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File Records:Burnside

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Caversham Burnside Green_Island
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Caversham--Burnside Burnside--Green_Island
2.5km 1.4km

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Name Alt 1 Alt 2 Alt 3 Date Details Railway Rly 2 Reference Source Locality Island Sequence
Burnside Koremata (Cattle-yards) Cattle Yards - 11/3/1910 The old Cattle Yards sidings are connected with the new yards by the old main line. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - W3199, 03/1480 WRD Otago S 5597
Burnside Koremata (Cattle-yards) Cattle Yards - 15/6/1910 The Department has decided not to provide stockyards at the new station at Koremata. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - W3199, 03/1480 WRD Otago S 5598
Burnside Koremata (Cattle-yards) Cattle Yards - 26/6/1910 Koremata (Cattle-yards) station renamed Burnside. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - W 3337 WRD Otago S 5599
Burnside Koremata (Cattle-yards) Cattle Yards - 17/9/1927 Authority for £60 to provide a loading bank. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - W3199, 03/1480 WRD Otago S 5600
Burnside Koremata (Cattle-yards) Cattle Yards - 18/6/1928 Approval to shift the 30cwt crane from St Andrews to Burnside. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - W3199, 03/1480 WRD Otago S 5601
Burnside Koremata (Cattle-yards) Cattle Yards - 22/6/1928 The crane will be used by Messrs Reid & Gray for loading their implements. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - W3199, 03/1480 WRD Otago S 5602
Burnside Koremata (Cattle-yards) Cattle Yards - 28/6/1928 Authority for £40 to shift 30cwt crane from St Andrews to Burnside. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - W3199, 03/1480 WRD Otago S 5603
Burnside Koremata (Cattle-yards) Cattle Yards - 31/10/1928 Dunedin Saleyards Siding is approximately 400 yards from Burnside station. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - W3199, 03/1480 WRD Otago S 5604
Burnside Koremata (Cattle-yards) Cattle Yards - 20/2/1930 Application by the Otago Preserving Coy for stockyards at Burnside declined. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - W3199, 03/1480 WRD Otago S 5605
Burnside Koremata (Cattle-yards) Cattle Yards - 20/2/1930 The Saleyards Coy, for the use of its stockyards, charges 1/- per wagon banking charge and 2/- per wagon loading or unloading charge, the latter charge being imposed only when the Saleyards actually do the work of loading or unloading. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - W3199, 03/1480 WRD Otago S 5606
Burnside Koremata (Cattle-yards) Cattle Yards - 30/4/1945 In order to further facilitate the loading of implements consigned by Messrs Reid & Gray a portion of the loading bank has been concreted. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - W3199, 03/1480 WRD Otago S 5607
Burnside Koremata (Cattle-yards) Cattle Yards - 30/4/1945 In regard to the present crane, a Velox 1-ton chain block was attached to the jib and this proved to be more efficient than the old winch. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - W3199, 03/1480 WRD Otago S 5608
Burnside Koremata (Cattle-yards) Cattle Yards - 26/5/1948 An average of fifteen wagons are loaded weekly, as many as six being loaded on in one day. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - W3199, 03/1480 WRD Otago S 5609
Burnside Koremata (Cattle-yards) Cattle Yards - 26/5/1948 At present when loading out more than three wagons of farm implements, the loads require to be hand shunted across the roadway leading to the New Zealand Refrigerating Coy's siding which is a most difficult operation owing to the flanges of the wheels becoming imbedded in the gravel due to the considerable heavy lorry traffic over the road crossing. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - W3199, 03/1480 WRD Otago S 5610
Burnside Koremata (Cattle-yards) Cattle Yards - 26/5/1948 In order to give better service to our clients and eliminate complaints, we recommend the crossover be shifted to allow standing room for a further five wagons and the roadway at the crossing be sealed. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - W3199, 03/1480 WRD Otago S 5611
Burnside Koremata (Cattle-yards) Cattle Yards - 26/5/1948 This would allow the empty wagons to be placed at or above the loading bank and drifted down towards the Samson post as they are loaded. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - W3199, 03/1480 WRD Otago S 5612
Burnside Koremata (Cattle-yards) Cattle Yards - 27/5/1948 Fixed crane located between the loading bank and end of backshunt. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - W3199, 03/1480 WRD Otago S 5613
Burnside Koremata (Cattle-yards) Cattle Yards - 27/5/1948 Loading bank siding is off the old main line. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - W3199, 03/1480 WRD Otago S 5614
Burnside Koremata (Cattle-yards) Cattle Yards - 3/6/1968 The shifting of the crossover to allow of more standing for wagons at the loading bank, and the tar sealing of the road crossing, is approved at an estimated cost of £115. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - W3199, 03/1480 WRD Otago S 5615
Burnside Koremata (Cattle-yards) Cattle Yards - 14/5/1980 The area incorporating the loading bank has been included in the lease which is held by Waitaki New Zealand Refrigeration Ltd. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - W3199, 03/1480 WRD Otago S 5616
