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File Records:Little River

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Birdlings_Flat Little River
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Name Alternative Name 1 Alternative Name 2 Alternative Name 3 Date Details Railway Railway 2 Reference Source Locality Island Sequence
Little River - - - 11/2/1865 Sawmill at Little River end of tramway is cutting timber for the requirements of the tramway. Christchurch – Little River Tramway - A&NZG ATL Canterbury S 26403
Little River - - - 15/11/1900 Running of stock trains to Little River on Tuesday. Little River Branch - W3734/16 WRD Canterbury S 26404
Little River - - - 27/2/1904 The gap between the race and wagon is bridged over a board, made specially for the purpose – one end rests on the floor of the wagon, the other on the race. Present yards will hold up to 1,000 sheep. Little River Branch - R3, ? WRD Canterbury S 26405
Little River - - - 2/3/1904 Yards to be modernised and their size increased to provide holding accommodation for 1,500 sheep. Little River Branch - R3, ? WRD Canterbury S 26406
Little River - - - 8/3/1904 Sheep loading facilities – there is only one loading race with very antiquated doors and fastenings. Little River Branch - R3, ? WRD Canterbury S 26407
Little River - - - 19/4/1904 Approval for altering loading race to standard but not for increasing holding accommodation. Little River Branch - R3, ? WRD Canterbury S 26408
Little River - - - 6/5/1904 A small yard and loading race is to be erected at north end of yard for small consignments. Little River Branch - R3, ? WRD Canterbury S 26409
Little River - - - 1890 Mileage 35 miles 70 chains from Christchurch. Little River Branch - R4, 90/2780 WRD Canterbury S 26410
Little River - - - 9/9/1908 Improvements to lavatory in ladies waiting room. Little River Branch - W3734/25 WRD Canterbury S 26411
Little River - - - 25/3/1909 Station yards encroaching on county roads. Little River Branch - W3734/26 WRD Canterbury S 26412
Little River - - - 8/11/1911 Provision of a turntable. Little River Branch - W3734/29 WRD Canterbury S 26413
Little River - - - 13/11/1911 Application for improvements to guard's house. Little River Branch - W3734/29 WRD Canterbury S 26414
Little River - - - 14/2/1912 As the triangle at Lincoln has now been authorised, the turntable at little river should be put in hand. Little River Branch - R3, ? WRD Canterbury S 26415
Little River - - - 14/2/1912 There will be a 50 foot turntable available from Paekakariki or the Hyde turntable which is seldom used, might be transferred. Little River Branch - R3, ? WRD Canterbury S 26416
Little River - - - 13/3/1912 Provision of 50 foot turntable at Little River approved, cost £50. Little River Branch - R3, ? WRD Canterbury S 26417
Little River - - - 4/8/1913 The cost of the turntable has been £130. When application for the £50 authorised was made it was not realised that special foundations would be required. These have been found to be necessary. Little River Branch - R3, ? WRD Canterbury S 26418
Little River - - - 29/1/1914 General Post Office – Accommodation for postal work at station. Little River Branch - W3734/31 WRD Canterbury S 26419
Little River - - - 7/8/1914 Approval to alter station accommodation to provide more rooms for Postal Department. Postal lobby will be kept off the platform and the Railway will have a store for parcels, etc. Little River Branch - R3, ? WRD Canterbury S 26420
Little River - - - 7/10/1914 Stockyard siding to be extended to hold 20 wagons beyond the road crossing – cost £105. Little River Branch - R3, ? WRD Canterbury S 26421
Little River - - - 9/5/1924 Stockyards to be altered, and additional siding put in – cost £670. Little River Branch - R3, ? WRD Canterbury S 26422
Little River - - - 11/12/1926 The 50 foot turntable at Little River is to be put in stock. Little River Branch - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 26423
Little River - - - 11/3/1927 Cost of 55 foot turntable £270. Little River Branch - R3, ? WRD Canterbury S 26424
Little River - - - 14/9/1927 Authority for £95 to replace roller bearings in turntable with Hoffman ball bearings. Little River Branch - W3199, 03/1480 WRD Canterbury S 26425
Little River - - - 21/12/1928 Postal business was separated from Railways Department on 13th instant. Little River Branch - R3, ? WRD Canterbury S 26426
