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File Records:Elmer Lane

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Greymouth Elmer Lane Wharemoa
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Greymouth--Elmer_Lane Elmer_Lane--Wharemoa
1.5km 0.8km

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Name Alt 1 Alt 2 Alt 3 Date Details Railway Rly 2 Reference Source Locality Island Sequence
Elmer Lane - - - 2/11/1908 Mileage 0 miles 63 chains from Greymouth. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 3337 WRD Westland S 11667
Elmer Lane - - - 13/8/1915 Proposal to transfer Greymouth Workshops to Elmer Lane. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11668
Elmer Lane - - - 9/11/1916 Addition accommodation was approved [for Greymouth Workshops] on 13/12/1912, but the present site was so cramped the addition could not be made and it was then decided to move the Shops to Elmer Lane and utilise the present shops for engine depot. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11669
Elmer Lane - - - 24/5/1919 Land has been purchased at Elmer Lane as a site for workshops. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11670
Elmer Lane - - - 15/7/1919 Although the Elmer Lane site at present is liable to flood, this could be avoided by raising the level of the land to an extent that only very high floods would flood the pits, and then only for a limited time. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11671
Elmer Lane - - - 18/6/1923 20,000 gallon water vat. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11672
Elmer Lane - - - 18/6/1923 70ft turntable. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11673
Elmer Lane - - - 18/6/1923 Blacksmiths' Shop – 105ft x 40ft. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11674
Elmer Lane - - - 18/6/1923 Brake Shop – 100ft x 40ft. Store at end of building. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11675
Elmer Lane - - - 18/6/1923 Building for store, locomotive foreman's office, drivers' room, and amenities. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11676
Elmer Lane - - - 18/6/1923 Car & Wagon Shop – 160ft x 55ft. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11677
Elmer Lane - - - 18/6/1923 Coal Store – 1,500 tons of coal. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11678
Elmer Lane - - - 18/6/1923 Elevated stage, 14ft high, with sand house at end. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11679
Elmer Lane - - - 18/6/1923 Elmer Lane – proposed accommodation: Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11680
Elmer Lane - - - 18/6/1923 Engine shed – 160ft x 30ft. Verandah over firewood siding. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11681
Elmer Lane - - - 18/6/1923 Erecting Shop – 160ft x 50ft. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11682
Elmer Lane - - - 18/6/1923 Fitting Shop – 10ft x 20ft. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11683
Elmer Lane - - - 18/6/1923 Machine shop – 160ft x 40ft. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11684
Elmer Lane - - - 18/6/1923 Main entrance to Workshops and locomotive depot from end of Elmer Lane; time office here. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11685
Elmer Lane - - - 18/6/1923 Paint Shop – 135ft x 50ft. Tarpaulin Shop at end of building – 50ft x 25ft. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11686
Elmer Lane - - - 18/6/1923 Passenger station – platform and shelter shed. Access by footpath from Turumaha Street, alongside North Town Belt. At Ross end of locomotive depot. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11687
Elmer Lane - - - 18/6/1923 Tarring Shop – 160ft x 35ft. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11688
Elmer Lane - - - 14/7/1923 When the temporary re-arrangement of the passenger yard is completed, the locomotive depot at Elmer Lane is to be proceeded with. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11689
Elmer Lane - - - 19/3/1925 A considerable amount of filling has been done at Elmer Lane on the site of the proposed locomotive depot. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11690
Elmer Lane - - - 30/3/1925 In view of the decision to remove the Shops from Greymouth, the plans for the locomotive depot at Elmer Lane will require to be recast. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11691
Elmer Lane - - - 5/7/1926 Funds have been raised recently in Greymouth for the purpose of erecting a swimming bath and the location which has been fixed is adjacent to the Elmer Lane station. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11692
Elmer Lane - - - 23/7/1926 The Chief Mechanical Engineer advised by Board that the provision of an engine depot at Elmer Lane be pushed on without fail. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11693
