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File Records:Kiwi

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Tadmor Kiwi Tui
Trail StnSLC.png Trail SectRC.png Trail StnLC.png Trail SectRC.png Trail StnSRC.png
Tadmor--Kiwi Kiwi--Tui
8.2km 5.2km

Go to Kiwi on the Network Diagram

Kiwi - - - 9/7/1906 Telephone extension to Kiwi. Nelson Section - W 3 PWD Nelson S 24198
Kiwi - - - 18/9/1906 Erecting timekeeper's cottage and stables – requesting authority £150. Nelson Section - W 3 PWD Nelson S 24199
Kiwi - - - 18/10/1906 Lino and feltine for office at Kiwi – requesting authority £6.17.6. Nelson Section - W 3 PWD Nelson S 24200
Kiwi - - - 14/12/1906 Kiwi station yard – block plan. Nelson Section - W 3 PWD Nelson S 24201
Kiwi - - - 4/4/1907 Approach to station yard, arrangements and accommodation. Nelson Section - W 3 PWD Nelson S 24202
Kiwi - - - 21/6/1907 Station buildings – draft contract for approval. Nelson Section - W 3 PWD Nelson S 24203
Kiwi - - - 14/10/1907 Station buildings – schedule of tenders. Nelson Section - W 3 PWD Nelson S 24204
Kiwi - - - 4/11/1907 Station buildings – contract let to J A Stringer, Nelson, amount £1928.5.11. Nelson Section - W 34/1 PWD Nelson S 24205
Kiwi - - - 13/11/1907 Station buildings – contract signed. Nelson Section - W 3 PWD Nelson S 24206
Kiwi - - - 4/3/1908 Above contract completed. Nelson Section - W 34/1 PWD Nelson S 24207
Kiwi - - - 31/3/1908 J A Stringer's contract for station buildings completed. Nelson Section - W 12 PWD Nelson S 24208
Kiwi - - - 8/4/1908 Railway crossing near Kiwi. Nelson Section - W 3 PWD Nelson S 24209
Kiwi - - - 8/4/1908 Station buildings – final certificate. Nelson Section - W 3 PWD Nelson S 24210
Kiwi - - - 7/7/1908 Cottage at Kiwi. Nelson Section - W 3 PWD Nelson S 24211
Kiwi - - - 14/7/1908 Tadmor – Kiwi Section – goods traffic. Nelson Section - W 3 PWD Nelson S 24212
Kiwi - - - 25/7/1908 Extension to Kiwi. Nelson Section - W 3 PWD Nelson S 24213
Kiwi - - - 8/9/1908 The Public Works Department advise the construction of the Tadmor – Kiwi Section is now practically completed and ballasting is in progress. Nelson Section - W 2278, 00/1354 WRD Nelson S 24214
Kiwi - - - 14/12/1908 Kiwi Section – Certificate of Inspection. Nelson Section - W 2278, 00/1354 WRD Nelson S 24215
Kiwi - - - 14/12/1908 Three cottages, station building with ladies waiting room and privies, urinals and two privies, cattle loading and discharging yards, platform, loading bank, and goods shed. Nelson Section - W 2278, 00/1354 WRD Nelson S 24216
Kiwi - - - 15/12/1908 Tadmor – Kiwi Section will be taken over and opened for traffic on Friday, 18th instant. Nelson Section - W 2278, 00/1354 WRD Nelson S 24217
Kiwi - - - 28/12/1908 Vesting road diversion at Kiwi station in local road authority. Nelson Section - W 3 PWD Nelson S 24218
Kiwi - - - 31/12/1908 The mileage of Kiwi station is 47 miles 38 chains from Port. Nelson Section - W 2278, 00/1354 WRD Nelson S 24219
Kiwi - - - 8/1/1909 Water supply. Nelson Section - W 3 PWD Nelson S 24220
