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File Records:Caroline Bay

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Smithfield Caroline Bay Timaru
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Smithfield--Caroline_Bay Caroline_Bay--Timaru
2.4km 0.8km

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Caroline Bay - - - 15/8/1902 There will be no objection to the removal of the clay bank between the railway and the sea, as far as can be seen at present the material will not be required by the Department. The residents wish to improve the surroundings of Caroline bay by cutting down the clay cliff and making use of the material for forming ornamental grounds facing the Bay. Ashburton – Timaru Section - W 2478, 02/1944 WRD Canterbury S 6167
Caroline Bay - - - 19/9/1902 In order to restore this approach the Harbour Board wishes the Department to give up a portion of the railway land outside the curved siding to the main wharf. The Board would then form a suitable approach crossing the sidings to the Main Wharf and the Moody Wharf. Ashburton – Timaru Section - W 2478, 02/1944 WRD Canterbury S 6168
Caroline Bay - - - 19/9/1902 Prior to the removal of the old Landing Service sheds the road thereto was used to a considerable extent as a pedestrian approach from Strathallan Street to Caroline Bay, but the station yard alterations have cut this off and at present access from the south can only be obtained by the footbridge at 105 miles 43 chains, some 15 chains north of Strathallan Street. Access for vehicles is provided by a road passing under the bridge at 105 miles 15 chains. Ashburton – Timaru Section - W 2478, 02/1944 WRD Canterbury S 6169
Caroline Bay - - - 19/9/1902 Request for provision of an approach along the waterfront from the foot of the Breakwater in line of Strathallan Street crossing to the sandy beach of Caroline Bay. Ashburton – Timaru Section - W 2478, 02/1944 WRD Canterbury S 6170
Caroline Bay - - - 17/1/1903 The siding alterations necessitated the occupation of land which was not formerly in use by the Department but was used by the public as a pathway to Caroline Bay. A path is now being formed outside the sidings and this will suffice until the Harbour Board's contemplated works are completed. Ashburton – Timaru Section - W 2478, 02/1944 WRD Canterbury S 6171
Caroline Bay - - - 20/9/1905 Bridge No 60 [at 105 miles 6 chains] main north line of Timaru is being filled in because it is not wanted for railway purposes and a culvert is being placed in the bank in lieu of it. Ashburton – Timaru Section - W 2478, 02/1944 WRD Canterbury S 6172
Caroline Bay - - - 2/2/1906 Railway bridge leading to Caroline Bay. It is now understood from the Minister for Public Works that if a pathway is formed and a gateway provided in the railway fence a level crossing will be sufficient for all requirements. Please have this provided. Ashburton – Timaru Section - W 2478, 02/1944 WRD Canterbury S 6173
Caroline Bay - - - 18/5/1906 The permanent pathway will be completed as soon as the embankment has had time to subside, a temporary is being arranged for now. Ashburton – Timaru Section - W 2478, 02/1944 WRD Canterbury S 6174
Caroline Bay - - - 25/8/1912 Above approved. Ashburton – Timaru Section - W 2478, 02/1944 WRD Canterbury S 6175
Caroline Bay - - - 21/8/1913 Requesting authority £70 for overhead bridge at Caroline Bay. Borough Council is contributing £50. Ashburton – Timaru Section - W 2478, 02/1944 WRD Canterbury S 6176
Caroline Bay - - - 5/11/1928 Provision of a stopping place at Caroline Bay approved, estimated cost £30. Ashburton – Timaru Section - W3199, 10/2868 WRD Canterbury S 6177
Caroline Bay - - - 5/9/1929 Subway giving access to Caroline Bay has a 19ft span. Ashburton – Timaru Section - W 2278, 10/425/8 WRD Canterbury S 6178
Caroline Bay - - - 31/8/1932 Approval to ease grade north of Timaru at Caroline Bay to 1 in 124, using relief labour, and is expected to cost £300. Present grades are 1 in 74 and 1 in n 82. Ashburton – Timaru Section - W 2278, 10/425/8 WRD Canterbury S 6179
Caroline Bay - - - 24/9/1932 Extensive alterations to the permanent way of the main railway line to the southern end of Caroline Bay to the old viaduct are at present being carried out by unemployed labour. When completed a new track will run about 20 feet on the sea side of the line now in use. A platform will be excavated at the point on the Bay where excursion trains stop. This is to be walled over in concrete. Ashburton – Timaru Section - W 2278, 10/425/8 WRD Canterbury S 6180
Caroline Bay - - - 24/5/1938 The beach lights are well below the level of the platform and too far away to be of any use to people using the platform. The platform derives little benefit from the lights on Stafford Street. One light on this street lights up portion of the platform, but this lighting is partially obstructed by train carriages when the train is at the platform. A light on the Bay side of the overbridge sheds a little light on the north end of the platform. Ashburton – Timaru Section - W 2478, 02/1944 WRD Canterbury S 6181
Caroline Bay - - - 24/5/1938 The platform, which is situated on the Bay side of the track, is 534 feet in length, and passengers detraining require to walk to the northern end of the platform and then climb three flights of stairs leading to the overbridge to reach road level. Ashburton – Timaru Section - W 2478, 02/1944 WRD Canterbury S 6182
Caroline Bay - - - 24/5/1938 Three lights of say 200 or 250 watt power would adequately meet the position. These lights could be affixed to the line poles already on the platform and could be controlled from the north signal box at Timaru. Ashburton – Timaru Section - W 2478, 02/1944 WRD Canterbury S 6183
Caroline Bay - - - 7/6/1938 Electric lighting is not to be provided. Ashburton – Timaru Section - W 2478, 02/1944 WRD Canterbury S 6184
Caroline Bay - - - 13/10/1938 The road subway at 104 miles 75 chains was constructed in 1931. Ashburton – Timaru Section - W 2478, 02/1944 WRD Canterbury S 6185
Caroline Bay - - - 2/10/1960 Caroline Bay is 46 miles 63 chains from Ashburton; 0 miles 37 chains from Timaru. For passenger traffic only. Ashburton – Timaru Section - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 6186
Caroline Bay - - - 5/3/1975 Department is to contribute $10,000 towards the cost of the erection of the overhead footbridge at Strathallan Street. Ashburton – Timaru Section - W 2478, 02/1944 WRD Canterbury S 6187