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File Records:Kaikoura

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Kowhai Kaikoura Hapuku
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Kowhai--Kaikoura Kaikoura--Hapuku
6.9km 9.9km

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Name Alt 1 Alt 2 Alt 3 Date Details Railway Rly 2 Reference Source Locality Island Sequence
Kaikoura - - - 9/6/1931 Kaikoura needs an engine shed capable of taking four class AB engines and a 70 foot turntable. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/71 PWD Marlborough S 21978
Kaikoura - - - 11/10/1937 Station arrangement approved. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/71 PWD Marlborough S 21979
Kaikoura - - - 15/10/1937 At present it is considered the station yard will be constructed approximately in the position of the present Kaikoura showgrounds, within a quarter of a mile of the northern portion of the town. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 21980
Kaikoura - - - 18/10/1937 Mileage 98 miles 57 chains. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/71 PWD Marlborough S 21981
Kaikoura - - - 10/11/1939 Plan of Kaikoura station now in course of construction. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/71 PWD Marlborough S 21982
Kaikoura - - - 12/6/1940 - 12,000 gallon water vat. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Marlborough S 21983
Kaikoura - - - 12/6/1940 - 2 6,000 water vats on the main line. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Marlborough S 21984
Kaikoura - - - 12/6/1940 - 70 foot inspection pit. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Marlborough S 21985
Kaikoura - - - 12/6/1940 - coal bin 200 feet by 28 feet. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Marlborough S 21986
Kaikoura - - - 12/6/1940 - engine shed 80 feet by 33 feet. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Marlborough S 21987
Kaikoura - - - 12/6/1940 - engine turntable. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Marlborough S 21988
Kaikoura - - - 12/6/1940 - goods shed 40 feet by 30 feet. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Marlborough S 21989
Kaikoura - - - 12/6/1940 - loading bank. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Marlborough S 21990
Kaikoura - - - 12/6/1940 - platform 600 feet long. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Marlborough S 21991
Kaikoura - - - 12/6/1940 - station building 200 feet by 25 feet, with refreshment room. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Marlborough S 21992
Kaikoura - - - 12/6/1940 - stockyards. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Marlborough S 21993
Kaikoura - - - 12/6/1940 Accommodation to be provided at Kaikoura: Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Marlborough S 21994
Kaikoura - - - 8/1940 Erect dwellings – Tender of Hannah & Dyer accepted, amount £7148.0.0. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W 34/5 PWD Marlborough S 21995
Kaikoura - - - 2/10/1940 Cottages to have tile roofs. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/71 PWD Marlborough S 21996
Kaikoura - - - 15/11/1940 To be provided for Kaikoura station yard: engine shed (90ft x 33ft), coal store (200ft x 28ft), inspection pit (80ft long), turntable (55ft or 70ft), ash pit and tray, goods shed (CEWR 42738), station building, high-level loading bank, 12,000 gallon vat and stand ( CEWR 50798, PW 10446). Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 21997
Kaikoura - - - 14/5/1941 Adjacent to station building on same frontage is a building 40 feet by 20 feet for offices for signal maintainers and inspectors of permanent way and bridges. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W3180, Pub 1/3 WRD Marlborough S 21998
Kaikoura - - - 14/5/1941 Station building is to be 191 feet 6 inches by 25 feet 0 inches. Will include refreshment rooms. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W3180, Pub 1/3 WRD Marlborough S 21999
Kaikoura - - - 14/5/1941 To have 28 railways houses – some are now built, others are in the course of construction. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W3180, Pub 1/3 WRD Marlborough S 22000
Kaikoura - - - 14/5/1941 To have a locomotive depot. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W3180, Pub 1/3 WRD Marlborough S 22001
Kaikoura - - - 9/1941 Erection of cottages – Tender of D H Cossar accepted, amount £7700.0.0. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - 00/2107/1 NZRLS Marlborough S 22002
Kaikoura - - - 1/10/1941 At Kaikoura the work of laying out the site for the station and yard is proceeding and permanent dwellings have been built. Foundations are in for the goods shed and part of the concrete platform is complete. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22003