Kiwi - - - 9/1/1909 Kiwi fag station. Nelson Section - W 2278, 00/1354 WRD Nelson S 24221
Kiwi - - - 9/1/1909 Loop 36 wagons, loop 16 wagons, backshunt 15 wagons. Nelson Section - W 2278, 00/1354 WRD Nelson S 24222
Kiwi - - - 9/1/1909 Station building 13 feet by 44 feet, platform 200 feet by 15 feet, loading bank 26 feet by 18 feet, goods shed 30 feet by 20 feet, and cattle yards. Nelson Section - W 2278, 00/1354 WRD Nelson S 24223
Kiwi - - - 14/1/1910 Taking additional land for railway purposes. Nelson Section - W 3 PWD Nelson S 24224
Kiwi - - - 10/1910 Renovating cottage – requesting authority £25.12.0. Nelson Section - W 3 PWD Nelson S 24225
Kiwi - - - 3/11/1910 A sleeping hut from Kiwi has been provided at Tadmor to replace the old car. Nelson Section - W2278, 3677 WRD Nelson S 24226
Kiwi - - - 11/4/1912 Cottage at Kiwi. Nelson Section - W 3 PWD Nelson S 24227
Kiwi - - - 19/4/1912 Station cottage – contract let to H Olsen, Nelson, amount £393.17.8. Nelson Section - W 34/1 PWD Nelson S 24228
Kiwi - - - 29/4/1912 Kiwi station cottage – contract signed. Nelson Section - W 3 PWD Nelson S 24229
Kiwi - - - 13/6/1912 H Olsen's contract for cottage completed. Nelson Section - W 12 PWD Nelson S 24230
Kiwi - - - 17/6/1912 Inspection of line from Kiwi to Glenhope. Nelson Section - W 3 PWD Nelson S 24231
Kiwi - - - 18/6/1912 Cottage contract – final certificate. Nelson Section - W 3 PWD Nelson S 24232
Kiwi - - - 19/6/1912 Above contract completed. Nelson Section - W 34/1 PWD Nelson S 24233
Kiwi - - - 9/7/1912 Water service. Nelson Section - W3734/29 WRD Nelson S 24234
Kiwi - - - 4/2/1913 Tracing of Kiwi station yard. Nelson Section - W 3 PWD Nelson S 24235
Kiwi - - - 9/8/1922 Houses. Nelson Section - W3734/38 WRD Nelson S 24236
Kiwi - - - 23/8/1940 Approval to lift siding. Nelson Section - W2559, 505/4/2 WRD Nelson S 24237
Kiwi - - - 6/12/1943 Accommodation passenger platform (left side of line), station building or shelter shed, goods shed 30ft x 20ft, loading bank. Nelson Section - W 3337 WRD Nelson S 24238
Kiwi - - - 6/12/1943 Loop 17 wagons. Nelson Section - W 3337 WRD Nelson S 24239
Kiwi - - - 20/8/1952 The 30 foot by 20 foot goods shed at Kiwi will also be replaced by a 16 foot by 12 foot structure. Nelson Section - R3, 28/1870 WRD Nelson S 24240
Kiwi - - - 20/8/1952 The goods shed is built of timber framing and corrugated iron and is in good condition. Nelson Section - R3, 28/1870 WRD Nelson S 24241
Kiwi - - - 6/10/1952 To replace the destroyed 30 feet by 16 feet station at Tadmor, it is proposed to shift a 15 feet by 12 feet portion of the Kiwi station building. Nelson Section - W2382, 039 WRD Nelson S 24242
Kiwi - - - 20/5/1954 Nelson line is to be closed to all traffic on 12/6/1954. Nelson Section - W3180, Pub 1/13 WRD Nelson S 24243
Kiwi - - - 3/9/1955 Closed to all traffic. Nelson Section - W3180, Pub 3 WRD Nelson S 24244
Kiwi - - - 3/10/1955 Nine women protesting the lifting of the line by sitting on the rails. Nelson Section - W3180, Pub 1/13 WRD Nelson S 24245