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File Records:Arthurs Pass

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Halpin_Creek Arthurs Pass Otira
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Halpin_Creek--Arthurs_Pass Arthurs_Pass--Otira
3.1km 14km

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Name Alternative Name 1 Alternative Name 2 Alternative Name 3 Date Details Railway Railway 2 Reference Source Locality Island Sequence
Arthurs Pass Arthur Pass - - 31/7/1951 Spelling of station name changed from Arthurs Pass to Arthur Pass. Midland Railway - R-W3, 14545 WRD Canterbury S 1369
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 30/4/1900 Midland Railway – Agent General – proposal to work incline section of Midland Railway by electricity. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1370
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 29/6/1900 Midland Railway – Agent General – forwarding Sir W H Reese's report re: possibility of getting electric locomotives for working incline. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1371
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 7/1900 Midland Railway – Agent General – proposal to work incline section with electric locomotives. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1372
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 8/1900 Midland Railway – Agent General – proposal to work Arthur's Pass incline with electric locomotives – copy of letter from Burnham & Coy. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1373
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 25/8/1900 Midland Railway – Arthur's Pass section – electric Fell traction. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1374
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 27/8/1900 Midland Railway – report on adhesion lines obtainable over Arthur's Pass. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1375
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 28/2/1901 Arthur's Pass Tunnel – recommends obtaining all information regarding the various types of rock drilling equipment. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1376
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 1913 A Kingsford's contract for seven cottages at Arthur's Pass completed. Midland Railway - W 12 PWD Canterbury S 1377
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 1914 Accommodation station building, refreshment room, passenger platform (left side of line), loading bank, water service, coal store, turntable,. Midland Railway - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 1378
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 1914 Loop 25 wagons, loop 14 wagons, backshunt 13 wagons. Midland Railway - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 1379
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 1914 Station opened, 72 miles 18 chains from Rolleston Junction. Stationmaster from Cass transferred to Arthur's Pass. Open for Railway business only. Midland Railway - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 1380
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 20/7/1905 Arthur's Pass Tunnel west approach - estimate £38,362. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1381
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 21/7/1905 Arthur's Pass Section – reporting preliminary work put in hand. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1382
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 11/6/1906 High Commissioner – Arthur's Pass Tunnel – Inviting tenders. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1383
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 23/7/1906 Arthur's Pass Tunnel – schedule of tenders. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1384
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 11/8/1906 High Commissioner – Arthur's Pass Tunnel – Copies of letters from some of the contractors invited to tender. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1385
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 3/11/1906 High Commissioner – Arthur's Pass Tunnel – Forwarding list of firms who have declined to tender. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1386
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 1/2/1907 High Commissioner – Arthur's Pass Tunnel – Copy of proposal from Messrs C.J. Willis & Son for consideration of the New Zealand Government. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1387
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 1/7/1907 Arthur's Pass Tunnel – Contract – Schedule of tenders. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1388
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 12/7/1907 High Commissioner – Arthur's Pass Tunnel – Messrs Kirkwood, Kerr & Coy's tender. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1389
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 9/8/1907 Arthur's Pass Tunnel – Contract signed. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1390
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 9/3/1908 Arthur's Pass Tunnel – residential sites, forwarding plan showing land proposed to be taken. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1391
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 15/5/1908 Arthur's Pass Tunnel – sale of rails to contractors. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1392
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 4/9/1908 Arthur's Pass Tunnel – tunnels fronts. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1393
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 12/9/1908 Arthur's Pass Tunnel – huts. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1394
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 13/10/1908 Arthur's Pass Tunnel – labour troubles. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1395
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 19/5/1909 Arthur's Pass Tunnel – contract – complaints re: sanitation – report. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1396
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 14/2/1910 Arthur's Pass Tunnel – road to workmen's cottages. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1397
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 11/5/1910 Arthur's Pass Tunnel – sketch of timbering used by contractor in construction of tunnel. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1398
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 9/1910 Arthur's Pass Tunnel – lining and flooring drying room at Bealey end – requesting authority ₤10. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1399
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 20/11/1910 Arthur's Pass Tunnel – description and method of working. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1400
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 7/3/1911 Arthur's Pass Tunnel – reporting on ventilation. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1401
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 28/3/1911 Arthur's Pass Tunnel contract – advance of £20,000 on account of plant, etc. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1402