Little River - - - 23/12/1932 Accommodation station building, passenger platform, goods shed, loading bank. Little River Branch - R3, ? WRD Canterbury S 26427
Little River - - - 23/12/1932 First turnout at station just past 22¼ miles. Little River Branch - R3, ? WRD Canterbury S 26428
Little River - - - 23/12/1932 Loops – 2 No; backshunts – 2 No; engine shed with siding and turntable; stockyards with 2 No sidings and loop. Little River Branch - R3, ? WRD Canterbury S 26429
Little River - - - 17/3/1933 Alterations to stockyards. Dismantle present unloading platform and movable tray and provide a new unloading race at the pig pen. Little River Branch - R3, ? WRD Canterbury S 26430
Little River - - - 17/3/1933 Provide two more fences and gate across the approach road to the stockyards at the Akaroa end. Provide a 10 foot gate in place of the 6 foot gate at the Lincoln approach. Little River Branch - R3, ? WRD Canterbury S 26431
Little River - - - 21/3/1933 Approval for paragraph 2 above. Little River Branch - R3, ? WRD Canterbury S 26432
Little River - - - 1/11/1933 Railway station and / or reserve has been improved with plantings, etc, in co-operation with local interests and railway staff. Little River Branch - W3180, Pub3/13 WRD Canterbury S 26433
Little River - - - 13/10/1936 The erection of two loading banks approved. Little River Branch - R3, ? WRD Canterbury S 26434
Little River - - - 29/5/1941 It is proposed to provide a loading shelter with three 18 foot 6 inch bays, attached to goods shed. The two buildings will be connected by a barrow platform 3 feet wide. Little River Branch - R3, ? WRD Canterbury S 26435
Little River - - - 29/5/1941 Present goods shed is 61ft x 31ft. Little River Branch - R3, ? WRD Canterbury S 26436
Little River - - - 19/6/1941 Construction of loading shelter approved. Little River Branch - R3, ? WRD Canterbury S 26437
Little River - - - 8/12/1949 Approval to extend smaller loading bank to have a length of 60 feet on top to assist loading logs on to UB wagons. Little River Branch - R3, ? WRD Canterbury S 26438
Little River - - - 12/4/1951 Passenger traffic ceased on Little River Branch. Little River Branch - W3180, Pub 1/12 WRD Canterbury S 26439
Little River - - - 9/12/1954 Loop 57 wagons, loop 46 wagons (goods shed), loop 47 wagons (cattle yards), backshunt cattle No 1 20 wagons, backshunt 35 wagons (engine shed), backshunt cattle no 2 13 wagons, backshunt 30 wagons (now 10 wagons), backshunt 15 wagons. Little River Branch - R3, ? WRD Canterbury S 26440
Little River - - - 9/12/1954 Portion of backshunt removed. Little River Branch - R3, ? WRD Canterbury S 26441
Little River - - - 17/8/1955 Has an engine turntable. Little River Branch - R-W3, 11422 WRD Canterbury S 26442
Little River - - - 2/10/1960 Mileage 22 miles 35 chains from Lincoln Little River Branch - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 26443
Little River - - - 30/6/1962 Closed to all traffic. Little River Branch - W3180, Pub 3 WRD Canterbury S 26444
Little River - - - 10/1962 Little River bell went to St Andrews. Little River Branch - W 4098, 03/663 WRD Canterbury S 26445
Little River - - - 10/1962 Station bell removed. Little River Branch - W 4098, 03/663 WRD Canterbury S 26446
Little River - - - 2/2/1972 The Little River Branch closed in June, 1962. The former railway station was disposed of to the Waiwera County Council. The building is now used as County Offices and the toilets are available to the public. Little River Branch - R3, ? WRD Canterbury S 26447
Little River - - - 1/2/1898 Additional siding accommodation. Little River Branch - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 26448
Little River - - - 1/8/1898 Accommodation special station, passenger platform, cart approach to platform, goods shed 60ft x 30ft, loading bank, cattle yards, crane, water service, coal accommodation, engine shed, stationmaster's house, urinals. Little River Branch - R4, 98/2756 WRD Canterbury S 26449
Little River - - - 1/8/1898 Loop 54 wagons, loop 51 wagons, backshunt 28 wagons (cattle yards), backshunt 16 wagons, backshunt 38 wagons (engine shed). Little River Branch - R4, 98/2756 WRD Canterbury S 26450
Little River - - - 10/9/1885 Little River station site – survey of convenient terminus has been made. Little River Branch - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 26451
