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File Records:Ashers

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Kapuka Ashers Bush_Siding
Trail StnSLC.png Trail SectRC.png Trail StnLC.png Trail SectRC.png Trail StnSRC.png
Kapuka--Ashers Ashers--Bush_Siding
1.8km 2.3km

Go to Ashers on the Network Diagram

Name Alt 1 Alt 2 Alt 3 Date Details Railway Rly 2 Reference Source Locality Island Sequence
Ashers McCallums - - 22/5/1907 McCallums station renamed Ashers. Seaward Bush Branch - 00/2107/1 NZRLS Southland S 1710
Ashers McCallums - - 29/1/1908 Fire at Asher's station. Seaward Bush Branch - W3734/24 WRD Southland S 1711
Ashers McCallums - - 2/11/1947 Mileage 16 miles 13 chains from Invercargill. Seaward Bush Branch - W 3337 WRD Southland S 1712
Ashers McCallums - - 31/8/1959 Closed to all traffic. Seaward Bush Branch - W3180, Pub 3 WRD Southland S 1713
Ashers McCallums - - 24/6/1896 A private siding has been granted on the Seaward Bush line to Messrs McCallum and Coy. It is situated between Bush Siding and Kapuka, being 1 mile 38 chains distant from the former, and 1 mile 8 chains from the latter siding. This siding will be known as “Ashers”, in order to distinguish it from McCallum's Siding on the Invercargill – Clinton line. Seaward Bush Branch - R4, 96/1984 WRD Southland S 1714
Asher's Siding - - - 1/8/1898 Loop 12 wagons. Seaward Bush Branch - R4, 98/2756 WRD Southland S 1715
Asher's Siding - - - 19/8/1899 Correct distance from Invercargill to Asher's Siding is 16 miles 09 chains. Seawards Bush Railway - R4, 98/2673 WRD Southland S 1716