Kaikoura - - - 1/10/1941 Part of the rear of the older portion of the powerhouse will be demolished to make room for the line, which will continue along the beach to the station. The station site, which is north of the town, was formerly the showgrounds and is right on the beach. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22004
Kaikoura - - - 1/10/1941 The line, which comes from the south around the landward end of the hills of the Kaikoura Peninsular, will pass close behind the Adelphi Hotel, and on to an overhead bridge across the main street and Lyell Creek behind the county powerhouse. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22005
Kaikoura - - - 24/6/1942 Six permanent cottages have been completed, three are now under construction together with three special five roomed houses, all of which will be completed in about six weeks time. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/71 PWD Marlborough S 22006
Kaikoura - - - 6/5/1943 Railways Department requisitioned to supply rails suitable for verandah roof supports, bent to suit verandahs: goods shed 4 first class 70lb rails; station building 16 second class 70lb rails. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/71 PWD Marlborough S 22007
Kaikoura - - - 14/5/1943 Kaikoura station yard – formation has been cleaned up ready for platelaying, and excavations for the turntable are in hand. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22008
Kaikoura - - - 20/5/1943 Erection of turntable in hand. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22009
Kaikoura - - - 4/6/1943 Concrete footing for the 55 foot turntable almost completed, and the turntable is now on site. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22010
Kaikoura - - - 11/8/1943 Contract let for the station buildings. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22011
Kaikoura - - - 18/8/1943 Turntable and inspection pit completed. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22012
Kaikoura - - - 10/9/1943 Some ballasting done in station yard, also concrete footing for ashpit. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22013
Kaikoura - - - 22/9/1943 Excavations and concrete footings for engine pits in sand, in hand. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22014
Kaikoura - - - 30/9/1943 Concrete footing for engine shed and inspection pits completed. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22015
Kaikoura - - - 30/9/1943 Contractor for engine shed and drivers' rooms – Mr S Clark. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/71 PWD Marlborough S 22016
Kaikoura - - - 30/9/1943 Contractor for station buildings – Williamson Construction Coy. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/71 PWD Marlborough S 22017
Kaikoura - - - 13/10/1943 First set of points and crossings laid. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22018
Kaikoura - - - 13/10/1943 Rails laid, the railhead is now in the north end of the yard. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22019
Kaikoura - - - 20/10/1943 Main line now laid through the yard. The timber for the station and engine shed has been delivered. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22020
Kaikoura - - - 27/10/1943 Platelayers working in station yard on turnouts and crossings. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22021
Kaikoura - - - 1/11/1943 Contractor for station building has made a start, with nine men. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22022
Kaikoura - - - 3/11/1943 Three loops three-quarters finished. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22023
Kaikoura - - - 4/11/1943 Contractor for engine shed has made a start, and excavations for walls are completed and boxing erected. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22024
Kaikoura - - - 5/11/1943 Engine turntable completed. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W2278, 07/1121/1 WRD Marlborough S 22025
Kaikoura - - - 8/11/1943 Contractor for engine shed and drivers' rooms – Mr S Clark. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22026
Kaikoura - - - 8/11/1943 Contractor for station building and goods shed – Williamson Construction Coy. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22027
Kaikoura - - - 22/11/1943 The station building is to be 191 feet in length, with a refreshment room. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22028
Kaikoura - - - 22/11/1943 The turntable, which is 55 feet in length, was designed with foundations capable of adaption to accommodate a turntable of 70 feet, if this were necessary, when much larger locomotives than expected at present on this line. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22029
Kaikoura - - - 24/11/1943 All points and crossings laid. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22030