Elmer Lane - - - 11/9/1926 A plan for proposed new engine depot and the District Engineer instructed to proceed with the work. To be a “round-house” design. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11694
Elmer Lane - - - 22/12/1926 Since proposals were got out, further engines have been stationed at Greymouth. It is recommended the number of roads in the shed be increased to 18,of which 10 should have continuous smoke troughs. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11695
Elmer Lane - - - 14/1/1927 Above approved. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11696
Elmer Lane - - - 10/8/1927 Roundhouse roof to have felt, bitumen and gravel roof covering. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11697
Elmer Lane - - - 12/8/1927 Reese Brothers' tender for above approved. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11698
Elmer Lane - - - 6/1/1928 All hardwood timber for locomotive depot is now on site or on the water coming from Newcastle. [Ironbark timber] Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11699
Elmer Lane - - - 26/5/1928 To have 70ft turntable. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11700
Elmer Lane - - - 4/6/1928 Elmer Lane locomotive depot formally opened. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11701
Elmer Lane - - - 22/6/1928 Approval to take temporarily six 25-ton Norton Jacks off engines BA 497 and 499 converted for shunting Middleton, replacing then with screw jacks. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W3199, 14/5191/1 WRD Westland S 11702
Elmer Lane - - - 22/6/1928 These six jacks are to be distributed as follows: 4 to Elmer Lane, and 1 each to Christchurch and Dunedin. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W3199, 14/5191/1 WRD Westland S 11703
Elmer Lane - - - 10/2/1930 General Manager instructs work on providing a new workshops to be put in hand. Consolidation of Maintenance and Locomotive Workshops and Stores. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11704
Elmer Lane - - - 29/5/1930 A large shed will be removed from Arthur's Pass, where it is no longer required, and re-erected at Elmer Lane. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11705
Elmer Lane - - - 29/5/1930 Southeran's Ltd, Greymouth, tender accepted for construction of new shops. Contract provides for a steel-framed building 260ft x 82ft, with concrete floor. The steel “Fink” trusses carrying the roof will be supported by steel columns. Three sidings will pass through the building. Main bays have been arranged alongside one side of the main building. Electric power is available for all purposes. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11706
Elmer Lane - - - 24/3/1931 Tender of Robert Sanders & Sons Ltd, Christchurch, for asphalting of flooring of Workshops accepted. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11707
Elmer Lane - - - 8/4/1931 The whole of the Elmer Lane Workshops building is now complete. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11708
Elmer Lane - - - 7/9/1931 Work ceased at the old workshops, Mawhera Quay, on Saturday and began at the new shops at Elmer Lane this morning. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11709
Elmer Lane - - - 22/5/1941 Two road railcar shed proposed for Elmer Lane, at 0 miles 55 chains from Greymouth. Each track to have a full-length pit. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11710
Elmer Lane - - - 24/9/1941 Cabinet approved construction of railcar shed. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11711
Elmer Lane - - - 1/2/1943 The shell of the railcar shed has been completed but work has ceased and the railcars still stand out in the weather. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11712
Elmer Lane - - - 5/2/1943 Shed was finally brought into use on 3rd instant. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11713
Elmer Lane - - - 10/1/1946 The wagon bodies now in use for the storage of spare parts and tools have deteriorated beyond repair. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11714
Elmer Lane - - - 19/7/1946 Approval for an extra fuelling and water point to be installed about 30ft outside the railcar shed. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11715
Elmer Lane - - - 7/1/1947 Approval to extend sub-foreman's office, to provide space for storing spare parts and tools. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11716
Elmer Lane - - - 3/4/1948 No passenger station at Elmer Lane. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11717
Elmer Lane - - - 3/9/1948 Approval to construct shelter over hopper hoist, so that wagon repairs will not be delayed by rain. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11718
