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File Records:Brightwater

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Hope Brightwater Spring_Grove
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Hope--Brightwater Brightwater--Spring_Grove
4.5km 2.3km

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Name Alt 1 Alt 2 Alt 3 Details Railway Rly 2 Reference Source Locality Island Sequence
Brightwater Wairoa - - 26/9/1900 Proposal to appoint a stationmaster. Nelson Section - W3734/16 WRD Nelson S 5015
Brightwater Wairoa - - 3/6/1914 Request for provision of a light. Nelson Section - W3734/31 WRD Nelson S 5016
Brightwater Wairoa - - 5/6/1914 Request for public to use telephone at station. Nelson Section - W3734/31 WRD Nelson S 5017
Brightwater Wairoa - - 1/7/1914 Closing of station gates and shed. Nelson Section - W3734/31 WRD Nelson S 5018
Brightwater Wairoa - - 7/10/1914 Shifting of water tanks. Nelson Section - W3734/31 WRD Nelson S 5019
Brightwater Wairoa - - 23/10/1914 Authority for £47 to shift tanks to enable cars to stop at platform. Nelson Section - W3199, 14/4931 WRD Nelson S 5020
Brightwater Wairoa - - 19/10/1918 The Nelson District is poorly supplied with ballast pits and it is proposed to acquire a suitable gravel area of about two acres at about 12 miles 10 chains. The estimated cost of the land required is about £100. Nelson Section - W3199, 14/4931 WRD Nelson S 5021
Brightwater Wairoa - - 24/10/1918 Approval to obtain land for a ballast pit. Nelson Section - W3199, 14/4931 WRD Nelson S 5022
Brightwater Wairoa - - 2/5/1919 Land was taken for a ballast pit by proclamation on 12/12/1918. Nelson Section - W3199, 14/4931 WRD Nelson S 5023
Brightwater Wairoa - - 30/7/1919 House No 4 is on the Waimea West Road, a short distance from the level crossing. Nelson Section - W3199, 14/4931 WRD Nelson S 5024
Brightwater Wairoa - - 30/7/1919 Station building, passenger platform, goods shed, loading bank, two loops. Nelson Section - W3199, 14/4931 WRD Nelson S 5025
Brightwater Wairoa - - 30/7/1919 The Waimea West Road level crossing is at the Nelson end of the yard. Nelson Section - W3199, 14/4931 WRD Nelson S 5026
Brightwater Wairoa - - 2/9/1919 The loading bank in its present position is most awkward to work owing to its proximity to the stop block. Nelson Section - W3199, 14/4931 WRD Nelson S 5027
Brightwater Wairoa - - 15/9/1919 Authority for the removal of the loading bank to a site at the south end of the goods shed. Nelson Section - W3199, 14/4931 WRD Nelson S 5028
Brightwater Wairoa - - 25/9/1919 Authority for £30 for the removal of the loading bank to a site at the south end of the goods shed. Nelson Section - W3199, 14/4931 WRD Nelson S 5029
Brightwater Wairoa - - 16/10/1920 Fire in goods shed Nelson Section - W3734/36 WRD Nelson S 5030
Brightwater Wairoa - - 29/8/1923 Offer by Department of Justice to sell or lease courthouse built on railway reserve. Nelson Section - W3734/38 WRD Nelson S 5031
Brightwater Wairoa - - 6/12/1943 Accommodation passenger platform (right side of line), cart approach to platform, station building or shelter shed, goods shed 40ft x 30ft, loading bank, sheep yards. Nelson Section - W 3337 WRD Nelson S 5032
Brightwater Wairoa - - 6/12/1943 Loop 18 wagons, loop 16 wagons. Nelson Section - W 3337 WRD Nelson S 5033
Brightwater Wairoa - - 24/11/1949 Application for a cattle loading race declined. Nelson Section - W3199, 14/4931 WRD Nelson S 5034
Brightwater Wairoa - - 20/5/1954 Nelson line is to be closed to all traffic on 12/6/1954. Nelson Section - W3180, Pub 1/13 WRD Nelson S 5035
Brightwater Wairoa - - 2/6/1955 Provision of a cattle loading race at an estimated cost of £40 approved. Nelson Section - W3199, 14/4931 WRD Nelson S 5036
Brightwater Wairoa - - 3/9/1955 Closed to all traffic. Nelson Section - W3180, Pub 3 WRD Nelson S 5037
Brightwater Wairoa - - 14/9/1956 Track being lifted in yard. Nelson Section - W3180, Pub 1/13 WRD Nelson S 5038
