Railway People
In creating this section in the wiki, we are well aware that it can become very complex, what are Railway People? To keep things simple at this stage, we must straightaway divide this section into two; NZR Employees and anyone else that has been involved with a rail service of any type. Due to its size, complexity and unique organisation, NZR Employees will be dealt with as a separate but no doubt the main group of People, accessible by clicking the button below.
This page then, and all of its sub-pages, will deal with railway people other than NZR staff. You may well ask and who would that be, well we have lots of possibilities, remember, this site caters for all rail activity in New Zealand including Private Railways, Private Sidings, Municipal Tramways and bush tramways so the scope for other people is quite extensive. As others develop interests in these branches, no doubt names of those who worked them will want to be recorded with the foundation for that already having been laid down with the following two categories.