Burnside Koremata (Cattle-yards) Cattle Yards - 14/5/1980 The loading bank was used only about once a year and consequently its retention for railway purposes was not justified. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - W3199, 03/1480 WRD Otago S 5617
Burnside Koremata (Cattle-yards) Cattle Yards - 19/5/1980 Loading bank – only previous use was for horses. Now no horse traffic. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - W3199, 03/1480 WRD Otago S 5618
Burnside Green Island - - 2/8/1879 The Government intends to open the Green Island Branch Railway for passengers at the beginning of August. It runs from Burnside to Brighton Road, a distance of about 3½ miles. The tender of Messrs Meikle & Campbell has been accepted for the station buildings on the line. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - W3180, Pro24/20 WRD Otago S 5619
Burnside Green Island - - 20/2/1875 Green Island Branch – engine passed over the line for the first time. Dunedin – Balclutha Line - W3180, Pro24/20 WRD Otago S 5620
Burnside Green Island - - 2/8/1900 Extension of siding, addition to platform, and erection of storeroom. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W3734/15 WRD Otago S 5621
Burnside Green Island - - 2/11/1901 Instructions re: signalling and interlocking at station. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W3734/16 WRD Otago S 5622
Burnside Green Island - - 1890 Mileage 0 miles 71 chains from Cattle Yards. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - R4, 90/2780 WRD Otago S 5623
Burnside Green Island - - 1890 Mileage 4 miles190 chains from Dunedin. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - R4, 90/2780 WRD Otago S 5624
Burnside Green Island - - 5/12/1905 Automatic tablet exchanger apparatus provided. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 3337 WRD Otago S 5625
Burnside Green Island - - 1/6/1907 Automatic tablet exchanger apparatus provided. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W3337 WRD Otago S 5626
Burnside Green Island - - 30/10/1907 Land for Burnside cattle yards, forwarding plan. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 3 PWD Otago S 5627
Burnside Green Island - - 15/2/1908 Proposed road deviation in connected with Dunedin – Mosgiel Duplication. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W3734/24 WRD Otago S 5628
Burnside Green Island - - 15/5/1909 Lighting station. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W3734/26 WRD Otago S 5629
Burnside Green Island - - 8/1/1910 Windows broken in engine shed. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - Staff Book NZRLS Otago S 5630
Burnside Green Island - - 24/1/1910 Transfer of land at Burnside to the Green Island Borough Council. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 5631
Burnside Green Island - - 26/6/1910 Name of Burnside station changed to Green Island. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 3337 WRD Otago S 5632
Burnside Green Island - - 1/11/1910 Duplication of line completed between Dunedin and Burnside. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W3180, Pub 3/15 WRD Otago S 5633
Burnside Green Island - - 10/6/1911 Request for overbridge. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W3734/28 WRD Otago S 5634
Burnside Green Island - - 11/12/1911 Duplication of line completed between Burnside and Abbotsford. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W3180, Pub 3/15 WRD Otago S 5635
Burnside Green Island - - 23/8/1917 Siding accommodation and interlocking. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W3734/34 WRD Otago S 5636
Burnside Green Island - - 15/6/1928 Proposing to shift 30cwt crane from St Andrews to Burnside. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W3199, 10/2868 WRD Otago S 5637
Burnside Green Island - - 9/4/1929 Approval to install coin-in-slot locks in wk., cost £20. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - R4, 99/1714 WRD Otago S 5638
Burnside Green Island - - 28/11/1929 Cabinet approval for improvements to passenger accommodation, estimated to cost £400. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W3199, 11/3111/1 WRD Otago S 5639
Burnside Green Island - - 1/11/1933 Railway station and / or reserve has been improved with plantings, etc, in co-operation with local interests and railway staff. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W3180, Pub3/13 WRD Otago S 5640
Burnside Green Island - - 4/8/1952 Signal box damaged by fire. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W2382, 039 WRD Otago S 5641
Burnside Green Island - - 11/10/1955 Excavations for yard extension are in progress. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Otago S 5642
Burnside Green Island - - 5/7/1957 - Five new backshunts. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Otago S 5643
Burnside Green Island - - 5/7/1957 - Four existing loops extended. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Otago S 5644
Burnside Green Island - - 5/7/1957 - Two new loops. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Otago S 5645
Burnside Green Island - - 5/7/1957 The extensions to the yard are expected to be completed by the end of next month. Accommodation is being provided for an additional 185 wagons. Total holding capacity will be 335 wagons. Estimated cost is £30,000. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Otago S 5646