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 29/5/1911 Arthur's Pass Tunnel – granting contractors permission to use excavated stone for concrete lining. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1403
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 9/2/1912 Lease of cottage site. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1404
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 19/2/1912 Arthur's Pass Section – protective works from East Creek to commencement of tunnel contract. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1405
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 12/9/1912 Arthur's Pass Tunnel contract – forwarding copy of list and value of plant on Messrs McLean's contract. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1406
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 30/9/1912 Opening of Arthur's Pass station – recommending taking over from 59 miles 18 chains to 59 miles 40 chains. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1407
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 30/9/1912 Station yard – forwarding proposals – estimate £3,200. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1408
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 1/10/1912 Water service – forwarding plan showing proposals – estimate £700. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1409
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 16/10/1912 Arthur's Pass station – cottages – calling for tenders. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1410
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 9/11/1912 Turntable required. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1411
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 3/1/1913 Station cottages – contract let to A. Kingsford, Riccarton, amount ₤3271.10.3. Midland Railway - W34/1 PWD Canterbury S 1412
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 16/1/1913 30lb rails for Arthur's pass Tunnel. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1413
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 4/2/1913 Station arrangement considered suitable for present requirements. Forwarding print of refreshment rooms to be added. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1414
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 7/3/1913 Arthur's Pass Tunnel – 30lb rails and fastenings – accepted tender. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1415
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 10/3/1913 Arthur's Pass Tunnel – reporting on rock drill carriages for drilling. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1416
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 14/3/1913 Arthur's Pass Tunnel – forwarding sketches of power compressor houses – foundations. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1417
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 25/3/1913 Arthur's Pass Tunnel – cost of grinding electric locomotive wheels. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1418
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 26/4/1913 Arthur's Pass Tunnel – re: lining with J M Weathertite Building Paper. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1419
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 12/5/1913 Arthur's Pass Tunnel – ordering from England one mile of leather braided copper cable for electric locomotive. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1420
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 12/5/1913 Arthur's Pass Tunnel – ordering from Jeffreys Manufacturing Coy spares for electric locomotives. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1421
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 28/5/1913 Arthur's Pass Tunnel – High Commissioner – supply of plant – forwarding copies of accepted tenders. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1422
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 31/5/1913 Electric motor and fittings for driving fan – Arthur's Pass Tunnel – requesting authority £47. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1423
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 6/6/1913 Arthur's Pass Tunnel – electric locomotive – requesting authority £675. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1424
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 3/7/1913 Above contract completed. Midland Railway - W34/1 PWD Canterbury S 1425
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 18/7/1913 Arthur's Pass Tunnel – auxiliary power plant. Forwarding blueprint showing proposed new arrangement. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1426
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass Bealey Flat - 8/1913 Bealey Flat station is now named Arthur's Pass. Midland Railway - W2278, 06/572 WRD Canterbury S 1427
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 7/8/1913 Arthur's Pass Tunnel – re: ventilation – two blowers required – requesting authority £450. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1428
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 8/9/1913 Arthur's Pass Tunnel – chimney for Babcock & Wilson boiler – obtaining quotations. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1429
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 22/10/1913 Arthur's Pass station – cottages – final certificate. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1430
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 28/11/1913 Arthur's Pass station – 55ft turntable. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1431
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass Bealey Flat - 10/6/1914 Refreshment rooms are on a hill behind the station. Midland Railway - W2278, 06/572 WRD Canterbury S 1432
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass Bealey Flat - 10/6/1914 Small shed at Halpin Creek is to be moved to Arthur's Pass on Monday, for use as a refreshment room. Midland Railway - W2278, 06/572 WRD Canterbury S 1433
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass Bealey Flat - 23/6/1914 Cass – Arthur's Pass Section taken over on 23/6/1914. Midland Railway - W2278, 06/572 WRD Canterbury S 1434
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 1/7/1914 Cass – Arthur's Pass Section opened for traffic. Midland Railway - W3180, Pub 1/12 WRD Canterbury S 1435
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass Bealey Flat - 4/7/1914 The luncheon room is to be completed on Tuesday. Midland Railway - W2278, 06/572 WRD Canterbury S 1436
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 10/8/1914 General Post Office – Performance of postal work. Midland Railway - W3734/31 WRD Canterbury S 1437
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 7/10/1914 Provision of an ash pit. Midland Railway - W3734/31 WRD Canterbury S 1438
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 3/1/1916 Post Office transferred from railway station at Bealey Flat to Arthur's Pass. Midland Railway - Mails by Rail in NZ R Startup Canterbury S 1439
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 8/9/1920 Post & Telegraph Department – Custody of mails at Arthurs Pass. Midland Railway - W3734/36 WRD Canterbury S 1440
