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Full Name: Rails
Issue Number: 34
Issue Date: May 1974
Volume and Number: 3/10
Pages: 24
Page Range:
Cover Image:
ARTICLE: The Hawkes Bay Railway
ARTICLE: How a 1908 design Railway copes with 1974 record traffic
ARTICLE: West Coast rails
ARTICLE: Future developments in NZR's Comminications
ARTICLE: Urban Electrification schemes in Britain
Boiok Reviews:
* Steel Roads of new Zealand * NCC Saga - The LMS in Northern Ireland * Railways of Canada
* Ja 1274 preservation * Re-introducing Steam * D Car at Marton * NIMT Electrification
Modellers Photograph: Loading gauge at Napier
* Leslie George Crawford 1929? - 1974
New Zealand News
* Deputy CCE appointed * 100 Un Wagons to be built * 2600 LC class wagons needed * GVR progress
* Recent Closures * Mokihinui Mine - 10/02/1974 * Mananui - 3/03/1974 * Pahau - 3/03/1974 * Glen Afton Branch terminated at Rotowaro * Camerons Crossing 28/01/1974
* Removal of Stockyard at Kotemaori * Removal of Goods Shed at Konini * Removal of Sheep yards at Hunterville * Removal of Stock yards at Mangaonoho