Burnside Green Island - - 29/3/1979 Signal box. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W4098, 04/3673/2 WRD Otago S 5647
Burnside Green Island - - 2/11/1987 Main South Line – 384.45km from Port Lyttelton (0.00km). Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 3337 WRD Otago S 5648
Burnside Green Island - - 4/2/1988 Station building, island platform. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - JRS/P230 ATL Otago S 5649
Burnside Green Island - - 13/2/1991 Station building, island platform, signal cabin. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - JRS/P230 ATL Otago S 5650
Burnside Green Island - - 11/1992 Signal cabin for sale. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - - Rails Otago S 5651
Burnside Green Island - - 1/5/1879 Mileage 4 miles 9 chains from Dunedin. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 3337 WRD Otago S 5652
Burnside Green Island - - 1/7/1874 Burnside to Walton Park (2 miles 7 chains) opened for traffic. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W3180, Pub 1/9 WRD Otago S 5653
Burnside Green Island - - 1/8/1898 Accommodation 5th class station, passenger platform, cart approach to platform, fixed signals, stationmaster's house, urinals. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - R4, 98/2756 WRD Otago S 5654
Burnside Green Island - - 1/8/1898 Loop 32 wagons, loop 15 wagons, backshunt 12 wagons. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - R4, 98/2756 WRD Otago S 5655
Burnside Green Island - - 1/9/1882 Accommodation shelter shed, passenger platform, fixed signals. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 3337 WRD Otago S 5656
Burnside Green Island - - 10/9/1883 Contract let to Orchard & Bird for a stationmaster's house, amount £296.0.0. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - AJHR, 1884 Natlib Otago S 5657
Burnside Green Island - - 14/11/1883 Above contract completed. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - AJHR, 1884 Natlib Otago S 5658
Burnside Green Island - - 15/12/1881 New Zealand Refrigerating Coy's application for a private siding at Burnside, 239 miles 20chains. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 5659
Burnside Green Island - - 15/7/1883 Stationmaster's house – contract. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 3 PWD Otago S 5660
Burnside Green Island - - 17/7/1894 Application for footpath on railway land from Dall Street to station. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 5661
Burnside Green Island - - 19/10/1896 House accommodation for porter. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 5662
Burnside Green Island - - 19/4/1886 Accommodation shelter shed, passenger platform, fixed signals, stationmaster's house, urinals. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 3337 WRD Otago S 5663
Burnside Green Island - - 19/4/1886 Loop 32 wagons, loop 15 wagons Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 3337 WRD Otago S 5664
Burnside Green Island - - 19/5/1887 Recommending connection of Burnside station with Telephone Exchange. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 5665
Burnside Green Island - - 2/7/1894 Newcastle coal is carried by rail from the Jetty Street Wharf, Dunedin, to the Otago Iron Rolling Mills at Burnside. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - R4, 95/1395 WRD Otago S 5666
Burnside Green Island - - 20/1/1877 Application of McGill & Forest for a siding to their brick kilns at Burnside. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 3 PWD Otago S 5667
Burnside Green Island - - 20/6/1881 Kempthorne, Prosser & Coy application for a private siding at Burnside. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 5668
Burnside Green Island - - 21/11/1877 Proposed alteration in site of Burnside Junction station. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 70 PWD Otago S 5669
Burnside Green Island - - 22/7/1882 Requesting authority for a siding at Burnside. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 5670
Burnside Green Island - - 23/3/1885 Proposing the provision of more hut accommodation at Burnside Cattle Yards. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 5671
Burnside Green Island - - 25/6/1890 Washing boiler for stationmaster's house – estimate of cost. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 5672
Burnside Green Island - - 25/6/1895 Closing of R Anderson & Coy's siding. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 5673
Burnside Green Island - - 25/8/1881 Report on Mr Will's application for a private siding at Burnside, 240 miles 19 chains. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 5674
Burnside Green Island - - 27/11/1883 Recommending siding at 240 miles 15 chains, near Burnside, granted to McGill & Forrest but now disused, be pulled up. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 5675
Burnside Green Island - - 27/3/1883 Application of N C Anderson for a private siding. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 5676
Burnside Green Island - - 28/11/1887 Smellie Brothers asking for turntable be placed on their private siding at Burnside. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 5677
Burnside Green Island - - 28/5/1883 Recommending application of New Zealand Refrigerating Coy for a sheep discharging platform at Burnside in connection with their private siding. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 5678
