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File Records:Green Island

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Burnside Green Island Abbotsford
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Burnside--Green_Island Green_Island--Abbotsford
1.4km 1.2km

Go to Green Island on the Network Diagram

Name Alt 1 Alt 2 Alt 3 Date Details Railway Rly 2 Reference Source Locality Island Sequence
Green Island Burnside - - 26/6/1910 Burnside station renamed Green Island. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - W 3337 WRD Otago S 15467
Green Island Burnside - - 7/1954 2 State houses for Railways Department completed. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - SAC1, 35/260 SAC Otago S 15468
Green Island Burnside - - 8/8/1980 Walton Park Branch has been removed from Green Island. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - W4103, 16/2450/10 WRD Otago S 15469
Green Island Burnside - - 6/11/1982 Now an unattended flag station. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - W 3337 WRD Otago S 15470
Green Island Burnside - - 13/8/1983 Closed for all traffic except in wagon lots. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - W 3337 WRD Otago S 15471
Green Island Burnside - - 2/11/1987 Main South Line – 385.84km from Port Lyttelton (0.00km). Dunedin – Balclutha Line - W 3337 WRD Otago S 15472
Green Island Burnside - - 29/12/1988 Station building (derelict), passenger platform). Dunedin – Balclutha Line - JRS/P230 ATL Otago S 15473
Green Island Burnside - - 7/1/1989 Station building destroyed by fire during demolition. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - - Rails Otago S 15474
Green Island Burnside - - 13/2/1991 Station building and platform removed. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - JRS/P230 ATL Otago S 15475
Green Island Burnside - - 23/10/1896 Removal of shelter shed. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - W 1820 WRD Otago S 15476
Green Island Geddes - - 25/5/1874 The line is to be 2 miles 17 chains in length. It leads from the main trunk line, passes near Eagerty's Hotel, and its course is generally in close proximity to the various coal pits and meat preserving works. It stops about two chains short of the Prince of Wales coal pit. Green Island Branch - A&NZG ATL Otago S 15477
Green Island Geddes - - 25/5/1874 Work was commenced on the Green Island branch railway in January by Messrs Matheson Brothers, whose tender for £5739.15.7 was the accepted one. Green Island Branch - A&NZG ATL Otago S 15478
Green Island Geddes - - 1890 Mileage 0 miles 48 chains, on Walton Park Branch. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch R4, 90/2780 WRD Otago S 15479
Green Island Geddes - - 26/9/1910 Name of Green island station changed to Geddes. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W 3337 WRD Otago S 15480
Green Island Geddes - - 19/5/1911 Connection of station with telephone exchange. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W3734/28 WRD Otago S 15481
Green Island Geddes - - 10/6/1911 Request for overbridge. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W3734/28 WRD Otago S 15482
Green Island Geddes - - 1/1874 Site of Green Island railway station – enclose copy of a letter received from Mt Prosser with a copy of a report from Mr Barr C E in favour of the site being changed to the junction with the branch line to the coal pits. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch OP 10/7 OPR Otago S 15483
Green Island Geddes - - 1/5/1883 Mileage 0 miles 47 chains from Burnside. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W 3337 WRD Otago S 15484
Green Island Geddes - - 1/7/1874 Line as far as Green Island opened. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W 3 PWD Otago S 15485
Green Island Geddes - - 1/7/1875 Contract let to G O Clayton for construction of stationmaster's house, amount £325.13.6. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch AJHR, 1875 Natlib Otago S 15486
Green Island Geddes - - 1/8/1898 Accommodation passenger platform. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch R4, 98/2756 WRD Otago S 15487
Green Island Geddes - - 1/8/1898 Loop 18 wagons Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch R4, 98/2756 WRD Otago S 15488
Green Island Geddes - - 12/5/1874 The Engineer in Chief advises that it would be highly dangerous to place the Green Island station on the Dunedin & Clutha Railway at the junction of the Main South Road, instead of at Abbotsford as at present intended. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch OP 10/7 OPR Otago S 15489
Green Island Geddes - - 15/4/1880 Mileage 0 miles 47 chains from Burnside. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W 3337 WRD Otago S 15490
Green Island Geddes - - 17/4/1875 Correspondence re: state of platform. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W 3 PWD Otago S 15491
Green Island Geddes - - 17/8/1883 Recommends acquisition of additional land at Green Island for formation of better approach to siding. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W 1820 WRD Otago S 15492
Green Island Geddes - - 18/4/1885 Requesting authority £200 for land required for widening approach to station. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W 3 PWD Otago S 15493
Green Island Geddes - - 19/10/1874 The rails are being laid on the sleepers on Branch Railway to Green Island without the sleepers being adzed and that as it is desirable that the rolling stock on the mainline of Railway should be used on the branch line directions have been given to adze the sleepers. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch OP 10/7 OPR Otago S 15494
Green Island Geddes - - 19/12/1874 The Green Island Branch Railway will in all probability be completed ready for traffic in one month from the present date. And to request that instructions may be given for its inspection in order that no unnecessary delay may occur in its opening. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch OP 10/7 OPR Otago S 15495
Green Island Geddes - - 19/4/1886 Loop 18 wagons Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W 3337 WRD Otago S 15496
Green Island Geddes - - 21/4/1874 Application from Brown & Sanson for siding to coal mine, Green island. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W 3 PWD Otago S 15497