Elmer Lane - - - 31/3/1949 Electric lighting installed in forty semi-portable huts. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W3180, Pub 1/6 WRD Westland S 11719
Elmer Lane - - - 31/3/1949 Electric lighting installed in hut settlement. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W3180, Pub 1/6 WRD Westland S 11720
Elmer Lane - - - 31/3/1949 Hut L 13 has electric light. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W3180, Pub 1/6 WRD Westland S 11721
Elmer Lane - - - 11/1/1950 Has 70 foot turntable. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - R-W3, 11422 WRD Westland S 11722
Elmer Lane - - - 22/5/1950 Te Kuha goods shed has been shifted to Elmer Lane for use in the Maintenance Depot. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W3293, 13150 WRD Westland S 11723
Elmer Lane - - - 17/2/1953 Purchase of hoist approved. To provide lifting facilities for the handling of wheels to and from the wheel lathe. To be a 5-ton hoist and monorail. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11724
Elmer Lane - - - 20/4/1955 Has an engine turntable. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - R-W3, 11422 WRD Westland S 11725
Elmer Lane - - - 10/6/1955 Hut skids provided – huts are moved on and off the skids from adjacent siding. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11726
Elmer Lane - - - 19/3/1956 Approval for alterations to railcar depot – provide double-door and end wall, and extend tracks by 60 feet. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 2381, 16/1800/1 WRD Westland S 11727
Elmer Lane - - - 3/4/1963 Re-roofing of workshops building completed today. This was the first major re-roofing job since the building was first built in 1928. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W3180, Pub 3/2 WRD Westland S 11728
Elmer Lane - - - 3/4/1963 Some 30 tons of corrugated asbestos was used to re-roof the building. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W3180, Pub 3/2 WRD Westland S 11729
Elmer Lane - - - 20/6/1966 Fire in old living hut at the locomotive depot now used as a storage shed by the Mechanical Branch. The building was old and very dilapidated, and had no windows or door. Was originally used as an office for the senior driver. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W2382, 039 WRD Westland S 11730
Elmer Lane - - - 18/12/1973 Tenders invited in November, 1973, for the demolition of 12 bays of the locomotive roundhouse at Elmer Lane. Six bays to remain. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W3180, Pub 3/2 WRD Westland S 11731
Elmer Lane - - - 1/2/1897 Mileage 0 miles 63 chains from Greymouth. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 3337 WRD Westland S 11732
Elmer Lane - - - 10/3/1894 Elmer Lane is at present a stopping place at 0 miles 61 chains 50 links. Estimated cost of a 100ft platform without shelter shed is £20. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - R4, 98/2046 WRD Westland S 11733
Elmer Lane - - - 10/3/1894 Proposed stopping place at Elmer Lane. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 1820 WRD Westland S 11734
Elmer Lane - - - 19/4/1894 Stations on each side of Nelson Creek station – Elmer Lane 0 miles 61 chains 50 links, Paroa 5 miles 16 chains 0 links. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - R4, 98/2046 WRD Westland S 11735
Elmer Lane - - - 20/4/1894 Platform at Elmer Lane. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - W 3 PWD Westland S 11736
Elmer Lane - - - 20/4/1894 The Public Works Department has been asked to provide a platform. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - R4, 98/2046 WRD Westland S 11737
Elmer Lane - - - 21/3/1894 A flag station has been opened for passenger traffic at Elmer Lane, 62 chains from Greymouth. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - R4, 98/2046 WRD Westland S 11738
Elmer Lane- - - - 25/6/1928 Elmer Lane flag station closed and replaced with a new station at 1 mile 42 chains from Greymouth, named Kararo. Greymouth – Hokitika Line - 00/2107/1 NZRLS Westland S 11739
Elmer Lane- - - - 10/7/1928 The Locomotive Engineer's old office at Greymouth is not available for shifting to the Workshops yard as an office for the Workshops Foreman. Greymouth – Hokitika Line - R-W3, 14990 WRD Westland S 11740
Elmer Lane- - - - 18/8/1928 Closing of Elmer Lane and Kararo flag stations and opening of a central flag station named Kararo. Greymouth – Hokitika Line - W 2852 WRD Westland S 11741
Elmer Lane- - - - 1/2/1897 6th class station, passenger platform, cart approach to platform. Greymouth – Hokitika Line - W 3337 WRD Westland S 11742
Elmer Lane- - - - 1/2/1897 Sidings nil. Greymouth – Hokitika Line - W 3337 WRD Westland S 11743
Elmer Lane [?] - - - 20/12/1893 Temporary stopping place at ¾ miles peg arranged for opposite the Exhibition on the Hokitika line. Greymouth – Hokitika Railway - R4, 98/2046 WRD Westland S 11744