43 links; 0 miles 36 chains from Oamaru station. Oamaru Section - W3293, 2600 WRD Otago S 38003
Oamaru - - - 9/12/1884 Plan of Oamaru station, shewing proposed alterations to sites and sidings on the Harbour Board's reclamation. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 38004
Oamaru - - - 9/2/1875 Tender for coal shed. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 38005
Oamaru - - - 9/7/1892 Proposed bridge to connect Humber and Tyne Streets. Oamaru Section - W 1820 WRD Otago S 38006
Oamaru - - - 9/8/1877 Requesting authority £1000 for extension of engine shed. Oamaru Section - W 3 PWD Otago S 38007
Oamaru Show Ground Siding Oamaru A & P Assn Siding - - 20/10/1908 Platform, on east side of main line, is now completed. Oamaru Section - W2278, 07/2503 WRD Otago S 38008
Oamaru Show Ground Siding Oamaru A & P Assn Siding - - 5/11/1908 Loop (21 wagons), loading bank, and passenger platform now provided. Oamaru Section - W2278, 07/2503 WRD Otago S 38009
Oamaru Show Ground Siding Oamaru A & P Assn Siding - - 24/5/1909 Loop currently holds 20 wagons, to be lengthened to hold 40 wagons. Oamaru Section - W2278, 07/2503 WRD Otago S 38010
Oamaru Show Ground Siding Oamaru A & P Assn Siding - - 3/3/1910 Authority for £90 for siding additions (half cost).  To extend loop and lengthen loading bank to hold 12 wagons alongside. Oamaru Section - W2278, 07/2503 WRD Otago S 38011
Oamaru Show Ground Siding Oamaru A & P Assn Siding - - 3/11/1914 The North Otago A & P Association has paid the £120 for tablet locking. Oamaru Section - W2278, 07/2503 WRD Otago S 38012
Oamaru Show Ground Siding Oamaru A & P Assn Siding - - 22/10/1938 Loop with turnouts at 156 miles 27 chains 90 links and 156 miles 43 chains 30 links. Oamaru Section - W2278, 07/2503 WRD Otago S 38013
Oamaru Show Ground Siding Oamaru A & P Assn Siding - - 22/10/1938 Loading bank. Oamaru Section - W2278, 07/2503 WRD Otago S 38014
Oamaru Show Ground Siding Oamaru A & P Assn Siding - - 22/10/1938 Passenger platform on main line opposite loading bank. Oamaru Section - W2278, 07/2503 WRD Otago S 38015
Oamaru Show Ground Siding - - - 2/10/1960 Mileage 0 miles 74 chains from Oamaru. Oamaru Section - W 3337 WRD Otago S 38016
Oamaru Show Ground Siding - - - 2/10/1960 Mileage 97 miles 72 chains from Ashburton. Oamaru Section - W 3337 WRD Otago S 38017
Oamaru Show Ground Siding - - - 2/10/1960 Used in connection with Oamaru A & P show and Ram & Ewe Fair only. Oamaru Section - W 3337 WRD Otago S 38018
Oamaru Show Ground Siding Oamaru A & P Assn Siding - - 30/7/1963 Siding right to be terminated as from 30/11/1963. Oamaru Section - W2278, 07/2503 WRD Otago S 38019
Oamaru Show Ground Siding Oamaru A & P Assn Siding - - 30/7/1963 Prior to 1940 special passenger trains ran to siding. Oamaru Section - W2278, 07/2503 WRD Otago S 38020
Oamaru Show Ground Siding Oamaru A & P Assn Siding - - 11/5/1964 Siding disconnected from main line. Oamaru Section - W2278, 07/2503 WRD Otago S 38021
Oamaru Stone Coy's Siding - - - 21/6/1889 As to removing the points and crossings of the Oamaru Stone Coy's siding. Ngapara Branch - W 1820 WRD Otago S 38022
Oamaru Stone Coy's Siding - - - 31/3/1885 Private siding granted on 28/6/1878 to the Oamaru Stone Coy (Ltd) (present holder, at 1 mile 67½ chains, near Weston. Ngapara Branch - R4, 83/2044 WRD Otago S 38023