Green Island Geddes - - 28/10/1879 Meikle & Campbell's contract for station buildings completed. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W 12 PWD Otago S 15498
Green Island Geddes - - 28/2/1875 Geo O Clayton's contract for stationmaster's house completed. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W 12 PWD Otago S 15499
Green Island Geddes - - 28/9/1874 Three tenders received for stationmaster's house. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W 3 PWD Otago S 15500
Green Island Geddes - - 30/6/1874 Contract let to Dey & Wedderspoon for station at Green Island - £409. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch AJHR, 1874 Natlib Otago S 15501
Green Island Geddes - - 31/3/1883 Gate - £4.16.0. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch R4, 83/2044 WRD Otago S 15502
Green Island Geddes - - 4/10/1872 Correspondence with Meat Processing Coy at Green Island for a branch to their works. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W 3 PWD Otago S 15503
Green Island Geddes - - 6/1/1885 Extra land required for widening approach to Green Island siding. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W 3 PWD Otago S 15504
Green Island Geddes - - 6/1874 Relative to the proposed removal of the Green Island station from Abbotsford to the junction of the Green Island branch. Forward copy of report from Provincial Engineer on the subject. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch OP 10/7 OPR Otago S 15505
Green Island Geddes - - 6/5/1874 Only one tender for Green Island station. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W 3 PWD Otago S 15506
Green Island Geddes - - 7/1874 Dey & Wedderspoon's contract for stationmaster's house completed. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W 12 PWD Otago S 15507
Green Island Geddes - - 7/1874 Station is in use. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W 3 PWD Otago S 15508
Green Island Geddes - - 9/5/1885 Green Island Coal Mine and danger to railway from working close to line. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W 1820 WRD Otago S 15509
Green Island Geddes - - 19/4/1886 Accommodation passenger platform. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W 3337 WRD Otago S 15510
Green Island Coal Coy's Siding Geddes - - 1/8/1898 Backshunt 40 wagons. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch R4, 98/2756 WRD Otago S 15511
Green Island Pits Calverley's Siding - - 1890 Green Island Pits near Abbotsford station. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - R4, 90/2780 WRD Otago S 15512
Green Island Pits Calverley's Siding - - 18/9/1893 Reporting coal seams in Green Island coal pits are on fire. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - W 1820 WRD Otago S 15513
Green Island Pits Calverley's Siding - - 8/1/1886 Green Island Pits same as Calverley's Siding. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - R4, 86/800 WRD Otago S 15514
Green Island Pits Geddes - - 1900 48 chains from Burnside. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W3180, Pub 1/9 WRD Otago S 15515
Green Island Pits Geddes - - 1900 Passenger platform, but no passenger trains scheduled to run on branch. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W3180, Pub 1/9 WRD Otago S 15516
Green Island Pits Geddes - - 1/9/1882 Accommodation 5th class station, passenger platform, cart approach to platform. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W 3337 WRD Otago S 15517
Green Island Pits Geddes - - 1/9/1882 Accommodation nil. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W 3337 WRD Otago S 15518
Green Island Pits Geddes - - 1/9/1882 Loop 9 wagons (Sampson's), backshunt 20 wagons Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W 3337 WRD Otago S 15519
Green Island Pits Geddes - - 12/12/1881 Loop 9 wagons (Sampson's), backshunt 20 wagons Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W 3337 WRD Otago S 15520
Green Island Pits Geddes - - 19/4/1886 Accommodation nil. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W 3337 WRD Otago S 15521
Green Island Railway Geddes - - 10/2/1875 The Railway leaves the Dunedin and Clutha Railway at a point in the Kaikorai Valley about 4 miles 10 chains from Dunedin station and proceeds eastwards through the village of Kingston and along the Green Island Flat, terminates near the Walton Park Collieries; the total length being 2 miles 17 chains. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch AJHR, 1875 Natlib Otago S 15522
Green Island Railway Geddes - - 10/2/1875 There are two sidings on the branch, one at King's Mill and the other near the termination. There is no station but a stage has been erected at the end for delivery of coal into wagons, the pits being worked therewith by a tramway. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch AJHR, 1875 Natlib Otago S 15523
Green Island Railway Geddes - - 12/6/1879 Advertising station buildings Green Island Railway. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W 2/44 PWD Otago S 15524
Green Island Railway Geddes - - 26/6/1879 Tenders – station buildings – Green Island Railway. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W 2/44 PWD Otago S 15525
Green Island Railway Geddes - - 26/8/1879 Reporting completion of Green Island Branch Railway. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W 2/44 PWD Otago S 15526
Green Island Station Geddes - - 1/9/1882 Backshunt 1 wagon (96ft long) Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W 3337 WRD Otago S 15530
Green Island Station Geddes - - 12/12/1881 Backshunt 1 wagon (96ft long) Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W 3337 WRD Otago S 15531
Green Island Station Geddes - - 2/8/1879 The Government intends to open the Green Island Branch Railway for passengers at the beginning of August. It runs from Burnside to Brighton Road, a distance of about 3½ miles. The tender of Messrs Meikle & Campbell has been accepted for the station buildings on the line. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W3180, Pro24/20 WRD Otago S 15532
Green Island Station Geddes - - 20/2/1875 Green Island Branch – engine passed over the line for the first time. Walton Park Branch Green Island Branch W3180, Pro24/20 WRD Otago S 15533