Burnside Green Island - - 28/8/1886 Application of Smellie Brothers for a private siding. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 5679
Burnside Green Island - - 29/11/1883 Stationmaster's house – final certificate. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 3 PWD Otago S 5680
Burnside Green Island - - 29/3/1895 The Otago Iron Rolling Mills has a private siding at Burnside. Newcastle coal and scrap iron is railed in. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - R4, 95/1395 WRD Otago S 5681
Burnside Green Island - - 3/10/1883 A stationmaster's house will be required at Burnside. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 5682
Burnside Green Island - - 30/12/1879 Dunedin Sale Yards Coy, extension of their siding at Burnside – cost £285. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 5683
Burnside Green Island - - 31/3/1883 Overbridge constructed at Burnside. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - R4, 83/2044 WRD Otago S 5684
Burnside Green Island - - 31/3/1883 Water closets and urinals - £106.2.8. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - R4, 83/2044 WRD Otago S 5685
Burnside Green Island - - 31/3/1884 Extension and improvements made to station yard and buildings. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - AJHR, 1884 Natlib Otago S 5686
Burnside Green Island - - 31/3/1885 Private siding granted on 22/12/1881 to New Zealand Refrigerating Coy (Ltd) (present holder) at 239 miles 23 chains, Burnside. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - R4, 83/2044 WRD Otago S 5687
Burnside Green Island - - 31/3/1885 Private siding granted on 23/1/1880 to Dunedin Sale-yards Coy (present holder) at 239 miles 22 chains, Burnside. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - R4, 83/2044 WRD Otago S 5688
Burnside Green Island - - 31/3/1885 Private siding granted on 26/4/1887 to McGill & Forrest at 240 miles 15 chains, Burnside. Siding lifted 12/1883. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - R4, 83/2044 WRD Otago S 5689
Burnside Green Island - - 31/3/1885 Private siding granted on 27/6/1881 to Kempthorne, Prosser & Coy's New Zealand Drug Coy Ltd at 239 miles 34 chains, Burnside. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - R4, 83/2044 WRD Otago S 5690
Burnside Green Island - - 31/3/1885 Private siding granted on 28/6/1883 to H Driver (present holder) at 240 miles 33 chains, Burnside. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - R4, 83/2044 WRD Otago S 5691
Burnside Green Island - - 31/3/1885 Private siding granted on 9/7/1877 to MacLean Brothers, Wright Stephenson & Coy, and New Zealand Loan & Mercantile Agency Coy (Ltd), and Australian Land Coy (all present holders) at 239 miles 22 chains, Burnside. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - R4, 83/2044 WRD Otago S 5692
Burnside Green Island - - 31/8/1883 Stationmaster's house – schedule of tenders. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 3 PWD Otago S 5693
Burnside Green Island - - 4/10/1899 Extension of Burnside Iron Works siding on private land. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W3734/15 WRD Otago S 5694
Burnside Green Island - - 6/7/1885 Want of increased siding accommodation at Burnside cattle yards. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 5695
Burnside Green Island - - 8/6/1883 Application of H Driver for a private siding at Burnside, 240 miles 33 chains. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 5696
Burnside Green Island - - 9/2/1891 Requesting authority to close crossing and remove gates in fence near Burnside. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 1820 WRD Otago S 5697
Burnside Cattle Yards - - - 12/12/1881 Loop 40 wagons Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 3337 WRD Otago S 5698
Burnside Cattle Yards / Saleyards - - - 31/10/1928 Dunedin Saleyards Siding is approximately 400 yards from Burnside station. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W3199, 03/1480 WRD Otago S 5699
Burnside Cattle Yards / Saleyards - - - 20/2/1930 The Saleyards Coy, for the use of its stockyards, charges 1/- per wagon banking charge and 2/- per wagon loading or unloading charge, the latter charge being imposed only when the Saleyards actually do the work of loading or unloading. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W3199, 03/1480 WRD Otago S 5700
Cattle Yards (Burnside) Koremata Burnside - 7/7/1900 Provision of a crossing siding. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W3734/15 WRD Otago S 6526
Cattle Yards (Burnside) Koremata Burnside - 11/7/1900 Clearance of sidings of New Zealand Refrigerating Coy's private siding. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W3734/15 WRD Otago S 6527
Cattle Yards (Burnside) Koremata Burnside - 17/8/1901 New Zealand Dairy Coy's private siding at Cattle Yards. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W3734/16 WRD Otago S 6528
Cattle Yards (Burnside) Koremata Burnside - 1/9/1882 Loop 40 wagons Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 3337 WRD Otago S 6529
Cattle Yards (Burnside) Koremata Burnside - 1/9/1882 Mileage 3 miles 30 chains from Dunedin, 0 miles 59 chains from Burnside. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W 3337 WRD Otago S 6530
Cattle Yards (Burnside) Koremata Burnside - 21/6/1899 Clearance of H, R, S, and U wagons at Cattle Yards. Dunedin – Clinton Railway - W3734/15 WRD Otago S 6531