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 13/7/1921 Railway houses. Midland Railway - W3734/37 WRD Canterbury S 1441
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 23/6/1922 Public Works Department – Water service. Midland Railway - W3734/38 WRD Canterbury S 1442
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 31/7/1951 Spelling of station name changed from Arthurs Pass to Arthur Pass. Midland Railway - R-W3, 14545 WRD Canterbury S 1443
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 20/8/1957 The name of Arthur Pass station will be changed to Arthur's Pass with effect from Monday, 2/9/1957. Midland Railway - W3199, 00/2107/1 WRD Canterbury S 1444
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 2/10/1960 Mileage 72 miles 38 chains from Rolleston. Midland Railway - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 1445
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 2/10/1960 Mileage 8 miles 15 chains from Otira. Midland Railway - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 1446
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 16/9/1963 About 200 yards of overhead brought down alongside the platform. Trains directed through the yard. Midland Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Canterbury S 1447
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 16/9/1963 Station building destroyed by fire this morning. Station and Post Office destroyed. Midland Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Canterbury S 1448
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 16/9/1963 Two portable buildings sent to Arthurs Pass from Christchurch to serve as a temporary waiting room and booking office. Midland Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Canterbury S 1449
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 14/4/1966 New station building under construction. Midland Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Canterbury S 1450
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 29/9/1966 Station is 2,417 feet above sea level. Midland Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Canterbury S 1451
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 7/11/1966 Wooden station destroyed by fire in 1963. Midland Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Canterbury S 1452
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 1/1967 New building contains passenger amenities, Post Office, rooms for signals and communications equipment, staff room, and standby electrical plant. Midland Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Canterbury S 1453
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 1/1967 New station building opened on 14/10/1966. 130 feet long by 26 feet wide. Has a steep alpine roof and verandahs on each side. Hokitika schist stonework and vertical shiplap on outside. Midland Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Canterbury S 1454
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 1/1967 The waiting room at the north west end is of the sun-trap type with the end wall consisting almost entirely of glass. Midland Railway - W3180, Pub3/10 WRD Canterbury S 1455
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 11/4/1983 Post Office removed from railway station. Midland Railway - Mails by Rail in NZ R Startup Canterbury S 1456
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 3/11/1986 Closed to all except passenger traffic. Midland Railway - 00/2107/1 NZRLS Canterbury S 1457
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 2/11/1987 Midland Line – 116.53km from Rolleston (0.00km). Midland Railway - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 1458
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 20/4/1988 Still used for timetabled running of trains. Midland Railway - W 3337 WRD Canterbury S 1459
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 26/10/1988 21.3 metre turntable for locomotives. Midland Railway - W5514, 13/2679 WRD Canterbury S 1460
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 2/1992 Station closed to all traffic. Station agent in attendance for passenger trains. Midland Railway - - Rails Canterbury S 1461
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 1/8/1899 Proposed long tunnel on a steep grade between Otira and Arthur's Pass. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1462
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 10/11/1899 Midland Railway Coy – Arthur's Pass incline – forwarding Mr Wilson's report and tracing. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1463
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 14/7/1892 Midland Railway Coy – deviation at Rolleston Creek to obviate switch back at Arthur's Pass. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1464
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 15/10/1892 Governor – Midland Railway – consent to substitution of incline line for tunnel. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1465
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 15/8/1892 Midland Railway Coy – forwarding application for substitution of Incline for Summit Tunnel at Arthur's Pass. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1466
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 19/8/1891 Substitution of incline line for tunnel at Arthur's Pass. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1467
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 2/3/1892 Minister for Public Works asking [Railway] Commissioner Maxwell to advise the Governor, under Midland Railway Contract, as to the suitability of ABT system for Arthur's Pass incline. Midland Railway - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 1468
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 20/8/1892 Midland Railway Coy – requesting formal consent of Governor to substitution of Incline line for Summit Tunnel. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1469
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 21/101/912 Station yard – formation, etc., requesting authority £1,000. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1470
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 22/7/1892 Under Secretary for Public Works – Midland Railway's proposed incline line. Midland Railway - W 1820 WRD Canterbury S 1471
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 29/3/1892 Midland Railway Coy – proposed ABT Incline over Arthur's Pass – replies re: engines. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1472
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 31/5/1888 Agent General, London – Midland Railway Coy – proposal of company to substitute an ABT line for tunnel at Arthur's Pass. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1473
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 8/3/1892 Midland Railway Coy – proposed substitution of ABT Incline for tunnel. Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1474
Arthur's Pass Arthur Pass - - 9/1/1892 Midland Railway Coy – Arthur's Pass incline – what steps are being taken in this matter? Midland Railway - W 3 PWD Canterbury S 1475