Kaikoura - - - 24/11/1943 Two 6,000 gallon water vats completed. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22031
Kaikoura - - - 12/1/1944 Main line and backshunt ballasting completed. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22032
Kaikoura - - - 10/2/1944 Requesting authority £120 for furnishing station. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22033
Kaikoura - - - 13/3/1944 Kaikoura opened as an officered station, 98 miles 5 chains from Picton. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - 00/2107/1 NZRLS Marlborough S 22034
Kaikoura - - - 15/3/1944 Work completed on new line between Clarence and Kaikoura. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W3180, Pub 3 WRD Marlborough S 22035
Kaikoura - - - 17/1/1945 Area at back of station and down to powerhouse is to be sealed. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22036
Kaikoura - - - 17/1/1945 One 6,000 gallon water vat is to be built. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22037
Kaikoura - - - 1/10/1945 Driving of the last spike on the Picton to Bluff Railway was held at Kaikoura on Saturday, 29/9/1945. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22038
Kaikoura - - - 11/12/1945 Accommodation station building, passenger platform (left side of line), goods shed 40ft x 30ft, loading bank (low level), loading bank (high level), cattle and sheep yards, 5-ton crane (outside), engine turntable (55ft), engine shed (80ft x 33ft). Blenheim – Waipara Railway - 00/2107/1 NZRLS Marlborough S 22039
Kaikoura - - - 11/12/1945 Kaikoura is an officered station. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - 00/2107/1 NZRLS Marlborough S 22040
Kaikoura - - - 11/12/1945 On 15/12/1945, the Hundalee – Kaikoura Section will be taken over by Working Railways. Kaikoura is 118 miles 34 chains from Addington. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - 00/2107/1 NZRLS Marlborough S 22041
Kaikoura - - - 13/12/1945 Mileage 98 miles 05 chains from Addington. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W 2903 WRD Marlborough S 22042
Kaikoura - - - 13/12/1945 On Saturday, 15/12/1945, the Hundalee – Kaikoura Section of the South Island Main Trunk Railway will be taken over by the Working Railways Department. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W 2903 WRD Marlborough S 22043
Kaikoura - - - 17/12/1945 Line opened to Kaikoura on Saturday, 15/12/1945. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22044
Kaikoura - - - 17/12/1945 Work completed on new line between Hundalee and Kaikoura. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W3180, Pub 3 WRD Marlborough S 22045
Kaikoura - - - 22/4/1947 Jobs to be done at Kaikoura: Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22046
Kaikoura - - - 22/4/1947 Remainder of approach road and footpath to passenger station to be fenced and sealed. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22047
Kaikoura - - - 22/4/1947 Remainder of the Public Works Department camps to be disposed of. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W1, 12/1 PWD Marlborough S 22048
Kaikoura - - - 29/7/1948 Name approved for Public Works Department in 1939. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W3199, 00/2107/1 WRD Marlborough S 22049
Kaikoura - - - 31/3/1949 Provision of a 70 foot turntable is in hand. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W2854, Pub 31/5 WRD Marlborough S 22050
Kaikoura - - - 6/2/1953 The 70 foot turntable provided for at Ashburton has been installed at Kaikoura. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W3199, 06/1699 WRD Marlborough S 22051
Kaikoura - - - 6/1955 4 State houses for Railways Department completed. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - SAC1, 35/260 SAC Marlborough S 22052
Kaikoura - - - 10/1956 2 State houses for Railways Department completed. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - SAC1, 35/260 SAC Marlborough S 22053
Kaikoura - - - 2/10/1960 Mileage 119 miles 60 chains from Christchurch. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W 3337 WRD Marlborough S 22054
Kaikoura - - - 2/10/1960 Mileage 97 miles 72 chains from Picton. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W 3337 WRD Marlborough S 22055
Kaikoura - - - 7/8/1962 Fire in Way & Works office. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W2382, 039 WRD Marlborough S 22056
Kaikoura - - - 2/11/1987 Main North Line – 190.17km from Addington (0.00km). Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W 3337 WRD Marlborough S 22057
Kaikoura - - - 26/10/1988 21.3 metre turntable for locomotives. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W5514, 13/2679 WRD Marlborough S 22058
Kaikoura - - - 25/11/1988 Still used for timetabled running of trains. Blenheim – Waipara Railway - W 3337 WRD Marlborough S 22059