Little River - - - 12/5/1882 Lincoln to Little River Branch is ready for opening. Little River Branch - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 26452
Little River - - - 14/4/1892 Akaroa County Council – want of a gate and drinking trough in cattle yards. Little River Branch - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 26453
Little River - - - 15/2/1886 Line from Birdling Flat to Little River will be ready to open by March 10th. Little River Branch - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 26454
Little River - - - 15/9/1897 Washout service at Little River. Little River Branch - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 26455
Little River - - - 16/3/1886 Post Office operated by Railways Department staff opened. Little River Branch - Mails by Rail in NZ R Startup Canterbury S 26456
Little River - - - 18/5/1886 Requesting authority £100 for improving water service. Little River Branch - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 26457
Little River - - - 18/7/1886 Line was opened for traffic on 16th March. Little River Branch - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 26458
Little River - - - 19/4/1886 Accommodation special class station, passenger platform, cart approach to platform, goods shed 60ft x 30ft, cattle yards, water service, coal accommodation, engine shed, stationmaster's house, urinals. Little River Branch - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 26459
Little River - - - 19/4/1886 Loop 54 wagons, loop 51 wagons, backshunt 28 wagons (cattle yards), backshunt 16 wagons, backshunt 38 wagons (engine shed) Little River Branch - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 26460
Little River - - - 19/6/1896 Application by stationmaster for an extra room to his dwelling house. Little River Branch - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 26461
Little River - - - 19/7/1897 Want of a race for drafting sheep at station. Little River Branch - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 26462
Little River - - - 2/9/1886 Suggesting removal of cottage from Ashburton to Little River for use of guard. Little River Branch - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 26463
Little River - - - 20/11/1885 Postal Department – proposing to open a Money Order & Telegraph Office at Little River station. Little River Branch - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 26464
Little River - - - 20/9/1897 Race for draughting sheep. Little River Branch - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 26465
Little River - - - 21/4/1886 Requesting authority for removal of crane from Birdlings Flat to Little River. Little River Branch - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 26466
Little River - - - 23/9/1895 Want of washing copper in house occupied by stationmaster. Little River Branch - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 26467
Little River - - - 25/10/1890 Application for trains to stop opposite hotel at Little River. Little River Branch - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 26468
Little River - - - 25/7/1885 Little River contract – re: tramway leading to White's Mill being taken up. Little River Branch - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 26469
Little River - - - 4/8/1897 Application from Mrs Nutt for a site for a refreshment room. Little River Branch - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 26470
Little River - - - 6/3/1886 A Swanston's contract for station completed. Little River Branch - W3180, Pub 1/12 WRD Canterbury S 26471
Little River - - - 8/1/1886 Furniture for station. Little River Branch - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 26472
Little River - - - 8/1/1886 Little River added to distance tables. Little River Branch - R4, 86/800 WRD Canterbury S 26473
Little River - - - 8/5/1885 Contract let to A Swanston for station. Little River Branch - W3180, Pub 1/12 WRD Canterbury S 26474
Little River - - - 7/2/1963 Mr White, of Kaiapoi, having obtained the sanction of the Provincial Council, has commenced construction of a tramway intended to connect Christchurch with the forest at Little River, a distance of 30 or 40 miles. Little River Tramway - A&NZG ATL Canterbury S 26475
Little River - - - 28/3/1863 Private enterprise is engaged upon a tramway to the Little River forests. Little River Tramway - A&NZG ATL Canterbury S 26476