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File Records:Ellesmere

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Goulds_Road Ellesmere Lake_Road
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Goulds_Road--Ellesmere Ellesmere--Lake_Road
3.5km 2.2km

Go to Ellesmere on the Network Diagram

N+B1:N7345ame Alt 1 Alt 2 Alt 3 Date Details Railway Rly 2 Reference Source Locality Island Sequence
Ellesmere - - - 1890 Mileage 20 miles 25 chains from Christchurch. Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch R4, 90/2780 WRD Canterbury S 11600
Ellesmere - - - 9/8/1917 General Post Office – Accommodation for postal work. Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch W3734/33 WRD Canterbury S 11601
Ellesmere - - - 12/11/1921 Stationmaster withdrawn. Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch 00/2107/1 NZRLS Canterbury S 11602
Ellesmere - - - 26/8/1924 There is not a spare crane available in the District but there is a 4-ton crane at Ellesmere which might be removed to Orari if thought advisable. Although possibly this the removal of this crane might be objected to by the residents of Ellesmere, it is only used to lift an occasional implement when sent in an L wagon. Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch W3199, 08/1062/1 WRD Canterbury S 11603
Ellesmere - - - 31/12/1924 Post Office removed from station. Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch Mails by Rail in NZ R Startup Canterbury S 11604
Ellesmere - - - 30/6/1962 Closed to all traffic. Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch W3180, Pub 3 WRD Canterbury S 11605
Ellesmere - - - 1/5/1879 Backshunt 20 wagons Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 11606
Ellesmere - - - 1/5/1879 Mileage 20 miles 35 chains from Christchurch. Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 11607
Ellesmere - - - 1/7/1879 Post Office operated by Railways Department staff opened. Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch Mails by Rail in NZ R Startup Canterbury S 11608
Ellesmere - - - 1/8/1898 Accommodation Pro.3 rooms, passenger platform, cart approach to platform, goods shed 40ft x 40ft, cattle yards, crane, water service, stationmaster's house, urinals. Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch R4, 98/2756 WRD Canterbury S 11609
Ellesmere - - - 1/8/1898 Loop 18 wagons, backshunt 17 wagons, backshunt 4 wagons. Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch R4, 98/2756 WRD Canterbury S 11610
Ellesmere - - - 1/9/1882 Accommodation Pro.3 rooms, passenger platform, cart approach to platform, goods shed 40ft x 40ft, cattle yards, water service, stationmaster's house, urinals. Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 11611
Ellesmere - - - 1/9/1882 Backshunt 20 wagons Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 11612
Ellesmere - - - 12/12/1881 Backshunt 20 wagons Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 11613
Ellesmere - - - 13/7/1875 Ellesmere – Southbridge Section opened for traffic. Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Canterbury S 11614
Ellesmere - - - 13/7/1875 Ellesmere – Southbridge Section opened for traffic. Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch W3180, Pub 1/12 WRD Canterbury S 11615
Ellesmere - - - 15/10/1879 Backshunt 20 wagons Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 11616
Ellesmere - - - 15/6/1875 14th July is date fixed for opening Ellesmere – Southbridge portion of line. Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch W 3 PWD Canterbury S 11617
Ellesmere - - - 15/9/1893 Selwyn County Council, Christchurch – asking if bridge over Selwyn at Ellesmere may be utilised for combined traffic. Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 11618
Ellesmere - - - 17/1/1882 The Government will contribute to river protection, by the Springs Road Board, near Ellesmere station. Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch W3199, 3810 WRD Canterbury S 11619
Ellesmere - - - 19/11/1884 Complaint re: platform and goods shed being on different side of river. Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch W 1820 PWD Canterbury S 11620
Ellesmere - - - 19/4/1886 Accommodation Pro.3 rooms, passenger platform, cart approach to platform, goods shed 40ft x 40ft, cattle yards, crane, water service, stationmaster's house, urinals. Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 11621
Ellesmere - - - 19/4/1886 Loop 18 wagons, backshunt 17 wagons, backshunt 4 wagons Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 11622
Ellesmere - - - 20/4/1897 On the 17th seven spans of the road bridge were entirely destroyed by fire. Platelayers and settlers kept the fire off the railway bridge which is close alongside and it escaped any injury beyond unimportant charring of the timber surfaces. Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch R4, 97/1680 WRD Canterbury S 11623
Ellesmere - - - 20/8/1884 Postal Department – proposing to open a Money Order office. Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 11624
Ellesmere - - - 22/4/1897 Fire on Selwyn Road Bridge, Ellesmere. Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 11625
Ellesmere - - - 24/11/1896 The Lower Selwyn Road bridge (Leeston District) [at Ellesmere] which is close alongside the railway bridge, the handrail of the road bridge being only 4ft 8in from centre line of railway, is in the very last state of decay and may collapse at any time. This bridge was built by the Provincial Council prior to the construction of the Southbridge Branch by the General Government. It was built for a combined road and railway bridge with the railway part above and separate from the road part. Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch R4, 97/1680 WRD Canterbury S 11626
Ellesmere - - - 24/6/1877 Grain store site. Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch W 70 PWD Canterbury S 11627
Ellesmere - - - 25/6/1890 Additional house accommodation for stationmaster. Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 11628
Ellesmere - - - 26/4/1875 Racecourse – Ellesmere Section opened for traffic. Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Canterbury S 11629
Ellesmere - - - 27/1/1898 The old road bridge has been pulled down and a contract for a new bridge has been let by the Selwyn County Council. Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch R4, 97/1680 WRD Canterbury S 11630
Ellesmere - - - 27/4/1875 Racecourse Junction – Ellesmere Railway (via Lincoln) opened for traffic. Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch W3180, Pub 1/12 WRD Canterbury S 11631
Ellesmere - - - 31/3/1884 Improved water service. Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch AJHR, 1884 Natlib Canterbury S 11632
Ellesmere - - - 8/10/1884 Postal Department – proposing to open telegraph office at Ellesmere station. Racecourse – Southbridge Railway Southbridge Branch W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 11633