Edit a Person Record: Person1004007

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Person's Title or prefix:

Enter a person prefix if appropriate


Enter person's Surname


Enter list of the person's Initial, comma separated

Christian Names:

Enter a list of Christian names, comma separated


Enter person's Gender

Earliest year of Data:

This field would ordinarily be updated electronicaly

Early Job:

Enter the person's earliesat known job

Late Job:

Enter the person's last known job

Latest year of data:

This field would ordinarily be updated electronicaly

People Group:

Select Letter to Match: N=NZR, P=Pvt Rly, M=Municipal Tram,I=Indust Tram, R=Relative, E=Eng/Consult, C=Contractor, D=Dignatory, V = Visitor

Private Company Name:

Enter / Select the Company Name the person is associated with

Date of Birth:

Birth Date as a text string. Format [pppp.][DD-][MMM-]YYYY[.ssss] refer to RKBNZ Design notes

Employment date:

Employment Date as a text string. Format [pppp.][DD-][MMM-]YYYY[.ssss] refer to RKBNZ Design notes

Marriage Date:

Marriage Date as a text string. Format [pppp.][DD-][MMM-]YYYY[.ssss] refer to RKBNZ Design notes

Finish Work Date:

(Retirement) Date as a text string. Format [pppp.][DD-][MMM-]YYYY[.ssss] refer to RKBNZ Design notes

Date of Death:

Death Date as a text string. Format [pppp.][DD-][MMM-]YYYY[.ssss] refer to RKBNZ Design notes


Enter the PersonID of a relative. Multiple ID's are allowed separated by a comma.


Enter the relationship to those in the previous field, the order must the same it more than 1

Back Reference:

Enter the earliest official source, include Document, page and line if possible

Data Sources:

Enter data sources used, eg. BDM for Birth Deaths, Marriages, ENZ for Encyclopedia of NZ inc. Vol Pg


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Retrieved from β€˜https://rkbnz.nz/w/Person1004007’