Brightwater Wairoa - - 1/11/1978 Department is to hand over a piece of railway land to the Waimea County Council as a site for a pump house as part of the provision of a domestic water supply for the township of Brightwater and the Hope Plains. Nelson Section - W3199, 14/4931 WRD Nelson S 5039
Brightwater Wairoa - - 1/2/1897 Mileage 13 miles 22 chains from Nelson. Nelson Section - W 3337 WRD Nelson S 5040
Brightwater Wairoa - - 11/3/1895 Application by G. Reay for a level crossing. Nelson Section - W 1820 WRD Nelson S 5041
Brightwater Wairoa - - 11/7/1883 There is a Money Order, Savings Bank, and Post Office at this station and there is not sufficient accommodation in the booking office for carrying on this business. Nelson Section - W3199, 14/4931 WRD Nelson S 5042
Brightwater Wairoa - - 11/7/1883 There is a third class building at this station and urinals and closets for gentlemen are now being erected. Nelson Section - W3199, 14/4931 WRD Nelson S 5043
Brightwater Wairoa - - 14/12/1887 Closing Brightwater station. Nelson Section - W 1820 WRD Nelson S 5044
Brightwater Wairoa - - 15/8/1881 Post Office operated by Railways Department staff opened. Nelson Section - Mails by Rail in NZ R Startup Nelson S 5045
Brightwater Wairoa - - 16/1/1897 Approval for erection of a windmill for pumping water for water supply, at an estimated cost of £100. Nelson Section - W3199, 14/4931 WRD Nelson S 5046
Brightwater Wairoa - - 18/7/1881 Recommending Foxhill station be closed and stationmaster removed to Brightwater, when line is opened to Belgrove. Nelson Section - W 1820 WRD Nelson S 5047
Brightwater Wairoa - - 19/7/1877 Wairoa station to be called Brightwater, not Brightwell. Nelson Section - W 1820 WRD Nelson S 5048
Brightwater Wairoa - - 21/1/1897 Authority for £100 for erection of a windmill for pumping water for water supply. Nelson Section - W3199, 14/4931 WRD Nelson S 5049
Brightwater Wairoa - - 21/7/1877 Alteration in name of Wairoa station to Brightwater. Nelson Section - W 1820 WRD Nelson S 5050
Brightwater Wairoa - - 27/11/1883 Requesting authority for a ladies waiting room. Nelson Section - W3199, 14/4931 WRD Nelson S 5051
Brightwater Wairoa - - 28/3/1883 Ladies waiting room put on “List of Works Required”. Nelson Section - W3199, 14/4931 WRD Nelson S 5052
Brightwater Wairoa - - 29/11/1883 Authority for the ladies waiting room issued yesterday. Nelson Section - W3199, 14/4931 WRD Nelson S 5053
Brightwater Wairoa - - 3/8/1888 Requesting authority to let stationmaster's house. Nelson Section - W 1820 WRD Nelson S 5054
Brightwater Wairoa - - 30/1/1884 Schedule of tenders – railway office and stationmaster's house extension. Nelson Section - W 3 PWD Nelson S 5055
Brightwater Wairoa - - 30/11/1887 Post Office removed from railway station. Nelson Section - Mails by Rail in NZ R Startup Nelson S 5056
Brightwater Wairoa - - 31/1/1876 Nelson to Brightwater Section opened. Nelson Section - W3180, Pub 1/13 WRD Nelson S 5057
Brightwater Wairoa - - 4/3/1890 Position of tank stand at Brightwater. Nelson Section - W 1820 WRD Nelson S 5058
Brightwater Wairoa - - 5/3/1884 Contract let to John Avery for railway office, etc. - amount ₤185. Nelson Section - AJHR, 1884 WRD Nelson S 5059
Brightwater Wairoa - - 6/9/1897 Caretaker at Brightwell. Nelson Section - W 1820 WRD Nelson S 5060
Brightwater Wairoa - - 7/7/1892 Application by Waimea County Council to load ballast at pit siding, near Brightwater. Nelson Section - W 1820 WRD Nelson S 5061
Brightwater Wairoa - - 8/1/1897 Windmill for water supply. Nelson Section - W 1820 WRD Nelson S 5062
Brightwater Wairoa - - 8/4/1897 Approval for the completion of the windmill, at an estimated cost of £30. Nelson Section - W3199, 14/4931 WRD Nelson S 5063
Brightwater Wairoa - - 9/4/1897 Authority for £30 for the completion of the windmill. Nelson Section - W3199, 14/4931 WRD Nelson S 5064